Teddy Bears - Comments

  • kim wonshik.

    kim wonshik. (2255)

    United States
    THIS WAS TOO CUTE TO BEAR. (Pun was not originally intended, but... now that I thought about the possibility of it being a pun... it is now intended.) I CAN'T. HAVE LOST THE ABILITY TO CAN.

    Personally, I wish I could have seen Mai and Temari find the bear in the attic. I think that would have been interesting because Mai's character is very energetic and I would love to hear how Temari would tell her that it belonged to Gaara as a kid. tehe Then when she just keeps pecking him and kissing him all cutesy, I was giggling nonstop because Gaara is letting her do so and I keep imagining him as still as a statue while she does this. XD MAI IS JUST SO ADORABLE.

    Totally loved this and totally rec'ing. Cute
    March 21st, 2014 at 07:22am
  • DarkestStorm

    DarkestStorm (335)

    United States
    Title/Layout/Summary: Almost all your titles are really simple, I like that. The layout looks good. Judging by the title, I'm assuming Gaara and his girlfriend find teddy bears that either belonged to him a long time ago or belonged to his parents.

    Grammar/Spell Check/Improvements: "Where?" he commanded. "Commanded" should be changed since he isn't commanding anything, he's asking a question.
    Opening: The opening uses a lot of description and actions… I think I would go back and add a couple sentences to describe that part.

    I would change "It was silent for a few minutes until he finally says "I… suppose?" He finally answered" to "It was silent for a few minutes before he finally said "I…suppose".

    There's no need for the second "finally" in the sentence because he already said that. I think I would change "he finally says" to something else since the way he says it, it's more like a question. Actually, you should change the "He finally answered" all together, like take it out. Since it's just restating what he's already said.

    I would also change this part "“Well I hope you don’t mind if I play match-maker then!” The girl exclaimed happily, pulling out her very own childhood teddy bear that she had kept hidden from the Kazekage." It's a mouthful again.

    "Aren't they even more adorable now!" needs a question mark

    Ending: I like how she just rushes off before he can even process what even happened. Lol. That's cute.

    Favorite Line: "There! Aren't they even more adorable now!"

    Other Thoughts: This was a cute story. It makes me wish I had stuffed animals from when I was younger. I was wondering what angle it was going to go with.
    March 12th, 2014 at 07:32pm
  • Miss_AnnaChan

    Miss_AnnaChan (100)

    United States
    So cute tehe
    I have a Gaara fanfiction if you really like Gaara...speaking of I need to finish it Cute
    March 7th, 2014 at 09:03pm
  • diana parr

    diana parr (100)

    United States
    Hi Jordy! Mr. Green

    I agree with Lina, this is really cute, exactly what I was looking for! The smiling Gaara in the end tickled me and I loved ittehe
    March 5th, 2014 at 02:54pm
  • Chairman Meow

    Chairman Meow (925)

    Awwwww!!!! This is way toooooooo cute!!! I'm filled with feels right now! Ah!!! I love Gaara!!! In Love And I'm in love with this story. ^_^
    March 2nd, 2014 at 12:59pm