Routine - Comments


    Like, for reals! I want to know more about this. Who is this girl? How does she know Tobi? ARRRGGGHHH! TOO MANY QUESTIONS! Twitch

    Loved it! It was simple, but held a lot of depth to me, and you can't help but feel bad for her and wonder what happened to him. Great job! Crazy
    March 21st, 2014 at 07:25am
  • Title/Layout/Summary: Once again the title is simple and to the point. That's nice. The layout looks good. I like the summary, it tells exactly what this story's going to be about. I mean, I know that's the purpose of a summary but… On to the story...

    Grammar/Spell Check/Improvements: It looks fine other than the opening sentence. :)
    Opening: The opening sentence is a mouthful. I think you could break that into two or three sentences. "It was a routine; a habit even as one might say that she would", that part sounds a bit awkward reading it.

    Ending: Wow. I wonder what happened. The ending is so open, did he die? Did he just not like her anymore? Did he move? So many questions... That's sad.

    Favorite Line: The routine was a continuous pattern that she’d been doing for three years now and she never dreamed it would end so suddenly.

    Other Thoughts: I like this. It's a different from your other drabbles that you've written in that it focuses on one character and there's no dialogue. It's a nice change and this was nicely written.
    March 12th, 2014 at 07:13pm
  • This makes me so sad because of every reason. Like, right in the feels man. But is it weird that I can totally seeing this happen with Tobi? But let's put that thought aside for a moment. This drabble leaves me with so many questions. Like I seriously want to know how they began their routine.

    I just wish I could say more about this drabble. One last thing I can say is that it was completely amazing, and so packed with emotions, especially in the end. I loved it.
    March 12th, 2014 at 03:07am
  • You can't help but feel bad for the girl, she must have all kinds of questions running through her head. And so much hurt, seeing as he just suddenly stopped and that was one of the few things she enjoyed doing. This was a great little drabble, mysterious, and very well done. Still can't help but wonder if she ever found out what became of Tobi, the childish man.
    March 7th, 2014 at 02:46pm
  • wow, your writing style is so elegant & though it's short, you really do get a mysterious feel to it. + the layout banner which is strikingly odd & draw's the reader in as a whole.

    good job on this!
    March 2nd, 2014 at 09:06am