...And a Happy New Year - Comments

  • dreamingyouhere

    dreamingyouhere (100)

    United States
    Awe, There were so many feels in this chapter I can't even... All I know right now is that I'm definitely Team Halvo!
    February 15th, 2014 at 05:33pm
  • recycledsweaters

    recycledsweaters (100)

    United States
    So, I am too. I'll do the best I can on my end to keep it going! Not side-eyeing John so much anymore. His intentions seem to be in the right place. But Halvo, sir... you grew a pair. How do I feel about Chaney? Honestly, I just hope it's not one of those things were it's like, she likes Halvo but the minute she sees John she's infatuated by him since she's "liked/loved" him since forever. If she feels the way she feels from this chapter she should at least not make it awkward with Eric and give the boy a chance. With that being said, I get vibes her and Halvo will have a thing but overtime John will end up growing to like her then the whole what I've always wanted vs. what I have now interal battle will happen. Either way, I hope Eric's feelings don't get damaged too much. I hope he doesn't feel second rate to John... which I feel like he has when it came to Chaney's affections.

    No way! I say what needs to be said, I don't know how to filter myself completely haha. Hate my writing lately, I am so not in the right head space... but I try. And... I don't write fluff or cutesy things well (or in general) #truth. Such a hassle. Hahaha 20-something chapter aka it took forever and a day... and I don't know if it even was a good idea at times like I wonder if people do feel the chemistry. Cause honestly, I think people like the whole fantasy aspect of reading fics with the drama and hardcore emotions and feelings (I do at times!) more than something more mellow (for a better lack of term). I digress. Either way, I wish I had your mad skills. I give you all the cookies again and a gold star. Can't see where you take this. Man, I'm like stuck on writing an update (I don't pre-write things) this whole fluff thing is hard for a person like me who has no heart haha.

    I'm on no team... I'm on team band members aka Pat, Garrett, Jared, and Kennedy. You can't go wrong there.
    February 15th, 2014 at 11:52am
  • jvlienne

    jvlienne (100)

    OH MY GOSH. wow. I have no words for this update. (Maybe I do but you know.)

    I was surprised when Halvo and Chaney made out. I'm actually scared of what'll happen next. What if things get awkward between them? But I know Halvo won't let that happen but I really can't help but think that if Chaney decides that she really wants John, what will happen to Halvo? Will she leave him hanging? But since Halvo is the nicest best friend ever, he'll be happy for her. As a Halvo and Chaney shipper, I really appreciate the blossoming chemistry between them but I wish they would think about their actions, you know? Although because they were under the influence, they were unable to do so.

    Another thing about Chaney that I like the least is that she's impulsive. She isn't perfect, yes but ugh it just frustrates me. Another thing that frustrates me is that I keep treating fictional characters and their personalities as if they're real. I should stop doing that though.

    By the way, Halvo. Wow. Just wow. I'm having feels because of this.

    Anyways, this chapter just left me in awe and I am very excited for the next chapter!! I swear I squealed when I was looking through emails and I saw an email from Mibba, informing me that you have updated! It's very funny how a story can keep me unstable and emotional. You never fail to amaze me!
    February 15th, 2014 at 10:26am
  • recycledsweaters

    recycledsweaters (100)

    United States
    So like, I have caught up and I have to say... I was side eyeing John like mad but the most recent chapter has got me side eyeing him less (but I still am). Like, I feel like he is projecting his feelings onto Chaney which you know happens... we're all human but at the same time the dude overreacts like crazy. I'm "ehhh" about John at the moment... I get where he's coming from-- I can emphatize but not sympathize, if that makes sense.

    And then we got sweet Halvo/Eric who is acting like the typical best friend aka being martyr -- Chaney's happiness is his happiness so he helps her with the whole John situation and tells himself he's okay with it as long as she's happy.

    And finally, Chaney who I can't tell if she really loves John or the idea of him but yeah... she's good-hearted and has good intentions but her feelings are all over the place. Girl, sort it out!!!

    Plus, you got the rest of the band who are just chill and being good people. Woooo.

