Stealing Glances - Comments

  • Chapter 23

    I had this curiosity about if they could get back to being friends. Personally, I think they can never be exactly what they were once. Heraclitus said "You can't step twice into the same river" or something like that right? Of course true friendship's essence lasts, but as time passes things always change - for better or worse. I hope you understand, sometimes I don't know how to verbalize my thoughts.

    Good b-side. I like them.

    "“I’m holding loose but I’m not letting go.”" <insert broken hearts>
    August 16th, 2014 at 09:32pm
  • I think it's funny how insecure we are, especially girls. Like, Jamison being intimidated by Molly and vice versa. It's surprising to see yourself with other people's eyes, it makes you less self conscious I guess.

    A house with wooden floors ❤️

    My dream is to do a photoshoot, but a fun one, not one of those they put oil on you and tell you to do sexy poses haha

    JOHN AND JAMISON MOMENT *screams internally*

    I always carry snacks in my purse too, because what if the zombie apocalypse happens and you are hungry? (I maybe maybe not watch a little too much of the walking dead)

    Oh... Her speech... I tear up a bit, to be honest.

    I can't think about Pat dating... He would be the most sweet boyfriend ever.

    Jamison taking about "the other person" in front of John is soooo awkward.

    I adore Mika! I think he is such a great songwriter, he can write funny happy pop songs that are not empty, you know? And his voice kind of remind me of Freddie Mercury because of the way they play with their voices and reach high notes.

    Their talk was so deep and... Just wow... I didn't just read it, I felt it. It's awesome when a story can absorb you like that, thank you.
    August 16th, 2014 at 08:52pm
  • I think that the game and the sort of questions John was asking makes him seem curious, I think they will somehow find their way back but it will be a journey in itself, I also think that by John being around Jae when he is in a good thing with Molly, it will show him he is missing from the relationship. As always I love it!
    August 16th, 2014 at 02:40pm
  • that last line literally just stabbed me in the heart. Even did the dramatic chest clutch unintentionally because it hit me that hard. There's really nothing else I can say. Wow. Emotional. Impactful. Great job as always and thanks for the update :) much love to you
    August 14th, 2014 at 04:26am
  • Can't they just be friends again (or more but I won't be picky) already?! Ugh!

    Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
    August 13th, 2014 at 04:14am
  • Ok. I read this during my lunch break today but ran out of time to comment.t. for the record, we are back on the schedule of you updating before I have to do somethin. Haha. Today it was me starting work. Needless to say I'd never been more excited for lunch haha.

    Story time. Ok, so I'm loving the inclusion. Haha. Makes me laugh. However, holy wow John and Jamison. Bravo john for swallowing your pride doe half a second (or 30 minutes...whatever) and deciding to be open and honesr with jamison. Like I get that it sucks, but theres no need for you to be such a dick about it. Though some of their answers broke my heart with hoe brutally honest they were. Is this the road to recovery for their friendship? I hope so because they were such great friends.

    Thanks for the wonderful update :) have a great week and much love to you <3
    August 13th, 2014 at 01:23am
  • Fuck, you make me want to rip my hair out. But I knew the second they set that timer that a very important question would be asked, but no answered at the end of the 30 minutes. DAAAAANG. I'm glad there slowly easing into being friends again; I'm anxious. I've missed them being all cute and such! Also, kind of glad that Molly is out of the way so that they can do this in peace.

    ALSO, OMFG YOU ARE THE BESTEST. YOU ARE PERFECTION ON LEGS. I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE WONDERFUL. Ugh, seriously, thank you for making my day with the bit about my husband and I ;) I will, one day, find a way to repay you!

    Can't wait for more!!!!! xo
    August 12th, 2014 at 04:53pm
  • So far this sequel is definitely not a letdown missy! The suspense of what may happen is getting to me. I'm glad that Jamison told John how she felt about the tour and now that John realises that his actions are affecting her and how she feels. In my opinion I feel as if he is almost lying to himself about how he feels about her. However I'm also very torn because I like Molly as a character and think she deserves to be happy also in the end of all this. After reading all the other personal replies please don't be John Green and kill anyone, I don't think my brain can handle too many fictional deaths. Can't wait for the next update.
    August 11th, 2014 at 12:59am
  • Ugh, girl you're crazy! I live for this story! I adoooore it! I didn't binge read the first for nothing! :)

