White Walls - Comments

  • About chapter 38

    I had to read this chapter twice to formulate something to say and I still think I can't.

    All the conflict and mixed feelings felt real. I'll have a serious problem living without John and Leighton, because when I read about them it's not like "hey fanfiction time", it's like I'm drawn into this alternative dimension where they exist and I can read their thoughts/emotions/conversations.

    "Were we really stronger together than we were apart? Or were we completely different people now?"

    THIS quote summarize White Walls. I don't know if that was the intention since the beggining, but that's what it end up being and I love it! It may seem like a cliche, but almost every couple reach this point after a long time together, the fatal question: love is really all you need?

    And I'm glad (and loving you to the extreme) that in this case, HELL YEAH IT IS. For better or for worse, my babes stick to their promise and fuck if I'm being an hopeless romantic, they are meant to be and (after a lot of shit they proved to be also) meant to be together. I'm already missing them and all the characters and Lucas and omg this journey has been so good i can't deal with the end!!!!!!!!!
    December 1st, 2014 at 11:38pm
  • @ Jinx_
    Aha thank you so much! I love you just as much for reading multiple times and commenting, you lil star you. Also thanks so much for commenting over the journey of the series (x2), it means a lot.
    I would LOVE to write 10 more chapters of these guys but i feel like it's time to let go of Lei and John! Definitely not ready to let them go either :(
    Yes! I knew you guys would love their little reunion, you all deserved a little happiness after the shit and the tears i've apparently put you through hahaha!
    Also was Jac and Eric's wedding not enough for ya'll? ;) Who knows, you might just get one!
    Anyways, thanks for your input, can't wait to hear what you think after the last chapters!
    November 26th, 2014 at 03:33pm
  • @ Drop_DeadM
    November 26th, 2014 at 03:28pm
    November 25th, 2014 at 11:51pm
  • If I could put into words how much I love you right now. This chapter was WOW, I had to read it three times just to make sure that this all truly happened! let's make a deal: you write more 10 or so chapters and my love for you will only be stronger lol yeah I'm definetly not ready to let them go.
    At the beggining of the chapter I thought Lei wouldn't get back with John so I was really mad/sad/freaking out, then, when she started talking with that music teacher I kind of had a feeling that was Loyntz but was praying to be wrong because I thought something would happen with Luke -- try to picture someone really desperate and repeating ''not him. not again. not with luke. this girl wants to break our hearts in a millions pieces -- then badass Lei made an appearance and OMFG -- now you picture someone desperately cheering to Lei kick Loyntz ass-- Lei is our crazy bitch you animal and she'll kick your ass-- Garret you are my hero! punch him, punch him!!-- this was basically me during the whole thing. I must say that I didn't expect the whole teacher thing, it drove me insane. A+ to this whole chapter, it gave me all kind of emotions, thank you!
    oh and let's not forget when Lei ran to John and they (finally!!!!!!) kissed. I had to read that part multiple times and it was so awww, it's finally happening, they're back together! they'll be happy again!
    one last thing: This story NEEDS a wedding! You can write an epilogue or an one shot about it but this two deserve a wedding!!! I know some dangerous people who wouldn't mind hurt other people without a reasonable reason...just be aware lol I'm kidding ( I think).
    ops, I talked too much (as usual) and sorry for the shitty English, didn't have time to correct anything.
    November 25th, 2014 at 09:54pm
  • I seriously can't believe it's ending. But I really enjoyed this chapter. I loved that that was the final sign she needed and I'm so excited she beat the crap out of Loyntz. Go Leighton :)
    November 25th, 2014 at 02:26pm
  • @ lovelikedez
    Yes! I had to bring Loyntz in as the last sign because it was the only way to make Leighton realize that she would do anything for him. I also wanted that "oh snap" element too and who doesn't love tough girl Lei? ;)
    Also I felt like I owed G&T a little bit of a happy ending also aha
    Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!
    November 25th, 2014 at 12:47am
  • @ MichiamoNicola
    Yay that makes me happy! So glad to hear that instead of the comments I've been getting lately aha glad it's made ya'll happy instead of sad ;)
    November 25th, 2014 at 12:44am
  • @ m-attie
    Thank you so much! I'm so glad you guys liked it!
    I thought the happy almost-ending would be well-received by all because apparently nobody wanted a sad ending??? ;)
    Anyway thanks so much for the support I hope you like the last few chapters xx
    November 25th, 2014 at 12:42am
  • ā€œIā€™d choose you. Every goddamned time.ā€

    This chapter... oh, how right it felt, I swear.

    You make me want to start writing stories again. And at the same time, you make me not want to write anymore, because I know that my story will never be as good as yours.

    I want to thank you because this sory is amazing, Lei&John&Lukey are amazing and any other person in this story as well.

    I'd love to read a chapter or a-one-shot-sequel about John being a soccer daddy. I'd love to read them with their little girl and Lukey being and older brother! With puppy! A lot puppies, acutally. Puppies -> touchable happiness, hah.

    I just want them to be happy. They deserve it.
    November 25th, 2014 at 12:11am
  • What a crazy twist at the end there! Go Leighton for knocking him out! I'm gonna be sad when this is over. You're not the only one who's getting attached. :)
    November 24th, 2014 at 11:39pm
  • I need a moment, I guess. Or two. Or... I need a good drink and I really need to think about this chapter and probably read it again.
    November 24th, 2014 at 11:00pm
  • This chapter made me so happy you don't understand omg
    November 24th, 2014 at 08:26pm
  • The feels! Omg I love leighton. Her need to defend John while still trying to figure out if they belong together or not is proof of how much she loves him. I'm glad she attacked that bastard. And that Garrett joined in. Also, finally he asks Tate out!
    I'm just so happy now.
    November 24th, 2014 at 07:38pm
  • sdkfjhakdjasd I don't even know what to say. My emotions, my heart. This chapter ugh. So good, I can't even be analytical or thought out. But I loved it. From the talk with Jay to confronting John's abuser. So fucking good.
    But I'm so so sad it's coming to an end because this is such a fantastic story. Can't wait to see how the end holds up<3
    November 24th, 2014 at 07:22pm
  • Haven't commented in a while... But I haven't stopped reading. This chapter was amazing. I'm so happy for them
    November 24th, 2014 at 06:29pm
  • SO GOOD. if i could recommend this ten times i so would. did not see that coming, but i loved it!
    November 24th, 2014 at 05:34pm
  • Had to re read this update because, Finally!!!
    That ending little bit was seriously the best, it's what I wanted from the start of all this drama between the two of them. Made my heart very happy.
    The fact that she want after that guy like that was just amazing, at first I was like oh shit, no not a new guy, but I'm glad that it happened and I can't wait to read the ending of this story, even though I am going to be very sad that it is ending.
    November 24th, 2014 at 04:29pm
  • I've already shared my thoughts on this chapter with you, but just a reminder that Garrett basically saved the day and I love him more than I love John currently, even if this is fiction. Also a reminder THAT I LOVE YOU AND YOURE A GENIUS
    November 24th, 2014 at 03:51pm
  • I'm basically just gonna leave the comment by at i no longer hate you. Haha. I was kinda "done" with this story for so long because it got so depressing and I kept reading because I had to know what happened. And though this isn't over yet, I'm at least majorly relieved. I don't wanna smack Lei in the face to knock some sense into her anymore. Thank you. Haha
    November 24th, 2014 at 03:07pm