Twisted by Design - Comments

  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Once again, I’m late to the party of catching up on the updates but I’m here on my Friday night, trying to squeeze this in before my laptop dies in about an hour so let’s get to it! I’m looking forward to this update since I know that it’s the morning after Annabelle’s drunken night of breaking up with Stuart (thank God cuz that wasn’t right… hahahaha) and trying to get down and dirty with Matt (at least the clown was decent enough to recognize that she was too intoxicated to consent properly)! It’s been a busy update and now, I need to know what happens next! Diving in!

    OMO! So, she was dreaming about him while she was drunk and decided to test whether she was still dreaming or not?! Hahahahahahaha. That sounds like something I would do. Aww, well I’m glad she got some cuddles anyway, even if it was from Matt (who is still on my list… though he’s slowly working his way off the list but I know that he’ll disappoint me somehow so I’m just waiting for the time to come where I slash his tires hahaha). UH OH! Zacky totally busted her! Hahahaha. Seems like Zacky has come around on Matt as well which makes me question how good of a friend he really is! Hahahaha. I’m kidding. I know he’s the best. Oh! And now he’s encouraging her to get involved with Matt? Man, he’s really changed his tune about Matt. I’m impressed. That’s ok. At least one of us is still on the fence. It’ll take a lot more than this nice weekend to make me think that Matt’s worthy of my precious angel.

    Matt’s awake and now it’s time to have some weird discussions, I hope! I say weird because I think there will be awkwardness with Annabelle since she’s so shy. Hahahaha. We’ll see though. Jeez Matt, way to make the atmosphere weird with your sexually suggestive comments! Of course, you had to remind her of the first time you carried her to bed! Hahahaha. Now Anna’s blushing! How adorable! I keep imagining it and it just makes me want to pinch her cheeks the way overzealous aunts get when they haven’t seen you in a long time. Ok, now we’re getting somewhere with the talk of the motivations behind last night’s events! I’m excited! *grabs the popcorn* I find it interesting that she said she wouldn’t have regretted carrying on with him whilst she was drunk. I feel like she would, since she just admitted to Zacky that things are complicated between her and Matt, which is why they can’t just act on their feelings. I think she’s forgetting about how she blew up at him when she found out that he was engaged to someone else, essentially making her into the “other woman” for all intents and purposes. I’m worried about how she keeps moving back and forth between giving into her feelings (though who can blame her) and going with the logical side of her that’s telling her to maybe slow things down. I guess this has more to do with the fact that I’m way more logical than I am emotional. My emotions are buried deep within my blackened soul to never be seen. Hahahaha.

    I think it’s a little ironic that Matt’s asking about Stuart now that they’re making out. Hahahaha. CUZ WHAT ABOUT GRETCHEN WHO YOU BENT OVER THE TABLE AND USED NOT TOO LONG AGO?! Yeah, I know… it didn’t mean anything but I’m still sticking to not moving to Team Matt. Hahahaha. ” She would worry about the details and potential consequences later. I worry very much about this line! Hahahaha. I already know that there will be consequences that aren’t great but I don’t know what they’ll be yet. I’m glad that she’s going to keep their romantic tryst between them for now cuz it would be awkward to flaunt that in front of Stuart so soon after their break up.

    HAHAHA. I like that Zacky is telling her that she would drown if she fell asleep in the hot tub. I know for a fact that that would happen since I’ve nearly drowned falling asleep in the bathtub. Hahaha. It’s not a fun feeling. Ugh, so now Matt’s reflecting on the fact that he’s not good enough for my schmoopie-poo (which he isn’t! Not in my eyes!) and how things are going to be so complicated between them due to his weird ass circumstances. I just don’t see a happy ending on the horizon for these two, which is why I’m having the hardest time getting on board for them giving into temptation. Hahaha. I’m bracing myself for the fallout I feel is coming. I mean, we haven’t even touched on the extent of which he’s involved with the “family business” so I’m worried about that. I still don’t know what exactly they do so I’m worried.