    And omfg, if I couldn't already not wait for the next update NOW I SUPER DUPER STOCKED. HALVO<3 of course it'll be good, it's you!<3

    seriously, if you kill them, I will be very sad. please don't.
    August 10th, 2014 at 10:05pm
  • Oh man, this update. I'm glad that john and jamison put their differences aside briefly to have a REAL conversation. Though I'm wondering how this will begin to effect john and his relationship with jamison. Guess we will see!! Haha. But in all honesty, I always feel like stuatiuons where your stuck with someone in close quarters, ie being trapped in an elevator, almost forces the parties involved to be a bit more any rate, thanks for this wonderful update :)

    I heard about your fun and interestinhg, albeit strange, weekend from the friend! At least in terms of the crazy run-ins you kept having! Haha. Too funny. Did you get any material for the million dollar idea per chance? I'm definitely curious and expect a full update when you get a chance :) hope you're doing well and much love to you
    August 10th, 2014 at 06:35pm
  • Shit, I forgot to write in my earlier comment, I heard the song Amnesia by 5SOS a couple of weeks ago and the first thing I thought of was this story and how well it sort of described John in his whole situation with Jam.

    I just felt the need to share :)
    August 7th, 2014 at 04:18am
  • Hello again!! So I've been reading little snippets of the last three chapters here and there when I had a chance between work and school and whatnot, but I just sat down and re-read through them all back to back, and goodness me oh my, you're driving me crazy!! Hahahaha.
    So, first of all, that b-side broke my heart. The whole " home is in people, not places" concept you continually bring up in the story is something I absolutely love. I moved around A LOT as a kid so I always had that mentality when thinking about switching schools for the 8th, 9th, 10th, etc, time, and you really brought the sad side of that mentality to life. The hurt that you feel from being away from the people you call home, and being forced to deal with it, those are things a lot of people can relate to, and that chapter is by far one of my absolute favorites out of the story.
    Now onto the following two chapters. I've tried to not make any assessments about relationships between John/Jamison or Jake/Jamison happening, mostly because I've felt I needed to kinda take a step back and just see what happens before making an educated guess, re-assess the relationship dynamics between the two, y'know? All I'm gonna say now, is that I don't expect the ending I know everyone is hoping for. I know you said you know where you wanna go with the story in regards to the ending, you're just working out the in-between (and I don't want to know ANYTHING that would remotely hint at what's gonna happen at the end), but I really can't see John and Jamison getting back together. Everyone is probably gonna hate me for saying that, but I'd honestly be a tiny bit disappointed if that's what ended up happening. You've brought this story to life so much already I feel like so much of it would go to waste if it just played into that "happy ending" dynamic. Not all love stories are rainbows and unicorns, especially in real life, and I could never see John and Jamison's relationship falling into anything so expected like that.
    Now that being said, it really bothers me that they're not even close to rebuilding a friendship (unless the ending you're going for has them not being a part of each other's lives at all). I feel like they were so important to each other, and their friendship was so integral to their relationship that it's weird to see them (John especially) continually not even trying to be friends. ( I mean they were like BEST FRIENDS). And I completely understand the needed period for them to cope with the aftermath of their breakup and having to deal with being around each other a lot on tour and not knowing how to deal with that, but I feel like the time for them to start acknowledging the other's presence and making a conscious effort to at least be on friendly terms is overdue. And I mean them doing that on their own accord, not because they have to for their friends or because of tour or press or for any other reason aside from them wanting to rebuild some type of friendship. And maybe this is all just my perspective on the story and reflective of my mind's " happy ending" for it, but I needed to let that be known.
    Onto Molly. That poor girl, hahaha. I have a feeling her mind is going to be blown even more when she finds out the truth and realizes the girl who made John the way he is, is in fact Jamison, and the album she wrote is about John. The fact that she already feels intimidated by Jamison and her self- esteem is already taking hits from her comparing herself to her is bad enough. I really hope it doesn't affect her as negatively as it could. Jamison and John are already so fucked up from their relationship it would suck to see someone else be emotionally destroyed because of it as well. But y'know what, that's life unfortunately.
    I'm really excited to see how these next few chapters are gonna play out! I've been thinking of starting my own John'O story, but as you can see, I'm very critical when it comes to reviewing writing, ESPECIALLY when it comes to my own writing, which is a big reason I haven't posted anything I've written. I become too critical and it all gets to my head and I end up just deleting everything because I'm not happy with it. Your story has made me really want to try writing on my own again though, so thank you. I just wanted to let you know that :) I hope you're doing well, and I can't wait for the next few updates.
    August 7th, 2014 at 03:03am
  • Oh my gosh, oh my gosh I love you.<3 Like serious, to the moon and back dude! You made a pretty icky day into a marvelous one with this! The feels dude, the feels<333 so thank you sososososososo much! I will repay the favor one day! You name it, i'll do it! :D

    But I mean, COME ON MAN. Even Molly thinks Jam & John are meant to be together.

