Stealing Glances - Comments

  • I'm sorry for being a late reader! I was so into the World Cup (that it was great until the semi-finals... I don't want to think about it, I'm still fragile)

    Sooooo... Even reading the moments of John and Jamison together in the same room is awkward, imagine experiencing it. There isn't an elephant in the room, there is a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

    “Yeah… John is just being a leader singer right now.”

    WHAT?!? A father who is a chef plus bring you to meet your favorite band?!? What else a girl can ask for?

    PS: I'm going to Warped Tour next year, 90% sure! California or Orlando dates, I still don't know, but it would be such an honor to meet you! Actually now I'm feeling intimidated by this idea, I don't know if I'm worthy.

    > LATE Answer of the Day:

    I'm horrible at relationships, so neither should opine. However, I think long distance "I have no idea when I'll see you again" doesn't work, because people start drifting apart eventually. If you are talking about being away for a couple of months, then with hard work and a lot of FaceTime calls, I suppose it can work.

    I don't think there was a "too soon" between John and Jae, I think it was life, you know? I'm a big believer that everything in life has a purpose. If Australia and the break up never happened, maybe Jamison never would write an album or things could get worse than they went. Instead of thinking about the "what if", let's think about the present: I don't know who I want to see together in this story, no help, I know, but... Would John and Jamison together again be too obvious or delusional? But they ending apart just give me "Closer" feelings and "The Blower's Daughter" start playing in my head. If the last happened it would be a case of "meant to be, but not meant to be together" and it makes me really sad. Anyway, they will always be each other's soul mates.

    > Answer of the Day:

    If I were an ice cream flavor, it would be cookies n' cream. Because it's sweet and crunchy in the right measure.
    July 11th, 2014 at 06:22am
  • (i'm trying something new right now...commenting as I read. let's see how this goes...haha)

    ok, John, yes, you ARE acting like a child throwing a tantrum and it's obvious you don't care...omg. i'm actually like REALLY annoyed with John right now...something I thought I wouldn't be in this particular scenario...I mean I totally see and empathize with both sides. However John's gotta understand where the rest of them are coming from.

    GARRETT!! THANK YOU!!! (the whole stop being passive-aggressive thing)

    Oh Molly, "how could you hate Jamison Song?"...poor, naive Molly...I honestly feel bad for the poor girl. Someone needs to clue her in soon or I fear she's going to find out about John/Jamison in a way that wasn't intended.

    WOAH WOAH WOAH. HOLD THE PHONE. JAMISON HAS A ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE ON HER RIGHT PINKY?!?! my jaw literally dropped on that one. was not expecting that...woah...and it's to commemorate her album release...about john...ON HIS FUCKING BIRTHDAY. I'M SO DONE WITH THE FEELS YOU ARE GIVING ME RIGHT NOW.

    ok, pat meeting the girls, i'm having patrick kirch feels right now. love the boy a bit too much. :3 ok, now the john and riley interaction...aldskjfal;skjd;flakjdf;lak. this is just too adorable. this isn't helping how much i miss seeing these dudes right now...

    ok. ok. this chapter. the feels were running high here. i have no predictions for this story as it just keeps surprising me (in the best ways possible mind you)

    ice cream flavor/summer treat: i would be anything that's strawberry and frozen...whether in the form of a smoothie or a shake or something of that nature. firstly because i LOVE strawberries and secondly because i kinda resemble them: sweet, tart, and goes well with anything. haha. (totally kidding about the last part) anyway, idk. i just feel like i would be strawberry. haha.