    KELLY JUST CRASHED THEIR MOMENT TOGETHER! Seriously, that made me laugh harder than it should have. Hahaha. I bet that Annabelle is gonna go back to feeling all jealous now that Kelly has decided to continue her flirting from last night! OH WOW KELLY! She’s pretty forward, isn’t she? I’m imaging the whole scene playing in my head and it’s making me cringe so hard. The whole idea that Kelly can’t seem to read the room with Matt declining her advances and then charging forward with a kiss like that! Wow, she’s got some balls on her and I kind of respect that…. Though wow… ahahaha. Aww, now Annabelle is gonna go sulk in the room even though this time, Matt wasn’t really at fault for what happened! There’s no need to be jealous of Kelly… that was never going to happen, not after confirming that he’s really been after Annabelle this whole time. She needs to stop being so insecure… well, at least around this crowd. She can feel insecure about Gretchen all she wants because at the end of the day, Gretchen is the one that really matters. She’s the real complication here. Hahaha.

    Well! Here I thought that the weekend was coming to a close and then I realized it’s not over yet. Hahaha. They’re gonna get some alone time (though I have a feeling that Kelly might try to crash their party) and maybe then they can talk about what the eff is going on between them hahaha. Well dammit! Now that it’s over, I need more! You must give me more updates!!!!! I demand it! Hahaha. All in your own time… no rush. =] As always that was an entertaining chapter and I have so many questions and concerns that I might have to psychoanalyze myself to figure my life out. Hahaha. I’m looking forward to more. Keep up the excellent work! I shall be stalking you online… yeah that’s right, I’m creepy. I know.
    August 31st, 2019 at 09:10am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Um, can we take these lines and just stew in it for a while? I mean, this is perfect. I love this!
    She didn’t think, she just grabbed him and kissed him like she had wanted to do all evening. Like she’d wanted to do ever since the day on the beach when she’d confided in him her biggest secrets. And every day since then.

    UH OH! Caught by Zack!!!!!! Well, not in the most compromising position, but definitely not the most innocent either :P

    Nawwwwwww, his approval is so cute!! And totally Zack - not outright saying it, but implying that he doesnt hate matt. Close enough :P
    And their friendship! I know I have said it at least 4 billion times, BUT I LOVE THEM!!!!! And I will forever remind you of their perfect friendship until the end of this story, and probably for about another 8 years afterwards ;)

    Ahhhhhhhhh, they are so cute!!! Anna is so happy and it makes my heart happy!! I mean, this surely isnt going to end in 3 chapters with a happy ending, and I am reminding myself we are at the high of the rollercoaster at the moment, BUT STILL!! SO CUTE!!!! They were honest with each other, and the kissing, and her melting inside!!! TOO MUCH CUTE! I LOVE IT! :P

    I think for a teenage boy, Matt is doing extremely well not to push her boundaries with affection or any form of over-the-top manly displays of posession. So well done Matty, keeping his cool even when Anna is parading around in a swimsuit all day :P

    “Argh, I think my top is coming loose,”
    Okay, now we are getting a little desperate there, Kelly. I know he was interested in you for a minute last night, but take a hint, geez!!!
    Maybe I should start rooting for Kelly and Stuart to hook up. Two birds, and all that ;P

    “You’re really short, y’know?”
    I SWEAR that is something guys ALWAYS like to say. Hubby makes fun of me all the time! I am not even short! I am 5'8, but just because I am not 6'0 like him, that clearly means I am short! Sorry got a little derailed there, but it is true!! I just identify with that whole interaction!!!

    Naw!!! Matt finding a reason to be just the two of them?! Consider me well and truly on team Matt! Manna... Att? I Mattabelle? I will work on their ship name :P
    August 27th, 2019 at 06:27am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Well I’m really glad that they’ve agreed to give into their desire for each other. Now that Stuart is out of the way, the only stumbling block is Gretchen. How will Matt get out of that arrangement? Will Matt get out of that arrangement? How will Annabelle react if he doesn’t? So many questions! I am sincerely hoping that they will all be answered (hopefully the last one is irrelevant as I am hoping you give Matt and ‘out’ where Gretchen is concerned).

    Please update this wonderful story again soon xxx
    August 27th, 2019 at 12:36am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    What a way to wake up! Matt's never been my favorite (is that weird, considering my thing for Till?), but I wouldn't say no to having him half-naked in my bed Naughty

    FINALLY! They both admitted their feelings! I'm more excited that he did, since he was the bigger liar between the two of them. Haha.

