Infernal - Comments

  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    At this point do I really need to express how much I love this story! I am your #1 Fangirl! hahaha
    But that ending was "awww" worthy!! So fucking adorable!
    Is Nina going to tell Cam what she overheard?
    I wonder what sort of consequences those seeds have besides death, will Nina use any of them?
    Will Cam be pissed when he finds out she has them?
    When are they going to Hell
    How is Phillip doing? He's still alive right??
    Does Rory still love the Cambian?? (butchered that spelling) who's name escapes me at the moment
    June 7th, 2014 at 12:37am
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    Its been a month! where are youuussss I miss this story! Please dont be dead. Idk what I will do if you are dead and this story will never end! especially ON A CLIFF HANGER! ahhh

    Hopefully whatever is going on in your life, that everything is ok, and it;s jsut that you'v been too busy! (:
    June 3rd, 2014 at 05:20am
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    Ive been sick as hell (hospitalized for the past month) and have been putting off reading this until i felt better enough that I know I would enjoy it. Ive finally felt that way.
    And all i can say is holy fucl this just keeps getting better and better and it makes me feel the emotions they are feeling. I love that about your style and i might cry when this finally comes to an end
    But hly fuck!! So much shit has happened I dont have any words for it! But i am torn vetween who to support on the way to open the gate. What is Cam dies??? But what if he doesnt and the gate opens and they can et to Hell sooner. But it would be without Nina sive she wont be there. But if they wait phillip could die!! Argh and how os this going to effect their relationship? I dont trust that bitxh witch as far aa i can throw her either thoughh! Cant wait to read moreee
    April 30th, 2014 at 09:57am
  • Roxz

    Roxz (100)

    United States
    @ Erin.Grace.
    Nope. Jesus, no, I didn't fail. I'm not that bad lol. I just have to very important tests coming up and my focus has been all there. Honestly I've written half a page for the next chapter and a few loose events, but I haven't had time for more... But thank you for the amazing comment and for caring about the story so much!! I wish I could a post a chapter soon, I just don't know...
    Sooner or later it'll be here, though :)
    January 31st, 2014 at 01:04pm
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    You failed out of school and your parents killed ou didnt they?
    January 31st, 2014 at 02:53am
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    @ Roxz
    haha are you still in H.S. then? Please don't die or be killed by your parents! I will probably die if I dont get to finish reading this! No joke! I have been having dreams, where I am Nina and Cam is there and we are fighting our way through Hell! lol it's getting out of hand xD but oh gosh! that "not a kiss" was so brilliant and perfect and wonderful! I think it's adorable that they admitted they keep each other "grounded" per say! I mean seriously I NEVER thought they would get around to even admitting THAT! and Cam oh Cam how I love that man! If he were real I would give my sister as sacrifice to be Nina lol and you most certainly know how to build tension! not even just between them! In any given situation! like when Cam was caught in his dream by the demon (or what ever that thing was) I was going insane trying to figure out what was happening and resiting my undying urge to read ahead a few lines to see what was happening! WHy do they want Nina! how did they get into Cam's head? Do they know where Cam and Nina are?
    Who is this Vampire Aunt of Cam & Phillips?
    WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO ADMIT THEY LOVE EACHOTHER FOR REAL? I mean I get that Cam is scared and Nina is...well Nina but seriously! And Is Nina ever going to try and talk about her Familyy again/? and Cam should teach her how to fight!!! I cant wait for that! and what was in his pocket? and speaking of things in his pants. He sure does have as lot of dirty thoughts just merely looking at Nina xD
    ANyways got to jet! loved that last chapter (4 days later and Im finally able to give a proper comment on it lol sorry about that! Hope school is going well and update soon!!
    January 26th, 2014 at 10:51pm
  • Roxz

    Roxz (100)

    United States
    @ Erin.Grace.
    If I don't focus on my studies me dying will become a reality, my parents will take care of that and then this story will never be finished! Phillip will forever be stuck in Hell and Nina and Cam... will stay in a motel. Hmm, I don't think Cam would completely mind that *coughs, getting back on track* Missed your comments too! And the funny thing is, I'm not usually a big facebook-fan, just happened XD
    Did you like that kiss? 'Cause I wasn't going to make them kiss, you know how I love to build tension but... I couldn't resist, Cam was too sweet and sexy right then lol
    January 22nd, 2014 at 03:41pm
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    I THOUGH YOU DIED! IT'S BEEN FOREVER!!!! Thank god you are still alive you little Facebook, math avoiding junkie! lol
    This was amazing! I have to get off real quick so I cant leave a long comment but know it was amazing!! Keep up the amazing work annnd update soon!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 01:01am
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    @ Roxz

