Life Isn't Always What It Seems - Comments

  • @ darylismyhomeboy
    I'm glad to hear that :)
    February 3rd, 2014 at 03:36am
  • I just love it so much
    February 3rd, 2014 at 02:25am
  • These last few chapters are a bit tame still an awesome story though. I want some untame chapters.
    February 1st, 2014 at 05:07am
  • And now I'll continue here. Mr. Green

    Chapter ten:
    " You keep forgetting that we are in a real relationship we're not faking"
    He is right, she has already forgotten because her feelings are slwoly changing. At least that's what I believe.

    Megan actually called her a whore and threw her out? Maybe she was pretending after all.
    Max was right though, she did it by her own free will and the example he gave her was a good one. It might seem a little harsh but it had a point.

    " I make them good girls go bad" James started singing
    That was a scene to make me smile. Nice one!

    Max shouldn't have the face to face her Yes, she did a mistake but breaking up or a break wasn't going to fix anything. And if something, Klai's life is sent to hell by fucking so many different people everyday. Fuck him is what I say! I would just tell my mom we were over if I was in her shoes.

    James hugged her and the seemed so comfortable around each other that made me wish I could see Max's angry face. Evil or Very Mad I'm evil, I know.

    When Kali's mother stated the rules, the polite answer by Max and the honest reply by Kali fit nicely together. Here's another chapter's ending I liked.

    Chapter eleven:
    Okay, yes. I have to admit that Max is sweet and good for making breakfast and for obviously trying to fix things (at least that's the vibe I got) but Kali's reply, I was left alone remember had to be a huge blow on him. Nice one!

    I don't think I would have bought a present for him. No - no.
    Um, okay. No sex, yet a kiss made them have sex. The whole way you went around about it was nice. I like it, especially the -it-was-a-mistake part. tehe

    Chapter twelve:
    I can't imagine Max pressuring Kali to do something she doesn't want to, especially to force her to have sex.I don't think what Max did could make up for everything that has happened, but if being with him could help her off the main floor, then she better stay as a couple with him (just because James won't be in a relationship).

    Chapter thirteen:
    Max was taken by a guy? He was fucked? Okay, this academy gets more fucked up as the chapters keep coming. I like your idea though.

    James punched her once he saw her, I guess he had to keep face. I get that. Once they got to his room, he teased her but even though she wanted to have sex with him, he life. The same happened once she entered Max's room. Indeed, these boys are strange.

    Chapter fourteen:
    It was nice seeing James taking her out and buying stuff, making her feel nice. It's one of the things friends do.

    "Oh I get it, you were trying to get into my pants" She told him leaning her head on his shoulder.
    "Yup you figured me out alright" He said to her as he kissed her head.
    "All you had to do was ask" She told him kissing him on his lips.

    That was a nice. I could really imagine the two of them like that. Cute

    A new teacher for that academy? Will she become a teacher's girl like James is? I wonder. I'd like that actually. tehe

    Chapter fifteen:
    Okay...a new guy named Paul is a rapist. I'd like to see him more in the story, like actually trying to do something with Kali because of how much he was beaten up. Yup, it would be nice. You don't have to tell me that I'm strange cause I know, I just get amazing ideas. tehe

    The ending scene was somewhat stranhe cause I remember Max being jealous over James, and not only did they kick Paul's ass together, they were laying on a bed with Kali while holding hands. Don't tell me, you plan to keep her going between the two guys? Cool, I'd like that.

    PS. Glad you changed the layout, of course I like mine best. tehe Even though I don't know why the story's title turned blue. I had set it to black.


    February 1st, 2014 at 12:37am
  • @ XXXataktoulaXXX
    I actually didn't make the layout I found it. If you felt up to making one I would gladly accept it as I love the work you do. And I'm so happy to see your comments I always love them. And yes take your time there is alot and they are very long. I'm glad that over-all you seem to be enjoying it.
    January 31st, 2014 at 11:13pm
  • Okay, let's start with a new comment because the previous one is long, okay? Now, continuing from where we left off. Cute

    Chapter six:
    So it's time, huh?
    I have to say I like the way you introduced the males for the orgy. Playfully and honest, good. Cute

    " I can't wait to work with you" She told him giving him a fake smile.
    I like how she replied to him, acting like she was okay with it. I would have done the same - I'm not that much of a chicken. James, hot guy but a dick when it come's to the academy's sex life, is he like that outside of the academy? Makes me wonder.

    I didnn't like the fact that James punched her already, and he was asking about how good Max is? Bitch please! He is not jealous for sure, maybe he hates Max?

    Of course Maxx wouldn't want to do this. He liked her, how could he let her get fucked by other guys? Still he had to, for his safety and hers. Damn the academy! ::angry:

    James is a pure asshole! BUt I still don't hate him - there's something hidden tehre, isn't it? Or maybe I just want to turn him to a victim? I don't know.
    She had to pretend she liked it more and not show that it hurt? Are they kidding us? She just started in the fucking academy! And to stop gagging on two digs? MERCY!

