Into the Woods - Comments

  • I'm here as the new judge for the Fairy Tale Contest!

    Personally, I feel like the prologue was unnecessary. It didn't tell me anything I really needed to know and you even added a note about yourself in there which definitely pulled me out of the story. I feel like you could've said all of this in an author's note.

    I really enjoy the way you opened up this chapter with the description of Gretel! She and Hansel really grew up and I appreciate what you've done what with them hunting witches now!

    I enjoyed how they figured out the witches were forming a coven and quickly got down to business! Or at least, getting sleep before getting down to business.

    I don't have a good feeling about Gretel checking things out by herself, especially since she forgot her crossbow. Ah, yup, I was right. I figured something would happen, but I'm wondering if the witch conjured that up or not.

    The smut was well written and I enjoyed it!

    Well, I wasn't expecting Gretel to hook up with a guy, I had honestly been expecting a witch. Honestly, the twist made me laugh quite hard.

    While I enjoyed the buildup to the finding of the coven, I wish you had used a little more detail in explaining what had happened. All-in-all this story felt rather rushed. I didn't really get to enjoy it as much as I would've liked. However, the premise was amazing. I love the idea that Hansel and Gretel became witch hunters after everything that happened and did some good. I think, with some edits, this has the potential to be a really beautiful story! Great job!!
    November 24th, 2017 at 03:28am
  • The picture for the layout is absolutely creepy, I love it! The way you describe things -- you use so much description -- something I wish to see more in writing on this site as well as my own. Each chapter sets up such a eerie scene for me, however I do have to say the first chapter is my favorite in terms of descriptions. The smut for chapter four was well written, however. A sight I hardly ever see anymore.

    Totally subbing so I can read more. Cool
    May 1st, 2014 at 03:11am
  • I really love this story and the background is so breathtaking. I also like the picture at the top of each chapter, very sinister. Can't wait to see where this goes.
    April 1st, 2014 at 12:46am