Sweet Revenge - Comments

  • @ pixiewayro
    Thank you hun xx and things are gonna start getting a bit more interesting now :)

    @ Frozen December Moon
    You're right, once a man hits you should leave. if only Sarah had listened to her head instead of her heart. And I know, I almost feel bad for writing such an evil Mikey, but it had to be done!

    @ BeAZombieLikeMe
    You're comment spells out exactly what people go through though and why they don't leave. Manipulation goes a long way, and when the heart is involved...well, it just makes it harder to walk away. I'm glad you liked the update hun xx
    May 20th, 2014 at 12:36am
  • The friction between Gerard and Sarah is probably gonna get very interesting, especially with them at this cabin together...all day. Ooooh I think I'm definitely gonna enjoy this! Also, aww the part with Charlotte broke my heart a little bit! Great update, hun! Looking forward to more! Xx
    May 20th, 2014 at 12:25am
  • Right then and there she should have known something was wrong. Once a man hits you it should be the end, no matter what. But when your young and in love, I know.

    I bet I'm sounding crazy but to think of Mikey being like that (even though I don't know him) is just crazy to me.

    Anyways, great chapter can't to see what happens next.
    May 13th, 2014 at 01:20am
  • I want to hate Michael so fricking bad! In the beginning it was easy because all I knew about him was all the horrible things he did but nooooo we just had to go and see what a sweetheart he was to Sarah! Damn it I'm so confused! I know I should hate Michael and my logical side it calling Sarah an idiot and is screaming at her - and me - to cut him out of her life, but my heart just wants to forgive him so badly. I'm so confused!!! I hate how manipulative Michael can be because holy hell I can hardly stand my ground against him and I'm behind the safety of my computer screen, I wouldn't stand a chance if I was in Sarah's shoes! When Michael incessantly insulted and hit her I wanted nothing more than for Sarah to beat him over the head with something but imagining how he must have looked after, especially when he was crying just broke my heart. Ugh...I'm so confused...excuse me while I go lock myself up in a loony-bin for loving a psychopath *puts on straight jacket* I'm ready, take me away. On another note, once again your writing is mind blowing and this was a terrific chapter!! I cannot wait to see what happens next!
    May 12th, 2014 at 06:55am
  • Ooooh it starts, indeed. I gotta be honest, this was a toughie. I actually felt Sarah's pain and inner conflict in this one. The shock of him striking her (for what we all know is only the first time) actually made me tense up a bit... And wow! That comment of her "looking like a slut", when she dressed up pretty, that really got to me. But of course he goes and cries, and she feels sorry for him! I love that she says she's standing her ground firmly that he won't do anything like that again, but I also just know he's a manipulative asshat! =(
    May 11th, 2014 at 09:14pm
  • @ BeAZombieLikeMe
    Wolfie is an awesome name! And yeah, I love Bilbo. He's the dog I wish I had! And yeah, you're right to be worried about them killing each other. Ooohhh, now I wanna put Chris Hemsworth in it lol. Gerard is a nice person...deep down inside. He lost everything too, just like Sarah, so they're more alike than they think. As for his drinking, it may become a problem, but we shall have to wait and see. And than you hun xxx
    May 11th, 2014 at 05:39pm
  • *Weird raspy dude voice* Wazzzuupppp! Hahahah. Can I just start by saying that I friggin LOVE Bilbo!! He reminds me of my old dog Wolfie (I named him when I was seven, not the most creative child I'll admit...) before my mom gave him away. Such a cute ball of energy that was always so loving and caring!! I'm excited and slightly worried to see how things go in Sarah and Gerard's new 'hide-out' one part of me is like "ooooo their going to be alone together, how romantic!" but the other part of me is just repeating "Oh crap their going to kill each other, Oh crap their going to kill each other, Oh crap..." So I'm excited which to see will happen. I don't know why but the fact that their staying in a cabin of all places makes me think Chris Hemsworth is going to pop out any second while being chased by a terrifyingly badass unicorn, but that's just me....I'm strange, I know. Anyhoo....Gerard seems like deep down he really is a sweet and considerate person, maybe that's some of the reason as to why he agreed to help Sarah at all, but I guess after so any years of having to have a bulletproof exterior he can't really flip the switch anymore, since Micheal probably plastered over it once killing their parents. I'm also worried about Gerard's drinking, I honestly hope it doesn't have a negative effect in the long run of this story. I feel like Bilbo is the small buffer between Sarah and Gerard, otherwise the atmosphere - at least to me - would constantly be deafeningly tense, so thank you Bilbo for all your doggy cuteness. Especially in the car, awkward silent car rides are the WORST! Amazing chapter and I look forward to seeing if Gerard is going to give Sarah a chance or continue to shut her out. Terrific job as always!! xxxx
    May 11th, 2014 at 07:12am
  • *Weird raspy dude voice* Wazzzuupppp! Hahahah. Can I just start by saying that I friggin LOVE Bilbo!! He reminds me of my old dog Wolfie (I named him when I was seven, not the most creative child I'll admit...) before my mom gave him away. Such a cute ball of energy that was always so loving and caring!! I'm excited and slightly worried to see how things go in Sarah and Gerard's new 'hide-out' one part of me is like "ooooo their going to be alone together, how romantic!" but the other part of me is just repeating "Oh crap their going to kill each other, Oh crap their going to kill each other, Oh crap..." So I'm excited which to see will happen. I don't know why but the fact that their staying in a cabin of all places makes me think Chris Hemsworth is going to pop out any second while being chased by a terrifyingly badass unicorn, but that's just me....I'm strange, I know. Anyhoo....Gerard seems like deep down he really is a sweet and considerate person, maybe that's some of the reason as to why he agreed to help Sarah at all, but I guess after so any years of having to have a bulletproof exterior he can't really flip the switch anymore, since Micheal probably plastered over it once killing their parents. I'm also worried about Gerard's drinking, I honestly hope it doesn't have a negative effect in the long run of this story. I feel like Bilbo is the small buffer between Sarah and Gerard, otherwise the atmosphere - at least to me - would constantly be deafeningly tense, so thank you Bilbo for all your doggy cuteness. Especially in the car, awkward silent car rides are the WORST! Amazing chapter and I look forward to seeing if Gerard is going to give Sarah a chance or continue to shut her out. Terrific job as always!! xxxx
    May 11th, 2014 at 07:12am
  • @ BeAZombieLikeMe
    There's nothing wrong with you; most abusers are charming and sweet at first, which is what I'm trying to get across! I love the Bateman comparison- they are very alike in a way. The honest answer to your question is yes, Michael did have genuine feelings for her on some level at least, but we'll find out more about that later :) Thanks again for commenting my dear, I always love to see your feedback and thoughts!

