Hannah - Comments

  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    Can we just talk about how perfect and adorable and cute this was.


    "No shit, Sherlock. Aren't you happy to see me? I'm home." GAH I LOVE THAT LITTLE PIECE OF DIALOGUE I LOVE IT SO MUCH MORE THAN LIFE. But they're just so cute and cuddly and she's curling all up on him and it's so great and perfect romance, they're adorable.

    "That's pretty red." Hannah, I love you. It is official. I mean, it was official before, but dude. And then you slipped in some Lee and Tom (what would they even be called, with their three-letter names and all?) but gaaaah, so cute.

    The idea with all the pictures and stories and it's just a beautiful idea, and he's going to have to tell her all these stories, just agh.

    AND-AND HE IS GOING TO WAIT FOR BREAKFAST. I give him so much credit because nope, food. But she says to wait and he does and that, that is how you know it's real.

    This was so cute and fluffy and adorable and cute and perfect, I'm in love. In Love
    March 28th, 2014 at 12:42am
  • ptvjaime

    ptvjaime (1600)

    United States
    ASDFGHJLK YOU DID THE THING. I SAW THE THING YOU DID AND I'M DYING OF HAPPINESS. This is my favorite thing by you ever in the entire world ever at all forever. First of all HOLI HELLO and second of all you threw LEE AND TOM IN THERE. Like I can't. And I know the poses she does in bed from his Instagrams of her and her eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful. This was beautiful. I loved this so much.
    March 27th, 2014 at 09:00pm
  • bullets are hailing.

    bullets are hailing. (250)

    United States
    Ah, the fluffiness. It was the perfect amount of fluff and I enjoyed it a lot. Cute

    I like how you include a little dream sequence of them together, too. It was cute and sure, it was strange because they were all up in the beach when it was cold as hell, but they were there together and he was all holding her and I thought it was cute how he was telling her to wake up.

    Oli was holding her hand – keeping the cold tendrils threatening to wrap around her heart at bay. <--- I also really like that line. Just letting you know.

    And then it comes to them in reality, where she responds how anyone would when they're woken up but then she's happy that he's home awww. Yay, then he has something to cheer her up and the way they interact is how I'd picture them to be and it's so wonderful. Omg and then Oli reveals to her that Lee and Tom are together. Just yes. How about yes. Hannah reacted exactly the way I would've. No lie.

    I love the idea of the photos. How Hannah makes a collage of them so in a way she feels like she's there with them and knows the little stories behind each photo and the memories that they capture. It's sweet that she does that and Oli is adorable for always providing them for her because he know she loves that.

    But like I'd be like Oli. I mean, seriously let's get some breakfast. tehe

    This was lovely. In Love
    March 27th, 2014 at 06:42pm
  • Kasi FM

    Kasi FM (105)

    I love this a lot. Like, a lot a lot. It was just so simple yet so adorable. You always seem to paint vivid images in your writings and that's a fantastic trait.

    My favorite part was Oli comparing Lee's face to Hannah's lipstick and her response. Absolutely lovely. Definitely my new favorite story of yours. Cute
    March 27th, 2014 at 05:19pm
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Oh yes, fluffy indeed. But it wasn't an overdose (I don't necessarily dislike the canon pairing,
    but, well, I don't know enough about Hannah to make any real conclusions so I'll leave it at that).

    Can I commend you forever on your descriptive expertise? I'll do it regardless of your response.

    . . .she felt the loneliness begin to creep into her bones and make a home in her chest. . .
    Perfect line. One of the best I've read that personifies an emotion, capturing it in such a true light.

    I like how you tied in the banner image with the story as well; it added to the story pretty well.
    Their relationship was really believable in the way they spoke to each other; tenderness of the embrace
    duly noted too. I especially appreciate how you captured an ordinary moment between the couple that
    wasn't over the top, but had layers of complexity (in regards to their relationship) that didn't need to be
    explained at length.
    March 27th, 2014 at 01:09pm
  • ptvjaime

    ptvjaime (1600)

    United States
    It's Holi on the way. OMGYES
    March 23rd, 2014 at 01:35pm