The Accident - Comments

  • Moriarty;

    Moriarty; (250)

    United Kingdom
    So I'm not a Supernatural fan, though thanks to Tumblr, I can recognise the character of Cas. But having said that...I adored this. Why are there no comments on this- it's gorgeously written!

    "Sometimes it is difficult to let go of things that are so beautiful" OH MY GOSH THAT LINE JUST...GAH. Dammit, this is just so beautiful as a line. I can't think of a better adjective for it but yes. It's a pretty wonderful line.

    I love how Cas is suddenly like 'ALCOHOL. THIS IS GOOD'. He always struck me as a rather innocent character, and you portray this expertly.

    I honestly loved this, and I don't know whether there's going to be any extra to this, but it's incredible nonetheless. I'm not sure why no one has commented so far, this is a wonderful fic that would be perfect for any Supernatural fan. Well done!
    February 2nd, 2014 at 10:40am