Evergreen - Comments

  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Wow... this story....
    Well, first of all, hi. I just stumbled across this a bit randomly. After reading the summary, I decided to check it out, and I'm so glad I did.
    This story is so different. I've read stories with ATL set in a different world, but never one quite like this. I guess this world, though, was eventually going to lead into the band thing, but obviously, there's a different backstory to it all.
    I've never read a story where the main character has suffered from depression of this caliber. I can tell that you definitely are an expert on it; after reading this, it makes me wonder with stories that did have characters suffering from "depression," if the authors even truly did research on it, or knew what it was truly like. This story gets very deep with it, and that makes it amazing; it is truly authentic, so kudos. It couldn't have been easy to write for by any means.
    Then there's Claire and Alex's love story, which is so sweet. <3 It's hard to tell with Claire sometimes, especially in regards to how much her depression is affecting her, but I can tell they truly love one another, even though it is a bit of a tragic love story. It's so sad how much Claire doesn't realize he feels towards her. She's accepted her feelings towards him, but can't entirely accept the love in return, which is heartbreaking. :(
    And then there are so many questions I had while reading. When will Alex finally realize what's wrong with her? He loves her so much, but can't realize what's off? Is this story even real? Makes me question what truly happens and what doesn't due to the fact that there seems to be some of it mental, and some of it real, if that makes any sense? Perhaps I'm thinking too much into it. It's just hard to tell what really happens as opposed to what doesn't at some parts; hard to tell if maybe that was intentional or I just wasn't grasping those scenes personally. But it makes me wonder, how much of this is truly real? At first I was questioning whether Alex was even real, thinking that was a plot twist, but Jack met him, so... I'm assuming he's real at least, lol. But something different would be to make the relationship end up being, not as perfect as you're making it seem. That would seriously suck, but it has me wondering that at times... especially considering Sara's dislike/concern for Claire's relationship, that's what really brought that thought to mind. Because who knows Claire better than her best friend, right? But idk.
    Anyway, I'm getting into a thorough analysis... phew. There is just a lot about this story that intrigues me. I'm bummed that it was never continued/finished. It definitely deserved more comments as well, how are there only five comments on it excluding mine?!
    You're an amazing writer and definitely deserve more credit. Perhaps this got a bit difficult to write, which may be the reason why it hasn't been updated for a while. Or maybe lack of feedback. :/ But I wanted to leave a comment letting you know that you have a new reader, and I will be here to read and leave feedback if you ever choose to continue it. I really hope you do, because I would love to know how Claire's story continues. If there are any twists or if I just have an overactive imagination. I don't know. :P
    But yeah, it's been a little while since you've updated, but I have faith you could pick it up again. I see you have other stories on here as well; I may have to check them out, since this one is seriously amazing. Or, if you write anything new, feel free to let me know. :) I'm mainly into reading Alex love interest stories, though, lol. Ergo how I originally found this one.
    Anyway, amazing job with what you had of this, I really love your writing. I hope maybe this comment will inspire you to pick this story up again someday. <3
    June 29th, 2017 at 10:58am
  • cancer kills

    cancer kills (100)

    United States
    May 12th, 2014 at 11:34pm
  • cancer kills

    cancer kills (100)

    United States
    love this story :) can't wait for the next chapter!
    May 12th, 2014 at 11:33pm
  • cancer kills

    cancer kills (100)

    United States
    i love this story! can't wait for the update. my favorite story on here yet.
    February 14th, 2014 at 09:22am
  • dontbedumb

    dontbedumb (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ earthtoamy
    Thank you!
    January 16th, 2014 at 08:57pm
  • zemusez

    zemusez (100)

    This is absolutely beautiful - I'm in love with this story. <3
    January 16th, 2014 at 03:24am