    also, omg. my comment is not an unworthy epic one. literally it was me drabbling on about my thoughts on this story and my overly emotional invested states in your characters. that was all done by you and your wonderful writing so...haha. i'm really excited to see what you do with this story. it's been fun watching (well, reading) how all of these characters have grown and developed since MHFYH and even into this story so i'm along for the ride :)

    and omg, i was MORE THAN ENTERTAINED by you and the friend last night. haha. i was almost in tears from laughing so hard. i was sitting in the living room with my parents watching a movie while all of this was taking place. needless to say i couldn't tell you the plot of the movie on tv. haha. i was WAY more entertained by y'all's stories. and yes, the million dollar tv show idea. kickstarter is a good way to go. i'm so serious about making it happen. and idk if she shared her clever one-liners that she'd use when babysitting the boy, but this one had me laughing forever (and even still now as i think about it): "you might be the king on stage, but you are a basic bitch in this house". that's all i have to say about that. let's kickstarter this shit up and make it happen. right now it seems it'd be the only way she'd accept the proposal ;) haha. much love to you
    July 7th, 2014 at 09:18pm
  • Ok, so I'm finally caught up and have time to comment! One, I feel bad for Molly for some reason. Probably because she's so out of the loop about everything. However, I'm kind of digging Jake and Jamison together. I mean, if she can't be with John (don't think I'm letting go of me hoping he just runs up to her and confesses his love all over again and they ride off into the sunset together.) but if it can't be that way, I like Jake. But I just don't get why John is so upset about they guys hanging out with her if he's over her and moved on? Or maybe he isn't completely over it. Just my thoughts! Haha.

    Love this story by the way. Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
    July 7th, 2014 at 08:06pm
  • ok, so i just realized i never replied to your last update!!! (sorry!!!!!) :/ ok, so here we go. i mean, i'm not opposed to being john/molly and jake/ any means. molly seems to be really good for john in helping him to move on; same goes for jake. i mean, would i like to see john and jamison get back together? sure! but if they don't, i think i'm more invested in how they recover and grow from their experiences if that makes sense? idk...haha. i'm not really torn in who's "team" i'm on i said, i think molly and jake are good for john and jamison. i feel like they are the people they (john and jamison) need to move on with their life. now whether that means that those points in their life weren't significant isn't what i'm going for...however, i feel the experience of the john/jamison relationship was a way for them to learn and grow about themselves/each other. now that that "phase" (for lack of a better term) has ended, i don't think it would be in either of their best interests to dwell on the past. they both seem (up until running into each other) to be moving on and doing well in life. if it wasn't for their heartbreak, they wouldn't have had to pick themselves back up, brush themselves off, and move on. i hope this is making is in my head and i'm afraid i'm not translating it well...

    onto your QOTD: i think both time and how much you invest in a relationship are both vital parts to ANY relationship; platonic or otherwise. i've seen long distance work, but it's not easy. you have to be really invested and willing to make the sacrifices to make it work. but long distance isn't for everyone. i don't think it necessarily means that the one or both parties weren't putting enough time or investment into their relationship, so much as some people just aren't cut out for it. maybe that's pessimistic, idk. i'm just speaking from what i've witnessed.

    tailing off of that, do i think john/jamison ended it too soon??? hmmm, hard to say. at the time when i first read it, i thought so. i was really upset with jamison for not willing to give it a shot. but i guess she knew herself better than john or the rest of us did, which is why she ended it. i mean, it sucked and i may have cried when reading that heartbreaking chapter...but now...i couldn't tell you whether i thought it ended too quickly...i understand her reasonings for ending it; so she wouldn't hold him back. and i guess this goes back to the long distance thing. did she think she would be able to keep up the long distance thing? they sort of had, in a way, already, so to see her seem to give it up so freely was a bit disheartening. HOwever, knowing how much he meant to her, leads me to believe that it wasn't as easy of a decision as it came across to be. i have no idea how i think it would've worked out had they stayed together. i feel if anything, jamison would be constantly worried about holding john back, in the back of her mind, all the while john is doing is best to hold on to her and keep her from slipping away. i feel like it may have ended eventually as sad as it is to say. i feel like their relationship may not have been one that was supposed to last, but serve more to teach them about themselves. at least in the case of jamison, it gave her her voice.

    summer-go-to record: it varies...but my default one is: The Beach Boys - Endless Summer

    thanks so much for this story :) forever in love with it. you're the best. much love to you <3 sorry for the novel-length reply :/ haha. hope you're doing well. :)
    July 2nd, 2014 at 06:40pm
  • I loved the podcast (why are you making me fall for Jake and Jae even more?!?!)