    @ pixiewayro
    Thank you hun! xx
    May 3rd, 2014 at 02:03pm
  • I'm soooo excited to see this play out, hun! I think it's gonna be so much fun! This is really something exciting!
    May 3rd, 2014 at 01:48pm
  • Ahhhhh!!!! I don't know how to feel!!!! Knowing what I know about Michael and what he had did to his family and Sarah I want to hate him SO damn bad! But then these scenes with him being so sweet and kind to Sarah I just...ugh!! I can't help but love him so damn much! Is that wrong of me? I can't help it though! He seems like he's genuinely sweet and caring towards Sarah, with that in mind I can completely see how Sarah would have fallen head over heels for him without realizing who he really was. Holy crap I jut realized Michael reminds me a tiny bit of the character Patrick Bateman from the movie 'American Psycho', he seems all sweet am charismatic but is pretty much crazy on the inside - barring the total over inflated ego Patrick has. I honestly wonder if Michael at any point honestly did like Sarah? Such as ever if it were a minuscule and fleeting feeling I wonder if it was ever there. Or if this was all just an act, but if that were the case then why Sarah of all people? Curiouser and curiouser...this story is fantastic!! It keeps me on my toes not knowing what to expect next, I love it!! Keep up the amazing work!!! Xxx
    April 25th, 2014 at 02:53am
  • @ Lyra
    You're right, it's funny how what we try to avoid and/or dislike is actually good for us in a strange way. I can't wait to see where it goes!! xx
    April 17th, 2014 at 12:52am
  • @ pixiewayro
    There's gonna be a LOT of friction between Gerard and Sarah hehehe. Glad you liked the name x

