Bourbon and Ray-Bans - Comments

  • Norman broke up with that bitch cecilia singley cause she was just his whore and she was rude to his fans :)
    March 12th, 2014 at 10:56am
  • OMFG!!!! I totally thought you had abandoned the story, I haven't gotten an update notification in forever! How did that happen? Thank God I re-read the story today and found the new chapters. Awesome. I loved this so much. I'll check out the sequel later!
    January 18th, 2014 at 12:04pm
  • @ LadyHera
    No no don't apologize think of it as a it was so good it felt short you know? But omg I can't wait for the sequeal then! You just made me sooo much more excited! I can't wait!
    December 31st, 2013 at 11:00pm
  • @ LadyHera
    Please write more! You are brilliant!
    December 31st, 2013 at 04:09am
  • @ LadyHera
    I've always been one to try to write many stories at once, and I've always been caught in not being able to finish any of them unless I cut myself to one story at a time.

    Oh this next one will have to be good!
    December 31st, 2013 at 02:53am
  • @ SmileLoudly
    I think the continuation of their story will sum up any missing pieces you might have question about. Plus, we have to find out if Andy or his wife will win the wedding date bet, don't we?
    December 31st, 2013 at 02:46am
  • @ Chelsea's Dead Smile

    I've always been a very episodic writer because if I do the long and drawn out it becomes so tedious and boring. So I just stick to showing moments in time. Back in the way back, I actually wrote many drabbles. This is the longest piece of any kind I've ever written. It was bound to be mostly terrible, lol.

    After reading a lot of your suggestions and some questions posed by other readers, I think I've got a good direction to continue their story. I think it'll answer a lot of how Norman got where he got and Brodie still hasn't actually admitted her feelings yet. Wink
    December 31st, 2013 at 02:45am

    I loved it lol It's like FINALLY! But I feel like it was such an abrupt ending in a way. Like you've been leading us and telling us about this magical land behind these closed doors and just when we get to the end, through all these obstacles, we see this majestic door.....we take a peek inside and its suddenly slammed shut. That's the best way I can describe it.

    I say that, to say this. Please continue... Please show the other side of the hill. This is such a pivotal peak. They finally got there, but there is so much unknown. Like how did he reach this decision? What happen to Cecelia? What is the aftermath of them being together? What about the reactions to his exhibit? Is it just for her or is this an actually showing? Did fans throw a parade? What are the reactions of others - fans, Mingus, Sean, cast, their publicists, paparazzi, hollywood gossip? You've mention their interviews. What are the happenings with them? From reporters, cast panels, etc? Will you go into detail with an actual ComicCon panel? What about other projects for Brodie? Will Brodie just be known for TWD?

    I know these are a lot of questions but my mind is running. You are so talented. My reaction is a compliment really, this story is emotionally investing lol
    December 31st, 2013 at 02:23am
  • @ LadyHera
    -slams hands on table while reading response- I would have loved to read this confrontation. If I ever have an idea (most of which don't get down in writing because they are usually sex scenes or fore thoughts of future events) I try to write the story while trying to play connect the dots.

    I would have loved to see (see meaning imagine) Sean confronting Norman on his idiotic motives!

    Ridiculously long yes, but you did giant time leaps so I didn't get to experience but a small description of what happened in those times. Maybe I'm just a reader that likes long drawn out stories or writings, but I have countered myself in that I actually hate long drawn out stories as well. I would have loved to read what you had in your head though, I think it would have been interesting.

    My solution to that whole "well this could happen" while you're trying to end it is what I learned back in my Freshman year in English. I don't use it myself because I believe the characters write the story, but try using a plotline that way you can cut down on "Oh man! I can't end it yet"'s. You will have what you want to happen every step of the way without any new ideas interfering with your writing process.

    And I can understand how while writing it that some of the events that happen are hard blows to events that happen to you, but just remember the words you write can also be your biggest help in getting over those events that much further.

    So you made it to where she wore her heart on her sleeve basically. Now that you reveal that too me I can kind of see where you came from, but I thought the big reveal was when she was kissing him as Grace for the bunk scene. I thought that little break she felt was finally the straw that broke the camels back, and she fully admitted to herself that she was attracted to him.