    haha no problem (: School obviously comes before my need for amazing reading material! lol Especially if you are already retaking them!
    And yea it was awful and scary but just a few of the units in our building had any realdamage so we are allowed to stay instead of leaving while they fix stuff. But the hours and hours of waiting took forever in the cold I dont think anyone was too hurt besides inhaling a lot of smoke and freaking that they couldnt find their cats (*cough me cough*) :/ Staying at a friends until they can fix the damage
    I will be keeping my eye out though! and with talent like yours I wouldnt think it would be too hard to become a published writer some day!
    January 9th, 2014 at 01:35pm
  • Roxz

    Roxz (100)

    United States
    @ Erin.Grace.
    I would LOVE to publish a book! But... that's just a dream right now. And I should really be focusing on both classes I'm retaking so... yeah, it sucks.
    I should update today or tomorrow, so keep an eye out ;)
    I hope no one got hurt because of the fire! I had one in my house a few years ago too, that was a really bad experience, really hope you're okay :)
    January 9th, 2014 at 01:11pm
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    I am going insane! you know how I get between long updates!!! Come to think of it...did I comment last update? Im not even sure! Its been a crazy day (what with a fire in my apartment building) and I finally checked in today to see if any updates and it's been 3 days!!! That's like almost a record for longest time between updates!! I am going to die over here!!! Seriosuly though, if you ever publish a book LET ME KNOW! I will be FIRST in line to buy that sucker!
    Hope everything is real life has been going well! better than me anyways lol
    January 9th, 2014 at 11:36am
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    @ Roxz
    hmmm...yea it doesnt show up on mine either :( I replyed! I know I did! lol it was like 2 paragraphs long! Dammit, I bet my computer did that dumb thiing where it says it possted something but it didnt so I left the page w/o posting it?
    Either way the blk of it was dont feel pushy! lol I have been a tad busy because of the holidays and sch so didnt have a chance to read but I am caught up now and the other half was raving baout how amazing the 4 chapters I read were lol
    January 4th, 2014 at 01:17am
  • Roxz

    Roxz (100)

    United States
    @ Erin.Grace.
    Aww thanks! Seriously your comments make me blush, my dog stares at me like WTF? and I giggle at him XD
    I went to your wall to check out the reply but there was nothing, maybe mibba hasn't post it yet? I don't know, sometimes I get notifications a week later lol
    Anyway, a big thank you and love you
    January 3rd, 2014 at 11:57pm
  • Erin.Grace.

    Erin.Grace. (100)

    United States
    I love love love this!! (As you know!) I though the first "book" was great well hot damn mamacita! It just keeps getting better and better! like holy hell! Not sure if you saw that I replied to your comment on my wall or not, but Dear god it went somehting along the lines of this "I FUCKING LOVE YOUR STORY AND YOUR WRITING STYLE SO DAMN MUCH!!" lol except a lot longer and more detailed!! lol and I cant say it enough but you deffinitly ended the first one exactly where you should! because they are deffinitly 2 different adventures! The first one was all about her finding herself and being introduced to this world and now this one seems more about how she knows who she is, she knows what she wants (*ahem* whooo she wants (;)and she has literally nothing left to lose at this point and she's gonna kick ass in Hell to get shit done! With a huge side of CAM IS SO FUCKING HOT I COULD DIE. Speaking of, I feel like they need some sort of reality check push to make them ACTUALLY give in to thier feeligns and KEEP it that way! like wtf xD Fucking Nina ruins it first almost everytime! I mean Cam does too buut I mean Nina is FIRST on the block to be all like "That meant nothing" BULLSHIT girly! But I do love that Cam actually is letting Nina come with him to get Phillip! Oh Phillip! What an idiot you are. a brave idiot but an idiot. And Hot damn Nina's Jealousy of V is real as shit lolol I wonder if Vanessa heard her thoughts on that one? xD and I wonder what the excuse is for them all being gone is?? *sigh* Can't wait for more!!
    January 3rd, 2014 at 11:16pm
  • Marie13

    Marie13 (100)

    United States
    It keeps on getting better and better.
    January 2nd, 2014 at 05:06am
  • Marie13

    Marie13 (100)

    United States
    I love it already! I can't wait till you write more!!
    December 22nd, 2013 at 02:44am