    As for Molly... I try so hard to like her, but things with her and John seem a bit off... Idk, maybe because he's a loner at heart (good and bad thing, I'm also)

    YOU WENT TO WARPED TOUR?!? Omg, I'm jealous, sorry. I am also happy for you and mentally sending love to you and your friend for being both so nice. Congrats to you for keeping a conversation with John and not being blinded by his HORRIBLE hair (i won't apologize for the truth)

    Gonna read next chapter 2morrow (1% battery shiiit)
    July 2nd, 2014 at 06:09am
  • I'm sorry for lack of a timely response to your (amazing) thank you, and for barely reading the updates. I got e-mails all week telling me the story had been updated and I couldn't wait to get a chance to read what you've whipped up. :)
    So let me first start by saying I am not disappointed at all. Especially with the direction the story is going in. This last chapter especially really blew me away. (This could totally be an assumption and completely wrong), but I feel like you're finally getting comfortable with the story. It has definitely shone through in the last few chapters. I know you expressed being intimidated and nervous about not being able to please all of the readers (which you shouldn't worry about, this story is more than sufficient regardless of the direction you take), but I feel like you're finally getting 'into the groove' of this story (if that makes any sense?). It just flows so naturally now! I don't know what you've been doing lately, but damn, keep it coming because it's working great.
    I really like how you're building on the relationship dynamics between the characters. It's not so much establishing the importance/significance of Jamison/Jake and Molly/John's relationships anymore, but just showing them through simple interactions (like the podcast/beach date), and I think that speaks much greater than any words you (as a narrator) could use to describe their relationship dynamics. Because you did such a great job focusing on all of that stuff before through flashbacks and whatnot, you don't have to give any context or further explanation when writing dialogue between the characters because the nature of their relationships is so solidified. I commend you for such a feat. You have really brought these characters to life, more so than 97% of any other stories I've read online. And I want to thank you for that, for creating characters and a world that I genuinely love and thoroughly enjoy.

    On a side note, I'm very pleased that John isn't so robotic anymore. He's healing, and although he still has a lot to work on in regards to actually acknowledging everything that happened and how it affected not only him but Jamison, at least he's not letting it stop him from living and enjoying himself. That was a great thing to see him do. And I was really surprised Jamison opened up so much about her and John's relationship in that interview! Pleasantly surprised that is. I was very pleased that she so willingly talked about it with someone who she wasn't close to, not just answering a question about it or briefly giving a statement on it, but actually having an actual conversation about it.

    And as for the John telling Molly about the girl being Jamison, I was slightly disappointed he copped out. I definitely expected it, and knew it most likely wouldn't happen, but I know it's gonna come back and bite him in the ass the longer he holds off. I know Molly is very understanding and would be cool about it whenever it is that he feels comfortable enough to share that story with her, but I can't help but think that with all the craziness that will ensue on this tour someone's gonna slip up and she's gonna find out in a way that is definitely going to backfire on John. I'm really excited to see how the tour is gonna go though! Brendon Urie is definitely a character in real life and I can't wait to see how you're going to portray all the crazy antics that I'm sure are going to happen on this tour, and how it's going to affect the awkwardness between Jamison and John.

    I have more to say but this is already quite long and I'm supposed to have left my house 20 minutes ago to meet up with my best friend, so I will hold off until the next update or so. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to come on here and write a story for random people to read and enjoy. I appreciate your work :)
    June 28th, 2014 at 05:39am
  • ALL OF THE FEELS. OH MY GOODNESS. so ok, I may have to do 2 separate comments; one to address my feelings about this chapter and another to address your questions...its hard to say as I'm on my phone...but anyway...

