The Exception - Comments

  • Aw, thanks for the shout-out, sis! I do kinda know your writing style enough to predict it, but I must admit you are still able to throw in some surprises and curveballs. :)

    I really liked the epilogue. It was nice to see how it all wraps us with their careers and such. It was a little sad to hear that Holly and her dad's relationship really didn't have time to bloom before he died. But she has Ryder and I know he will do whatever he can to make her happy. (Don't you love that I talk as if they are real people? lol!)

    I wish the story was longer, but all good things must come to an end (yes, I am thinking of ATIMS when I say this. lol!!) I like how you left it a little open-ended with the baby and all. Starting a new life chapter, etc. And because loose ends drive me up a wall, I will now extend the story in my mind to conclude after their baby is born with Grandma spoiling the baby to no end and Holly and Ryder cuddling their little bundle of joy which they named Scarlett Rose (it was a girl! hehe!).

    Loved it! Can't wait for more original stories from you, sis :)
    May 9th, 2014 at 12:30am
  • I absolutely loved this story! you definitely need to branch out and make more original fictions! :) I'll anxiously be waiting them!
    May 2nd, 2014 at 10:16pm
  • This was such a genuinely good story, and it was great from start to end. As a frequent mibbian I just want to thank you for sticking to your updates and finishing your story completely! I will recommend this to anyone that will listen :)
    April 30th, 2014 at 05:33am
  • Ahh *sigh* I love happy endings :) I don't know what really made Holly open herself up to Ryder (aka come to his house because you know she had more reasons than she let on), but I'm glad she did. And holy smokes! Ryder has a way with words. So melt-worthy. If she held up against those words she would've been made of ice or something and I would've had to hate her. Just saying.

    Yay!! I'm so glad you decided to do an epilogue :) I love epilogues. I hope they get even more happier in the epilogue. Will we see a little Ryder or Holly??? You know I love babies...hehehe :D

    Excellent as always! Please post epilogue soon :)
    April 23rd, 2014 at 02:20am
  • Yay I'm so glad that everything worked out for them!
    April 21st, 2014 at 06:01am
  • OMG!! You little booger! How could you leave me hanging like that?! Wait, let me rewind...

    I loved that Ryder opened up to his parents. It's about time. All parents like to know that they are appreciated especially after their kid has acted like a nasty bugger. It's good to know that Ryder's dad has accepted and believes that Ryder really does love Holly. I was kinda hoping he would give him some fatherly advice on how to convince Holly that he loves her, but perhaps I've been reading too many books. LOL!

    Now, that is so sad that Holly's dad is sick. I can only imagine how Holly feels. I get that guilt know us religious people ;) However, she shouldn't take it so hard. I mean he obviously didn't give a hoot when she was growing up about her so why should she care about him now? I kinda feel with that argument between him and Ryder, it put Andrew in Holly's good graces and will lead him to think that he's top dog in Holly's world, thus will get more money from her. Now onto the real topic.... WHAT THE ?!?!?! I'm so pissed at Holly right now! Sure it looked bad, but doesn't she have enough sense to get the whole story before she lays the blame down on Ryder. But obviously not because she wants to live in her fantasy world where her dad can do no wrong. Now I may be way off base here, but that's the way it reads to me. Sometimes you should just give up trying with some people because no matter how much you care about them they are just incapable of caring that much about you. I agree with HopeIsAGift. I'm at that point of irritation with Holly and the girl better bring it around fast or I'm gonna open a can of whoop-ass on her :) Nobody messes with my Ryder ;)

    My predictions... I think Holly will see the magazine articles with her dad and Ryder and be enlightened to the WHOLE discussion between them. Then she will come crawling back on her hands and knees (with tears cuz she's so good at those) begging forgiveness from Ryder, swearing that she's done with her dad. I hope that Ryder doesn't take her back immediately. I think he has some justified anger towards her and he should let her sweat it out. I think this last chapter is the rudest I've ever seen Holly and I don't like it. She shouldn't get off easy AT ALL. But of course, they will have their happily ever after (I'm a fairytale ending kind of girl). I guess we shall see how close my prediction is on Sunday!! I can't wait!!

    Update again soon! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!
    April 16th, 2014 at 11:00pm
  • So...Am I allowed to officially hate Holly? Because I have reached that point of irritation.
    April 14th, 2014 at 04:34pm
  • Okay so let me just say that I so cannot handle the regularly of your!! I'm so sorry for not commenting last week, but you get a double comment this week. :) And let's face it....these two chapters totally rocked! Just trying to think of adjectives to describe them and I come up with "AMAZING!", "FANTASTIC!", "THRILLING!", "STUPENDOUS!", "SUSPENSEFUL!", "EROTIC!", .... and there are more but I can't think of them. Essentially I give these two chapters two thumbs up (copyright Ebert).

