Twisted by Design - Comments

  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Since you decided to update for me, I’m back here with my usual commenting of epic proportions. I’ve got the new BTS stuff blasting through my headphones, sitting on my couch with my hoodie and ready to continue on with my precious angel’s birthday festivities. Since it’s been a while, I had to go back to the previous comment I left to get a refresher course on where we were in the birthday…. And now I know that Zacky presented her with her tattoo design and they had a heart-to-heart over IHOP pancakes regarding her relationship with Matt. I feel better now that things have come back to me so swiftly and now I’m ready to read the next installment. Let the commenting commence!

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Of course Zacky got Annabelle a Position of the Day book for her birthday! That’s a pretty on brand gift for him considering his flirtatious nature. Hahaha. I just like that he’s evaluating the positions for educational purposes. What a good student he is. Hahah. I like that she snatched the book away from him only to be sidetracked by an impossible position. “The Ballerina” sounds like it would require lots of warm up stretching and many years of yoga in order to achieve, not to mention a partner that’s capable of holding someone up. It all just sounds way too taxing and not very fun… I mean, eventually, someone will need to find a wall for extra support when it gets to be too tiring…. I’m just thinking out loud… hahahah. Fucking Zacky… I love him so much! He’s the perfect amount of perverted and hilarious without being creepy. It’s just so great to watch those two in the midst of their usual bantering.

    WHOA! Zacky made the wrong comment! No judgements Zacky! Well, I mean, I agree with him here. I don’t understand why she’s continuing to be with Matt when it’s not going to go anywhere but this is a mistake she will have to make on her own and as all the characters’ therapist, my job is to just let it all unfold while keeping a watchful eye for who will be getting the next beating (*cough cough MATT cough*). Hahaha. At least Zacky realized he was a dick for saying that to her and apologized. That’s progress. At least know he knows everything so that she has someone to talk to about her messed up situation, even if he doesn’t understand everything that’s going on with them.

    She got the tattoo?! That’s awesome! I’m glad that she was able to get that done! It took me a minute to register that she’s been getting ready for that dinner with Matt and her father’s ex-partner. Wow, I’m slow. Hahaha. Wow, that will be intense. I’m looking forward to the awkward dinner conversations! Anyhoo… back to this, now Matt’s here. Meh… hahaha. I know. I’m slowly warming to him but still, he has a lot of work to do to earn back some of those points I’ve taken away from him. I will say, however, I think it’s really cute that Matt is already on “friendly-ish” terms with her aunt and uncle. Hahaha. I’m still bummed about the missing awkward dinner conversation during their first meeting but I’m sure the dinner with the ex-partner coming up will make up for things. Hahahah.

    OH LOOK AT THE MALE BONDING! Zacky’s trying very hard to be friendly with Matt for Annabelle’s sake and I love it! Especially since they’re comparing their war wounds from the night before. Hahah. I know Annabelle feels bad or guilty about that since they technically fought for her honor but she needs to realize that it’s not her fault! They were the ones that chose to beat up that asshole so now, they have to live with the consequences of their actions, aka their ouchies. Haha. At least Zacky wished the guy luck for his upcoming dinner with the detective. Hahaha. That’s something. I’m sure he’s been under the detective’s scrutiny before…. Especially in the beginning of their friendship. Haha. I love that Annabelle’s trying to downplay the whole dinner… like she doesn’t really know that he’s in for an interrogation… pfft… silly girl. My question is, how familiar is he gonna be with Matt considering the guy’s a detective and knows about Matt’s family? I can’t wait! Hahah.

    Of course, the hostess finds Matt attractive! Who doesn’t?! Hell, even I find him attractive and I strongly dislike him right now! Hahaha. That doesn’t mean that Annabelle needs to feel so insecure! Don’t compare yourself to others honey! He’s with you right now so you’re the number one choice! I mean, I know the situation is complicated but still, at least you’re the one on his arm right now Annabelle! Fuck that other girl. Besides, she’s being rude as hell as a hostess… I hope she gets no tips that night! Hahhaa. UGH! These two are so disgustingly adorable… I love it! Hahaha. And of course the moment they decide to kiss, that’s when dude shows up! Way to ruin a moment in young love bro! I’m kidding. This is what I wanted! AWKWARDNESS! *grabs the popcorn* I’m so ready for this….

    Ok, first of all, I love that he’s being completely rude but not even acknowledging that Annabelle’s got a date with her. Wow… keeping the conversation between the two of them for a few minutes is just really kind of a douchey move… maybe I won’t like this guy either. I hate that macho bravado thing that guys do when they’re trying to assert their dominance. Oh holy shit! He does know who Matt is! I mean, he had to know given his reaction to Matt at their first introduction! I mean, if he doesn’t know Matt, then I have questions about why he’s being so hateful when he doesn’t know anything. Hahaha. *munches the popcorn* This is so great. I’m enjoying the hell out of their weird tension. I love that Annabelle is confused about the detective’s rection. I mean, she has to have known it would be a weird meeting… if not then this girl’s naivety is on another level.

    GOD TYSON! NOT NOW! Why does the waiter have to come along and break up the wonderful tension?! I know he has a job to do but damn… now is not the time to do your job properly! And now I have to wait for the rest of the awkward dinner! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *cries and throws popcorn* Oh well… I’m glad I’ve had a taste of the start of this dinner but as you know, I need more. I NEED it. I’m glad that things between Annabelle and Zacky have returned to normal, even if Zacky is being completely concerned about Annabelle’s weird reasons for wanting to be with a guy who’s already engaged. He’s concerned for her and it’s sweet. I’m Team Zacky… I know he’s not on the bench at all for anything but still, I stan a man who is concerned for his friend and wants her to have someone who actually deserves her. Hahaha. And now Matt’s in for it with this dinner…. I wonder how long he can keep up with the polite guy routine… .and how long before Annabelle realizes that the dinner is weird…. I’m excited! I’m all for more of the birthday! BRING IT ON! As always, wonderful job and don’t worry about the lack of updating, As you know, I’m also seriously slacking and at least you have pre-written stuff. Hahaha. I’m looking forward to the next one!
    February 6th, 2020 at 09:11am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Her friendship with Zack reminds me so much of mine with this guy Cody. He just has to occasionally mention the possibility -- real or imagined -- of them having sex. Haha!

    Matt might be good in awkward situations, but I think he gave himself away a little when he asked if Zack was coming to dinner with them. I'm sure he thought having someone else there would make things easier...and it probably would have.

    I feel like Andrew's reaction probably has a basis. He knows who Matt is, or something about his family. Perhaps information that Annabelle doesn't have. I just can't believe such an automatically borderline hostile reaction doesn't have a legitimate cause. And poor Anna, stuck in the middle. Jeez. I could choke on the tension just as a reader!

    So glad you updated and I can't wait for more! But no pressure. Life intervenes sometimes. We've all been there :)
    February 1st, 2020 at 09:25pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    I’ve been such a horrible reader lately! Man, between adjusting to work and then no caffeine, I’ve just had no will to open my laptop for extended periods of time, which blows. I’ve been slacking on the reading, which means that no one has been able to see Dr. Schwam for their therapy sessions. Hahaha. Well, I’m back from my sabbatical and rather than working on my own stuff right now (I know, I know… what’s new?), I’ve decided to catch up on this story so I can swiftly demand the next update! Hahaha. So, onwards with the birthday celebrations!!!

