Dru - Comments

  • Update soon! I love your story.
    June 14th, 2015 at 07:51pm
  • Update soon! I love your story.
    June 14th, 2015 at 07:51pm
  • I'm not sure I can put into words howuch I love this story so far. Please (on knees begging) update soon!
    June 8th, 2015 at 07:24am
  • I'm at a loss of words, I love this story so much and I can't wait for the next update. Please update soon!!
    May 10th, 2015 at 05:35am
  • I'm so with @ PoeticMess. about being cute if it was Nikolai all along and he was afraid to let her know. I love that idea and all the other ones brought up. I feel like those ideas are more along the lines of the real deal (well at least I hope they are).

    But come on! He couldn't come back for at least one part!?? How can his wolf be so gentle but not him? (I really like that contrast between the two thou). Is that a mating thing with his wolf being so gentle and in tune with his emotions towards her or is that how his wolf is all the time?

    I imagine how Nilolai's wolf acts, (caring, lovable, sensitive) is how he should be with Katie. But as we discussed before, romantic wouldn't be his style. But can his love-making at least be? jk. But no really, I need at least something to be.

    I was soooooo shocked to see this was updated in such short time! This was a good way to end my night by reading the latest chapter!
    May 10th, 2015 at 05:01am
  • I'm just letting you know that I've subscribed and I have every intention of reading this. At the moment though, I'm too distracted by other things.

    The summary sounds very promising! And I enjoy the subtlety of the layout Smile
    May 10th, 2015 at 02:25am

    So. I'm very bummed that Nikolai didn't come back for any of that. What an asshat. And also, a little freaked out that she practically just had sex with an animal. Like, I know it was Nikolai's body, but he had the brain of an animal, almost. I'll be really relieved if we find out that in the future that he was just pretending to have an animal mentality.

    Plus, it would be really cute if it was actually him being all kind and gentle towards her but afraid to let her know it was really him.

    Or something.

    My brain just runs away with this story. :) I really can't wait for another update to see how she handles this. I hope she decks Nikolai is his face. Or he makes a crack about something specific that happened and she realizes it was him. And then she decks him.

    I really just want her to hit him.
    May 10th, 2015 at 01:38am
  • oh man. this chapter is just so good. i was expecting him to be horrible and rough. but the throat thing was just so sweet.
    May 10th, 2015 at 01:11am
    Did NOT see that coming! I'm just speechless, I have no words to describe how much I loved this update. I am dying to see what happens next. Seriously obsessed with this story <3 <3 <3
    May 7th, 2015 at 08:35pm
    I so didn't see him doing that at the end. It was really clever of you and really shitty of him. I was just scrolling through the stories and saw that this had been updated! Then I saw it in my email. I really hope you update soon, like within the next hour, because I'm so interested in what happens next and how she handles this.

    Like, it would be so crazy/cute if she somehow brought him back to himself when she kisses him or touches him or something, and he's so surprised by her that he doesn't try to switch back. & I'm really digging the heterochromia right now. My mental image of Nikolai is so cute that I'm dying.

    UPDATE again soon please! I can't wait a month to figure out what happens!
    April 28th, 2015 at 02:02am
  • OMG!!!!!!!
    April 27th, 2015 at 04:40pm
  • OMG!!!!!!!
    April 27th, 2015 at 04:40pm
  • I was just thinking about this story today as I was scrolling through my subscriptions and thinking "how nice it would be if this was updated soon." And I almost died when I saw that you did! Like always, this chapter doesn't disappoint.

    OMG. She gonna become his mate. HOLY COW. Does she even realize what that all is going to entail? Here I thought that the mating would bring some romantic feelings into this "marriage" but that sly Nikolai had to go and feed her to the wolf. (A girl can dream, can't she?)

