Two Pieces of a Broken Heart - Comments

  • Love! love! love this! I feel like poor Lo just can't catch a break.
    July 13th, 2017 at 01:55pm
  • OMG it's been a minute. :O
    I'm glad you updated this again girl! :) I've missed this story.
    That being said, since it's been a minute, I'm kind of a bit hazy on all of the characters, lol, so I was a bit lost when reading this. XD How many actual siblings does Lo have again? lol. Mainly just that part.
    But so sad that one was diagnosed with cancer. I do remember Leo and what she went through with that. :/
    As for the stuff with her and Alex, I'm glad she's finally moving past it. It is about time that she forgives him. As I was reading the chapter, I was just like, "Just forgive him, girl!" lol. I hope they can move forward now and be happy. Possibly live together with the kids. :D
    As for the him almost getting married, though... something to logically point out that hasn't exactly been discussed: even though they didn't go through with the ceremony, many weddings work with the couples legally already being married before the ceremony. Some may do it after, but that's how it typically works, on a legal standpoint; they go to a courthouse and sign the certificate. So did Alex do that? Or no? You just may want to come up with an explanation for that. I know in the movies, that's typically how it goes with just the ceremony, but it works different in real life, lol. And just wanted to clarify that for a logical look at it. Unless you just want us to completely disregard that for the story?
    But other than that thought coming to mind, thought you did a great job with the chapter! I'm glad it's back. :D I'm obviously still here. Sometimes I lose track of stories, otherwise I also would have commented sooner for motivation. But glad another commenter is on board. :D
    Excited to see more!
    June 21st, 2017 at 11:56pm
  • @ Suzyy13
    I def do!
    June 21st, 2017 at 08:26pm
  • @ hopeless1313
    I actually had been working on a chapter for this story so I updated now!! I will try to continue it as quickly as I can if you still want to read. :)
    June 21st, 2017 at 08:24pm
  • I just found both of these stories yesterday and couldn't stop reading! I know it's been a year or so since you've updated but I'd love it if you continued this story. I will definitely be here to read it if you do!
    May 25th, 2017 at 07:34pm
  • Oh gotcha, okay. Thanks for clarifying. :)
    May 24th, 2016 at 10:24am
  • @ Nanook
    They are doing therapy, but they won't always have to going to the office to see the therapist. I knew someone who did this type of therapy and it worked more than having to sit in an office every week. But periodically they will have to go sit with the therapist to discuss how things are working out. Hopefully this helps Lo and Alex.
    As for Lisa, I hope she has grown up and seen that Alex loves Lo more than her. I won't say he doesn't love Lisa because he has to to almost marry her. And that will be discussed with him and Lo later on. And Lisa will be making an appearance soon. I want to see some progression with her character as well. She's played a big role with this story so we will definitely see her throughout the story more.
    And I will definitely put in some Alex and Lo cuteness. I miss writing them being sickingly adorable.
    May 24th, 2016 at 03:00am
  • So I'm a bit confused with what's happening with the therapy thing... so they're not doing it together officially in the actual office? Only Lo is? But they're still technically doing therapy by talking together on their own?
    I just got a bit confused because it just cut off before Lo was I assume going to explain... but I'm just guessing they're just not going to the office for it?
    But great job with the update. I thought the homework therapy session went well for them. :)
    I think it would be a major break through if Lisa actually grew up from the experience. Thinking of a typical person, I would think they'd grow from it, no? Like, how much of a sign does it have to be when the person you think you love walks away from the wedding day? Like I don't think it gets any clearer than that but maybe that's just me being an optimist, lol. It would explain why she's been kind of quiet, though. Maybe it represents a change in her, finally. I mean it has been a few years since she went through that stage with making it look like Alex cheat on Lo.
    But I guess it just totally depends on where you want to go with the story. Adding drama with her may make it longer. Just depends on how you want to go about it. Although I feel like Lo's been through quite enough and I just want to see some Alex cuteness like with them in a relationship. lol.
    Loved the update, and can't wait for more. :)
    May 23rd, 2016 at 09:33pm
  • Oh, gotcha, that's right, I remember that now. Sorry, kind of spaced. XD
    And that makes sense now. I can see why you did it that way. :)
    And interesting, can't wait to read it. :)
    May 9th, 2016 at 10:23pm
  • @ Nanook
    Oh Lo definitely knows about Alex's past with therapy. (Remember she has therapy lyrics tattoo'd on her) It's why she was hesitant about asking me him to go with her. It's going to come out more in the next chapter. It'll be in Alex's pov so we'll see what's going through his mind.