    I was right, something was going to happen. She did like having sex with James. Twisted, but nice.
    Having James wink at her before leaving was a good one, makes him seem promising as a character with Kali.

    " I did a little bit, but to tell you the truth I'd rather fuck you everyday then fuck James ever again, he is far too rough and you're very gentle and I much prefer the gentle" She said giving him a kiss and she slid her hands down to his crotch.
    " Uh what are you doing?" He asked her with a laugh as he started to get hard.
    " Proving to you that I'd rather have sex with you" She told him pulling down his pants and taking him into her mouth.
    " Oh fuck, ok works for me" He moaned out and let her do what she desired to do.

    Way to ease Max's mind. I would have done the same.

    Chapter seven:
    She was just leaving her room when she was pushed down to the ground, she looked up and saw James.
    " Told you that you'd be on your knees for me" He told her with a grin looking down at her.
    " I'm not on my knees for you, you pushed me down" She told him getting back up.
    He shrugged " Hoes like it on the ground" Was all he said to her.
    Kali nodded and started to walk away when he followed her.

    I like that scene and how James decided to sit with her for breakfast.

    " No big deal now that I've been with you when I hear those screams I'm just imagining they're from me, oh wait you scream louder because of me"
    Seriously, the scenes with James are getting better and better. His confident attitude is one that I have came across in my life while being flirty with the other party and the way you are going on about this is totally right and realistic. Brownie points for that! Victory

    I love this story more than Diary of a Sex Slave. Now I'm sure, no doubt about it. In Love And I'm torn between the two guys, no matter how twisted that seems. tehe

    Of course Max would be angry, seeing his girl with the guy who gave her a better orgasm. Even the comment James made before he left was nice, threesome out of the question.

    The sudden interest James took in Kali is indeed very mysterious, an dMax wants to take her mind of things in order not to lose to him (meaning James - I can see that).

    Kali thought the sick psycho James was jerking and moaning while thinking of her so Kali went to his room to yell at him. I would have done the same so I'm very glad taht I'm not in her shoes and have to go through the punishment of that teacher for entering Jame's room like that and when he was fucking with a teacher.

    I'm a genious. I guess great minds think alike. I knew there was a reason for James being so abusive and agressive. Well done!

    James picked her up after the awful state the teacher turned her out to be. Caring even though he is twisted thanks to the teacher, okay - points given. But he is suddenly talking with Max's close circle of frieds on how to rescue them from things going worse? - points taken back. Or maybe that was what you had in mind? I'll find out in the next one I guess.

    Chapter eight:
    It was nice till she met Max's family the next day. Hank seems like an asshole and he knows what's going on in the academy? How sick is that?! I was glad Klai got to see he rmom though, it kinda gives her strength you know.

    " Because when you go here, your children are required to come back or bad things happen" He told her kissing the top of her head.
    That seems like a good explanation to me.

    Chapter nine:
    She's gotten used to James enough to know that he was the one that pushed. Punishment for being too sweet by James and it's private on top of that. God help me! I like the idea of it. tehe

    So he's sweet now? I liked Kali's reaction sohim being sweet. The what-the-fuck-quetsion was so fitting.

    Jame's explanation for how the schol was created was well thought out. The lesson he gave her were need for the typr of academy this was nad I found myself liking James more than Max. I guess, most of us go for the bad boys. The information around James's family was very much to my liking along with how his family was and all that.

    Max still fucked her and the other girl and he was asking what the hell was going on? Is he an idiot or what?! But I guess Kali wasn't really in love iwth him since she went to bedroom-play with Christina.

    January 31st, 2014 at 10:54pm
  • Okay, this is the second story of yours I'm reviewing chapter by chapter so you have to make it complete. I won't let you give up on this, deal? Deal. Mr. Green

    The gif picture is really nice but I don't like how the story's title is showing up. The Tahoma text is one of the fonts I don't like (might be just me though). You could have done so much better with the layout if you wanted. Did you make it? I can make a layout for this one with the same gif if you'd like. You know I'm totally up for layouts, I like making them. Cute

    I suggest having the first two paragraph in talics cause it's like a form of the school while the rest is the real information behind the application. Other than that, I adore the summary cause it presents us to a new world - behind the doors of this academy. I'm already excited! Victory

    Chapter one:
    From the first paragraph wecan see how close Kali is with her mom and it sets up a nice stage for the story to continue.

    It seems you need an editor here as well or a beta. Get someone to help you girl, no need to be shy - I do it as well sweets. Tongue

    I had that happen to me too, the scene where Kali gets her bag out of the car. Awkward! But hey, its a realistic scene.

    " Just think it could've been worse" He said helping her collect the rest of her stuff.
    " I don't see how" She said to him keeping her head down refusing to look into his eyes.
    " At least it wasn't used" He told her.

    I like that scene. It's a perfect ten!

    I don't think my mom would have given me space so a boy could help me, not if I was fifteen.

    I liked how the students checked in the academy and got the map and the keys. Nice one.