    And the scene with Zack was totally sweet. I'm glad he's accepted that this is who Anna wants, and that he's not a bad guy. Of course, if Zack finds out the truth and all the crap that goes along with Matt (mainly Gretchen), I'm sure he'll revert to his original opinion.

    Ugh. Kelly is obnoxious. I know that when you're drinking, you sometimes miss things, but even drunk I'd be able to feel THAT rejection!

    Anna can't make a big deal out of it, because as was pointed out, they are undefined AND a secret, but I don't blame her for being bothered. She obviously wasn't mad -- Matt pushed Kelly away -- but it has to be frustrating to not be able to openly stake her claim and keep desperate women like Kelly away from him.

    Good suggestion, Matty! Going out in search of pizza, just the two of you Mr. Green That was how I got to spend time with a guy once. Lol. That's apparently the universal plan for people who need to get away from their friends.

    P.S. - Have you ever watched the video for "Tainted Love"? Tim AND Twiggy are in it. Swoon
    August 26th, 2019 at 07:01pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    DISTRACTION TIME! Hahahahaha! Rather than focus on my own writing, I’ve decided that I’m going to sit here and read the update early for once (well, early for my standards). Besides, I need to know if my little cupcake is safe being alone with Stuart! I trust no man on this trip! They need to stay away from Annabelle! Hahaha. I feel like I’m slowly becoming more and more like the mom from that show, The Goldbergs in the way that I describe Annabelle. My schmoopie is precious to me and no one will love her the way I do! Hahahahahaha. Ok, I’ll stop. Time to read….

    Ok, I have to say, I’m glad that Annabelle wasn’t completely oblivious to Stuart’s obvious ploy to touch her! Hahahaha. I’m glad that she managed to suss out that he wanted something from her and there’s no putting off the stupid boyfriend who wants alone time when he’s being that affectionate with you. Ooh, she’s so breaking up with him! Stuart thinks they’re off to get freaky since he’s been feeding her liquor all night and Annabelle just implied something different to me! I’m proud of her! BREAK UP WITH HIM IF HE DOESN’T MAKE YOU HAPPY! Life is too short! OMO! He knew it was coming! Is that way he was trying so hard to be all affectionate, in the hopes that he would change her mind?! Ok, well, I’m happy that he’s not being a dick about it…. Yet… the night is still young…. Hahahaha. But seriously, I’m glad that he’s being so chill about this. And Anna needs to stop being hard on herself for not liking him back the same way. That’s why dating is there…. To get to know the other person and see if you click with them or not. It’ s not like she was chained to the guy!

    I feel so much better know that she and Zacky had a moment alone to discuss things because for a second there, I was about to take away some points for not noticing the weird behavior between them earlier! Hahahah. Almost made me get my whiteboard out to retally where everyone is on the points spectrum…. OH! Now it’s Annabelle’s turn to feel jealous! I like that she keeps throwing out the fiancé as if that would matter… I mean, I know it matters to her but to some people, it just doesn’t factor. Hahahaha. This is all my years of being a ho talking. Ok, I wasn’t interested in being the “other woman” but still… when someone’s hot, you just follow your instincts. SURELY ANNABELLE KNOWS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! *COUGH COUGH* Pardon me, tickle in my throat. Hahaha. Anyway, I fear for her now… She’s graduated to vodka, which is never a good sign. Hahaha. I hope she’s not too sloppy… cuz it could be weird being in such close quarters with the others.

    Oh Matty boy… tsk tsk tsk. You’re sitting off to the side, not drinking and worrying about something that doesn’t matter anymore! You’re competition has been vanquished! Somehow, I thought he was able to read people well but if he can’t tell that things are over between her and Stuart (and that they didn’t have a weird dust up) and that she’s soothing herself with her Russian friend because she still can’t get over her interest in the ass and/or clown that he is (I’m still trying to figure out which one he is… hopefully that will reveal itself to me soon), then I think he needs to come back to see Dr. Schwam. Clearly, I’ve failed him. Hahaha. Ok, Matt does get points for rescuing poor shy Zoe from Brian’s advances. Even though I love Brian (he’s on top of the leader board with points with Peter Mack… that’s right, you thought he was gone but he keeps coming back!) but Zoe is for Zacky! My ZZ couple is happening! Brian will find someone else… like Kelly… she’s available now! Hahaha.