    So Jake and Jamison. Have I told you how much I love them? Because I love them a lot. Platonic or otherwise. They're just so great and I quite enjoy their brother/sister dynamic and banter. Always such a pleasure to read. And then there's John and poor naive Molly...I just love how carefree she is and how she cam bring out the "child" in John as seen in this chapter. I think shes good for him. I know him and Jamison had a great dynamic, but I think their relationship and breakup served more as a way for them to learn about each other, themselves, and to grow from it. Like Jamison said, she wouldn't be where she is now if it weren't for the breakup. And did I sense a bit of a John Green reference when Pat said something along the lins of if he found out her album was written about him, he'd consider it an honor to have his heart broken by her? ;) at any rate, this chapter was a breath of fresh air, just like this story, and its nice to see them move on, learn, and grow.
    June 27th, 2014 at 10:24pm
  • Let me just say first of all, how AMAZING would it be if there actually was some collaboration between Panic!, FOB, and The Maine?!? *insert me running around in circles, flailing my arms, and screaming with excitement*

    Ok, now onto the actual story part...dear, sweet Molly...I love you but bless your heart you can't pick up on the awkward tension...granted shes not informed and I commend john for eventually wanting to tell her, but if she keeps pulling stunts like this, I fear what will happen to John and Jamison's I'm afraid it won't get the chance to heal properly so they could actually be friends again without it being awkward because they're too busy trying to keep up the front that nothing happened between them to Molly. Like during the lunch, I felt for them [Jamison, John, and i guess Jake as he knows what happened] and could just feel the awkwardness of that lunch. Like as I was reading it, I could physically feel them all trying to survive the meal. I just hope they're able to patch things up and get past the awkwardness soon because well...tour. oh man, I do think there will be drama though. Not sure what kind, but I sense it. In the words of Phil Collins, "I can feel it calling in the air tonight". though I'm pretty sure he wasnt refering to a sixth sense of impending drama in a fanfic...haha. as always, great update from an even greater writer and an even better person :) much love <3
    June 23rd, 2014 at 07:26am
  • I couldn't help myself to read chapter 10 (it's 1:42 am, in theory I have to sleep, but my brain is saying "hahaha you won't") and OMG this tour is going to be a disaster - excuse my pessimist, but ex lovers in the same room for more than a week is the recipe for trouble.

    Hey, have you ever heard "the lonely" by Christina Perri? (I'm a fan, she's a great songwriter and has such a unique tone of voice...) So... I think this song would be something Jamison would write, plus it has a sort of funeral march instrumental, I think it fits with the lyric.

    Final words before I shut up: I'm listening to Butch Walker and man... He's good.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 06:51am
  • PS: “Kicking My Heels” has a great lyric.

    Imagine The Maine and FOB? my heart couldn't handle.

    Girl... You are trouble. If this was real life I would totally call Jake and Jamison an OTP and start a "secretly married" tag for them on tumblr. Look what you did with my brain.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 05:51am
  • Chapter 7,8 and 9: DONE

    I'm in a race to catch up with this story, but I'm gonna win!
    June 22nd, 2014 at 05:23am
  • Gonna be an interesting tour. I feel drama coming.
    June 16th, 2014 at 12:48am
  • I'm 4 chapters late, but I promise you that on tuesday I'm gonna update myself (after Brazil's game - yes, I'm officially obsessed by the World Cup)
    June 15th, 2014 at 01:27pm
  • duuuuuuuuude, firstly, wow. i neglected to comment last chapter. *face palm* in regards to the last two wow wow wow wow. Sooooooooooo ok. Processing this all. the next three months...i think there may potentially be drama. i mean c'mon. literally EVERYONE is going to be on this tour...ghosts from each others' pasts as well as the people they now surround themselves with...correct me if i'm wrong, but Molly still doesn't know that John dated Jamison does she?? Like, I'm glad John's finally opening up to her, but I can't help but feel if he doesn't say something to her about jamison, that she's going to find out the wrong way and it's going to end badly...and ok. I get Jake and Jamison are BFFL's, but let's be real...they'd be kind of really adorable together. I ship double J. But that aside, I I feel like the next three months on tour are going to be INSANE. Like...I'm highly anticipating the drama and I don't think anyone will come out on the other side of tour unscathed. I'm buckling in, ready for the ride :)

