Big City Dreams - Comments

  • wonderyear?

    wonderyear? (155)

    United States
    I think this was really cute. I'm a sucker for best friends become lover stories. I think my favorite line out of the whole thing was "Fuck bro" only because it sounds like something I would say to my best friend. I think you did good job with helping the reader understand their relationship in the first chapter. The only thing I recommend is not going into so much detail about things that aren't really important to the story. Especially in the first chapter. It gets a little tedious to read. This is referring when you were explaining how they ended up taking the same class. I think it would have been much better if you explained how they worked together on their first project and started to grow on each other.

    Also the last chapter kind of threw me off only because I have no idea what Breakfast at Tiffany is haha. It was never mentioned earlier that this place had any significance in their relationship. It was just random for me. Did you plan on continuing this story? Because the ending is very open and there is no conclusion or wrap up or anything. I don't think you should put "And they lived happily ever after." but something along those lines would be nice don't you think :)

    All in all I really enjoyed this and if you do continue it I'd love to read more. Thanks for entering my contest Mr. Green
    February 26th, 2014 at 07:50pm