Didn't Anybody Tell You Not to Drop the Soap? - Comments

  • It is. 3 am. Why am I here- Its good writng but why am I here lmao
    November 25th, 2020 at 09:57am
  • @ xMareBear14x
    I cant believe people still read this thing! Haha. Wow..
    August 28th, 2014 at 04:33am
  • Oh my god I found this again and I can't believe it's a thing... XD
    August 28th, 2014 at 02:59am
  • @ kebssss Yes! You should be proud of it! If you like it then hell to the yeah!

    And about Justin well, like I said, I don't wish him any bad, he does need a lesson, and he does need to learn from his mistakes, but if he can and is willing to re-direct himself and his lifestyle then I have no problem with him.

    His fans, however, should probably also get a lesson from this all and try to be less assholes. My cousins love him and one direction and they've told me that it's so embarrassing to admit publicly that you like either because of the bad image that some fans give the entire fanbase.
    February 4th, 2014 at 11:09am
  • @ literal-fiction
    I'm not really sure about this at first, because I haven't written anything besides Jalex, and when I read the ask on ATFF, I thought, "Hey idk how to write hate sex but I can write prison rape", so I wrote it, and when a few people actually liked it, I re-read it and I'm actually proud of it, even though this isn't one of the bests, it made me feel good and someone told me that as long as it's making me feel better, I should be proud of it. <3

    No fan of Justin, at first, yeah maybe, but when he turned out to be a huge douche, I started to dislike him. What a narcissistic fuck.

    I like his song One Less Lonely Girl live and acoustic.. but the rest of his songs, NO.

    Yeah, I when I was writing this, I was contemplating on giving Justin a special Treatment or just let him be with the assholes. But then I just settles for the latter one. Hmm..
    February 4th, 2014 at 06:01am
  • Well, I'm not particularly a fan of Justin so my thoughts on this may be a little bit biased. It's good, I just would've preferred to read that with a different pairing. Alex's character is though and evil, and he likes to be evil, he's proud of it, he doesn't change his personality throughout the one shot which is something I hate when happens.

    Justin is meh, I don't wish him any bad, and even less something as horrible as rape. I gave him a chance when he was starting and it was okay, but then I actually met him when I helped a friend of mine take her sister and I didn't want to go on the queue and I didn't have anything for him to sign and he was like "came empty-handed? where do you expect me to sign" and i was like nowhere, but he insisted on signing in my wrist and he was super rude toward the general crowd.

    I don't think he sings bad, but unfortunately his bad personality doesn't do his voice any sort of justice. If he'd at least assumed his mistakes and learned from them then he'd be an okay guy, however, I don't think it's defendable that just because he's famous he should get special treatment, you know?

    Here in Spain we have a case going on called "El Caso UrdangarĂ­n" where the spouse of one of the king's daughter apparently used money from the state for his own personal uses and leisure. And now apparently so did her wife, the daughter of the king of Spain. Do you think they got special treatment for being royalty? No, and we're talking royalty. If they don't get it, then I don't think Justin is anymore than them to deserve such a treatment, so I do think some sort of punishment is in order.
    February 3rd, 2014 at 08:34pm
  • @ kebssss
    Not myyyy faulltttttt.

    Alex said it himself, it was at some Christmas show festival thingy or am awards do, I can't remember, bUT I'M REALLY MAD THERE'S NO PICTURE. LIKE I'M ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS. I WANT THEM TO BE FRIENDS.
    February 3rd, 2014 at 07:13pm
  • @ brxndneweyes
    WTF THEY MET?! LIKE WHAT WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS NEWS?!?! And NOO I DO NOT WANT ALEX SEXING AVRIL LIKE NO NO NO NO .. that image's been stuck in my head since you brought it up, Thank a lot Eve.. i cant get it out
    February 3rd, 2014 at 06:11pm
  • @ kebssss
    Bollocks to the news, they know nothing. He's just kinda all over the place and it's sad to see.

    February 3rd, 2014 at 02:11pm
  • @ beautifulecho
    it wasn't bad! XD just... misunderstood. Lol, and thank you for saying my writing was majestic when it really wasn't. I really do appreciate it :) <3
    February 3rd, 2014 at 03:59am
  • @ brxndneweyes
    I think the news said that he was depressed?? He def. needs a therapist.. or a mom.. or someone.

    I know, I mean, that was when Mitch Lucker recently died and not one soul cut for him. It was a stupid thing tbh, everyone gets high and it's not much of a big deal anyway. His fandom is... idk, ridiculous? I refuse to use the word "stupid".

    Idk, I don't think I'm comfortable discussing the Jalex issue and I'm not good with explaining things and I might cry so <3

    OH GOD NO WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT NOW IT'S IMPRINTED IN MY BRAIN AND I COULD NOT GET IT OUT SLJKFBURBG I CANNOT IMAGINE AVRIL WITH ALEX, FFS EVE, WHY?? No... I love Avril, she is a goddess but pair him to Alex? Fuck no! uggh it's stuck in my brain and now they're having sex Thank you Eve -_- XD
    February 3rd, 2014 at 03:58am
  • I just realized how bad my comment sounded. :|
    February 3rd, 2014 at 03:47am
  • Yeah, I mean, people can dislike him, he's definitely been a twat, but the hate he gets is painfully ridiculous. I do kinda hope he gets a therapist of some sort. Just some guidance.

    Oh my God, I remember that! #cutforbieber was the stupidest thing ever. He smoked WEED. He didn't fucking slaughter a puppy. Every musician in the history of ever has gotten high at least once. ATL are a prime example.

