The Shower Dilemma - Comments

  • bullets are hailing.

    bullets are hailing. (250)

    United States
    Okay, now that I am done with that sequel that took forever, I CAN FINALLY COMMENT. I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I AM A BAD MOMMA.

    You achieved both comedy and fluffiness and I loved this so much. This was too adorable. It really was.
    I love how she's all checking him out and not gonna lie, I totally would, too. Then he was being a gentleman by not looking at her boobies. What a sweetheart. And omg, the thing about him always mentioning wolves in his lyrics. That's so true and I couldn't help but giggle at that. Oh Oliver and his Oliverisms.

    It's cute how he was trying to be all romantic with the shower. Like, it totally failed, but it's the thought that counts. XD
    And then them all getting tangled in the shower had me laughing because I can totally picture them being all awkward and apologizing to each other. Such cuties. tehe

    Psh, see. Hayley knows what's up. Bubble baths are the way to go. And yes, Oli's long legs because he's a freakin' skyscraper and it was cute as shit how he was all kissing her and calling her a genius. WELL OF COURSE HAYLEY'S A GENIUS.

    “That’s why I’m the facilitator not you,” she murmured.

    Best last line ever because that's the most accurate statement about Hayliver. Ever.

    Ah, this was amazing. In Love
    March 23rd, 2014 at 06:58am
  • Kasi FM

    Kasi FM (105)

    Yes, this was definitley fluff. Too much cuteness in one story. I can picture the two of them tripping over each other in a tiny tub while trying to get comfortable lol. It was all cute and fluffy and I had this huge smile on my face the entire time. I really loved Hayley's little line at the had me giggling. Very amazing story indeed.
    March 21st, 2014 at 02:12pm
  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    The cuteness is so strong, I just can't. I giggled the whole time, I must say. Those tattoos, okay, really, Hayley is me and I am Hayley, there is no question about this. It's like going to the D.I.A. and just really appreciating the works of art. I would kill to just admire Oli's tattoos with my own two eyes and not observing through a Google Images search. I am rambling. Anyhow.

    "Hayley gave him a small smile in return, appreciating his respect of not blatantly staring at her chest."

    That's a good boy.


    I feel them completely, but I think I lean towards Oli's side more. I cannot do cold showers, not even somewhat cold - even though O probably should. I was cringing in sympathy when Oli got in and the water was akin to rain. Nope, nopity nope.

    "If he had been aiming for romance, this was definitely the other side of the spectrum." Hahahaha, aw. He tried and now they're trying to fit in the shower and not fall and it's so funny and so cute and then BUBBLES AND LONG LEGS AND BATHS. THIS IS THE PERFECT COMBINATION, I APPLAUD YOU.

    They're so cute together, and I laughed quite a few times. This was so wonderful. In Love
    March 20th, 2014 at 11:44am
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Definitely fluff. I had to hold back my little giggle fit when she was checking him out and being appreciative
    he wasn't ogling her chest. Classic. Then as they had their cute awkward moment of figuring out how to
    fit in the shower. I just imagined their pale limbs everywhere. I can't even. I was just about
    ready to offer up my shower to them; that's how much third hand embarrassment I felt. But not really
    because they're both too badass to be embarrassed. Wink

    & of course they settled on a bath because WHY THE HELL NOT.

    Anyway, I just had this face the whole time reading it:
    I think that sums up my reading experience.
    March 19th, 2014 at 01:51pm
  • ptvjaime

    ptvjaime (1600)

    United States
    Omg. The tattoo. THE TATTOO OMG. In Love This was so adorable though, them fighting over the temperature the way they were. That'd be me too or else I just wouldn't get in. But the shower's too small xD And I can just see them twisting and turning and elbowing each other by accident. That's brilliant ^.^ And bubbles. BUBBLES. Actually, that reminds me a bit of the fish from Finding Nemo, who coincidentally lived in Australia. But yes bubbles are madly important in a bath even at what was probably about five in the morning then.
    March 16th, 2014 at 05:32pm
  • ptvjaime

    ptvjaime (1600)

    United States
    Cannot. Wait. For. This.
    March 15th, 2014 at 07:06am