Stuck in a Daydream - Comments

  • Fuck You Mibba!

    Fuck You Mibba! (135)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Greetings Hun!

    Ok first of all, how can you leave me hanging like that? What happens after the doorbell rings! OH DEAR! haha
    I loved this story. Too be honest I haven't really read anything similar to it which is great because it makes it unique. I loved how you came up with writing it as a fantasy because it made the story very real. Let's face it, this is what most of us go thorough when we go through a fantasy! and also when we are single and have no one to share a moment of need. I am not familiar with Benedict Cumberbatch but let me tell you that he is one hot man and I enjoyed each and every line you wrote. This is amazing and loved the way you wrote it. Thank you for participating in my contest. Good Luck!

    xoxo, RP Very Happy
    February 23rd, 2014 at 12:46pm