A Writer's Guide to Falling in Love - Comments

  • gustavowoltmann4528

    gustavowoltmann4528 (100)

    United States
    Hey, thanks for sharing the article related to the writer's guide to falling in love. This advanced generation of researchers of this type of topic increases day today. But as a student, my college projects and assignments are more important than other topics. To my personal experience, I want to tell you about plagiarism issues is best for you. So please see page to know more about this service. I know this service will be very helpful for you.
    February 18th, 2022 at 05:39pm
  • silent hearts.

    silent hearts. (1050)

    United States
    @ Mr. Darcy
    Thank you so much! Although you didn't like the ending, I'm glad you liked the style of the piece.
    July 12th, 2016 at 10:46pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, here as the new judge for the "Do Whatever You Want" contest!

    Okay, no, this was not okay. You had me thinking that this was going to be such a cute piece about falling in love and who doesn't like that? Especially when it's about a writer, as per the title. But noooo, you have to then go and crush my heart with him not only ending things with her, but ending things with her because he was dying. And didn't tell her! Why didn't he tell her? I know that guys can be such idiots but withholding news like that - news that she probably would've preferred to be told about rather than just being cut out of his life - not only hurt her but made it so that she was unable to say goodbye. How could he've honestly thought she wouldn't want to say goodbye??

    This was beautiful. Though I'm not a fan of the whole 'let's leave a note and communicate with someone' idea (slightly creepy to me) - and that does float around the internet a lot - you wrote this well enough for me to disregard my dislike for that method and enjoy the manner in which they met and grew to know each other.

    Loving her name, by the way. I'm a huge Sleeping Beauty fan and any character called Aurora just wins extra props from me. XD Not to mention how she used it in her letters. I was absolutely loving that. It was adorable.

    I do wish they'd had the chance to stay together - they were cute - the ending really did touch me. You wrote it in such a way that the emotion is really prominent. Her little dedication to him in terms of the piece of composition was touching and made me wish all the more that he'd survived. I loved it.
    June 30th, 2016 at 06:45am
  • silent hearts.

    silent hearts. (1050)

    United States
    @ RedRomRomance
    Thank you so much; I totally get what you're saying. I hope that your not-princesses and priests live long, happy lives because they are some of the best kind of people I know.
    July 18th, 2014 at 03:13pm
  • RedRomRomance

    RedRomRomance (100)

    United States
    I'm crying. I am not saying this because tha is the reaction that should be given to such a piece, but because their are tears running down my face along with my nose. The whole right side of my body was covered in chills for the whole last half. As an author and poet I totally understand falling into words and fluffy chairs at the back of magical coffeehouses. And this was just magical.

    Because I have known not-princesses and not-priests and the thought of losing them is just horrible and I felt right there switch letters with them both.

    I am sorry if this doesn't make sense. I'm on my iPod and typing semi one-handed ly while stuffing tissues up my nose. It is also 4:30 in the morning and I should be asleep.

    July 18th, 2014 at 10:28am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Your description is suburb! I can relate to this character a lot Shifty I find it hard to make friends or even talk to people Embarassed

    Oh.my.god. I love this plot, like I seriously, gah that was just and his name is Levi, I love that name so much Swoon

    No. No I knew this would happen but I am not happy, I'm going to go cry in a corner Snob
    May 16th, 2014 at 12:35am