    That Jalex thing just annoyed me, tbh. It is written about almost too much but then everyone on ATFF wouldn't stop talking about it and it got old really fast.

    I think weird pairings are really fun. Imagine an Alex/Avril Lavigne. That would be crazy weird.
    February 3rd, 2014 at 03:46am
  • @ kebssss
    Omg, no. The prison rape wasn't majestic. Your writing was.
    February 3rd, 2014 at 03:41am
  • Yeah I guess you're right. He's probably just misunderstood by some.. But we all have our opinions and some people hate him for being him generally and we can't change that. Thanks for sharing your thoughts though :)

    I personally, liked bieber when he was new, like, the era of 2009 and that shit. :) But I guess, I started to hate him when he said those, and maybe, when he smoked weed and his fans cut. I guess that's when I started to hate his fandom.

    Anyway, yeah, this was very new to me, I mean, I don't write anything besides Jalex.. and it's very unusual.. And it sorta breaks my record of 'jalex only' but people started hating on Jalex so I lost inspiration and motivation, but, oh well.. each to his/her own, they always say :)) Thanks, Eve.. I appreciate it.
    February 3rd, 2014 at 03:08am
  • @ kebssss
    It's just unfair in general for people to be blowing up at him because I seriously doubt half the shit the media says he did. Like, spitting on his fans? Yeah, I don't think that happened. Just something else to bitch about. But yeah, I feel like he needs some guidance. He'll probably settle down in a couple of years cos it's not like he's evil, he was always a really nice kid.

    Obviously rape's a serious matter, but that's exactly why people shouldn't have just blown up about Justin saying that because it wasn't that he was being insensitive. The question started with what his opinion on abortion was (sigh) and then they asked about the rape thing and it was just a generally very uncomfortable interview, like... ask him about music and people he's met recently and fan-related stuff, not weird topics like that. I think it was quite humble that he said he couldn't really comment because he'd never been in that situation, but everyone focused on the "rape happens for a reason" part and acted like he said something terribly offensive, like, dude, he answered a question. Grown-ass people were getting fucking heated about it and I don't think they even read the whole interview, it was stupidity. GOD. I just like it when people dislike him for legit reasons and not some warped version of him that the media creates. Sigh. It's getting pretty old though, I wish they'd just, idk, get him a therapist or something.

    This was a pretty cool setting for a fic, anyways, I don't think the ATL fandom has seen any prison rape before! And certainly no Alex/Justin so congrats on that.
    February 3rd, 2014 at 02:52am
  • @ brxndneweyes
    I remember one post on Tumblr that said RDJ was imprisoned when he was younger, maybe when he was like Bieber and people don't talk, and they sorta compared it to Bieber's situation and people commented and got angry, I mean, I'm no fan of Bieber but I'm a huge fan of RDJ, but.. Bieber wasn't even given a chance to fix his wrongs unlike Robert, and I feel like it's unfair to say things like that to Justin and compare him to fucking robert Downey jr., like jfc.

    About the rape thing, I think it IS a serious matter? Like, some people never get over the situation, even if, idk, how many years have passed. Because it's traumatizing, and affected the victim's lives in so many ways. Maybe that's why some people or the victims got ticked off when Justin said those words. I mean, people won't really know how the victims felt when JB said that, because you won't really know what it feels like if you're not the victim. I think it's not something you can read on the books or watch on TV, it's not the same.. you actually have to be there to know how awful it feels.

    But Jesus Christ I pray you won't get into that mess :(

    Anyway, yeah uhm, idk how to write angry sex bc one has to be really dominant there, so I chose prison rape <3

    Thank you!
    February 3rd, 2014 at 02:18am
  • @ kebssss
    I'm hoping for some Alex/Justin angry sex. It'd be really weird and also pretty cool. Let's pray someone writes that.

    Ya but people just assume he said, "Rape happens for a reason," and nobody considers the context he said it in or what else he said when it was being talked about. He said it was sad that it happened, but that everything happens for a reason, which is an understandable thing to say because I know he's religious. And I guess it's nice to think that in a way? Like, even though something terrible happened, it doesn't mean everything in your life will be terrible. I guess for some people it's a positive point of view to have. And then he also said that he's never been in that situation so he can't really comment anyway. I feel like he was pretty uncomfortable in that interview. It's the assumption that he was just throwing his words around that bugs me. Plus the word rape just makes everyone turn into giant pussies like IT IS A SERIOUS MATTER NO SMILING NO GIGGLING TRIGGER WARNING THAT SHIT like okay just take a minute and breathe and stop getting so fucking worked up over it.

    All this Justin hate lately is getting me really fired up about him, jeez. I'm not even a fan but I feel like he doesn't deserve 70% of the shit that gets said about him. He's done some dickish things but I'm willing to bet he could use some outside help, he seems a bit off the rails.
    February 3rd, 2014 at 01:59am
  • @ fioleeandjalex5ever2
    and the Jalex part, oh.. yeah.. I can't really end it just like that, of course.. <3
    February 3rd, 2014 at 01:54am
  • @ brxndneweyes
    Poor justin, yes :( Didn't mean for the fic to be too... harsh on him. But it happened, so.. idk.

    I don't really know because, his quote kinda offended me....that's kinda how i started to hate him. But, I understand where you're coming from and I respect that. :)

    Thanks for reading too! I hope you enjoyed it... <3
    February 3rd, 2014 at 01:52am