When You & I Were Forever Wild - Comments

  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ nomdecrayon24
    I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment, I've been SO busy.
    Honestly, I don't even know what to say except THANK YOU. Really, thank you! It's people like you who inspire me to keep writing. Who give me the motivation. I'm very very grateful.
    I'm glad you found the characters believable - that's the most important thing for me. Especially because I'm so much older than Finn and Gerard were when the story started and apart from the awkward first time, there wasn't really anything that I could sort of relate to my own teenage years. That's why it means so much to me that you say they were believable.
    It's funny because as difficult as I found it in the beginning, when the story progressed and I had Finn and Gerard grow up (and get closer to my own age!) I always wished I could go back and write more about their teenage years. But since they didn't get to enjoy their young love back then, I did the same thing they did - make them playful and make them continue where they had left off back then. Sort of in a 'I don't want to grow up but if I have to, I want to grow up with you' way :)
    Anyway, I'm really happy you found my story and I'm eternally grateful for your feedback. I took a screenshot and it will serve as motivation for upcoming stories too :)

    @ Lyra
    Thank you so much hun. You already know how much your feedback matters to me but I'm gonna tell you again. You are my favorite writer and it means the world to me - and that's the case with every story I posted so far. I always get excited when I get the comment notification. I'm now also happy and 'at peace' with the fact that the story has ended. Not ready to start a new one yet but I think I only need that ONE idea.
    Thank you again <3 (oh and btw, I'm super behind on your stories because I'm really really busy and I feel like I won't get to enjoy it unless I take time to read it, so I apologize for the lack of feedback, I promise I'll make up for it soon!)
    July 21st, 2014 at 04:49am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    Sorry it took me so long to comment on this - life got in the way. This was the ending I was hoping for, and this story was just amazing in every way possible. I laughed, I cried, and at the end of this incredible journey, I'm not left wanting more. You gave this story everything, and ended it perfectly. I loved this story from the start/ I love YOU and your amazing writing and talent. You should be so proud of this story and what you achieved. This could be a novel - seriously. I can't wait to see what you come up with next - whenever it is. Thank you for writing such an amazing story. You're amazing. Be proud of what you accomplished. Please don't be a stranger in the mean time!
    July 17th, 2014 at 10:17pm
  • nomdecrayon24

    nomdecrayon24 (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh. Let me shower you with compliments! This story was amazing. I liked how dramatic this felt. I had to take a couple of days off from it sometimes because it would just destroy me with every little thing that happened to Finn and Gerard. I felt like they could not catch a break.
    On the flip side before the incident they were two puppies loving each other and aww they were cute! You made them believable and I was there through all their struggles.
    I love how you had them grow up too. I enjoyed that even though they had this joy together you could still feel when they were awkward or when they would disagree and I loved that you kept Finn in that painful state for a while because although I have not gone through anything Finn did I thought that if anything traumatic like that could happen it would not be easily dismissed.
    I loved the way that you intertwined their interests yet made them separate. They were their own people before they came together and then joining them seemed like the best possible outcome.
    I would read this in between my own writing and it felt like such a well deserved break. (kudos on the hanky panky also X)!) I was sort of sad when the bottom comments were saying that it would be ending soon, but the ending was so movie, fairy tale, perfect. Good job.
    My only regret with this is that I did not find it sooner and could not give you more compliments as the story progressed, but I guess it was kind of a good thing since I didn't have to wait on all those cliffhangers and this comment looks huge!
    Let me tell you that this is one of my favorites. I have read massive amounts of Gerard fics and this is definitely in my top 5. Nice work. :D
    July 16th, 2014 at 07:00am
  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ nailsntacks
    Thank you <3

    @ Lyra
    I really can't thank you enough! Your feedback has encouraged me ever since I started writing and especially while working on this story. It means a lot to me - coming from my favorite writer! I felt the same way writing it, it was super emotional for me and also personal. Not that any of the things that have happened to Gerard and Finn have happened to me - but I had to go to a very dark place in order to understand what it could possibly be like, and that was really intense. Just like I went through the happy times 'with them'. Maybe that sounds dumb, maybe that's normal - I have no idea. It's just the way it works for me. And since this story was my longest so far, I could understand the characters better. I don't know how to describe it but every time I write, I picture my characters to be a certain way but then they kind of have their own will? And I stop thinking about it and it just happens.

    Anyway, thank you so much. It was a really vital point for me, making that transition and 'growing up with them' as the story proceeded. I will miss them SOOO much. I think it will definitely take a while before I can start a new story (I also don't have ANY ideas right now) because in my mind, I'm continuing that road trip with them and I'm following Finn's pregnancy and I picture Gerard freaking out and being annoyingly excited over becoming a dad. And then picturing them as new parents and all that. I'd love to just write a sequel...I'm a Finn and Gerard addict. I need to go through Finn and Gerard withdrawal I think before I can move on haha.
    July 11th, 2014 at 06:53pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    What a perfect end to such a roller-coaster of a story. This story pulled my feels in every which way since the beginning, and I enjoyed every moment of it, even when you had me in tears and screaming'why-oh-why' at the screen. Your writing was amazing and flawless throughout the story, and your consistency of excellent writing made this so much more enjoyable to read.

