The Things That Matter Most - Comments

  • Oh, and, thanks for the hot chocolate, it's bloody freezing here! Haha.
    January 27th, 2014 at 12:39am
  • Oh my gosh, he called them Mommy and Daddy! So freakin adorable! This whole chapter is just one big ball of cute, wrapped up in adorable!

    With a hint of cocky/sexy Brian to boot! Naughty haha.

    I think, personally, it's the tattoos that freak the poor guy out. Like he said, when he first wakes up, he gets scared because he sees tattooed arms around him. But then he wakes up and remembers it's Brian. That whole last part of the chapter was just, wow. I had a huge lump in my throat!

    I think Matt was lucky that Jake liked his haircut, cause he can be very scary looking haha. I think Johnny will be okay too, cause of the haircut. Jimmy is just a big kid anyway so they should get on fine. It's Zack I'm worried about, he has this intense stare that can freak you out sometimes haha. Couple that with the fact that he does have a lot of tattoos and piercings, it might take Jake a while to warm up to him. But I think they'll get there.

    I'd like to think that they've gotten over the worst of it with Jake, but there could be any number of triggers that might start him off in the future. They seem to have gotten the whole night time routine down, a few hiccups when he wakes up crying but Brian seems to have it under control. Without knowing what exactly happened to him, I can't really predict what could happen but I hope that nothing too bad happens, they make up a really sweet little family!

    Wow, who knew I could get so deep and philosophical at this time of night! Haha. I just love this story, along with the Brian and Rachel stories, they're my favourites! Sorry for spamming your comment box again tehe

    More soon please and thank you!
    January 27th, 2014 at 12:38am
  • Yay for hot chocolate and cookies!!! I get so excited when you update ;) great chapter. I am so happy that he wanted his hair like Matts and I hope that things can only get better from here.
    January 23rd, 2014 at 05:57am
  • So so so sweet that he knows his mommy loves him "unconditioner" too. Wonderful chapter so much growth in them all. As always, LOVE it, and thank you for yet another fantabulous chapter; looking forward to more!!
    January 23rd, 2014 at 03:50am
  • I meant work not worm lol
    January 23rd, 2014 at 03:13am
  • I seriously actually need hot chocolate right now im at worm and freezing my ass off lol
    January 23rd, 2014 at 03:12am
  • Yet another amazing chapter. Had tears of joy in my eyes wen he called Brian and Mia, mommy and daddy. It was just too cute. You really do have a talent for writing emotion and getting the reader involed with the emotion as well and you don't find that often! Literally cannot wait for more!
    January 23rd, 2014 at 01:29am
  • Great chapter :) I half expected it might be matt that he was afraid of but now I think it might be jimmy or Zacky. My reasoning is their eyes...cause Zacky's are green and Jimmy's are blue so maybe he might remember someone with eyes like them...I don't know lol the end but was heartbreaking but I'm glad he was okay in the end. Looking forward to more :) so cute he wanted Matt's haircut by the way!!!
    January 23rd, 2014 at 01:10am
  • Thank you for updating again. I've really missed this. This chapter made me cry Crying or Very sad especially when Jakey had another nightmare.

    I've no idea why he fears men so much yet but I guess we'll find out eh? I'm guessing he'll be most scared of Jimmy as he's the most lively. I think he'll get over it when he gets to know them all properly though. Please update again as soon as you possibly can. Xx Mr. Green
    January 23rd, 2014 at 01:09am
  • January 23rd, 2014 at 12:56am
  • Ooooh so precious! I love this chapter. So cute how Jake wanted the same hair cut as Uncle Matt. I love that Jake was able open up a little more to them. The ending was a happy tear-jerker...I loved it!
    I can't wait for more and now I'm curious about what really scares Jake. Poor little guy. Sad
    January 23rd, 2014 at 12:56am
  • my heart can't take any more :''') he called them mommy and daddy :'') that is so amazing :''') and he liked Matt, and go his hair cut :'') and that Brian and Jake moment was so beautiful :'') I think there is more to the fear than just tattoos. But hopefully he'll see soon than non of them will hurt him. With Brian and Mia he might be scared to do something they don't like for a little while, but he'll see that they wn't hurt him.
    January 23rd, 2014 at 12:17am
  • oh my god all the feelings in this chapter abcagajshs jake called them mommy and daddy awww that's so awesomee! and I know that there's probably more things to jake's fear than just tattoos. I guess we'll find out soon...
    and that last part with jake and brian daaamn. Loved it... my stomach was all crazy but it was soooo cute! fave!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 11:05pm
  • This story is amazing & I love how jake is opening up to them. I hope the setbacks aren't too bad & they can move on. I'm waiting to see how he is going to react to the rest of the band & what will happen in the future with this little family. xx
    January 22nd, 2014 at 10:57pm
  • amazing!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 10:52pm
  • @ rachthebat.
    Glad I could make the femslash work in a way that you enjoyed it!

    It's such a shame what happened to Jake (and the others as well). It's horrible to know that things like this happen in real life :(
    The chicken nuggets were definitely a win for Brian! It was genius!

    I can totally picture him begging Mia in the middle of a store too! How I wish this Brian wasn't one from my imagination and I could really find him LOL

    I'm glad you like the way I try to throw in Jake's perspective. I'm trying to throw in bits here and there that will convey his emotion but not take the main feeling of the story away from Brian and Mia. I think the music (both Brian playing the guitar and singing) is going to play a big part in the future Wink However there will be quite a few setbacks in the future that they will have to overcome as well.

    I'm so glad you're enjoying this story! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! Hug

    Next chapter being posted now!!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 10:05pm
  • @ CiaraVengeance
    Thank You so much for the honest feedback! I'm really glad you're enjoying this series! Posting next chapter in a few mins!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 09:58pm
  • @ Ninjakitty131
    Hahaha! Thanks for the feedback! There will definitely be a few unexpected plot twists in this story! Next chapter getting posted soon!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 09:57pm
    Thank You! When I found that song I thought it was perfect for this story! Thanks for commenting, next chapter being posted shortly!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 09:56pm
  • @ MrsChristX
    Thanks! Posting next update in a few!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 09:56pm