    THE MORNING AFTER! Ok, I will admit, Matt is being rather adorable just watching Annabelle sleep. I like that she’s reacting to his touch and he’s trying his damned hardest to restrain himself so that he doesn’t disturb her. Hahaha. Oh! He was slightly jealous of Zacky for knowing things before him! Hahaha. I have to say, it’s mostly due to the fact that those two are really good friends and have spent more time around each other to gain insight to when the other is bothered by something. Matt can’t expect to just know everything all of a sudden. Despite the fact that he’s familiar with Annabelle’s past, he hardly knows her well enough to gauge her miniscule tells the way Zacky can. That takes time dude! Hahaha. And now he’s reminiscing about what he did or didn’t do… .hmm… we already know I have mixed feelings about how he dealt with the situation and while I appreciate his anger towards that asshole, Jake, I still think we need to work on our anger issues in a new session. Rather than focus on his own anger for what that douche did to Annabelle, he needs to focus on her instead. Don’t give into the street justice you so desperately crave Matt! That’s what I’m for…. Why I constantly lurk in the shadows with my ninja stars and katana so I can hurt people! Hahaha.

    DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!! His uncle wants to see him! I can’t imagine that being a good thing, especially after everything that happened the previous night. Aww! She’s awake now and she needs to meet Zacky at IHOP! Pancakes! Breakfast foods sound amazing…. Maybe that’s what I’ll make for dinner tomorrow night. Hahaha. I like that he’s trying to sucker her back into bed, despite the fact that they both need to get ready to leave for different reasons, and she’s having none of it. Hahaha. Annabelle has to face Zacky and answer his questions! I knew this was going to happen. Hahaha. And thank God because honestly, she needs someone to talk to about the situation! She’s been keeping it all to herself and that’s not great… she needs to talk to her friend about things, especially since he’s bound to be worried about her. I’m anxious for the conversation now since I’m sure Zacky’s gonna have some feelings about the whole Gretchen situation as well as the fact that Annabelle is ok with Matt’s family connections. It’ll be interesting to see how that shakes out!

    Annabelle’s so worried about Matt meeting with his uncle after everything last night. It’s kind of adorable but at the same time, I’m sure things aren’t going to go as well as Matt’s trying to make it sound. I can’t imagine his uncle not laying into Matt about being with Annabelle and getting into trouble. I’m honestly more concerned that the uncle will try to talk to Annabelle in someway about things… like trying to make things clear… I wouldn’t put it past him considering his sole concern is the business rather than his nephew’s feelings. Haha. OH SHIT! After all that, Matt’s late to the meeting with his uncle! Um, that’s not a great way to start off Matt. Hahaha. This is so not going to go well…. I can feel it. I KNEW IT! Uncle already has the info on Annabelle! Ugh, this is killing me! Anticipation! I have to say, I’m glad that Matt is sticking up for Annabelle but I don’t feel like it will do him much good in the end. I’m afraid it might make things worse… however, as his therapist, I have to say he’s come a long way from when I was beating him into finding the right answer. Hahaha. Oh man… now they’re alone carrying on a conversation and the uncle just had to bring up Matt’s mother! Jesus… he’s really bringing out the big guns here! MAN!!!!! Matt just blew an opportunity to voice his concerns with marrying Gretchen and I’m so upset about it! Hahaha. Well, not really… I guess just disappointed? He’s been growing a lot more and sure, I actively root against him a lot but in this case, I wanted him to finally tell his uncle that his future is his own to decide, including who he will or will not marry. We haven’t gotten to that point yet, meaning there’s another session in is future to deal with that! Hahaha.

    OMO! Zacky’s not at the IHOP yet?! But PANCAKES!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha. Well, after everything that happened the previous evening, including finding out that his best friend was harboring secrets, I guess it makes sense that he would be reluctant to show up for the traditional breakfast. However, it’s pretty cold to ditch Annabelle on her birthday so I’m gonna subtract points from him! Hahaha. Minus ten! They may be reinstated once he finally shows up. Aww, their picture together sounds adorable! It’s kind of upsetting that she’s reminiscing on a moment where they were happy together and now, she’s basically feeling ousted by him on her birthday. Poor Annabelle… =[ OH THANK GOD HE SHOWED! I was gonna have to add him to my hit list if he decided to bail. Hahaha. Aww, and I’m glad that she got the hug that she wanted. Hahaha.

    We’ve returned to the regular friendly banter between them! I live for their friendship moments like this. Hahha. They are my favorite thing about this story! “Mom flipped out when she saw it this morning. I had to tell her I fell over and hit my face on a chair.” AHAHAAHAHAH! A chair?! That was the best thing that you could come up with Zacky? Hahahah. I love it! I’m so glad that they finally get to spend time together on their own! They needed to be just the two of them again, even if it’s only for a little while. As much as I understand the need to spend a lot of free time with Matt, friends are just as important! Oh interesting… dinner is going to be with her father’s ex-partner? Hmm… if he’s grilling Zacky like that, I can’t imagine what will happen when he sees Matt. Suddenly I don’t have a good feeling about the end of Annabelle’s birthday… hahaha.

    “Your birthday surprise.” Is it bad that I imagined this line spoken in a very husky voice as if Zacky was trying to seduce Annabelle? Hahahaha. Like its vaguely dirty sounding with the right connotation. Anyone? No? Just me? Ok then, we know where my mind is at! Hahaha. “We both know you’re always ready to do it with me, you just like playing hard to get.” YES! I’ve missed the innuendos!!! Hahahaha. They’re back! Ok, it’s actually really cute how excited Zacky is about surprising her for her birthday! Aw! This whole thing is just too precious! YAY! TATTOOS! Hahaha! Such thoughtful gift! He just totally wants to brand her as his… that’s why. I love that her first thought about his tattoo design is the branding! Hahaha. That’s just too funny. But seriously, the whole idea behind him picking out a phoenix tattoo for her is just so nice! He’s hit the nail on the head with just how applicable that is to Annabelle. That’s gonna make the first tattoo special. Bahahaha! I love that Zacky has taken a special moment between then and cut through it with more sexual innuendo! Hahaha. God love him!

    Well, I’m super bummed that there’s no more for me to read now… even though it’s well into the wee hours of the morning and I need to sleep to go to work…. But yes! One more chapter for the birthday extravaganza and I’m excited! Man, dinner with the cop will be interesting. I’m sure he’s going to have a ball questioning Matt but I just hope that it doesn’t turn out to be too bad… I mean, I’m already anticipating it to be awkward but it would suck if her birthday ended on a downbeat. Hahah. I’m officially demanding the next chapter now! Well, when you feel like it… but I need it soon! I need more distractions! You know how I am with distractions! I need them! Keep up the good work and I look forward to the dinner of awkwardness soon. Hahaha.
    November 7th, 2019 at 11:32am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    URGH!!! Matt is so sweet!!! Those first few paragraphs of him waking up, covering her with a blanket and tucking her hair back? SO DAMNED CUTE!!!

    Ohhhh, and I am impressed with him and his internalising what he is feeling! Long gone are the days of him burying his head in the sand (well, about this, anyway. He still hasn't told her about Gretchen!)
    But hey, I am taking the win while I can :P

    Naw, they are SO FUCKING CUTE!!! Birthday smooches, then him checking her out, then her checking him out! GAH, I love them. They are just so beautiful!!!!