    So desperately wanting that next chapter to see how playtime between Nikolai's wolf and Katie goes. lol.
    April 27th, 2015 at 06:43am
  • oh shit that ending. so good!
    April 27th, 2015 at 06:27am
  • Really like the last chapter! It was long (yay!), but there were multiple scenes in it & I love the way Trevor causes Nikolai to act, especially when it comes to Katie. I love how stoic Nikolai is and the chip on his shoulder!

    I want to know more about what those wolves were saying right before they were killed, though! About Nikolai being in pain because he won't have a mate. Also, I hope Katie kicks Nicolai's ass about that little boy. (Well, obviously she won't be able to physically, but he gets really mad when she bosses him around and I love it)

    Hope to read more soon!
    February 28th, 2015 at 05:27pm
  • I love Katie's and Nikolai relationship and banter. Always looking forward to a scene with them in it. Poor Ollie. The rules suck. He was just a kid that was scared and didn't know any better. Someone needs to fix these terrible rules. Can't wait to see how this situation plays out.
    February 25th, 2015 at 06:39pm
  • First things first, amazing chapter as always. Seriously, every single one of them has been amazing and offered something to the plot. You take every opportunity to develop the story and I love it!

    Also: more French! Dang it Katie! Learn French so we know whats going on! I'm running through every single possibility of what could have been said. Will we ever know? The curiosity is killing me!

    Btw, I love Trevor. Seriously, everything about him is amazing. I hope we get to see lots of him because he is such a great character. Especially since he seems willing to help Katie out with getting into the Enforcer role.

    Speaking of Enforcers...Nikolai was simply perfect. I love how Katie and Nikolai are beginning to interact. I swear my heart skipped a beat when Nikolai trapped her on the chair! I pictured that part in my head so clearly, I thought you did wonderful with that conversation. Probably my favorite part of the chapter.

    And I can't wait to see how Katie deals with what she's learned! Should be very interesting!

    So, I'll wrap up this rant now haha!
    February 25th, 2015 at 10:07am
  • I really love this story! The chapters are crazy long and it's amazing. It definitely read like it was more than 9 chapters and even that didn't feel like enough. I really want to read more.

    The only thing I noticed while reading is that sometimes I get a little lost on what is happening. There's not enough description to really keep the dialogue connected. Like when Katie was with Trevor in the last chapter, I had no idea who was saying what or where Nikolai really was. It was confusing trying to figure out why there were speaking about him. I thought maybe he was hidden in the trees or something.

    That's the only suggestion I have; try to clarify more.

    But I'm really anxious for an update!
    February 17th, 2015 at 11:32pm
  • I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!! Getting to see them out of the mansion was so perfect! Everything about this chapter was perfect. I'm in awe of how much I loved it. Excuse me while I go read it for the third time tonight. Can't wait to read more!!
    February 17th, 2015 at 06:53am
  • I LOVE THIS STORY. I'm so glad I found this. There isn't anything bad to say about this story! I went on the stories page hoping to find a truly amazing, well written story that was novel ready with little hopes of discovering it but then I found this. And wow. Your only the second author I have found that makes me want to sit down and never stop reading the story until the end.

    The summary doesn't begin to do this story justice. The plot is so much more. Your writing is so much more. Your story deserves much more recognition then it has received so far. What you have created here with the werewolf genre is something completely different with many new dimensions mixed in (sovereigns, nobles, enforcers) It's all GENIUS.

    The characters are brilliant. The dialogue between every interaction regardless of who it is between is amazing and executed flawlessly. Description is perfect and just the right amount.

    I can really envision this as a novel in a bookstore and selling so well. Heck, I could even see Nikolai and Katie's story even being a trilogy. And I've only read nine chapters. THAT'S HOW GOOD THIS IS.

    Sorry about this long rambling comment and my fangirling. But it's a shame when a story like this deserves much more but never receives the praise it so highly needs. So when I see such I story, I must applaud the writer. Please never give up on this or your writing because I see big things for you and this story in the future. You have gained a fan and subscriber. Expect more fangirling very soon!
    February 17th, 2015 at 04:44am