This Pain - Comments

  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    First off, I really like your layout. Did you creat it? If so, are those the eyes of Ian Somehalder? I have no idea if I spelled that right.. All I know is, is he plays Damon on The Vampire Diaries.

    Second, this story is really good. I think you have captured the spirit of a complicated relationship very well. I know what this is like.. How hard it is to leave someone, even if they cause you so much pain. Though, mine was more from arguing than him cheating. Therefore, I can honestly say that I know you have caught these feelings very clearly.
    You should be very proud for having someone connect to your story.

    Over all, I enjoyed reading it. I hope you continue writing.
    May 28th, 2014 at 06:14am