    Hahahaha. And now he’s watching her dance and being all pervy… as long as he keeps it in his pants! My schmoo has had too much to drink and is not in her right mind right now. Ok, but I’m loving that there’s a dance party happening! Maybe I can emerge from my spot in the closet and join them! I love dancing! Hahaha. I also like that Myers is too stoned to even know what’s happening in front of him. Poor guy. Seriously, I question the athletics department since they are not drug testing the athletes… I hope they know they’ll get tested for college if they are recruited! Hahaha. MYERS WAS PAYING ATTENTION! GOLD STAR FOR HIM! That’s impressive since he’s so stoned. Hahaha. Ok, Zoe is my other precious angel! I love her. She hid the keys so her wasted friend could sleep it off! Good! She’s smart! No DUIs or driving drunk allowed!

    I like that Zacky couldn’t find Annabelle asleep on the couch since it’s so big! Like, I’m imagining a couch as big as my apartment at this point… hahaha. Or at least from my front room to the kitchen…. That’s pretty massive! I also like that she’s not waking up to Zacky’s attempts to wake her yet smirks at Zack’s grumblings about her. Hahaha. Aww, poor Zacky! His injured knee won’t allow him to carry his friend! At least he’s got back up… though he better not get handsy! She’s asleep! Hahaha. Hmm… Ok, I’m not sure how I feel about her kissing him right now… I know she’s drunk and not really thinking straight but come on Annabelle! You need to talk to him first! Ok, he’s gone back to assclown now for getting carried away with a drunk girl! I mean, I know it’s not fair because hormones are raging but she was literally passed out like five seconds ago dude! Now’s not the time to allow your hormones to get out of control! You’re the sober one!

    GOOD! TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH! Ok, not exactly assclown… I think maybe he’s more clown at this point, which isn’t great because that just means he’s dumb. If he were an ass, that would mean he was still evil. Hahaha. I would rather be evil than dumb…. At least being evil takes thought! Aww… I like that she asked him to stay however I will be concerned what the others will think when they find the two of them in bed together with Matt half naked… it won’t look good! Hahahaha. ESPECIALLY SINCE SHE’S CUDDLING HIM! Hmm… well, I’m proud of Matt for stopping things before the got naked but I’m still upset he got on the bed! Hahaha.

    Well, a break up that should have happened long ago and now Annabelle making moves on Matt while she’s drunk… I hope she’s not gonna feel too much regret in the morning. They need to talk things out. Air the grievances as it were. Book a couples counseling session with Dr. Schwam! My assistant will pencil you in for an emergency session! Well, as always, I’m in love with this and I need more. Now that I’m finished with this, I’m forced to go back to my own writing… *sigh* Not nearly as fun as reading other people’s stuff! Please update this soon! I’m curious where this is going to pick up next. =]
    August 21st, 2019 at 09:35am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Oh, good. She didn't have to deal with any bullshit from Stuart, just a little awkwardness. I knew he wasn't a bad guy, even if I didn't want Anna with him.

    Anna is the best kind of friend! Helping Zoe out...though I can't help thinking Zoe is broken; I wish Brian would whisper in MY ear Happy face And they danced to "Tainted Love," which was the start of Tim's career with Marilyn Manson, coincidentally Cute

    Of course Anna is jealous!!!!!! DUH! Matt can't be that dense. Even if she had still been with Stuart, she's clearly attracted to Matt, and if he really believes they are "just friends," he's an idiot. Or just really good at lying to himself. Lol.

    The two boys taking care of Anna -- SO CUTE! And Matt getting water and a bucket In Love He's such a doll when it comes to her and I love it!

    I'm glad Matt hit the brakes. Good job, thinking with the head on his shoulders! They don't need another sexual encounter at the moment, but...sharing a bed? I'll allow it. tehe
    August 21st, 2019 at 08:37am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    I am nervous for Anna, taking a walk at night with Stuart... I don't like this...

    but she had a completely different plan in mind. One he probably wouldn’t really like.