    Rah roh... now its time for his uncle to be his usual wonderful self, I am assuming! How you make me nervous while the boys are sitting there is your superpower. Seriously, you are insane! (I mean this as a compliment, I swear!)

    Oh my god, get your head on straight, boy!!
    So how could he tell him he wanted to back out of the only thing his Uncle had ever asked of him?
    He has DEFINITELY asked you to do other shit! This is just the most... intense thing. I mean, you have done numerous 'jobs' for your uncle, and I am sure a slew of other less-than-legal things... OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!!!!

    Anna, call Zack! Dont just expect him to arrive (even though he was late, silly boy!) but the phone goes both ways!! Dont be down until he doesnt show!

    SEE! I was right! He did show! Hahah!

    Gah, I love Anna and Zack! They are best friend goals!

    Wait, I have a theme of things I love. Maybe I should just leave it as I LOVE ANNA! She is so awesome :D

    “You’re so dramatic! He never asked you what color underwear you were wearing!”
    Okay, was definitely expecting her to chastise him for over exaggerating that he didnt ask about Zack losing his virginity, BUT THAT WAS THE ACTUAL TOPIC OF CONVERSATION?! No wonder Zack wants out!

    NAW! He is the sweetest best friend ever!!! I think he definitely deserves to have ‘Zack Baker is a God’ immortalised somewhere :P That is a fucking amazing present!

    GAH! This was such a good update!!!! I freaking LOVE this story!
    October 29th, 2019 at 04:45am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Matt and Anna are adorable! I know I've said that before, but it bears repeating. I love them together.

    I thought Matt was gonna be in deep shit with his uncle. It seems, however, that Joseph understands how willful his nephew is and knows that he can't be TOO pissed about the boy's inherent nature. I feel like it might have been the opportune moment for Matt to bring up the Gretchen arrangement; on the other hand, Matt was so close to making it out of the office without a fight that I'm sure he didn't want to risk Joseph's wrath. Because no matter how genial Joseph can be, that particular topic is likely to bring on his bad side.

    Zack is such a good friend! He didn't even grill Anna about Matt and his uncle, letting her enjoy her birthday breakfast -- and tattoo -- in peace. She needed a friend day, time to relax and just be. The last 12 or so hours have been very stressful for her! Zack's interrogation can wait.

    The tattoo idea was sooooo sweet!

    Dinner is gonna be interesting! If Andrew quizzed Zack to that extent, with Anna saying they were just friends, I can't even imagine how he'll deal with Matt...especially if she admits that Matt is an actual love interest!
    October 26th, 2019 at 09:41am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Police station? Oh fuck, what did those boys do?!

    Of course it is Matt and Zack inside, Anna and Brian on the outside! Those boys and their temper... Never get on the bad side of them!!

    Oh Brian, so blase about the whole situation. I am sure he has been here a time or two in the past, and knows that with the family connections between he and Matt, that it would all be over soon.

    Okay, so I am mid fight, they have just been thrown out - but can we take a second to appreciate Brian, here? He has no fucking clue why Matt has gone ape-shit, but knows it is something with Jake and Anna, yet still pushes her out of the way and out if the line of fire. He is ambivalent, but at least he has some common sense :D

    Yay! She managed to calm them down! Go Team Anna and Brian! Team Branna... Briabelle... something..
    Oh wait, He just HAD to open his mouth again... okay, that time he definitely deserved both Matt and Zack going at him. That is just fucked up.

    Oh Brian, there is nothing that pretty face can say that would calm Anna right now. She is a do-er. Sitting here just waiting is killing her. She wants to be at least starting to unravel a string that will get her boys out!

    Ah shit, Joseph is here. This is going to end BAD for Matt, especially after his warning to stay away from Anna... uh oh

    OH Zack, dont be hurt! It isn't that big a deal, right? I mean, if Anna and Matt were actually 'officially' dating, then you would probably want to know Matt's family, right? But I get it, he feels like Anna has just not told him this huge secret, another one, and he is just hurt. Poor baby :(

    Oh Anna, why would he be mad at you?! It's his own damned fault his stupid male fighting brain kicked in and he beat the shit out of Jake! You did nothing, you sweet baby angel!

    Gah, I love her. She is dealing with a mountain of repressed feelings and chaos and pain, yet is feeling guilty that it was 'her fault' this started? Oh Anna, I just want to cuddle and protect you!! It is not your fault Jake decided to be a giant asswipe! It all comes down to his decision to rape you, and there is nothing that will change my mind about that!

    God damn it! WHy are they so cute?! Its gunna hurt so much more when they can't be together!!! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!?!?

    As per usual, I am hooked on this shit. Just shove a needle into my vein and feed it to me in an IV! I cannot wait for more :D
    Hope you had an awesome birthday weekend! Sounds like you were showered with the love and free drinks you deserve ;)
    October 9th, 2019 at 11:39pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    And now we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming! Things got all discombobulated here given my late schedule at work and then trying to unwind a bit… I got distracted by my Korean variety show on Netflix and then the next thing I know, it’s 12:30 and I’ve started reading. I’m letting you know, it’s Tuesday morning as I’m starting this and I might not be able to do this all in one day… we’ll see how far I get before I find that I’ve passed out on the keyboard from exhaustion. Hahaha. I had to start this tonight though because I had been looking forward to the birthday continuation after you left me hanging like that last week! So freaking cruel! Hahaha. It’s ok. I’m here and I’m ready to pick up where we last left off in this bar with that fucking bastard trying to talk to my precious angel… Ugh…. I’m not happy about him at all… but here we go! Haahaha.

    OMO! We’re starting in a police station?! Somehow, I wasn’t expecting it to start off this way! Hahahaha. Well, at least she’s not alone… she’s with my favorite, well second favorite… we all know who is number one in my heart. Hahaha. I’m guessing that since Matt and Zacky are both being held, they did something to Jake… I just need to know how far it escalated! And yeah, she should be worried. Technically, since she’s eighteen now, they wouldn’t her Aunt and Uncle. She’s an adult now so she’s on her own. Hahaha. That’s the thing that sucks most about the legal system. Well, I like that she’s reaching out for help, even though nothing is coming of it. And I hate to admit it but I love Brian’s indifference to it all. It’s like he’s just waiting for her to realize why he’s so indifferent to the situation. I have a feeling that due to Matt’s family connections… or maybe their legal connections, this will all be sorted for him at least. Brian’s just waiting for the inevitable while poor Annabelle is freaking out about something she can’t help. And no, it’s not Annabelle’s fault! Zacky and Matt put themselves in jail with their actions, I’m sure. Hahaha. She needs to stop blaming herself for things! If she would’ve left when I told her to, things might have turned out differently!

