Holiday Dinner - Comments

  • I'm here as a judge for the Magazine contest! Cute

    Straight-off, I can imagine the scene in the kitchen. It happens every year at our house so right away that's drawn me right into the story. It's one of these things that I think happens in every house and you did a great job of capturing the essence of the panic that the cook seems to go through whilst getting everything ready.

    The ending was super-cute too! I don't know anything about Kellin or Vic (Pierce The Veil, right?) but the way that you brought their characters across just made them seem as if they were made to be together and the wishbone and already having what he wished for was just super adorable.

    All in all, lovely piece!
    January 1st, 2014 at 04:25pm
  • Hello, here from the Magazine's contest! Cute

    Straight away I can relate to Vic in the kitchen getting the food cooked and ready for their friends whenever they're coming around. Cooking the Christmas dinner is a tough job because there's normally far more things to do compared to with a normal dinner so his frustration is fully understood. Interruptions can just lead to disaster or worse - a burnt dinner. And what good would that be? All his work ruined just because someone needed to talk about something that just wasn't as important as the turkey.

    It was cute to see their roles on Christmas, with Kellin being the one to make sure their friends didn't die by interrupting Vic and Vic being the one to make sure they all ate and didn't get food poisoning at the end of it. It's really cute.

    The end with the wishbone and Kellin already having what he could ever ask for was really cute...and then had to be topped by the mention of Elf. Such a Christmas classic, that film is. I love it.

    This was nice, simple and cute. It was enjoyable to read and I like how you brought in your prompt with this.
    December 31st, 2013 at 04:34am
    December 13th, 2013 at 09:13pm
  • this is soo cute like omfg
    December 13th, 2013 at 04:55pm
  • Oh god I melted, like this is so fucking cute I can't even.
    December 13th, 2013 at 03:53pm