    I WAS RIGHT!!!
    But also, I kinda feel like a dick now. I was so into rooting against him, I anticipated the worst. Then he is actually a sweetheart handling the rejection?
    Well damn, I am a bitch!
    (But still not nice enough to want them back together!)

    Oh damn, this is getting intense!!! All the jealousy coursing through Anna... Ouch! I just wish she knew what Matt was thinking seconds before she went off with Stuart!!
    GAH! Forever star crossed, these lovers ;)

    Uh oh, you know the pain is real when you reach for the vodka!

    SEE, ANNA! Get your probe and stick it in his brain now! You can see that he is too protective of you to do anything with Kelly (Oh god, please dont tell me i just jinxed it! Come on Matty boy, reign in those hormones!)

    Uh oh, Brian has his sights set! But Matt to the rescue! Good guy Matt for the win!
    OH SHIT! Good girl Anna for the save!! Brian, hands away from Zoe! SHE IS NOT FOR YOU! She has been spoken for!!!

    Oh Anna, you minx! I know what you are up to! SO CUTE! You set Zoe and Zack up. it is meant to be! The Z's!!! :D

    Okay, I love Zoe. Fuck Zack, I will take her!! I mean, what a champ!
    “Which is why I hid her keys.”
    I love her.

    Naw, mumma Zack and Matt for the win, putting Anna to bed! SO FREAKING CUTE!
    I mean, the bucket, too! What a guy, really!

    OH ANNA!!! You kiss that boy! Hells yes!!!!!!

    Also, big applaud for our rational thinking Matt! All your past discretions have been undone
    He knew she wasn’t completely in control right now which meant she also wasn’t capable of making rational decisions.
    I mean, frustrating for her because we know that it isn't just a spur of the moment emotion, she has been feeling it for a while (admitted or not).

    Also, you are right. This chapter has made me happy. Very happy :D You know me too well :P
    Gah, perfect end to a Wednesday! :P
    August 21st, 2019 at 08:25am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    I feel like I need to make this my Sunday activity! There’s something about sitting down on a Sunday morning (though it’s afternoon now hahah) and reading updates to things. =] Well, I know I’m late to the party once again but I’m ready to get this going. We’re out of Huntington and my precious baby is in the middle of a giant sausage fest, which has me concerned. Of course, they don’t know this but I’m hiding in the house, waiting to pounce if anyone gets out of line! Hahahaha. I’m excited to see what’s going to happen now so without further ado, here we go. =]

    Hahahaha. I like that Zacky and Stuart are too distracted by their phone to care for the food that’s burning on the grill. That’s not great. I mean, I like my food pretty well charred but not completely. I like that Zacky was trying to argue that the food was still edible. Like, if you weren’t interested in grilling, why did you volunteer?! What is it about men and the grill? Hahaha. Shoot, I am the grilling queen. =] OH! She doesn’t want to spend alone time with Stuart?! Wait, is she concerned due to her past? I mean, if that’s the case, I understand. He seems to have certain expectations about what’s going to happen on this trip between them so I would be hesitant too! Besides, she’s still fighting her feelings for Matt the ass or clown (still haven’t decided which he is yet… but just know this, he can go back to being an assclown at any time!) so I get it. Hahaha. Yeah, she’s getting into her head too much with the worrying about what they will do together on their walk alone but I get it. Given her past and considering how things happened when she rushed into things with Ass/Clown, I understand the trepidation. Though, she really needs to voice her concerns to dude so that he’s not all annoyed and huffy. She may not trust him enough to tell him her exact reasons why she’s so sketch around him but she should at least tell him that she’s not exactly comfortable…. Or squash whatever hopes he has of pushing things forward as she’s uncomfortable. SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF ANNABELLE! If you don’t, I’m hiding in the closet of the house with my ninja stars, ready to pounce. Ahahah.

