Thirty One Dreams - Comments

  • mymomislysolcrazy

    mymomislysolcrazy (105)

    United States
    I rather enjoyed the way that this story came across. It shows a dark side and a girl that shows a bright, hopeful side. It seemed to me like a battle between hopeful and the hopeless, so that was a change of pace from other dark things. The main description really catches the readers’ attention and I enjoyed the flow of it and how it didn’t give away a lot about the story. I like that both girls stand their ground in the end because it leaves it open-ended for the viewers to decide who won the argument. There were a few lines I did not think were needed, but overall it flowed nicely and stayed consistent. The main thing that I wanted to know, however, was never answered. What is the significance of 32? Is it just a random number or does it have some greater meaning?
    April 24th, 2014 at 06:48pm