    Let me say I love that Ryder's initials spell REB. Did you do that intentionally? haha! I think it's great that his mom supports him and Holly. Of course she "doesn't know" that they are a pretend couple, but are they really still only pretend? I don't think so. They are so a couple even if they don't want to admit it. I'm not sure that I'm a fan of his dad. That was kind of rude to get all upset at Ryder for sleeping with Holly. I don't think it is any of his business and that was so mean of him to put Ryder down that way. No wonder they have a rocky relationship. However, I am the eternal optimist like Holly and think that at some point they will resolve their differences. :)

    As for Holly's dad, I knew he'd show up! And of course his timing sucks! I have a sinking feeling that he will cause problems for Ryder and Holly in the media because he did know she was going to say that. He would just love to blackmail her into giving him more money. I can't see Ryder putting up with that. He's too protective of him and yes he does love her :)

    Please don't keep us in suspense too long!! I don't like your little note about it being "unlucky #13". If you break them up, I....I will be severely upset!! Consider yourself warned :)

    Waiting impatiently for the next chapter :D
    April 2nd, 2014 at 12:21am
  • you should totally put me in the corner. I'm so sorry about not commenting on Chapter 10 last week. No excuses.

    So here is a comment for both chapters :)

    Wow. You blew me away with their first physical encounter. When did you become such an excellent writer? You were good before, but I'm so happy that they are moving forward and that Holly didn't regret it in the morning. I was actually kind of shocked that she was so open-minded about the whole friends with benefits thing. I hadn't pegged her as that type of person. But let's face it, the Ryder in my head is hot and sweet and adorable so why wouldn't she go all the way with him? lol! I just hope it keeps going well for them. The first fight is always a good one because it is usually over one of their insecurities (in this case, Ryder's), but it does clear a lot air once they are through with the make-up sex is usually phenomenal. haha!

    I can see why Ryder is so hung up on trust with women. Keira really did him bad. I'd be curious to see if she is still in the industry or if she was just a fad for the year. I'm glad that he is coming to trust Holly and that they are now friends. Friends are the best and when you build your relationship on friendship it usually has better chance of surviving. I hope things keep going well for them. But alas there is a deep dark part of me that thinks something bad is coming.

    I like Ryder's mom, but I'm sure she knows something is going on. Moms know everything. :) I'll eat my hat if she is completely blind-sided by it (and please know that I do not own a hat, lol!).

    Fabulous chapters, my dear! Keep up the great work! I look forward to the next chapter. Will Holly eventually move in with Ryder or is that taking it too far?? How will the double-date with her roommates go? WHERE IS HOLLY'S DAD?!? Questions, questions....please give me the answers!!! :D
    March 17th, 2014 at 03:23am
  • Well damn...okay then. Let the chaos ensue.
    March 12th, 2014 at 09:06pm
  • Aww! I love that they opened up to each other! This feels just perfect :) Who knew that Holly went through so much and that Ryder's dad had battled cancer and that was the reason that Ryder took the lead role of the series. I think this is truly a shining moment for their characters. It's getting harder and harder to see Ryder as a bad boy. haha! He's just being too good at the moment. As for Holly, she's gone through so much, but her grit and determination saw her through. She was so lucky to meet up with her chosen family since she can't count on her dad. Things could've been so much worse for her.

    And boo on you! You left a mini cliffhanger! Do they go farther than a kiss or do they stop again? How does this secret sharing change their relationship? For the better (hopefully!)? When will her dad show back up? I can only feel that it will be at a most inopportune moment and that Ryder will flip out on him.

    Keep it coming, sis! You've got me hooked! Feed my addiction!! :D
    March 6th, 2014 at 10:45pm
  • Sorry for my delayed comment! Sometimes I just need that little push, lol!!

    Anywho, I like this chapter. It shall be interesting to see how their weekend goes. Anything can happen at a wedding. I mean who can say what will happen if either one of them catches the bouquet?!? Some people believe heavily in those types of things. I think she is futile in trying to keep them in the friends-only zone. Just go to the next step and be done with it. But I'm sure we're going to learn more about her elusive past and how Sean comes back into the story. Wouldn't it be horrible if Sean and her dad connected and teamed up against her? That would suck. Bottom line: she just needs to trust Ryder. I think if she gives him the chance he will live up to her expectations. I'm pulling for Ryder. Lay on the charm and open up, man!