    Hmm… I’m not really a fan of the guys reactions here. I mean, yeah, Jake sucks but he’s not the important one here! Annabelle is! I kind of wished that rather than Matt quickly jumping into the fight with Zacky, whose reaction I understand a bit more since he’s known about this douchebag for a lot longer, Matt would’ve just tried to comfort Annabelle and break up the fight. I want him to step in when Jake crosses the line, which we all know is bound to happen since he’s that kind of guy. Hahah. At least Brian is taking charge of the situation and pulling Annabelle out with them as the guys are all escorted out of the club! He can have his confiscated points back. Hahaha. But that’s just cuz he’s my number two favorite guy. =] I’m glad that she’s finally snapped out of it though and intervened a bit to stop things from escalating. The guys have been so stupid in their own sense of justice that they haven’t even bothered to check in with Annabelle and her whole reaction to the situation. SHE’S THE IMPORTANT ONE HERE GUYS! GET IT TOGETHER! Jake seems like he’s just gonna continue to run his mouth so when that happens, that’s when intervention is required but only if Annabelle says so! This is her fight here, he’s her demon! She needs to stand up to him as best as she can first and then they can jump in! Dammit! Hahaha

    As a quick sidebar, I’m listening to the wrong soundtrack while I’m reading this update so things are not synching up well. Hahahaha. Biggie does not go with this section at all… I’ll need to change this is it gets emotional like I think it will… but for now, we’ll continue to push through with “Hypnotize” and see how we get on…

    OH WOW! This guy has some balls! He’s just had his ass kicked and he’s still running his mouth! I mean, that statement earns him a smack. That time, I approve of the violence. Hahaha. It was provoked. I guess I like my dudes to intervene when the time calls for it… like some twisted sense of white knighthood. Hahah. I don’t feel bad that Jake was beaten unconscious… however, Matt’s escalation is concerning. He’s got some rage issues that he needs to see Dr. Schwam for… we need to work through those feelings so that he’s not dangerous for Annabelle. Haha. Considering that Jake was taken away by ambulance and considering the damage both of them did on the douchebag, I’m not surprised that they wound up being arrested That’s a severe assault charge they could be facing… which isn’t what anyone needs to be facing right now.

    I love that Annabelle hasn’t seemed to slow down and figure out why Brian isn’t completely freaked out right now. She knows about Matt’s family and his connections so I’m a little surprised that she hadn’t through about the uncle arriving to get Matt out of jail at least. Hahaha. I mean, I get it, it’s been an emotionally draining night for her and she’s not thinking straight but given Brian’s nonchalance about things, she should’ve figured it out. Hahaha. Poor girl. And now she’s getting to see why Brian was acting so casually about their situation! She’s able to see how the uncle operates in person! And yeah, he seems like the type of guy that just makes things happen. I wouldn’t want to get on his bad side but at the same time, he too needs to see Dr. Schwam for a whole host of things, I’m sure.

    Ok, I get that Matt’s lineage is shocking but why is Zacky freaking out right now? Haha. I’m not sure he’s in the place to be upset since he landed himself in jail to begin with. God and now we have the most awkward car ride ever! Hahahaha. I would not want to be in that car with an angry bestie, Brian, and then Matt… who’s never really quite readable when it comes to processing feelings. Again, I expect him to be booked up with the torture doctor soon. And Annabelle needs to stop worrying so much about Zacky. I mean, yeah, he’s angry now but he’ll get over it if he’s a real friend. Though, to me, this isn’t even the big secret that she needs to explain… she needs to tell Zacky about why she and Matt haven’t labeled their relationship… I have a feeling that conversation will go a lot worse than the one about Matt’s dumb uncle. Wait until he hears about Gretchen… hahaha.

    Well, I’ll say this of Matt, I’m glad that he’s not leaving Annabelle alone right now. She’s had a pretty emotional night here and he went and made it worse with his violent tendencies! Hahaha. She does not need to be on her own to process her thoughts on the evening right now so he can have five points back… but only five! God, even when she has a lot to process for herself, she’s looking out for others first. That’s just so sweet of her… and slightly infuriating. I have to keep reminding myself that she’s a teenager that doesn’t know any better right now but man… I’m waiting for a time where she’s a little bit more selfish with her own needs first before she worries about other people. I like that she’s expressing the fact that she’s feeling overwhelmed with the evening’s events and that’s right. She needs to process things… she too can book time with Dr. Schwam! God, I’ll need an assistant to make all sorts of appointments.

    Ok, Matt expressing thoughts of wanting to kill Jake is scary… considering he almost did. Hahaha. Um, besides, I don’t think death is really the thing that would be good for this situation. Cuz that makes it about him instead of about Annabelle. Annabelle is the one that needs to come to terms with things, not Matt. His job is to be there for her and only her… leave Jake alone… like I said the last time, I would’ve taken care of him quietly and so that it traces back to no one but no… these dumb boys just had to jump in and ruin my carefully executed plan of kidnapping Jake and leaving him in the trunk of my care on the way to Mexico. Hahaha. Well, hmm… I’m glad that she’s at least ok with them being ridiculous by acting rashly first… I mean, I don’t agree that they were really protecting her but that’s because if something like that would’ve happened to me, I would’ve been pissed off. But I’m not in Annabelle’s shoes either. She’s still dealing with her trauma while I’m a big girl, able to handle pretty much anything now after all those years of experience. I still think that everyone needs to be booked for sessions with Dr. Schwam. Everyone has things they need to work on this week for homework! Hahahaha.

    Well damn…. I actually finished it in one night! I thought earlier I was gonna pass out from being tired but then I wound up perking up while I was reading your update! Hahahahahaha. That picked right up in a place that I wasn’t expecting and ended quiet sweetly (I think it helped that I switched my music to Epik High instead… Korean rap with aesthetic music…. That helped set the scene). Hahahaha. I really enjoyed this update, probably because there were things that I wasn’t really expecting. I just need Annabelle to be selfish now, especially on her birthday! Hahaha. Well, I’m looking forward to more of her birthday! I’m hoping that she has a better time than this previous evening since that was a shit show for her that she didn’t need to be dealing with. Hahaha. I need her to have something nice happen to her! She suffers a lot so I’m hoping that for her birthday, she can have a good time for once that is just about her. Hahaha. I’m looking forward to the next! Keep up the good work and update soon! I’ll stalk you… you know I will… demanding the next update! Hahaha.
    October 8th, 2019 at 11:13am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Jake deserved every bit of that for what he did. She's a lucky girl to have such a good best friend and boyfriend. And they are lucky that Matt's family is so well connected. I'm sure Mr. Denardo will ensure that neither Matt nor Zacky see the inside of a court room or another jail cell, regardless of whether or not Jake presses charges.

    I love that Matt took Anna back to his place and talked to her instead of just sending her home to deal with her emotions on her own. He obviously has quite the soft side, which makes him even sexier In Love

    Can't wait for the rest of her birthday shenanigans! Also, happy birthday to you!!!!! Arms
    October 8th, 2019 at 03:31am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    And we are back! :D

    Zack finally can't hold in his curiosity and HAS to ask Anna what the hell is happening between she and Matt... probably not the ideal place, but hey, Best friend duty knows no bounds!!!

    I JUST LOVE THEM!!!! They are so fucking cute and sweet!!!! The forehead kiss and the end, finishing their conversation was the CUTEST! URGH!!!!!!!!!!

    “Birthday girl gets two drinks at a time.”
    THIS is something I can get behind! :P What a perfect idea!! :D
    Oh, wait. That was just his indecision. I really think the two-drink minimum should have been the way forward :P

    Okay, that whole interaction with the hand on the thigh, then Anna squeezing his hand? TOO FUCKING CUTE!!! So adorable!! I mean, it is making my heart flutter, let alone Anna's heart! So cute!!!

    Fuck, reason 4925629348 I love your writing? This line here, a pass-by line, but so damned perfect that EVERYONE has had these conversations before
    swapped stories of the times they’d drank a bit too much and wound up vomiting in unconventional locations.

    Oh man, so much tension between the two! Both trying to be good and behave in public, but not quite being able to keep their hands off each other. Gah! I love them.

