Iridescent - Comments

  • Oh, no. OMG, that was the part I was looking forward to! I love romantic stories. lol. :D
    And aww.. yay! :DD
    May 24th, 2014 at 09:53pm
  • phew, it's relieving to know that i didn't mess up my entire story by doing that!! because i literally thought i did, omg
    but my mom is fixing my personal one now, so thanks for your luck!!! you're my new good luck charm

    @ Nanook
    May 24th, 2014 at 10:38am
  • awhh thank you!! im glad you like it, and im glad you like her :)) thanks for reading!!

    @ jaseykay
    May 24th, 2014 at 10:36am
  • I absolutely adore this! I've been looking for great all time low stories! Zoella is an interesting character.
    May 22nd, 2014 at 10:23am
  • It is. :) But WHAT? lol. Girl, you need to write them close! Otherwise I'M going to become annoyed. lol. I love cuteness and Alex love stories. LMAO. :(
    So yes, stick with what you're doing! I love it, seriously! :)
    Aw, I'm sorry. :( That sucks.
    But yeah, no problem. :)
    May 22nd, 2014 at 09:42am
  • thank you!! and fate is a powerful thing!! but i think i may be writing them too close... honestly, i had no intention to make them close at all. i was gonna make them annoyed with each other. but idk man, i just started writing and this came out, so i stuck with it... i think i'm gonna like it more than what i had planned though, so that's good, right?
    but i know! i have a school computer, which i have return soon, and it broke! i'm probably gonna have to pay for it, but i don't know, i'm broker than broke... man they told us these things were indestructible and mine's trashed... liars...
    and my personal computer has like a virus or something?? i dunno, i just want my computers back :(( but thank you!! your luck is appreciated.
    and i know, pshhh. (kidding, of course)

    @ Nanook
    May 21st, 2014 at 05:43pm
  • Oh, and I'm sure you will be famous someday! :P
    May 21st, 2014 at 07:46am
  • Great update! Aww... so that makes sense now, why Alex was out there. lol. How coincidental. :P Actually, I guess it's like FATE. Eh, eh? ;) So I can see what you did there.
    Aw, that sucks that your computers are broken. :( Here's wishing you luck you get them fixed!
    Can't wait for more!
    And in response to your other comment, aw, I gotcha. lol. I kind of figured. :P
    May 21st, 2014 at 07:21am
  • ahhh, i know but i'm so lazzy and i don't really like going back to things idk i feel like when i edit things besides grammatical errors i always change it too much, idk
    i need a professional editor lol
    but i'm not that famous yet! maybe someday...

    @ Nanook
    May 18th, 2014 at 07:03am
  • Oh, gotcha. :)
    lol. Well, you can go back and edit it, you know. Mibba allows you to do that. :P Unless you're just like me and never feel like it once you actually post it. :P
    Awww... :D You're welcome!
    May 14th, 2014 at 08:54am
  • ah well i'm writing that in next chapter, you'll see things from alex's prospective!
    and noo omg you're not, i really didn't make that specific. i'm actually annoyed with that chapter, because i wrote it at like 3 am and i was suuuuper tired, and i never went back to edit it. ugh.
    but thanks for reading and commenting! you're like literally my favorite

    @ Nanook
    May 13th, 2014 at 06:42am
  • Great update! Hmm... I wonder why Alex was there with her again? Hmmm hmmm... I'm guessing he probably saw her but then nothing really happened to indicate why exactly he was there. lol.
    But anyway, oh! lol. I'm stupid; that makes sense now; that the stitches were apart of her nightmare. I thought she was like, reliving what happened in some way and so in real life actually had a scar there for some reason... that could add something more to the plot. But it seems like you're decided on what you're doing so no pressure there. lol.
    But yeah, loved the update! Can't wait to see what's next! :D
    May 13th, 2014 at 05:50am
  • ah sorry i haven't replied, i'm soo busy its not even funny... but ahh thank you so much! i guess you'll have to wait to see who iris is... heh
    but i think so too! honestly, i've written them to be closer than i intended, but i like it!!
    and i should've made it more specific, but she doesn't have a scar! it was apart of her nightmare :)
    thanks for reading!!
    and thanks, i made it myself! i've gotten the hang of making layouts, so i'm gonna be making my own from now on! yippe!