    I can smell lots of things happening for everyone... and I can't wait to see what happens next.

    Right now, I just feel like a mom who is shaking her head at everyone wishing they'd all get their shit together and be happy...

    As always, you are quite the writer... all the chocolate chip cookies for you!!! Can't wait to see what's to come with this story! I hope this comment is suffice?
    February 9th, 2014 at 11:46am
  • daydreamz

    daydreamz (100)

    United States
    I think john is over reacting a bit. He's judging Chaney too much for someone who doesn't know much about her.
    February 8th, 2014 at 03:27pm
  • jvlienne

    jvlienne (100)

    My heart literally stopped when Halvo got caught in an accident oh my god i did not expect that but im glad he's okay :) Halvo is the sweetest human being ever and him and Chaney are like my ultimate otp wow haha but on the other hand, PAT PAT PAT PAT omg im so happy when he stuttered because he's so cute whenever he stutters yeah okay im babbling but i just wanted to tell you that i love this new chapter and i cant wait for the next one! x
    February 6th, 2014 at 12:43pm
  • useyourtelescope

    useyourtelescope (100)

    United States
    Okay whoa stop but I ship Chaney and Halvo so, so, SO hard. I literally was hugging my pillow to my chest at their cuteness in the hospital (which btw gave me a slight heart attack kthx). I know she's trying to get John to kiss her but I really really want to Halvo to be the one, y'know? Anyways, I love this story. I look forward to its updates.
    February 6th, 2014 at 08:59am
  • Run.Away

    Run.Away (100)

    I agree with the waitress, they are cute :) I want her to be with Halvo eventually, but for the moment I'm team John. IDK why, I think it's because I want her and halvo to accept each other more, and for John to get his act together and... Ugh I actually really love this story and how much you update :)
    February 2nd, 2014 at 11:45am
  • asdjk

    asdjk (100)

    So... this fic is going to end in new year? I mean 2015? Sad
    February 2nd, 2014 at 08:35am
  • jvlienne

    jvlienne (100)

    hi oh my gosh I just wanted to say that I absolutely love this story and I adore your form of writing! I love how you make this story seem so realistic and different because im really tired of reading cliche and typical fanfics that you can predict its ending and im just really not into those anymore. I love how this story keeps me wondering and excited until you update the next chapter so kudos to you :)

    Although, I really cant help but feel annoyed at John's bipolar and temperamental mood swings but, I must say, that it is one of the many things that keep the story exciting and I really really am looking forward to the next chapter!

    I also love how you included Halvo in this story and how you prospect his character is so interesting! He's one of my favourite people ever so thank you, thank you, thank you for making him a character in this story as well! (In this story or in real life, it doesnt matter because you made me love me him even more. I now imagine being protective and cute and clingy and UGH feels.)

    By the way, I just wanted to tell you that you are now one of my favourite writers and I am in love with this story and thank you heaps for updating this frequently! More power xx
    January 31st, 2014 at 11:12am
  • last years wishes

    last years wishes (100)

    United States
    Oh my goodness. I am so so so so excited to see where you take this. I can't decide if I prefer John falling for her and them getting together, or Halvo and Chaney realizing their feelings. I love how it could go either way at this point! Ughh I don't even know how to describe my feelings about this story. It has gotten to the point where I want to punch my laptop over John being so ridiculous. I don't want him to use Stephanie, because I like her character, and I don't want him to be an asshole to Chaney but I love their dynamic. So confusing for me. I hope you update this frequently so I can get my fix! I'm also curious about Chaney's relationship with the other band boys (the maine, rocket, basically 8123 in general). These little cliffhangers like with John texting her are driving me nuts, in a good way. I enjoy that they're realistic, like you don't get to know somebody overnight, it is a long drawn out process. I'm incredibly curious about her relationship with Alex, at this point I am so confused I just want to know what happened. (I am sorry this is so long, but I really enjoy this story and I have a lot to say). Like what did she do??? Chaney is a great character in the sense that she causes problems, she isn't some perfect penny (I don't know how else to describe it, I hope you know what I mean). She is real, she gets frustrated, and drunk, and upset, and I really should shut up now. Thank you for posting this story.

