Balcony - Comments

  • Damn. My feels with this one!

    This is really interesting. I love how it builds up that the narrator will, in fact, jump. That's what I thought she would do the whole time while I read this. I was shocked when didn't and it ended with her left wondering. I wonder how people would react if someone killed themself in (or in this case, on I guess) a Church? It would be rather ironic.

    I think my favorite part of this is when you described it as tragically ironic. I have no idea why but it spoke to me.

    This peaces leaves me wondering about myself too. I'm by no means in this situation, but when a character thinks about himself/herself, it leaves me wondering too.

    Great job on this!
    July 14th, 2014 at 06:31am
  • This was interesting, I think I would have liked it better with a layout, it would have wrapped this piece up nicely. I've never seen Titanic before so I can't say that I can relate those two things together.

    I liked how this whole drabble revolves around a balcony, I thought that was clever. :)
    March 13th, 2014 at 09:12am
  • AH. I am obsessed with your drabble. This was great and very well written, I enjoyed this one very much too! oxo.
    March 8th, 2014 at 03:34am
  • "Scared to death of dying." What a wonderful line!!
    I think most people have flirted with the thought of suicide and wondering what would in fact happen if we jumped. This drabble captured that in the edge feeling very well. I love it!
    December 18th, 2013 at 08:25am
  • Summary:
    There you go, that was a summary I could accept. Keep it like that for the rest of your drabbles sweets.

    Chapter 1/1:
    After reading the first paragraph, I thought why would people wonder about these things? And my question is answered right away on the second paragraph. That has never happened to me before, so I have to congratulate you for that. Very insightful (not sure if that's the right word for it). Laughing

    wondering what possessed her to do such a thing on God's Holy day.
    I might have wondered the same depending on the person.

    I like how you mentioned Titanic and Rose in this piece. the situations are totally different, that's why it's amazing how you managed to connect these different subjects here.

    Who was she to take away God's creation? Who was she to desire to die when her body wasn't her own? Who was she… Who was she… That was what she wanted to know.
    I loved the ending. I believe that all of us have wondered who we really are at some point of our lives.

    November 24th, 2013 at 11:19am
  • Amazing. It's insightful, it makes me feel like I'm right in her head. Not to mention it's something I've considered myself sitting in the balcony at church, coincedentially.
    Great job, keep it up!
    November 23rd, 2013 at 09:26pm