    Hahha, boys will be boys. If there is a bent over ass, they will find it, and they will stare at it :P

    Oh no! What a great night shot to hell because of fucking Jake!

    Can we take a second to applaud Matt for knowing the second he saw her that something was up? And Zack, too, of course, but he is the best person ever, so we knew he would pick up on it :P

    Urgh, holy shit, he is actually playing the song with his band?! What a fucking turd nugget! Zack for the win, taking her outside and holding her as she breaks down. A well deserved break down, it needed to happen or she would explode! Poor little sausage!!!

    Okay, hear me out... I think Matt should have stayed away a little longer. Best friend duty is holding her when she cries, and poor Zack was replaced by Matt :( Dont get me wrong, I do adore that Matt came to check on her, make sure it was all okay, but he should have just done a silent head nod with Zack and kept his distance. THEY ARE BESTIES!

    Then again, it would be pretty perfect to be able to cuddle up to him after she pulled herself together, just for that extra sense of security...

    Oh Anna, do not do your caring thing right now! They can finish the game, Brian is just being selfish. It is your turn to be selfish!

    Oh shit, it is about to go down!!!
    September 30th, 2019 at 02:49am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    There’s another update and I’m so freaking excited that I can barely stand it! So here we are! BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! *throws confetti* I’ve been waiting for this to start! Hahahaa. Now that it’s here, I’m hoping that Anna has a good one because she’s finally turning 18! SHE’S A LEGAL ADULT NOW! God, my 18th birthday was so uneventful but that’s because by then, I had already done a life time of partying so there was nothing that could top all the stuff I had done up to that point. Anyway, enough about my own sad birthday! We’re not here for my therapy session! I can’t be my own therapist! That’s what whiskey is for! Hahahaha. Anyway, I’ve got my music going and I’m ready to start this night of partying! Hahaha.

    Finally! Zacky’s finally asking the important questions here! I was going to say, he’s been slacking in the best friend department but it looks like he’s finally gotten with the program! I don’t think this is the best place to have this discussion, however, considering they’re in public and the music is so loud that they have to shout. Hahaha. But hey, at least he’s making Anna explain things! She really needs to tell someone the real deal with her…. label-less dude… I don’t really know what to refer to him as in this scenario other than my standard name for him, which is Clown. Hahahah. Since they’re out and about, I’m kind of hoping she runs into someone in the bathroom and drunkenly just starts seeking advice in the ladies’ room about things. That always happens to me in the bathrooms when I’m out at funk night. Some girl is always crying over her relationship and winds up talking to me about it, forcing me to give the drunken pep talk. =/ hahahaha. Ok, digression over, back to the friendship goals currently taking place… I’m glad that Zacky is looking out for her though. He has every right to be suspicious of Matt, especially with her reluctance to divulge their official status. I mean, she says that she’s not going to get hurt here but I don’t believe her. Anna is fooling herself if she thinks that she can just have fun with him without her feelings spiraling… they couldn’t even just be friends because her feelings wouldn’t allow it! Ugh… this is going to be interesting to see how that all plays out. Hahah.

    MANIACAL CLOWN! OMG, that would be such a good name for a band. Hahahaha. “Hi, we’re Maniacal Clown and here’s ‘Wonderwall.’” Ahahahahhahaha. Don’t ask me why they’re playing Oasis… it just seemed right for that band introduction. Hahaha. Ok, enough of that… back to this party! “Birthday girl gets two drinks at a time.” HAHAHAHA! OMG, I love Brian’s style! He and I would get along so well on a night out. I know that it’s a joke but still, it’s hilarious. Hahah. Now, the question I have is who is driving everyone home?! If they’re all drinking large amounts of alcohol, someone needs to be DD for the night! I don’t want anyone driving my precious schmoo home under the influence! If I need to, I will show up and drive everyone home! Hahaha. Considering she’s mixing vodka and whiskey, I’m predicting a hell of a hangover the next day. Eww… she’s braver than I am! Ahahaha. OHH!!!!!!! She and Matt are making eyes at each other in the booth! I will admit, they do share some cute moments together even though I’m not Matt’s biggest fan. Hahaha. I do find myself cheering them on from time to time…. Just as long as Clown knows better than to be a dickhead. I have no problem demoting him back to his original title of ass clown. Hahaha. I do have to admit however, I’m glad that Anna is acting a little more confident around Matt now… like it gives me hope that she’s not as insecure as she once was at the beginning of this story. Hahaha. That makes me happy.

    HAHAHA! I love that Zacky’s all pouty since he’s losing! Poor baby! Surely, he’ll be able to beat Annabelle since she’s a novice at the game… but then again, it would be hilarious if that wasn’t the case. Hahaha. And now the guys are checking out her ass as she’s trying to make a shot! Hahaha. I like that Brian is still looking too cuz that seems just like him. Hahaha. Of course Matt is gonna smack him for that! I love that she’s blaming having to rush the shot and messing up on Brian being a pervert. Haha. That’s just too funny.

    OMO! NO!!!!!!!!! Her ex-boyfriend is here to ruin her birthday party??! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are my ninja stars? I need them now! I will assassinate his ass so fast! Hahaha. Wow, this is gonna be intense! I’m not happy that he’s here, ruining her birthday! Of course she’s freaking out! Considering what that douchebag put her through, I’m surprised that she’s able to keep it together enough to try to gloss over it all with the guys when they start asking her if she’s ok. And now she’s trying to plan her next move in the bathroom now that’s she alone with her thoughts! Ugh, I’m not liking that she’s trying to be considerate of everyone else right now. It’s her damn birthday and like the song says, she can cry is she wants to! Well, that last part isn’t really relevant but she should be able to just leave early if she wants, especially since she doesn’t want to create a scene! She doesn’t need the risk of running into that asshat or having the guys get into the inevitable fight that will happen if they find out why she’s so freaked out. Ugh, she’s so distracted by the thought of him now that it’s not worth it to stay! Matt and Zacky are bound to notice her radical shift in mood! I’ve never wanted to hurt someone so badly the way I do with that fucking lead singer. Hahahaha.

    NO! Now he’s playing that song?! Seriously, where’s my katana? He deserves to have his head chopped off now! Hahaha. At least Zacky is there to make her leave for the song at least. He’s such a good friend. =] That’s what she needs right now, her best friend. Aww… and now she’s crying! Poor girl! I feel so bad for her! Is it bad that I’m a little annoyed at Matt being here in the moment? Hahaha. I mean, this is best friend duty. He needs to just let her have a moment with Zacky before he comes checking up on her! Hahahahahaha. I know, I know… I’m against him so it’s not fair cuz he’s actually being the caring boyfriend but I can’t help it. I will say though, I’m glad that he’s insisting that it’s time to call it a night. She doesn’t need to be out now. She needs her fat pants and a pint of ice cream! No Annabelle! Don’t stay! You need to get the hell out of there! Her consideration for others is frustrating, especially when it’s so detrimental to her own needs. No good will come of this. I have a feeling things will end badly…

    God, in this moment, I just need Brian to stop talking! This is the first time I’m deducting points from him for continuing to talk about that stupid band! Minus ten! I can’t deduct too much because even though he’s making things difficult right now, I still love him. Hahahaha. I nearly started cheering the moment that she started to get out of the bar rather than acknowledge the guys demands about which guy is the one that hurt her only to yell in frustration when that asshat caught her arm as she was trying to leave! NO! UGH! AND THEN YOU LEFT ME HANGING LIKE THIS! WHY?! MY HEART! Hahahaha.