    -waves hand- Oh god girl I hear ya. Alternating point of views is the worst especially when there is one character that creeps up and wants to break the monotony, but you want to stay true to the story you've already written; that's mostly the reason why I haven't updated my stories on here. I am very much stuck, and in a writers block bind.

    I applaud you on taking it from a one-shot so I can completely understand the feeling of being like "Okay, what next?" and not having a solution to that problem.

    Well you can make it a sequel that way fresh and new ideas come to you. Like...Mingus being happy that his stepmom is cool enough to listen to his band and play video games to which he brags to his friends about it -shrugs- it's an idea.

    It's no problem, but that's the longest review I have written in a while...and the first I've written in a while lol!
    December 31st, 2013 at 02:21am
  • @ princessace
    Yes!! I will!!
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:51am
  • @ Lionheart13
    I plan on it!!
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:51am
  • @ Dfk1017
    Thank you!! Stick around, there's more to come!
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:49am
  • @ Chelsea's Dead Smile

    Thank you for your very passionate response even though I get the sense that you are super pissed at me and my final decision on not to continue to draw out the 'will they won't they' game. For me, Cecilia was the final catalyst to their separation. In my head, Norman goes to Japan with her and Sean and has a huge epiphany about what he's doing - what he's been doing. Sean and him have a super heated conversation where Norm admits that he's been planning this show for over a year. Cecilia is just another way for him to keep running, but Sean puts an end to that by confronting him about his rather ludicrous and inappropriate relationship with a barely legal mooch. I think Sean confronting him on that matter would be more affecting that Brodie doing the same. Just my opinion, obviously.

    As for the ending being sudden, I'd argue that they had spent over four years going back and forth and in circles which is a long time in real life - almost ridiculously long and kind of unbelievable. Several comments I've gotten have been along the lines of "FINALLY". Someone wasn't going to be satisfied either way. In my real life experience, I went through most of this crap with my husband in a two month span of time. My problem with continuing to draw it out was that it could keep going on forever because something new could always be in the way no matter how much I tried to wrap things up.

    I also think that Brodie had been telling him how she felt from day one. Let's be honest, that girl didn't hide her shit very well. But ultimately, when she grabbed his hand and asked him to stay that final night in San Diego and fell asleep beside him - that was her final admission, in my own eyes.

    I get your points about not seeing Norman's POV. I think had I written from his perspective alongside Brodie's you might have felt entirely different. Particularly his mind frame during the entire relationship he had with Cecilia, culminating in Sean confronting him in Japan, through his prepping and putting together the gallery. The reason I didn't write from his POV was because I hate alternating POVs with a deadly passion. So you've got me there. I was privy to both sides where the reader wasn't.

    As you've astutely noted, this story was short and I never had any plan when I started out. I wrote this during downtime at work which is quickly coming to an end. I wrote it for fun. Originally it was meant to be nothing but a one shot stand alone. I had the first chapter and the last chapter from the beginning. Nothing else.

    I don't think the final chapter represents the ending of the story though. I think it is the climax, in a way. The first time my husband and I admitted our feelings for each other definitely wasn't the end. I'd even wager that nothing even remotely interesting has happened between Norman and Brodie yet and that the story has a long way to go before an actual ending is reached. Several readers have asked me to continue - to tell the rest of their story - and I hope to do that. I hope you'll be there to read along as well.

    I hope what I've written here has made sense and that you better understand where I'm coming from. I appreciate your honest feedback and hope you continue to keep me on my toes. Thank you for taking the time to read the story.
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:49am
  • @ Shaeshae0404
    I plan on doing just that!!
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:27am
  • @ Katelan.campling1
    I plan on continuing. Brodie is my homegirl and I love writing her. Thank you for reading!!
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:25am
  • @ Aequitaas
    Than you, dearie! I can't wait to keep on writing.
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:25am
  • @ jessegdixon
    Thank you for the kind words. I do intend to continue on. I'm not finished with Brodie and Norman yet!
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:23am
  • @ Wolfy1991
    Thank you and sorry it felt so short. I intend to keep trucking along with a sequel so you'll get to see plenty more Norm and Brodie. Navigating a new relationship in Hollywood has to be much more drama filled than mere admitting they have feelings for each other, right?
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:23am
  • Continue!
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:22am
  • @ captain jackson.
    If only there were more of my stories to read, haha. I haven't written anything like this in well over 10 years but home to keep going.
    December 31st, 2013 at 01:21am