...And a Happy New Year - Comments

  • i still put my money on halvo and steph and a love square (?) happening between everyone. but i am glad for the most part john and chaney hashed it out but booo to halvo for being a jerk. booo. like i get the situation with steph and him is making him feel all wanted/manly but you know, he did decided and picked to date chaney plus their history together you would think he'd know how to handle the situation better than he does now... i kind of want to double team with john and smack him upside his head. i feel like everyone just needs to clear the air soon or more shit is just going to be misunderstood and stuff.

    i forgot to add thank you for the wonderful story and what not as well.
    can't wait for the next update.
    June 24th, 2014 at 07:04am
  • Ok, so John's growing on me. I liked him in this chapter. It's really not his fault he has feelings for her. BUT this chapter made me very angry at Halvo and it's hurt because he's lovable and I don't want to hate him but come on, he's in the wrong! And he BETTER not start feeling anything for Stephanie!!! She's so whiny and annoying and ugh!! She does not mesh well with him he's all bubbly and what not and she's just a debby downer and ughhhh!!! Ok, ill stop ranting now. I did like the chapter despite my yelling at the screen about Stephanie, but no worries I still love you as of right now...
    June 24th, 2014 at 02:34am
  • John was being an a**whole and then Chaney put some sense into his head and Halvo is being the biggest idiot. It's freaking obvious he's in love with Steph and he's freezing Cheney out :(
    June 23rd, 2014 at 11:58pm
  • After being away on vacation for two weeks, I was finally able to get caught up. And let me just say I'm practically dead. You never fail to produce a wonderful chapter that somehow manages to feel like dying and being reborn all at once from feels. I'm always so excited to see that you published a new chapter. Incredible as always, can't wait for the next!
    June 23rd, 2014 at 11:03pm
  • This story is so exhausting... I don't know who to be mad at anymore. It's like a rollercoaster, I just want it to end and for everyone to be happy. Can you do that for me? One happy chapter? Ugh, you will be the death of me woman.
    June 23rd, 2014 at 09:51pm
  • @ smartsoldier
    You are my hero for thinking that! Ugh, I though the same thing when I met him last summer! I'm sorry you didn't get a picture, you should have asked; he's a sweetheart when it comes to stuff like that, he would have said yes!! :p
    Hope you had fun regardless!
    June 15th, 2014 at 09:36pm
  • i feel bad for stephanie but not as bad as i should? does that make sense? but i'm totally calling her and halvo starting a spark of some sort. i think this whole ordeal will bring "the feels" out in them then a love square(?) (john-chaney-halvo-stephanie) will happen.

    i'm actually super curious on how this will pan out... as always super update from a super writer.
    June 15th, 2014 at 04:41pm
  • Thanks for the update I love this story a lot. I went to Warped on Friday and there was a guy walking around selling copies of Forever Halloween deluxe edition, and when I went up to him I like stared in the face for like a full-on 20 seconds and thought to myself "Oh no. I've read fanfictions about this guy." And I don't know why Eric Halvorsen was walking around selling cds for his friends but I couldn't build up the courage to ask for a picture with him and now I hate myself.
    June 15th, 2014 at 09:21am
  • Thanks for the update I love this story a lot. I went to Warped on Friday and there was a guy walking around selling copies of Forever Halloween deluxe edition, and when I went up to him I like stared in the face for like a full-on 20 seconds and thought to myself "Oh no. I've read fanfictions about this guy." And I don't know why Eric Halvorsen was walking around selling cds for his friends but I couldn't build up the courage to ask for a picture with him and now I hate myself.
    June 15th, 2014 at 09:13am
  • Ok. I just hate Stephanie. There's no other way to put it. She needs to go away now. K, thanks.
    June 15th, 2014 at 04:03am
  • Ok, so Steph took a step forward and went to the doctor buuuuut she needs to take about 10 more steps forward. She at least needs to tell Chaney, her supposed best friend, about everything, especially since Halvo is helping her.

    I have a feeling Chaney is going to find out what's been going on aka all the information that's being hidden from her and get hurt and angry with both Steph and Halvo. Then, she's going to go running to John (who hopefully will stop being a baby by that point) and then all the relationships in this story are just going to get so crazy and messed up. That's my prediction at least haha.
    June 15th, 2014 at 12:01am
  • Also, can someone tell Steph about Halv and Chaney? I feel like that would help things a little...
    June 14th, 2014 at 09:38pm
  • I'm a sucky friend, I didn't comment on the last chapter, I'm sorry. But I think my lazyness predicted that I would just be saying the same things twice, so here we go.

    I get that Steph's problems are complicated and sad and really really suck. Also that Halvo is and angel to help her with them and he's noble and kind, but COME ON! Get your shit together Steph.... Not only is Halvo lying to Chaney because of this, but you're also stealing him away from her. IF you do anything to jeopardize their relationship, I'll hunt your fictional ass down and beat you. (After typing this I realize it's kind of insensitive...Sorry?)