    Wow, so that’s a lot to process. I have a feeling that things are going to get violent in the next one but I’m kind of hoping that they don’t. I just want her to get away safely. Beating up that douchebag isn’t going to magically make her feel better and if the guys can recognize that, I’ll be impressed. Especially Matt, whose first response to the news that her ex was in the same bar was demanding to know where he was. I mean, sure, Jake deserves to get hurt but I’m going to take care of that in the shadows so no one can trace it back to anyone. Hahaha. Zacky and Matt need to just focus on making sure Annabelle is ok. Wah! I hate you so much right now for making me feel feelings! Hahaha. But you know I love you. Of course now, I’m DEMANDING more! Hahaha. And I need it sooner rather than later! I need to know how things go down! I’m so freaking pumped for the next one! I’m sure there will be way more exclamation points in that comment. Hahahaha.
    September 29th, 2019 at 11:29am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Sounds like one hell of a birthday...until she realized Jake was there. She really should have just feigned sick and left. I understand her not wanting to ruin the fun, but it's her night and she shouldn't stay anywhere that she isn't comfortable! And now it's gonna get bad. The combination of alcohol, testosterone, the fact that the guys will feed off each other's heightened emotions, and their protective natures is gonna result in some serious pain for Jake -- and I'm not even mad about it. Even if they don't totally kick his ass, someone had better punch him in the dick! Hahaha!
    September 29th, 2019 at 06:45am
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    I’m hooked and I’ve only gotten to make it through two chapters! I’ll finish the rest after work Crazy
    September 20th, 2019 at 09:12pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    As we know, I’m here because I’m still procrastinating! Hahaha. Honestly, I’ve been wanting to read this all week but I’ve been too knackered after work to muster up any kind of energy to do anything at all so I’ve slacked off with K-drama and the final season of Elementary. Now that I’m out of things to watch, I’m here and I’m ready to get going! You know I loves me some Muse and this is my favorite song you’ve quoted! Hahahaha. I’m pretty sure from the placement of the song, I can expect some sexy times and if there are none, then I question why the song is here! Hahaha. Now, I know I’m still hating on Matt but it’s just hard to be on his side when he’s basically forcing Annabelle to become the “other woman” due to his constant interference in the beginning of the story I’m hoping I can snap out of it enough so I can tolerate him. Hahahaha. I’d settle for that at this point. Freaking clown… ugh ok. I’m ready! Here we go!

    OH! DINNER WITH AUNTIE AND UNCLE! That’s kind of a big deal…. Kind of like a meet the parents situation. Interesting. I would’ve loved to see that…. Especially if it was awkward. Hahaha. Well darn, it’s not awkward. I would’ve loved for the typical “hurt my niece and I’ll kill you” speech from the Uncle. Ahahaha. Considering the profession, it would’ve been hilarious to see. I’m still bothered by their lack of definition of a relationship… but that’s because things don’t tend to end well for people who don’t label their relationships… or at least layout the expectations. All I can say is that I’m ready to leap out with the ninja stars the minute that my angel is hurt by the clown. Hahaha.

    AH! HER BIRTHDAY! That will be fun… especially given the spoilers you provided me regarding the length of chapters dealing with the birthday. Hahahahaha. I’m kind of with Annabelle regarding a lowkey birthday but that’s because I hate when a fuss is made. Personally, I just want people to ignore it. Haha. I don’t like the extra attention. OMG, Matt just suggested getting her a fake ID so they could go to a club? When I was 18, I was able to get into clubs without being carded…. Cuz I just slipped in or we knew the bouncers. God, this is making me nostalgic as fuck. I almost want to go back to my teen years when I was up to no good. Hahaha. Ok, well, at least Matt and I see eye to eye about the birthday thing. That’s something we have in common. I realize that I’m probably so repelled by him is due to the fact that our temperaments are eerily similar, except I’m not overtly a dick about it the way he was when the story first started. Hahaha.

    Oh snap! It’s time for sexy times. I’m telling you, that particular Muse song just has an effect like that. Hahahaha. I guess I need to know whose house are they at? Are they still within the proximity of her Aunt and Uncle, like they could walk in any moment and ruin their sexy times? Hahahaha. I’m hoping something embarrassing happens but that’s mainly because I’m cruel. I’m thinking that they’re no longer at her place though… I don’t know! Hahahaha. The suspense! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! The “Jaws” theme started playing when he was about to free the girls from their cage! I knew that something was going to interrupt them but I wasn’t expecting that! And that ringtone is his Uncle’s! Omo, that’s just so good. Hahaha. See, now if I were her, I’d be more upset at sexy time being ruined than worrying about when she’s gonna be able to be affectionate with him. Hahaha. Perspective Annabelle! Oh well. I feel for her, though this situation would have been remedied had they just been in a normal relationship instead of sneaking around. Ah! I got my answer! They were at her house! Now I wish the Aunt and Uncle checked in on them! Oh well. They know what the kids are up to, which is why they conveniently went to bed already. Hahaha.

    Well, Matt’s Uncle’s house seems like a barrel of laughs. =/ Seriously though, it’s so freaking tense. Hahaha. Well, there’s problems with the battling businesses and now the Uncle wants them to move up the wedding?! I knew things were just too good to be true. Hahaha. Well, I’m sure that there won’t be a wedding soon. It take so much planning and with Gretchen’s shallowness, she’ll want it to at least look perfect so that will make things difficult. I kind of feel bad for Matt now… shocker, I know. I mean, his life isn’t really his own. It’s like there was no choice for him. He’s forced to settle into a loveless marriage with Gretchen, the queen of bitchiness and vanity, all because his Uncle wants a better business deal between families. Poor guy… I ALMOST feel sorry for him. At the end of the day, he knew this was coming and honestly, weeks wouldn’t matter in the long run. A few weeks more of freedom now won’t be enough to make up for the years of torment he’ll have to endure through his marriage. At least father and son Brians are there to offer him some comforting words. That’s something. Hahaha. But Brian knows about Annabelle! I have a feeling that if Matt didn’t share that information with him, he would have figured it out on his own. Hahaha. He’s an observant one. Oh! Now Matt’s considering saying no to the wedding altogether! Well, that’s certainly a change in his tune. I guess now that he’s actually experienced life (rather than lifelessly moving through the motions of everyday life), he’s able to see what he would potentially miss by just surrendering to his Uncle’s plans. I have a feeling though that his uncle would kill him for screwing over the plans like that, especially if he finds out that his motivation is Annabelle. I also worry about him taking it out on her. You know, if he eliminates her completely, there’s no more distraction or obstacle to get in the way of the uncle’s plans for Matt.

    Aww, Annabelle’s feeling awkward! Hahahaha. I mean, I don’t blame her. Matt’s too busy sulking about his own problems and he’s basically neglecting her altogether. I mean, if he was gonna be a miserable bastard like this, then why not just cancel plans so you can mope on your own time Matt?! Why you gotta drag the mood down when Annabelle is just trying to engage with you any way she can? Hahaha. I wouldn’t be putting up with that… I would’ve gone home but I’m not a nice person the way Annabelle is. Hahaha. It seemed every time they started to fool around and make out, it never got beyond second base before they were interrupted. HAHAHAHA! Yes, and it’s all to my amusement! OMO! Brian walked in on them as well?! Hahaha. That’s just so funny. I bet his perverted ass wanted to stay and watch the live show. I can see it now.