    Wo, that changed way too soon. Straight to the point of the story I guess. I wodner how you will keep the academy as a secret and what you have planned. This is amazing so far, my dear.

    I don't think I would have listen to the you-can-try-calling-the-cops-but-it-won't-work talk. I would have tried calling and of course asking my mother to take me out of that place.

    Nobody will reject you, we are very welcoming.
    Sure, if everyone is sex-crazed, I can see why not. LOL

    Gentle older boys will take their virginities, that was a nice though to help the story unravel and get them used to it. So, Max is gonna be her partner? Tell me I guessed right. tehe

    So it was Max! YES! And he said he will be gentle and giving her information about what really goes on there.

    I actually wanted her to have her first time with Max and I was expecting for you to write just that, instead you threw a twist at me, a good twist - but still I wanted her with Max.

    Chapter two:
    The way Max talk to her about protecting her, that feeling in his stomache - I'm sorry to say this, but its unrealistic. No - no.

    " So do you want to talk about it?"
    How do you talk about it with a guy you just met? You just don't. Right on!

    " When a girl is in a relationship with a guy here they take it easier on her and don't put her out on the main floor as much, and when the boy is older they don't put you in classes so you won't have to have sex with random people, they will just assume we are having sex and pretty much leave you alone" He told her wiping her face gently.
    I like that, it's better if there's a way for some of them to be kind of more safe than the others, even though that's unfair - but that's life - unfair to some.

    They slept together, just sleeping - that was a nice scene.

    Chapter three:
    I like how the will be in the couples-group, max and Kali. Max's friend seem nice. I can only think that the orgy they are talkingabout is fake, since Max just winked at Kali.

    " Knock off your shit, if they're really together cool if she's just using him to be safe fine. Who gives a shit! Do what needs to be done to survive" Kelly said trying not to yell.
    Well said Kelly! Nice answer coming form Kali as well.

    " Every month there is a class you and I will have to attend where we demonstrate what we're like" Max told her.
    So, she has to have sex with him, in order to not have with others. Good going.

    Max has to bang an old woman with his friend Jeremy and Kali has to experiment with her room-mate Christina. Okay, I got it.

    The sex scene between the girls is unrealistic, too soon to get an orgasm. And they put two unexperienced girls to fuck? Not working! They shouldn't really expect results.

    I like the talk the two of them had in Max's room and how you ended the chapter with that last paragraph. Well done! Victory

    Chapter four:
    Not much to say about this. I like the air you set around Max and Kali's relationship. The jokes they made with each other were fun and I kind of felt jealous when I found out that Lilly Ann was his ex - jut like Kali should have.

    " Yeah we did, many times, he's really good"
    I like how Kali was the one to tell them while Max was trying to keep it.

    Now I'm wondering why is Jeremy going through the trouble of being in abusive flings with the teachers in order to protect Lilly Ann, is he in love or a masochist? I wonder.

    Chapter five:
    " Um that's a gang bang, where many men take a go at you at the same time" Jeremy said giving Max a worried look as Max punched the wall.
    I wasn't expecting that so soon. Don't they get any lessons before going like that? I mean, ew!!! Sad
    Poor Kali, having to go through that. I would have punched the wall too if I was in his shoes.

    Having her fuck virgin boys was a good decision, because they are supposed to teach that at school so they can make their jobs right, and for their organization to work and have the right amount of money. Well thought!

    They were so rough with her. My eyes teared up. Cry

    So, she wasn't that good, yet everyone there was moaning. And there was punishment with many others fucking her? Not to mention Jeremy who is Max's friend but also a very agressive guy on top of that? Good twists hun. I like them.

    The way you ended this chapter is perfection. Well done! Victory

    January 31st, 2014 at 08:14pm
  • @ vampireangel216
    Thanks so much. I will actually be posting a new chapter soon
    January 30th, 2014 at 12:22am
  • OMG JUST FOUND THIS STORY AND AM IN LOVE!! I just read all the chapters to catch up. It is such an amazing story, keep going with it!
    January 29th, 2014 at 11:51pm
  • Great chapter can't wait until the next
    January 28th, 2014 at 12:33am
  • I like need more of this story. I'm so addicted
    January 21st, 2014 at 12:30am
  • Update please
    January 19th, 2014 at 08:38pm
  • Omg loved this new chapter and I can't wait until the next. So amazing
    January 12th, 2014 at 12:49am
  • @ Mrs.Precaido
    Thank you so glad you like it :)
    January 6th, 2014 at 05:03pm
  • Oh my god this is amazing!! I really really love it!
    January 6th, 2014 at 05:27am
  • @ ceast13
    Thank you glad you like it
    November 25th, 2013 at 02:43pm
  • I really like this one. One of the better NC-17 original fictions that I've read. Please update more.
    November 25th, 2013 at 09:08am
  • @ simplymineonlyyours
    Thank you glad you're liking this
    November 12th, 2013 at 12:10am
  • I really like this so far. I hope you update soon
    November 11th, 2013 at 09:35am