    But seriously, Halv. She's pulling away from you! Wake up and smell the daisies! You're losing your girl to your best friend and if that happens I'm going to be very upset!

    Can't wait for more! :D x
    June 14th, 2014 at 09:33pm
  • john o'callaghan or john o'callabitter??? hahahaha but yes you updated!!! yay

    Also, I feel like Chaney should find out about Stephanie's problem sooner or later! But I also get that Steph might not want this thing to get too big because they might become involved and she knows what that asshole is capable of doing.

    Although, Chaney might misunderstand the whole thing if she isn't informed about Steph's situation...

    It's kinda sad that Chaney got ditched and that Stephanie's douchebag of a husband did things to her but Steph needs Halvo as well...so. Stephanie needs some love so I'm sending all of my love to her way. Halvo is such a sweetheart too; I love his personality a lot.

    I'm also gonna lose my shit if John lashes out on Chaney or ignores her more.

    PS: I literally screamed when I received an email notification regarding this update. I'm currently typing this at 3 am. That's how much I love this story heaps.

    PPS: I typed that yesterday and it's now 2 am. I just had to sort things out and get my crap together. Haha.
    June 9th, 2014 at 08:07pm
  • okay, so i re-read this chapter for like the third time and now i am back and trying to gather my thoughts and emotions. first off, yay for alex and chaney... second, chaney and halvo... hmm i totally agree with @ lovelyhope on the whole "physically boyfriend and girlfriend, but not emotionally" thing with the two. it's not completely there (yet or will it ever be?) but you know, i trust you and your wonderful writing to sway me to some side whether it'd be john or halvo. oh man, it took me awhile to understand your comment when you said your current situation but then i remembered ;)

    i don't feel pity for john in this chapter i'm just kind of like side-eyeing him a tiny bit haha.

    poor stephanie, like i hope things work out for her. thank god halvo is there. but once again i agree with @ lovelyhope the situation is bigger than the two of them and they need to get some reinforcements of some kind to help them. but i can't help but also think this situation will help them become closer together (as if they already aren't) and a possible spark to ignite? but that could just be me hahaha.

    it's weird thinking this is at the half way point, how time flies! insane...

    i can't wait for the next chapter, thank you for being you and writing this... it's always got me on the edge of my seat.
    June 9th, 2014 at 01:24am
  • I feel so bad for Stephanie and I'm so glad Halvo is there for her, but this is too much for the two of them to handle/burden alone. Halvo needs to go to the police or something. If Steph's husband is doing all of that to her, he's probably doing it to the other wives. He really needs to be stopped. Plus, Steph needs all of the support and friends she can get right now, so it would be helpful if at least Chaney knew what was going on so she could be there for Steph.
    June 8th, 2014 at 10:06pm
  • GAH. THIS WAS INTENSE AND SUCH A ROLLER COASTER. I am gonna come back and comment on this once I get my thoughts and emotions in check and errands done. I WILL BE BACK.
    June 8th, 2014 at 04:53pm
  • So I've been reading like a madwoman these past few days so I could get caught up on this. 36 chapters is a lot but I finally did it!! haha

    I totally called (in my head) Steph being a sister wife. Not sure why I thought that...probably because I watch that show too much (Sister Wives NOT My 5 Wives which definitely isn't as good).

    I love Chaney and Halvo together but they have a weird relationship. The whole Halvo not telling her about his music and her not telling him about her art is weird. Physically they're like boyfriend and girlfriend, but emotionally they're still acting like they're friends (I hope that makes sense. It did in my head, but typed out it looks kind of confusing.

    John totally has feelings for Chaney now. Uh-oh. Love triangle. Who will she pick? The best friend (who she's semi-been in love with forever) or the guy she's been in love with the idea of forever. Dun dun dun.

    Also, so much drama and it's only been half a year! What else can the rest of the year (aka up to New Year's Eve so we can so who she'll kiss) hold?

    Finally, I'm calling a huge plot twist where Chaney becomes a polygamist and makes John and Halvo her brother husbands. LOLZ JK
    June 8th, 2014 at 06:10am
  • “Pretty sure that’s not how you make a cake dude.”- love that line!

    such mood swings with these characters hahaha. that being said, i liked the friendship/dynamic between john and chaney but i would have liked it more if she wasn't w/ halvo-- like i've said from the start, it never feels right being in a best friend love triangle haha.

    hence why i feel a bit sympathetic for john feeling betrayed by the two (like john felt; chaney knew she was dating halvo but she was flirting with him (but she probably likes the attention from the guy she used (or might still be) in "love" with) and personally i feel like she should be more aware now, now that she's dating halvo, because it is halvo aka one of john's best friends... and the whole "talking about katie" thing.

    i just felt bad for john while reading this chapter hahaha.
    but once again, thanks for the great update :)
    May 29th, 2014 at 04:13pm
  • Frick I feel bad for John but I shouldn't?? Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

    On the bright side, new Garrett fic!! FRICK YES
    May 29th, 2014 at 07:46am