Skin - Comments

  • Amber;

    Amber; (100)

    I'm actually really liking this story, there's definitely not enough SoA stories on here and most of them centre around Jax anyways haha.

    I really like Alexis' personality, how she's kind of a badass and she's not the stereotypical 'damsel in distress' who constantly needs to be saved by a man; it's something I really admire about this story. I also really like how they have history, how they were friends for a long time before they finally admitted to having feelings for one another; I'm a sucker for those types plots haha. I think you also got Juice's personality down pretty well, even though he's goofy and kind of awkward at moments, you still made his character this big sweetheart which I can actually imagine him being like on the show.

    Sorry for rambling >.< I just can't wait to see where you take this story, especially in the later seasons where Juice becomes more involved in the show and his character goes through all of that horrible crap. Keep up the good work!
    January 23rd, 2014 at 02:59am
  • clouds in the sky.

    clouds in the sky. (100)

    United States
    Update soon, yeah? It's. A good story, I really love it a lot!
    January 18th, 2014 at 11:51pm