And So I Know - Comments

  • Well, that's good! I just think he's a bit standoffish when it comes to interacting with people until he's sure they don't want anything from him and a lot of people code that as being a prick because he doesn't treat every new person he meets like long lost friends. Uh, no, he doesn't know you, doesn't care to know you. He's trying to have dinner with his friends, he's trying to fly somewhere, he's trying to pick something up at the drugstore. He's just trying to live his life and he's constantly being asked to sign things and take pictures. God, he probably has to double the amount of time it takes to do simple tasks and errands. I bet he can't expend the energy to make every fan interaction meaningful, when for a fan it might be the highlight of their week, month, or year so they want to make the most of it, when for him it's just Tuesday and he'd love to be able to eat his dinner it going cold, without people trying to eavesdrop his conversation, and without people taking total creep shots of him (I don't understand why people think this is ok, I really don't). I doubt he's an asshole in terms of being rude to waitstaff and service people. I doubt that he is rude to people because he takes pleasure in it. I'm sure he knows he wouldn't be where he is without the fans and without the people who make his life easier. But that doesn't make it any less exhausting going out into the public eye and never knowing when he's going to be swarmed.

    THe trick is going to be putting them into a position where he wants more meaningful interaction with the female protagonist. Did he assume she was a fan their first meeting? Is it her job to interact with the public when he was 'rude' to her? What make him want to be more personable, to expend the energy on her? Because the reality is that he's got girls falling all over him and fawning on him all the time, he's used to being chased and wanted. What makes her different? Does she acknowledge who he is but doesn't give a crap? Was she a fan? Does she care less that he's a hotshot? Does she neither know nor care? what makes her memorable to him?

    I love figuring out this sort of thing.
    June 26th, 2014 at 02:24pm
  • @ Jayess
    I love your comments because they always get me thinking and plotting. An idea came to me last night that I was going to start fleshing out tonight. I can use some of your thoughts to really make it happen.
    June 26th, 2014 at 12:29pm
  • I've read that Jonny can be a bit of a prick. I suspect that he's a great friend to his friends, giving freely of himself and his time and affection within the constraints of the demands of his schedule. But he's not so much with strangers. Which isn't strange. Most of us think little of tossing a little "hi, how are ya" social lubrication at people we don't know. BUt he meets so many new people, many of whom feel as if they know him to some degree, many of whom act like they know him to some degree. And meanwhile he's never met them, doesn't really care to know them, doesn't want to be rude, but it's very much a meaningless interaction to him but not for them. So the social dialogue is somewhat imbalanced, with complete strangers wanting to interact with him all buddy buddy and he isn't their buddy, nor does he want to be their buddy. It's got to be exhausting meeting so many new people who want something from you (time, attemtion, meaningful interaction, a signature, a picture, to touch you) if you're not a complete extrovert ala PK Subban. Most of us would withdraw somewhat to protect ourselves. So yeah, I think that he doesn't try very hard with new people unless it's important to him. Random dude or lady in the airport or restaurant - awkward smile and minimal dialogue, awkward body language in a picture. New teammate or kid? He'll try.

    So I actually think that if he's not super comfortable, like around friends, he's not really into meeting new people. It's one thing to meet someone that his good friend Dan introduces him to, in a setting where he's socializing with mostly known people. (For example, there's so much out there that I know he's got a friend Dan and I know his mother never changed her name upon marriage and I know what he looked like on his 3rd or 4th birthday - that's kind of creepy in a way - I've never met the guy and never expect to). It's another thing to put himself out these for the 20th autograph request in a row, ya know? SO yeah, I expect that he's not super warm to girls he meets out and about. So the first impression of him could very easily be not so great.

    So the trick wouldn't be how to make him a prick. It would be how to put her into a position to interest him enough to even try to be a nice guy. I mean, if he's doing the bare social minimum that makes him seem a bit of an asshole, how does the situation change that he sees her as a real live interesting person that he wants to be friendly with once she's decided that he's an asshole and probably doesn't want to try to be friendly with him.

    Sorry, I'm not particularly coherent right now.
    June 26th, 2014 at 06:25am
  • @ Jayess
    I get attached to certain characters and Lennon/Felicia are right up there with Camille and Danni and their respective worlds.

    Maybe Johnny is a prick for some reason or another but then has to use his romantic and oh so canadian charm to get her to like him.
    June 25th, 2014 at 09:36pm
  • Jonny the asshole/sentimental/perfect Canadian/thoughtful romantic? The first part would seem to negate the latter descriptives so that would be interesting. His toast at the wedding was, after all, beautiful and touching and Derick seems to think highly of him even though he's not his teammate. I went back and read all of Into You tonight as I was finishing this up.

    I probably suggested a spinoff on them, it would not surprise me at all. They're some of my faves.
    June 25th, 2014 at 05:13am
  • @ Jayess
    Definitely not the same universe as Love. Sex. Magic. so I can do anything I want with those two. Mr. Green

    It was suggested once that I do a Lennon story about how she meets those guys and I thought about spinning a Versteeg story from it. I'm having all sorts of Tazer feelings today so I'm bound to come up with something. Maybe Johnny will be an asshole....
    June 25th, 2014 at 04:53am
  • Awww. I love how this really tied into the ending of Into You. Now I really want to see one for JToews and Pkane from this universe/Into You. IT's not quite the same universe as Love. Sex. Magic, right?
    June 25th, 2014 at 03:32am
  • @ Ladyfiaran
    Fantastic! I'm doing the hockey gods work by converting people.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 03:42am
  • Aww, it's over already? Wink Great job and if there's a sequel, I'd read it. You are starting to turn me into a Rangers fan Wink
    June 21st, 2014 at 09:56pm
  • @ midnightmssuki
    Please don't, I'll miss your updates.
    June 21st, 2014 at 07:47pm
  • @ defaultmemory
    I've got some things started. Just not quite ready. I'll try not to leave you hanging too long.
    June 21st, 2014 at 07:45pm
  • @ midnightmssuki
    Or a new story or something.
    June 21st, 2014 at 07:02pm
  • Yes! Tried to add a fist bump emoji but it wouldn't take....
    June 21st, 2014 at 03:35pm
  • @ defaultmemory
    I guess I need to jump on a sequel this weekend....
    June 21st, 2014 at 01:45pm
  • What!? No, say it isn't so!!
    June 21st, 2014 at 06:07am
  • @ Thatmom
    Everyone should love my team. And I will write stories until I convert you all.
    June 21st, 2014 at 01:55am
  • Beautiful story telling!! I was never much of pay Rangers fan before this year. This tear they just pulled at my heart strings:)
    June 21st, 2014 at 01:39am
  • @ Auntiebabs
    I could be persuaded to write a sequel...... Probably have to focus on those baseball pants though. Mr. Green

    I did make mention of a summer barbecue so I'll need to write that which means shirtless shenanigans. Wink
    June 21st, 2014 at 01:10am
  • FIN ALREADY? Nooooooooo! What am I going to do without my Brassy fix? I guess I'll have to make the baseball pants pic my lock screen. Enjoyed it as always and look forward to more Rangers shenanigans! ❤️ Mr. Green
    June 21st, 2014 at 12:12am
  • @ Thatmom
    Talking it out is good. :)

    @ Ladyfiaran
    I drank vodka Wednesday night. A lot of vodka. Let's just say work on Thursday was a loooong day.

    @ Auntiebabs
    I think I'm gonna write Benoit Pouliot or John Moore next so they'll be popping up again for sure.
    June 20th, 2014 at 12:51pm