    Great chapter! Keep it up! I can't wait to see why the next few chapters are some of your favorites :)
    March 1st, 2014 at 08:53pm
  • This is absolutely amazing! It is so refreshing to be able to read such a genuine, original, well written story on here! Great job so far, I look forward to more!
    March 1st, 2014 at 12:58am
  • Haha they're not gonna be able to forget about that! Especially now that part of the deed has already happened! Besides, if it's been a while since either of them has had a little 'fun' then it's gonna be tough to work through it lol Honestly, I just want them to stop being stupid and get together soon!
    February 17th, 2014 at 10:29pm
  • Haha I totally don't think that they will be able to forget about their little brief tryst by his pool. I mean, they were pretty hot and heavy there for a bit. I'm surprised that Holly was even able to stop. But you know what they say about trigger words and all that. I personally think that they should just give in to their physical attraction to each other. I mean it will affect their behavior on and off set and people will start to realize it no matter how hard they try. And that is exactly why they'll notice...because they are trying so hard. I'm not sure I like Ryder conceding so easily. Maybe you have something else up your sleeve for him.

    When I read that this chapter had graphic material I totally thought her dad showed up and something happened between them in while he's drunk. I mean I don't picture him being very fatherly. I can see him getting rough if he thinks she's slighting him. Just a feeling I have. Perhaps nothing will come of it.

    Great chapter! I can't wait to read more and see where Holly and Ryder go from here ;)
    February 17th, 2014 at 05:28pm
  • Yes things are heating up for them. I don't know that I like Holly closing up to Ryder like that. I mean I know she's gotta protect her heart, but he's just trying to be nice to her. And these feelings of caring he's realizing he has for her...well I just hope she doesn't make him think they are stupid and cause him to do something ridiculous like make a scandal or something. I don't want Ryder's feelings hurt! He's just now opening up to someone besides Maddie.

    Um...I really hope that Holly's dad is not coming her way though I sense it coming. That would be horrendous and might cause a shift in dynamics. For the paps will love it though.

    I really hope Ryder keeps persuing Holly and gets her to open up about what is stressing her out and that she does open up to him. She's gotta have someone she tells. It's not good to bottle everything up! She'll erupt like Mt. St. Helen's! Yikes! I did like that she cried on his shoulder...even if she thought he only did it for the paps and dummy him let her think that. Sometimes they just make me so mad! lol!

    Keep it up sis! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
    February 13th, 2014 at 01:53am
  • 20 questions....great game! That is sure to break the ice with them and seemed to work. But of course there are still those mysteries they each hold onto . I mean those were vague answers they gave on some of those questions. You can definitely tell which topics are sensitive to them. Holly will probably avoid telling him about her dad until he shows up unexpectedly and Ryder will probably avoid telling her his real reasoning behind his bad-boy image until it is outted for him. That just seems like a messy situation all around. But then again, just my thoughts. You probably have something much better in mind.

    For the brief view we got of Stacey, I like her. I wonder though if we will see her bratty side. Hopefully not because Holly will need a friend in the future. I can tell :) But I shouldn't count out Maddie either. I think she would be a great friend to Holly if Holly would open up to her. Might get awkward for Maddie though being friends with both Ryder and Holly should things go south between them. I don't know!!! So many possibilities!!!

    Keep it up sis! (buh duh buh buh buh) I'm loving it! (copyright McDonald's) :D
    February 3rd, 2014 at 10:24pm
  • Yessssss! So the falling for each other begins! Now all they need to do is continue denying their feelings for each other until their sexual tensions get the best of them ;) I'll be anxiously awaiting!
    February 3rd, 2014 at 04:56am
  • So...strike one for Ryder. How many does he get before he strikes out? Is it the same as in baseball or is Holly and Hollywood more forgiving? I think it's good that he feels some guilt. I don't think his intent is to hurt Holly because it wasn't her idea to date him. She's as much a victim to the situation as he is. I just wonder how are they going to fool the very shrewd eyes of Hollywood and the world? They'll definitely pretend they have acting chops for sure.

    What's up with Ryder's hostility with his dad? What made him want to leave the house at 18? What about Holly's dad? Will he visit her and if so what can of worms will that open up? Ooooh, I can feel it heating up :) Keep it up sis! Love it!
    January 28th, 2014 at 12:17am
  • I finally had a chance to sit down and read all I the updates, I LOVE this story so far! I love how little pieces of Holly's life just pop up a little here and there, it helps to understand why she's so determined to make their fake relationship work.
    January 27th, 2014 at 09:59pm