    Well, it was handy of Matt to be there to catch the football that was coming toward her! Hahaha. Though, when did he get there? HAHAHA. And now he’s checking her hand for burns even though she just got splashed with grease. Any excuse for him to touch her, I suppose. Hahaha. You know, Annabelle was looking for the thing that was holding her back from her relationship with Stuart but I think I found it and he’s currently holding her hand. She’s not ever gonna feel right unless she gets her feelings for him in check. OMG MATT! YOU’RE NOT EVEN SUBTLE! Hahaha. He’s totally trying to gauge their relationship by confirming whether she’s slept with Stuart or not. Not everyone is bangable Matt… sometimes, it’s better to ease into things. Hahaha. Well, I’m sure he’s happy to know that she’s not hooking up with Stuart… yet…. I mean, I’m still firmly in the camp that if he gets to satisfy his sexual needs through Gretchen (even if he’s basically just using her body as a means to an end), then Annabelle should be allowed as well. THEY ARE JUST FRIENDS AFTER ALL, RIGHT?! Hahaha. There’s no need to feel all weird Annabelle. You told him the truth and you can’t worry about what Matt’s thoughts are. See, this is why you need more girl friends to confide in! You can’t just be surrounded by dudes….

    UGH! I just had the worst flashback to when I was drunk off of Malibu! Hahahah. No thanks, that is not my kind of drink. I like my liquor to burn! Give me whiskey and tequila any day over rum. Hahaha. YES! Zoe is coming over! Yay! I’ve missed her. I liked the dynamic that she had going on with Zacky, the clueless high fool from his party before. Hahahaha. Besides, they need some female energy in that house aside from Annabelle. HAHAHAHAHAHA! “Imaginary friends don’t count.” Freaking Zacky… I love their banter! She could have other friends he knows nothing about! He was laid up in the hospital for a while… she could’ve met other people when she was left to fend for herself! He doesn’t know! Hahahah. =] No Stuart…. Stop pressuring my girl to drink faster. I don’t support this behavior! Minus 30 points. I don’t really trust anyone encouraging people to drink more than they feel comfortable with. I’ll be keeping my eye on you Stuart! I feel like you might try to take advantage of my girl while she’s intoxicated…. I’m watching you. *pulls out opera glasses* And I see everything!

    Poor Kelly… she’s trying to talk to Matt and he’s too busy watching Stuart and Annabelle. Ok, he gets some points back for actually being concerned about how much she’s drinking and Stuart getting handsy. He can have 20 back for that. Bahahaha! Did Kelly just fantasize about Matt in a uniform?! I kind of love that. That’s so freaking funny. Girl, I feel you. You’re grasping at straws here, trying to get him to pay attention to you in anyway possible so you went ahead and said some ridiculous shit. Hahaha. Well, at least you gave it a shot! Props to you!

    Mmmph… so Stuart is leading Annabelle off so they can have some alone time… Yeah, I don’t trust that at all! I mean, he was encouraging her to drink and now she’s a little wobbly…. Oh just wait until I get the ninja stars… And I like that Matt’s feeling slightly protective too. I mean, I don’t agree with his motive since I’m sure it’s jealousy fueling his desire to stop them rather than genuine concern for a girl being taken advantage of but at least he wants to stop it! I mean, someone needs to make sure they’re ok. I usually don’t condone spying (surprise, I know since I’m literally always talking about watching them from the closets with my opera glasses) but someone needs to make a note to go check in on them after five minutes to make sure things are on the up and up. =/ I don’t really trust Stuart… not one bit! Hahahaha. I mean, I don’t really trust anyone with my lovely Annabelle but Stuart…. There’s something off about him. Hahaha.

    Well dammit! I demand more now! I need to know what’s going to happen next, though I don’t suspect it will be good… I just hope whatever happens, Annabelle isn’t hurt too badly. She’s already been through enough and I don’t need her to go through much more, especially with a dude that she doesn’t care about very much. Hahaha. As always, I’m looking forward to the next update! I hope it’s soon because I’m in suspense now!
    August 18th, 2019 at 10:03pm
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    All the shared looks and little physical contact between Matt and Anna is killing me, woman!!!!! Ugh! There's enough heat there to burn down a rainforest!

    Sand down the pants is great revenge. Haha! Go Anna!

    I know Matt did an internal happy dance when he found out that Anna isn't sleeping with Stuart.

    I'm a big fan of Malibu myself. Mixed with Coke and grenadine. Yum!