    @ Nanook
    May 12th, 2014 at 09:24am
  • Well, first of all, love the new layout. :)
    Great update! :D Interesting one at that. Hm... Iris. Possibly her sister? Or a friend? The way she got defensive after Alex said about being Zoella's friend, made me think so. I'm probably way off though.
    But awww... I think this means she's growing closer to Alex. :-)
    You definitely have me curious about her past now. Like, for instance, does she have a scar on her neck from something? Where the stitches were?
    Can't wait for more! :D
    May 8th, 2014 at 02:53am
  • :)
    Oh, gotcha. Aha. I guess it'd be a little cliché to ask him to give up on his ways anyway. :P
    :O You've got me on what that foreshadowing was. XD I generally suck at guessing unless it's blatantly obvious. Which it may very well be, but I'm still not seeing it. XD
    Aw, awesome!
    lol. :P
    It's nice to meet you! :)
    And cool! Aha. I think seeing them back in October started it with me; seeing them live reminded me of when I saw Blink live because they acted all funny like that and I was just like, "Hell yeah. These dudes are awesome!" :D
    Aw, I love that movie! Aha. You remind me of people on Twitter I talk to. XD
    But yeah, another random fact? Hmmm.... favorite song? Breathe by Michelle Branch. Or Broken Arrow by Pixie Lott. One of the two; ultimately, the first I suppose since I've listened to it ever since it came out. And so that means I've liked it longer.
    I thought of this because I'm actually listening to music right now. XD
    Anyway, pip pip, cheerio! XD
    April 22nd, 2014 at 09:40pm
  • thank you for reading it!!
    and idk i mean alex is interested in her, but i don't think he's ready to give up on girls entirely yet, since zoella doesn't seem so interested. well, from his perspective anyway.
    but i wrote in that little argument with allison and alex for a reason, bit of foreshadowing ooo... but alex purposely meant no harm in that,allison just perceived it as an insult.
    but yes again, thank you for the feedback! its nice to know im not writing to myself, aha
    and i'm trying to make the tree something special. i had no intent of writing about it, but it just came to mind and now i think its gonna be very important!
    but i totally feel the same way about jalex! so i understand completely.
    well hello jenna, i'm martina! i've known about all time low for sometime, but i recently joined the fandom this summer! my friend wouldn't shut up about them, and now i see why omg
    but my favorite movie uh thats hard hm maybe 50 first dates its so cheesy and i love it omg but thank you for talking to me! its nice to have a friend here ayyy Cool

    @ Nanook
    April 22nd, 2014 at 07:49pm
  • Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got excited when I saw you updated! :D
    Great job with the update. Aww, I love Zoella. I can kind of relate to her. My un-talkative-ness isn't nearly as severe but I am definitely shy. And I tend to be more of a thinker than a speaker like she is.
    Anyway, I can kind of see why Allison got mad. Kind of. I mean, Alex was obviously kidding about it and didn't mean anything by it but maybe she's just one of those people that take eating disorders seriously at all times. I definitely do but I could see he didn't really mean to offend.
    I found it interesting that he's still being a player even though he's becoming fascinated with Zoella. Perhaps that's just me that found that weird, idk. But perhaps he'll down play it more as they get to know each other better.
    Overall, great update! I liked how they met, without intention. It just shows a common interest they have: the peacefulness, the quiet...
    And the tree totally reminded me of the tattoo I have on my forearm. Because you were saying about how it had flowers and mine does. Aha. It's like the tattoo from Beastly? That was totally random but hey, I'm the queen of randomness. XD
    Can't wait for more!
    And in response to all your comments (I'm just going to do it here since it's easier):
    It's really no problem. I'm just glad I finally have found well written Alex/OC stories. And the Jack one, aha. You have no idea how hard it is to find those. Every time I just search Alex Gaskarth 90% of the things that pop up on here are Jalex and not that I have a problem with that (people can ship who they want to/write what they want to), I don't really see Jalex as a romantic relationship. More like a bromance. But anyway, it was a relief finding, I think it was either this or your Half Beating heart story, first, because I was like, "Finally, something along the lines of what I'm looking for!" And it was and, so far all of your stories are awesome. :)
    I can totally understand writer's block. God knows I can. So many of my stories on here have gone unfinished and it bothers me. I honestly don't know if I'll ever even get back to them though. :/ My schedule is partly to blame for that too though.
    But yeah, I'm Jenna. I've been a fan of ATL's since Dear Maria but I've been a true Hustler since October. Aha. Like, before it was just listening to their music but now I've watched so many interviews of theirs so now I know a lot more about them, aha. I really can't believe it took me that long to realize how awesome they truly are as people. :')
    Oh, and my favorite movies are Beastly (you probably could've guessed that one) and A Walk to Remember. Random fact of the day. I honestly have a lot more but I'll keep those two at the top since I have tattoos commemorating the both of them. :)
    And, yeah, I think that's all I have to say for now. Hope you're well. <3
    April 21st, 2014 at 05:33pm
  • awh thank you! i'm glad you like my stories!!

    @ Nanook
    April 21st, 2014 at 10:07am
  • I like, I like. This is different. You definitely have unique story ideas.
    Can't wait to see what all you have in store for this! <3
    April 20th, 2014 at 11:45am
  • @ alltimelxws
    Aw you're so sweet. No prob
    April 20th, 2014 at 02:49am