    I knew it! More sexy times! You can’t just use that Muse song and not deliver the goods. Hahahahahaa. Aww, it’s cute that he’s telling her that she’s perfect after checking out her naked bod. If it were me, the mood would be killed instantly. Hahaha. On the list of things I can’t really stand, compliments is up there, especially being called perfect or beautiful. But that’s just me… it’s cute for Annabelle since she’s so freaking naive that it’s frustrating some times. Hahaha. Aww, her first orgasm! Hahahaha. Somehow that’s just so freaking precious. I love it. Considering her prior sexual experiences weren’t really what she wanted, I glad that she’s seeming to embrace her sexuality a bit. She still has a ways to go but I’m sure with a little more confidence, things will be better. Hahaha. See! I told you! Confidence! HAHAHA. I’m glad that she’s taking charge and I’m glad that Matt’s made it a point to her that he’s not expecting anything in return. That’s a huge improvement from the last dude… fucking asshole. Hahah

    Well way to end things with the steamy stuff! Wow. Some things have happened. I’m not feeling good about the announcement of moving the wedding forward but then again, I’m more worried about the Uncle actually finding out about Annabelle and confronting her or worse. Wah! So much to worry about now! As always, keep up the good work! Man, I have no more distractions now but considering it’s nearly two in the morning, I guess that’s fine. I should sleep…. I guess… ugh…. Anyways, I’m looking forward to the next update! It’s birthday time, right?! I’m ecstatic.
    September 20th, 2019 at 10:49am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Ohhhhhh, shit is getting serious when he is asked to come over for dinner with the guardians!!!
    What a good guy that he put on his best behaviour and impressed them! Urgh, why weren't there Matt's around when I was that age?! :P

    Nawwwww!! I get fluttery when Matt calls her 'babe' too!! So so so cute!!! :D
    I also like his answer to her hesitation in having a party. It made me laugh :P

    Please let them last til his birthday! That was so cute!!! He actually wanted to spend time with her for his birthday, please let it happen :D :D :D

    OKay, you are really setting me up to fall some time soon.. I am so in love with these two! Even just this tiny thing Anna noticed about Matt has me planning their wedding, arrangements be damned
    so it was nice to know that her touch could have such a calming effect on him.

    Matt's ring tone. Freaking priceless!!! Hahahahahahhaha
    I mean, totally shittily timed, but pretty fucking funny :P

    His damned uncle couldn't have worse timing. What a prick!

    I love that he clearly wants to spend as much time with her as she does with him. He couldn't pick her up from school, so made sure he could see her in the evening. Gah, too freaking cute!

    Dont jump the gun there, Matty! You dont know its about you. Assuming so will just make you appear even more guilty.
    Oh, thank god he didnt open his mouth and make a fool out of himself!!!

    No!! Can someone please shoot Joseph before he has any more shitty ideas?! Moving up the wedding? Noooooooo

    Ohhh, Brian Senior actually giving a solid point... weddings are fucking hard to organise, but with enough money, it definitely helps grease the wheels. Hopefully Gretchen goes full Bridezilla and fucks everything up :D

    “Yeah, she is.”
    FUCK YEAH SHE IS!!!!!! Gah! This made me so happy!!!!!!! You know the way to my heart!

    I actually lol'ed at this! It jsut really tickled me :P
    so the last thing they needed was for him to be creeped out by her smelling like a guy.

    Again, no freaking self control! I just read the rest of the chapter without thinking about commenting for a second, so sorry about that! But it is your fault ;)

    Glad they FINALLY got some time to be intimate!! And uninterrupted :P must be a relief on all parts ;P

    It is going to be interesting to see how she takes the news of the wedding move up... She has been so chill so far, insanely understanding, but something has to be the straw to break her. Surely!

    Gah, thank you for updating!! Doesnt matter how long it takes, I am always SO excited to read :D :D :D
    September 18th, 2019 at 04:23am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Just to say I loved this chapter and I can’t wait for more. I really hope that Matt actually refuses to marry Gretchen and gives the reason as he is “in love with Annabelle”.

    Please update again soon xxx
    September 17th, 2019 at 07:09am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    It was sweet of Matt to have dinner with her aunt and uncle. He obviously knows that, despite her actions on their first date, she's the kind of girl that you actually date -- as in, meeting the parents (or guardians, at any rate) and the whole nine yards. She may have a past, but she's not like his usual pursuits.

    His uncle has the worst timing! Grr

    No! They can't move up the wedding! That's bullshit!
    Brian Senior has a point, though. Gretchen's gonna be a total bridezilla, and if she doesn't get her way, I'm sure there will be hell to pay.

    Shocked Matt admitted that Anna was worth his uncle's wrath?! Uh-oh. Sounds like she's not the only one catching deeper feelings! tehe I knew it. Matt's a softy.

    Finally!!!!!!!!!!! Damn! I was getting frustrated for them! Hahaha! I like the contrast now that Matt considers her more than a conquest. He's all nice and patient and gentle and courteous. In Love They're just so good together.
    September 16th, 2019 at 06:47pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Back at the distractions! HAHAHA. I should be focusing on my writing. I should be trying to push through the writer’s block I’ve seemed to hit but then I realized that you had this update waiting for me so distractions have ensued! Hahaha. Anyways, I’m looking forward to things now. They’ve finally admitted their feelings for one another and things are about to get complicated, I feel. I’m happy Matt’s been making progress with his therapy sessions. We’ve come a long way from where he was in the beginning but just know, I always have emergency time set aside for him should he need another ass whooping, I mean, tune up. Hahaa. Anyhoo.. on with my distractions!

    You know, back when I was a youngster in the working world, my favorite shift was always the closing shift. Hahahah. I hated the mornings because it was always slow for me but the night shift was awesome because there were no customers but we were always busy with the clean up so time went so fast. Hahaha. Just though I would share a tidbit of my life…. Though it’s not relevant to anyone. Hahaha. Anyway, back to it… hahaha. I like that Zacky’s defending the times that he’s overslept. I used to do that when I had to work mornings or early afternoons, especially after long nights out. DEPRESSO! OMG, such a dad joke and I love it! Hahaha. What makes it even better is I can just imagine Zacky’s expression right now. Hahah. I have to ask though, after having a fun weekend away like he wanted, why does Zacky seem so… hmm, what’s the best way to put this… bitchy? Hahaha. That’s the closest synonym I could come up with. You’d think he’d be in a better mood, unless he’s still sleepy!

    HAHAHAHA! I love that Zacky is just assuming that Annabelle and Matt hooked up on the trip! I mean, I would assume the same thing, especially since she seems so engaged at laughing at dad jokes. Hahah. But yeah, how is she going to navigate explaining the situation to Zacky without betraying Matt’s confidence (though the demon within me is saying fuck Matt and tell your best friend! But that’s because my best friend knows all. Hahaha) so yeah, it’ll be interesting to see how she manages to keep dodging that question or at least prolonging the answer. If the emotional and emotional sides are at war with one another, then Anna needs to book some time for talk therapy with Dr. Schwam. I am here for all the advice! Hahahaha.