    May 7th, 2016 at 05:10pm
  • Great job with the update! Apologies for such a delay in commenting. The wrap up for the semester has seriously been insane. Just finals week yet and I should be good.
    I'm glad they're going to try therapy to work out their differences. I really hope this helps convince Lo to give him a second chance.
    Something to consider when going into it: Alex himself has gone through therapy before. Ergo the song Therapy, haha, and he's said about it. I just wanted to note that because at the end of the update, you just kind of made it seem like Lo's just been the only one to experience it between the two. Maybe I misread though or you were planning to mention that. Or maybe you were just going to forgo the real-life factor for this particular part. Idk, but just something to note and also cause possibly more drama. Like Alex has said in real life that he hated it so maybe that could be a problem in this story too? Just a thought.
    Although I personally don't want that to happen. :P But just something to consider if you get stuck with writing, haha. I think it should maybe be mentioned that he's at least been through it before, though.
    Other than that, great job and can't wait for more! :)
    May 7th, 2016 at 09:43am
  • You're welcome. :) And no problem, it happens. Hope you're able to still keep updating. :)
    April 23rd, 2016 at 05:59am
  • @ Nanook
    Thanks for reviewing! I understand about being busy, work keeps me pretty busy. The weekends might be the only time I have to write. Hopefully I can remember where I was taking this story! Lol. But I will try and finish this one! And thanks for catching my mistake! I feel dumb for not catching it in editing. There was more to that part and I kept deleting it. And never fixed it. Sorry about that. Haha
    April 23rd, 2016 at 05:28am
  • OMG yay you updated! :D I'm so happy you saw my comment and decided to post again; that makes me so happy. :) Especially considering that rarely happens after an author hasn't posted for a bit.
    I will definitely still be here to read, although since I'm dealing with college at the moment my commenting may be limited to weekends. But I will eventually read, promise. :) Just apologies if there's ever a delay with me commenting.
    It's been a bit since I've read this, so I'm trying to recall everything but I believe I remember most of it. Haha. With college pretty much taking over my mind my memory has been a bit meh lately, lol. But I'm hoping it'll get better once the semester's over.
    Great job with the new update! The one thing I wanted to note is that Joyce is actually Jack's mom, lol. Alex's mom's name is Isobel. Just a simple confusion there at the one part. I find it kind of sad that I caught that, lol.
    But other than that, great job with the new chapter and I'm so happy you're interested in possibly picking this up again. I hope to see an ending for these two. :)
    April 23rd, 2016 at 04:56am
  • @ Nanook
    Thank you so much for commenting!! I know it's been 3 months since you did, but I hope that you see that I updated and continue to read! I'm glad that you enjoyed the story. If you read the new chapter, please continue to let me know your thoughts! Again, thanks so much.
    April 22nd, 2016 at 05:18am
  • So I found this story and its prequel and decided to check them both out. They're both really good. Very emotional... I'm sad it was never finished. :( Or at least continued... I see that the last update was over a year ago, so it could have possibly still been going depending on updates and what not.
    But yeah, you're a really great writer! I'm sad this didn't continue because I want to know what happens for Alex and Lo... will they work it out? I hope so.
    Their relationship is frustrating, just all of the back and forth drama, but I really like it for the sweet moments. :)
    Maybe this comment will inspire you to update again? I will be here to read if you do. I really hope you choose to continue it, or maybe just like wrap it up with a short ending if that's all you can come up with. It's understandable, especially considering it's been a bit since you updated.
    And, yeah, I just wanted to leave a comment letting you know people are still stumbling across this and enjoying it. :) Once again, you're a great writer! :D
    December 29th, 2015 at 10:52am
  • @ lovelikedez
    Hahaha she'll get what's coming to her soon. That's a promise. Her and Mel. Don't mess with bffs ;)
    May 10th, 2014 at 04:49am
  • Aww this was cute. But someone seriously needs to beat up Lisa 'cause I hate her. Lol jk.
    May 10th, 2014 at 04:21am
  • @ Suzyy13
    screams :D
    May 6th, 2014 at 09:46pm
  • @ Mikachugoesboo
    Ahh! I will try and update soon! Promise!
    May 5th, 2014 at 03:19am