Wrecking Ball - Comments

  • What just happened!! So sharp witted and clever with her words, and to shut her father down like that was amazing. I sincerely and honestly hope she doesn't follow Harry's wishes though. Make him work for it! As much I want to see her with Liam, I'd like to see Harry work for her, instead of Niko always chasing Harry. After all, they always say you want what you can't have! Great, great chapter. As always, you leave me wanting more. Xx
    September 3rd, 2014 at 08:46am
  • Wow, what a piece of shit!!! I can now see why she acts the way she does. Her Sister doesn't sound any better....I'm guessing will be getting a glimpse of her at some point in time, since her wedding is coming up. Can't wait for that reunion.

    Noooooo, not Harry!!!!! Liam!!!!! #teamliam but I still love Harry <3

    Thanks for taking the time to update :-) looking forward to the next chapter.

    P.s I thought I commented on the previous chapter, turns out I didn't...my bad! But nice touch with the blow job in the toilet ;-)
    September 3rd, 2014 at 06:47am
  • @ joeyschick367
    Girl you said it. It's definitely not going to be pretty or easy for anyone involved. I've still got a few wrenches to throw in before all is over and done. But I'm glad you liked it!

    And yes! They are truly the best I've seen live. Just adorable. They're really interactive which is what I love too. And yes, a little Lirry ain't killed nobody (though it almost killed me!). You'll have to tell me about your show in February. I'd love to hear about it :D
    August 28th, 2014 at 04:13am
  • Ahhhh Liam! This is going to end messy I can see it now.. Another amazing chapter though, can't wait for the next one :) on a different note!! How fucking amazing are they! I saw them last year and I can't wait to see them in February eekk! Soo jealous and happy for you at the same time lol nothing like a bit of Lirry! Glad you loved it :D xx
    August 26th, 2014 at 08:05am
  • @ Sienna-Rose-1
    Aw stop! I try really hard to put as much detail as I can. I mean, Niko is nothing like me, but I try to explain things as vividly and clearly as I can. I'll have to read this story though. Don't be surprised if you find me lurking in your comments and showering you with compliments :D
    August 24th, 2014 at 04:59am
  • @ joeyschick367
    I missed y'all too! You guys had no idea how frantic I was when I hit my little writer's block. And you know darlin', I love to leave my audience riveted (badly phrased reference I apologize). But yes! 1D concert TOMORROW! Ugh, so excited because I don't have shitty seats--they're actually really good and my camera won't have to work overtime trying to capture everything. I'll definitely be posting pictures at some point Monday or Tuesday. I hope this year just flies by, I know the few months from when I bought my tickets in November 'til now it seems like it flew by! :D
    August 24th, 2014 at 04:57am
  • @ madamUnco87
    I missed you too! So happy to be back!

    I love Liam in this chapter. I mean, I love him in this story in general. I just felt like it was a Liam thing to do.

    And yes, very intense and it's only going to drag through the next chapter!

    Thank you lovely!
    August 24th, 2014 at 04:54am
  • Girl your writing skills rock. Im writing my own and its nowhere near as good! I love how you capture things that I would find hard to explain. Amazing x
    August 23rd, 2014 at 06:15pm
  • Omg you're back!! Yay! We missed you!! And then you go and leave us on a cliff hanged like that... You know I absolutely love it though. Also, 1D concert?? Ahhhhh that's so awesome! I have to wait to Feb next yeah for mine arrgh! Have fun xx
    August 23rd, 2014 at 01:03am
  • You're back! Have missed you :-)

    That was SO sweet of Liam just to show up like that. Really liked how you showed his naughty side a bit, was kinda hot ;-)

    Wow, that chapter got intense very fast towards the end.

    Can't wait for the next one, thanks for taking the time to update :-D
    August 23rd, 2014 at 12:56am
  • @ bnizzleyo
    HEY DARLIN! So sorry this took me so long to respond to, but yes. Updating NOW actually :D
    August 22nd, 2014 at 09:57pm
  • OMG I can't deal right now! Update! Haha
    July 28th, 2014 at 05:09pm
  • @ madamUnco87
    Nothing's wrong with you! Niko is in the same boat as you so don't worry. Harry can be a dick, but Niko likes the physical relationship she has with him, yet she enjoys the time she spends with Liam. What's a girl to do?

    I feel like Niko and Harry are always in a game of chess. A move here, a move there and they're always calculating a way to one-up the other. Always competing. And that's probably why I have so much fun writing scenes with them.

    Thank you so much doll! I'm glad you're loving it! Hopefully I'll have the new chapter out by tomorrow. It depends, my birthday is coming up and things might get a little busy.
    July 26th, 2014 at 09:43am
  • I don't know what to think anymore, I think I've gone back to sitting on the fence when it comes to Liam and Harry. What is wrong with me. Ha!

    I had to laugh when I read that they were having a stare off, thought that was a very good idea.

    I love this story, seems that every chapter you post, the more I want and addicted I get.

    I know I say it every in every comment, but thanks for taking the time to update :-)
    July 26th, 2014 at 12:48am
  • @ joeyschick367
    Yeah, no writing this chapter was really difficult. I'm a Harry girl and I love Harry, so this was...just bullshit. But I had to stay true to the character I created lol. And may I just point out your comment made me laugh so hard I disrupted fellow library-goers. Start screwing everybody! Eh, we've still got a ways to go...this feels just about halfway for the story, but yeah. We'll see what happens next hm? Love ya bunches darlin!
    July 23rd, 2014 at 09:30pm
  • @ joeyschick367
    Yeah, no writing this chapter was really difficult. I'm a Harry girl and I love Harry, so this was...just bullshit. But I had to stay true to the character I created lol. And may I just point out your comment made me laugh so hard I disrupted fellow library-goers. Start screwing everybody! Eh, we've still got a ways to go...this feels just about halfway for the story, but yeah. We'll see what happens next hm? Love ya bunches darlin!
    July 23rd, 2014 at 09:29pm
  • @ tica0o0
    Thank you darlin! Good to hear from you and I'm happy you're enjoying it!
    July 23rd, 2014 at 09:27pm
  • Did you hear that? That was the sound of my mind blowing. How dare Harry just blow off Niko's thoughts and opinions, and Hannah in the same conversation! What a self centred twat! Gahh I just wish she would get with Liam, but then I see her using Liam and Harry finally seeing what he is missing out on.. Sigh. I think she should start sleeping with Zayn to stir the pot, or just get with Niall. Why have two members when you could go through the whole five! Haha jusstt kidding! Seriously though, that would destroy me. Love xx
    July 23rd, 2014 at 10:27am
  • I cannot tell you how much I love this story! Seeing your updates in my inbox makes me so happy. This is genuinely one of my favorite stories. :)
    July 23rd, 2014 at 10:13am
  • @ madamUnco87
    You don't even understand! I was like, how can I make a purely comfortable lunch between Perrie and Hannah really uncomfortable? Nailed it!

    Harriet I think is just a great alternative name to Harry. When you run out of options, who needs some super weird code name when you could just go with the feminine version of the name right? But I agree, Niko is far more suited for Liam. Question is, will she open her eyes enough to see that?
    July 23rd, 2014 at 12:38am