    Just Replace Tumblr with FUCKINGEVERYONE, Hazel with Jam and Augustus with John.
    Perfect representation. Lets make this happen people?! 1,2,3, CUE OPRAH.

    I really liked this chapter and I'm sososo excited for more!:) Hope all is well & thank you sooo much again! xx
    August 7th, 2014 at 01:58am
  • It's weird, I want John and Jamison to end up together but I'm not too bothered because I'm just too interested in knowing what will happen next! I also love the way you write the flashback style/memories
    August 7th, 2014 at 01:18am
  • @ recycledsweaters
    Is it bad that I told the friend the same thing?? Haha. Mentioned you and i might be watching sidelines; taking notes while sharing a bowl of popcorn. Haha. It would be entertaining.

    And yes. I totally noticed! Haha. Made me smile :)
    August 6th, 2014 at 04:11pm
  • @ chelsea13
    i also put you in it sneakily if you did not notice haha but whiskeyprincess118 asked and i made it happen hahahaha

    as for the friend and john oh my god like 15 minutes on the phone with these two and so much gold. just imagine a reunion. they can just take my money or anything they need to make that happen hahahaha
    August 6th, 2014 at 03:47pm
  • Haha omg. First of all, I'm pretty sure @WhiskeyPrincess118 is going to appreciate the fact that you have her running off with Halvo so he can be her trophy husband. Haha. And you did it. You broke the fourth wall and now our stories co-exist in the same "universe" of sorts...haha. made me smile :)

    Ok, the story. First, it was good that you got some girl time going on with Jamison and Molly. I think it was needed in some respect. Though I find it interesting that they're both secretly intimidated by the other. But good dude John stepping up and making his girlfriend feel loved and reassuring her self-doubts *cue swooning*. The same goes for Jake. He's such a good dude and great friend for Jamison and I won't lie, their interview/photoshoot was entertaining. Haha. Though...ugh I'm so torn. Like I'm happy to see them in other relationships with people that are helping them grow and move on, yet I look at Jamison and her confessions to Jake about how shes afraid Molly is the one who will finally be able to give John the love that he needs. Break my heart a bit why don't ya!

    That aside, I'm interested in seeing what this build up for next chapter is. You definitely have me curious...haha.

    Much love to you.

    (For the record, since I can't wait until I update next to reply haha, that whole MySpace comment, totally stole that. Haha. When the friend was telling me that story, not only was I laughing hysterically, but I kept thinking about what more she could say for our million dollar idea. Haha. Then as i was writing last night, that part just kind of happened and i HAD to include it because it was so priceless. I may have to go to our stashed one-liners and incorporate those because they're golden. Haha)
    August 6th, 2014 at 03:37pm
  • alright, finally found a moment to comment! :)
    I'm impatiently for something big and dramatic to happen... Clearly it will since people are slipping up and everyone is in the same place at once...

    I'm glad that Halvo is sticking around, I mean, you know me ;)
    Haha, to tell you the truth I call her Jam cause I can never remember if it's Jamison or Jameson, and I'm too lazy to check xD ahaha

    Can't wait for the next update!
    July 31st, 2014 at 01:42am
  • I'm just waiting for the 'shit to hit the fan' because I know with your writing it's going to be good! In my opinion Molly seems to be too naive to realise what's going on around her, but even Jamison lets Molly believe Jake is her boyfriend which won't help in the long run. Going to start reading Everything is Everything because who doesn't have enough Brendon in their life? Next update needed!
    July 28th, 2014 at 12:19am
  • I'm just waiting for the 'shit to hit the fan' because I know with your writing it's going to be good! In my opinion Molly seems to be too naive to realise what's going on around her, but even Jamison lets Molly believe Jake is her boyfriend which won't help in the long run. Going to start reading Everything is Everything because who doesn't have enough Brendon in their life? Next update needed!
    July 28th, 2014 at 12:19am