    so glad you updated!!! Can't wait for where to take this!!! much love <3
    June 15th, 2014 at 05:35am
  • Ahh, I can't wait until they run into each other. I mean, it's bound to happen now and then feelings are going to happen and what not! Or at least this is my prediction and what I want to
    June 15th, 2014 at 04:08am
  • Whoo! Finally had time to come read the last few updates and I am not disappointed! I really like how much you've brought Jamison and Jake's friendship to life. I have a friend who is the Jake to my Jamison and I think you hit the nail on the head in regards to showing just how important they are to each other and really the entire dynamic and strength of their friendship (which is a key thing in this story). I was mildly shocked about the whole Jamison going to therapy thing, I think it was much needed and I'm definitely looking forward to future conversations between her and her therapist. I believe it also shows how much she has grown as person, and that even though she had her heart broken because of her relationship with John, she's not letting it affect her to a point where she's incapable of seeking help when she knows she needs it, which, to me, is a very good show of her strength of character and willingness to be more open about the inner turmoil she experiences. All of that has shown that she has grown a lot, and she is still capable of moving on with her life and functioning and improving upon herself as a person through a time of what is usually regression for most people (post-breakup). That in itself shows that John has been taking things a lot harder than her I believe. He seems just kind of stuck in a rut, unsure of what he wants or what to do.

    On a side note, I had a question regarding his and Molly's relationship. And it could just be that I'm impatient and you haven't got to discussing their relationship more thoroughly in the story, but, I can't help but notice from the way John acts around and with Molly that he has a great lack of enthusiasm and depth in their relationship. Is that being done intentionally? Or does it just seem that way because I'm jumping the gun and you haven't gotten around to addressing that in the story yet?

    Look forward to the next update! I can't wait to see how the whole Jamison/Jake and Jamison/John aspect of this is gonna play out!
    June 8th, 2014 at 10:20pm
  • john took it harder for the fact that he is still seems to have resentment against what happened with him and jamison.. he still cant seem to let her go but neither has jamison let him go maybe they are ment to be..

    and for the summer theme parks like knotts and disneyland
    June 7th, 2014 at 10:13pm
  • An update! An update!!! doesn't matter if its short, its all in the process of getting what you need to say out :) also, the tradition of you posting before I had to be somewhere has returned :) haha. But its all good, I love your stories.

    Sooooo thoughts. Ok, I thought that Jamison going to therapy in lieu of High, Brendan, or Jake was a good idea. You can see how she's a bit more willing to open up about what happened with her and John; even if if is indirectly. Also, good-guy Jake stepping in to the rescue! I'm pretty sure I said this in my last comment but I LOVE the Jake/Jamison dynamic. He's such a great friend. And woah, hold up, can we talk for a second about BOTH Jamison and John being in Paris on their trip together, but seperate?!? Because wow....the feels i got were unreal. IF ONLY THEY BOTH KNEW THE OTHER WAS DOWN THE STREET. are you trying to kill me here? Because its kinda working...haha. anyway, thank you for tge kovely update before I have to go to the dentist. :P boo. Hope you're well. Thanks for this story. Much love.
    May 29th, 2014 at 04:16pm
  • Where to begin?! I feel like Jake is a good person for her at the moment. He seems to understand her which I feel is what she needs at the moment. I know John said he wants to move on but I can't help but believe that it's not going to be that easy for him. Or maybe I just don't want it to be...haha
    May 27th, 2014 at 04:16am
  • Update!!!!! Yay :) I apologize for my subpar comment as its sorta late and I'm a bt sleepy...haha

    So, Jamison and Jake...totally digging their dynamic and I'm so glad she has such a great friend like him to help her out. I feel like everyone deserves a friend like that; one that knows you almost better, if not better, than you know yourself. As much as I would love Jamison amd John back together, the fact that they're both trying to move on and be happy with their lives I think is healthy. I may have an unpopular opinion about that, but I just want them both to be happy without dwelling on the past. That being said, its also encouraging to hear about John wanting to move on and writing in such a way that reflects that.

    Anyway, I hope you're doing well and that writing goes easier :)
    May 26th, 2014 at 05:08am