A Perfect Disaster - Comments

  • ahhh wow you're seriously so sweet!! and omg no they're not, i just really only get on when i have time, (which i rarely do nowadays) or if im posting a new update! but thank you times a billion for actually reading all my stories!! it literally means the world. ive currently got writers block for this story, which sucks, but i think i'll be coming back to it fairly soon!! like i said before, thank you soo much!! and yes, i will talk to you!! haha you seem really cool to talk so, im looking forward to that. :))

    @ Nanook
    April 21st, 2014 at 10:23am
  • Okay, so, I'm not really one to read Jack, mainly I just stick to Alex fan fic, but since I checked out your two other stories, I was like, 'what the hey?' and decided to check out this one. Since your other two stories are pretty awesome and I can't get enough, I figured this one probably would be the same...
    And I must say, this is pretty great. I like it, a lot. The plot line seems solid while also being one I haven't quite seen before, hm...
    I can't wait to see where this goes. I really hope you find inspiration and update this again soon, because I would love to read more. I'd hate to see this not get an ending. :(
    But I guess that's totally up to you and how you feel about it.
    By the way, girl, feel free to talk to me. I don't bite (hard), I promise. XD
    Okay, yeah, don't take that awkwardly. Take that pure jokingly. XD
    But anyway, I would love to know that my comments are not going to waste. I'm sure you read them, and perhaps you just haven't had the time to respond yet. Or just simply haven't been on. Hmmm...
    Anyway... again, love this! And I shall be sticking around to see another update, hopefully.
    Pip pip, cheerio! XD (Even though I'm not British)
    I'll be here.
    - Jenna
    April 21st, 2014 at 09:23am
  • well shit jsut got intresting...
    January 26th, 2014 at 10:48pm
  • well shit jsut got intresting...
    January 26th, 2014 at 10:48pm