    P.S. I love how you describe Petty. I agree with their shared opinion. However Bob Dylan is a king.

    P.P.S. It was weird she had the nickname Indy, because my friends call me the same thing, for almost the exact same reason.
    January 30th, 2014 at 10:58am
  • recycledsweaters

    recycledsweaters (100)

    United States
    So like, I'm reading this and it reminds me of those old school teen rom-com movies (that I oh-so-love, no shame) I watch and I know this is a story but I'm like yelling at my computer screen like it (you? the characters? somebody?) could hear me. This is so cute and it's one of those like feel-good stories. All I have to say is, thanks for writing this... made my day a little more pleasant :)

    PS- Please redeem John, I can't keep yelling "Boy, you dumb." to myself... I mean, I could but... I'd like not to :)
    January 27th, 2014 at 03:52pm
  • dreamingyouhere

    dreamingyouhere (100)

    United States
    Awe, well THAT made my year just so you know. :)

    And yes, John was a little redeemed...a little.
    January 25th, 2014 at 01:17am
  • dreamingyouhere

    dreamingyouhere (100)

    United States
    John, stop being a jerk . :|
    I'm already team Eric. I always pull for the underdog. Haha.

    Great story so far! :)
    January 20th, 2014 at 04:35am
  • WholeLottaARTTM

    WholeLottaARTTM (100)

    Can't wait for the next story! You're doing great so far! :D
    January 19th, 2014 at 02:14pm
  • catzruletheuniverse

    catzruletheuniverse (100)

    This is getting pretty interesting x) Can't wait for more!
    January 19th, 2014 at 01:23pm
  • Hanzukel8123

    Hanzukel8123 (100)

    United States
    @ lookingformis3ry
    Aww thank you!!! I was so excited when i found out they were doing the 8123 show there!!! I was/am so excited that yall were able to see such a wonderful show!!! It was definitely my favorite concert that ive ever attended and am glad yall got to experience it :) Im trying to make this story as "realistic" as possible so I wanted to include it for that reason as well :)
    January 13th, 2014 at 06:15pm
  • lookingformis3ry

    lookingformis3ry (100)

    I was so excited when you mentioned Manila! The 8123 show here was great, definitely one for the books! Also, thanks for the update. This is one of my favorite John stories! Smile Wink
    January 13th, 2014 at 01:07am
  • Hanzukel8123

    Hanzukel8123 (100)

    United States
    @ feel out boy
    Your comment seriously just put the biggest smile on my face!! :D It's for people like you that enjoy reading this that push me to want to write better with each chapter, and I'm really excited that this seems believable despite it being fanfiction. That was my intention from the start, and I'm glad that it's coming through.

    Gosh, your comment seriously though, has made me so happy and excited to continue to write this out. This will probably end up being EXTREMELY long by the end of it because I'm pacing it to *realistically* take place over a year, so I'm excited to flesh things out and continue to develop the relationships between not only John and Chaney but Chaney and Halvo. I won't deny that sometimes the pacing with Chaney and Halvo is difficult because I want their unique friendship to show, but I don't want it to become boring when it doesn't involve John, nor do I want them to be drama filled all the time. So this is one challenge in future chapters that I'm hoping to work out.

    Once again, thank you so SO much for your kind words. They mean more to me than you realize :)
    January 11th, 2014 at 06:09am


    United States
    I love the way that you're pacing things here. (Odd comment, I know haha). But, what makes me REALLY excited about this is that you pace John and Chaney's relationship realistically. Slow and irregular, like most real life situations. You have setbacks like the party and slight pushes forward (thanks to Halvo). Most stories have John and OC jumping in bed by the second chapter which is just plain embarrassing for me to read.

    What's really unique about ...And A Happy New Year is that (from what I see) you post these chapter the day after it "happens." I like it because again, it makes it feel real. I know the purpose of fanfiction isn't to be realistic, but I adore it when authors do little things to make it feel real. The effort really shows through in the writing.

    I love this story, can't wait for the next update!
    January 11th, 2014 at 06:00am