    You brought Gerard and Finn to life, in a way very few people can achieve. A lot of the time when I read a story that starts with characters being teenagers and follows them into adulthood, I find it hard to believe the characters have become adults, but in this story you made that transition wonderfully. Their journey was sad and yet the lovely resolution at the end was exactly what I hoped for (though I was hoping for Ray and Suki to meet and fall in love again). Their emotional journey was written so realistically, and this was such a unique, original story.

    Well done hun, this was a masterpiece of a story and I look forward to the epilogue and your future work.
    July 10th, 2014 at 08:38pm
  • nailsntacks

    nailsntacks (100)

    United States
    That was a really really good ending. Great job! Can't wait to read your next one. Smile
    July 10th, 2014 at 01:11pm
  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ Lyra
    *evil laughs echoing from a mountain* I know! If I didn't enjoy it so much I would feel bad. But hey, don't act as though you've never done the same ;)
    July 3rd, 2014 at 09:47pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    If I didn't love you so much I would hate you right now. I just knew you were going to do that to me, you...MEANIE. You BETTER update this soon or...well, I'll think of something. You're just lucky this was an awesome chapter, missy.
    July 3rd, 2014 at 08:23pm
  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ Lyra
    Thank you! :) I'm so glad I could finally update, I missed writing!
    June 26th, 2014 at 10:53pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    I was so happy to see you updated! I missed you! Loved this update, and how sweet it was. It's heart warming to see Finn is finally trying to not just push past their past, but consciously make steps to move forward in spite of her fears! Wonderful!
    June 26th, 2014 at 01:48pm
  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ AutoRocket
    Oh the story isn't finished :) I'm just very late with updating it because I've been away. But a new chapter should be up soon :) I'm glad you enjoy it!
    June 23rd, 2014 at 09:06pm
  • AutoRocket

    AutoRocket (100)

    United States
    I just read this entire story in one sitting. I didn't want to comment until I finished, and I just absolutely loved it! I really think you should consider a sequel. You rock! Finn & Gerard 4EVA!!! ;) <3
    June 23rd, 2014 at 01:47am
  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ vilotbeauty
    Thank you dear, I hope so too!
    June 9th, 2014 at 01:20pm
  • vilotbeauty

    vilotbeauty (100)

    United States
    I love it! I'm so glad Finn is overcoming her fears! I just hope her happiness keeps rising..
    June 9th, 2014 at 07:09am
  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ Lyra
    Thank you hun :)
    June 8th, 2014 at 09:56pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    Aaaawwww. Poor Finn, I just...my heart really breaks for her. It's really unfair what she had to go through, but the fact that she's making active steps now to not let her past ruin her future was really uplifting at the end. I really wanna see some Finn/Gerard babies!! Great chapter my dear!
    June 8th, 2014 at 08:48pm
  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ Lyra
    Thank you darling <3
    Yeah comedowns are just the worst. One time I completely lost the plot and got into a fight with my friend over absolutely nothing, I ended up running through the streets crying at 6am, not knowing where I was going before I hysterically called up everyone I knew until someone picked me up. And then I spent the rest of the day sobbing and close to suicidal. AWFUL. If only I had a Gerard to take care of me back then! haha
    June 3rd, 2014 at 11:14pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    Man, this chapter was me after a wild night a couple of months ago. The next day was just...awful. I had a headache, shakes, but worse of all was 'the fear' and the depression which lasted two days (it was a really good night which lasted until half nine in the morning). The come down is such a bitch, and I'm glad you didn't glamorize it. Ugh, the memories!

    Great chapter though, so realistic and it's awesome to see an update!
    June 3rd, 2014 at 11:01pm
  • the_girl

    the_girl (100)

    United States
    @ Lyra
    I was thinking about it - having the cops catch them and them spending a night in jail. But from personal experience, the police really doesn't arrest people at illegal raves unless they're underage. They do searches and arrest people for possession, that's all. I guess having my wild days comes in handy now when writing about this stuff haha
    Yeah, I don't feel guilty when I don't. But lets be real, they're newly weds, they have been apart for so long...haha you're right though, it's all about whether or not it fits a chapter or not.
    Glad you liked it <3
    May 24th, 2014 at 07:27pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    I thought they were going to get caught, and my heart was pounding! I'm glad they didn't. Oh man, pills really screw with your brain, and I love how realistically you wrote their high and their coming down. As always, thanks for the smut. Never feel guilty for not writing smut though, if it doesn't fit in a chapter, it doesn't fit. It just makes it all the sweeter when you do write it lol. Great chapter my dear!
    May 24th, 2014 at 07:19pm