    @ BeAZombieLikeMe
    Gerard kinda shut himself off from people when he lost his family, and he kinda forgets how to act like a human being sometimes. He doesn't want to open himself up, especially to someone like Sarah. On the other hand, if anyone is gonna get him to open it, it's gonna be someone like Sarah. I agree, she is amazing. The human instinct for survival is an amazing thing.
    April 17th, 2014 at 12:13am
  • This made me feel kind of bad for Sarah and I nearly had a heart attack when Gerard turned off the TV feeling as though I knew what would happen next. I understand that Gerard can do nothing but really try to forget Mikey, after all what else can you do when you're little brother kills your only family? However, I felt like in his solitude and desperate attempt to try to forget everything relating to the past that he isn't really considering how Sarah feels. I might sound horrible for saying this but Gerard lost his parents due to his brother and that's beyond horrible and painful. But I feel like he's forgetting that Sarah LIVED with Mikey dealing with his abuse day in and day out and that even if she was still, as Gerard said, a 'self righteous' woman I think that he should also consider that that alone is a mind blowing thing. That despite everything she STILL had some will to survive. I understand that Gerard is sympathetic but is makes me wanna throw a pillow at his face when he's being so cold to her. Especially when he just left her alone after her panic attack, that made me want to throw a book (preferably a hardcover copy of 'War & Peace') at his head, which is so mind effing to me because I constantly just want to hug and kiss him. Hahaha! But yet again you've somehow managed to stun me with yet another amazing and intriguing chapter!! xxx

    P.S. I just wanna cuddle Bilbo. ~(^_^~)
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:24pm
  • My inner-geek is having a field day with the name Bilbo!!!! <3

    Ooooh I can sense some potential friction between Sarah and Gerard, and I can only imagine where that could lead... ;)

    Michael sounds like a proper psycho, and I wonder where he went astray... =(
    April 15th, 2014 at 08:16pm
  • @ UndeadGhoul
    Thank you! I'm so glad your enjoying it! This story will get crazy as time goes on, in ways I hope you don't expect!

    @ pixiewayro
    Thanks hun. I wasn't too happy with this chapter, but hopefully the next will be better :)

    @ Frozen December Moon
    I think we've all been there. Nothing more nerve wrecking than first dates!
    March 10th, 2014 at 10:25pm
  • I liked this it was cute especially how nervous she got.
    March 1st, 2014 at 08:07pm
  • Hoooow is Mikey soooo sweet now, and'll end up a dickbag later???? *sighs* aaaanyway, this is not a "crappy" chapter... It's sweet and fluffy!!!! <3. (Oh, yeah, and I share her sentiments on horrors, for the most part... - but kinda getting over it...).

    Okay, I'm babbling, shut me up!!!!
    March 1st, 2014 at 06:42pm
  • I am so ecstatic that I came across this story. Your style of writing is fantastic. You have a wonderful vocabulary and use just enough detail to make it interesting. I am very much looking forward to joining you for this ride and from what I can tell it will be a wild one.
    February 22nd, 2014 at 05:31pm
  • @ pixiewayro
    Aww well, you can't blame a girl for hoping to see more of Frankie, right? ;)

    I love how your mind works, so I can't even imagine all the amazing, and shocking, things that you have planned... And, holy shit, he's gonna get hotter?!?! *drools in anticipation* lol. Also, I'm preety confident that I'll never tire of your work... You are a true legend, in my opinion!!!!

    Well, I'm glad you have no problem with my inner fangirl, because *whispers* she tends to come out quite a bit... And squeal. Loudly. ;)
    February 10th, 2014 at 04:01pm