    Ok, I will admit, I involuntarily let out a sigh when I saw that Matt was waiting for her. Hahaha. I’m so not his fan… though I don’t hate him as much as I did before… at least I don’t think. Hahaha. I just don’t want him here? He just screams problems for my precious angel and I don’t want her having to deal with his bullshit. Oh dear… they’re going back to his place for alone time?! I REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME THEY WERE ALONE! I have concerns about this. Hahaha. Especially since she’s already conflicted about whether to invest in her emotions at the moment. I mean, she’s already giving into them by agreeing to hang out with him in a non-platonic way so I know she’s going to be crushed somewhere down the line. There’s still time to get away from him Annabelle! Come back to me and my Rolodex of men and I’ll find you someone better! *thumbs through cards* I swear I can! I’m a doctor!

    HAHAHAHA. She’s making him feel the food baby?! You know, I feel like that’s something I would do. Hahaha. That’s just too funny. I can just feel the sexual tension building between them.. it doesn’t help that I’ve got the sexy K-pop playlist on while I’m reading this, which is adding to the mood. Hahaha. Damn Shinee and their smooth ass R&B vibe. Hahaha. I’m glad that they both seemed to resist the temptation at the moment cuz I can’t have them jumping back into bed so quickly! Not with this playlist on! Hahaha. But yay, now they’re having a real conversation! Maybe Matt can tell her how he became the assclown he used to be (now downgraded to clown… for now *insert evil laugh*). Haha. Oh interesting, I get more background on the uncle. This is good since I’ve been curious about him. So he’s like a famous gangster then? Cuz I’m confused as to how Annabelle is familiar with him… like does the media know how bad he is but he’s just one of those guys who never gets caught because it doesn’t trace back to him? I’m confused! Hahaha.

    Oh Annabelle! The way your mind works is so precious! I like that she seems to think that family (in this case, blood relatives) are supposed to love you unconditionally and that he would get preferential treatment due to the fact that Matt is the nephew. She doesn’t seem to understand the blurred line between unconditional love and loyalty with this family. If Matt was really serious about their business, the engagement to Gretchen wouldn’t be such a big ask. At least, that’s probably the attitude. Obligations and all that… I get that Annabelle is trying o figure him out, especially with his family but I don’t think this is something that she’ll understand. Hell, even I don’t really understand it! Hahaha. I don’t understand the reason behind it all! Hahaha. But that’s ok… we’re not mean to understand things. I’m supposed to figure that oud for myself with my chalkboard of characters, trying to peg down their motivations.

    It’s kind of cute that Annabelle is just hugging Matt after he told her about his mom and dad. I know he didn’t get a lot of hugs growing up (especially after that explanation of his family) so it’s nice of her to just comfort him a bit. OH WOW! That escalated! Damn this sexy playlist for being the omen to sexy times! Hahahaha. OMG! WHAT A BONER KILLER! Gretchen is here… ugh.. someone I hate more than Matt… bleh. Why is she here?! Like, she doesn’t even really want him! WHY? Can’t she just get kidnapped or something? I don’t like the way she turns everything into a fucking game… seriously. And now she’s trying to make my schmoo feel bad for making out with her fiancé... I mean when I say it like that, it sounds bad but honestly, Gretchen knows she’s not wanted so she needs to get out. “Call me when you’re feeling better.” CALL HER WHEN YOU HAVE THE PLAGUE SO YOU CAN GIVE IT TO HER AND KILL HER OFF WITH ILLNESS! Ain’t nobody calling you Gretchen! No! Just leave! Hahaha.

    And now my schmoopie is upset! Of course she it! No one wanted to see Gretchen! This is especially hard for her since she’s been wrestling with the notion of not giving into her feelings. It’s one thing to say that you want to enjoy the moment and damn the consequences, especially when the other person involved is just abstract. To be confronted by the other person like that though, man… I would be so messed up about it. Wow, I’m actually surprised that she wants to stay. I would be running away from him but mainly because I would need to sort out my feelings about things.

    Well damn… now things are getting messy and I love it! I’m gonna need the popcorn ready for the next time things are about to be weird. Hahaha. Well, there’s been some development on all fronts here. Annabelle is conflicted about acting on her emotions versus the logic and Matt shared some more about his life to her. All in all, this was a productive session for everyone. Hahaha. I’m looking forward to the next update! It better be soon!
    September 10th, 2019 at 10:37am
  • thePHunkmaster

    thePHunkmaster (100)

    United States
    I am obsessed with your story. I don't know why it took me so long to find it. But anyway, I can foresee a huge cat fight in the future between Gretchen and Annabelle. Zack better hurry up and teach his girl how to fight!
    September 6th, 2019 at 05:03pm
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Oh geez. Customers used to tell me jokes all the time, and it was always older men with the dad jokes. To be fair, some of them were good :P

    Of COURSE Zack assumes they had sex!!!!! Everyone in the house probably assumed the same thing. It's good that they didn't (then). Matt needs to prove that he actually cares for her and isn't doing it all for some nookie. Lol.

    Oh, Anna. It would be almost impossible to turn down an invitation for some food and alone time. I'm glad they talked some and that Matt didn't shut down as soon as she started asking questions, especially about his mom. I know that's a sensitive subject.

    Ugh. Gretchen has the WORST timing lmfao Poor Anna. That would be totally humiliating. And Gretchen didn't want to bring him soup because he was sick; she's not that thoughtful. She definitely knew he was lying and showed up to check in on him Rolling Eyes

    I would have bailed. That situation would be way too much for me. fiction land, I'm happy she wanted to stay!
    September 6th, 2019 at 11:05am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    UPDATE! YAYYYY!!! Reading this before work so I know I get to read it :P

    I agree with Anna, morning shifts are WAYYYY better than afternoon ones! I always used to ask for the open at my last hospo job!

    You definitely have to be in a good mood to be able to talk to customers like that older guy, and to laugh at that joke :P I am with Zack, she is abnormally perky today... maybe a side affect of a certain hunky "not" boyfriend friend :P

    Oh dear, the dreaded real talk with Zack. He is obviously going to want there to be some definition between the two, but there can't be... Poor Anna, that is not an enviable position to be in!

    Ahhh, saved by the bell, Anna!! That was lucky!! Can't imagine you will be able to dodge that for too long, my dear!

    Holy shit, you just summed me up in a sentence
    The rational and emotional sides of her were at war
    I resonate with this SO HARD!!! This is my biggest flaw, I know logically something is one way, but the emotional side always skews the opposite, so I have to figure out how to balance the two!!!
    Poor Anna!!

    MATT!!! I actually get so excited when he turns up in her world! You have well and truly got me on team dimples :P

    YAY!!! Emotional side of Anna won!! This makes me happy :D She wanted to spend time with Matt, so she did!! Thats what your teen years are for, Anna my love!! :D

    Is it sad I know exactly what episode of the Simpsons you are referencing? :P Bloody channel 10 and their repeats weeknights at 6pm! Those were the Simpson's golden days!

    I love this sneak peek into Matt's life!! A little more info about his history and just the pair of them chilling and talking make me super happy (while I totally ignore the fact Gretchen still exists :P )

    OH, knew it couldn't last PG for too long ;) Too many hormones up in this house!!

    Oh fuck off, Gretchen!!! No one wants you to interrupt!! Urgh!!!!
    She is so... precise!! She knows exactly what she is doing, and that is dangerous!!!

    GAH!!! I read through to the end without commenting because I have no 'chill' button when it comes to this story.
    She is so freaking strong, and I love it! She isn't intimidated by Gretchen, even though part of her tells her to be. IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!!!!
    September 6th, 2019 at 01:07am