    Okay, Stuart needs to slow his roll. Anna is rather naive when it comes to guys (I used to be like that), but Stuart isn't being subtle. And SHAME on Zack for not noticing!!! Although Zack is distracted... But no worries! Bodyguard Matt to the rescue! He's trying to play it cool and be rational; yeah, Anna can be alone with her boyfriend if she wants! Still, Matt is definitely gonna be her white knight. If she needs one. She could come to her senses, even through her buzz.

    I'm on the edge of my seat for the next chapter!!!!
    August 16th, 2019 at 06:53am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ohh, looks like Stuart is trying his luck. I’m looking forward to find out what’s gonna happen next. Please update again soon xxx
    August 15th, 2019 at 08:28pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    The chapter subtitle... is that a hint? :D Shadows kiss
    Hehehehe :D :D :D

    Okay, now the actual writing!
    Hahahahahha, the grilling part with the boys - this is EXACTLY Tom. I mean, to the tee!! "I'll cook" he says, but then gets distracted by something, then I am saving the meal. It seems that trait does not go away with age... :P

    Oh Anna, that hesitation was not good.. I mean, for Stuart. I am here cheering her subconscious for knowing better than her mind :P
    See, he makes her anxious! Matt didn't make her anxious ;)
    but something was still holding her back from being able to let things progress. I have an inkling what it might be ;P

    MATT FOR THE SAVE!!! What a well timed Matt... very handy :P
    AND ANOTHER CUTE MOMENT?! They just cant help it, and I am living for every subtle interaction between then :P

    Oh damn, she plays dirty! Putting sand down the pants?! That is mean :P I mean, throwing her into the water wasn't nice, and well deserved sand is the fair repercussion, but damn!

    Oh shit!!! Anna, you need to eat those words back up!!! Part of me is super happy she is so comfortable with Matt she is happy to share the truth about her and Stuart, but damn, girl, not the time, place, or even the person you should be talking to!! You need a girlfriend!!

    Malibu and Pineapple! :D

    AM I PSYCHIC?! I said she needs a girlfriend, then BAM! Zoe!!! I am proud of myself here! :P

    URGH! So much to unpack before the break int he chapter!! Stuart trying to get her drunk, or is that just me being cynical?
    Always catching Matt's eye and getting squirmy butterflies, now that says something! :D
    How have you made me root for Matt so hard after he was such a douche? You, my lady, are very talented!!!

    It seemed like every time her cup was empty, Stuart was refilling it and the more she drank, the more handsy he seemed to get with her. IM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT THINKS IT IS SUSS!!!!

    I adore Matt's protective streak! Perhaps a little jealousy peppered in, but I love that he is always keeping an eye on Anna to make sure she is okay... URGH!

    This chapter, though!!! Things are going to get INTERESTING next chapter. I am already anxious for it in the best possible way!!!!
    August 15th, 2019 at 12:51am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    After much procrastination and delay, I’m finally back and ready to get started on this epic commenting session. I’m probably gonna break this up as I go along so they may be a little shorter than normal but I’m so ready to dive back into this story! Hahahaha. I’ve got my metaphorical popcorn and my ninja throwing stars ready just in case Matt starts acting like an ass again…. You warned me that he’s gonna need to see Dr. Schwam again but we’ll see to what extent his beatings *cough cough* I mean, therapy, has to go. ONWARDS! I’M SO READY!

    Starting with Chapter 20! AHAHAHAHAHA! Zacky’s asking Annabelle for the hot goss at school and the poor girl has nothing to report! Poor Zacky! I feel for him, being trapped with nothing but daytime television for entertainment. It really must suck to be laid out with an extensive injury like that. =[ My poor baby! I love that he’s trying to pout his way to some sympathy. HAHAHA. Of course, as the best friend, Annabelle is having none of it! HAHA. I like that he’s weirded out by all the cheerleaders wanting to throw him a special welcome back surprise. You know that deep down, he really likes it! OH! And now Zacky’s got the hot goss and he’s teasing Annabelle with this. Hahaha. I hope it’s something good and not horrible! I will not stand for anyone harming my angel! See! He freaked her out thinking it was about her night with Matt…. Though there’s nothing to be ashamed of, girl. As I’ve previously said, he was hot and anyone would have probably done the same thing in your position! Aww… I know I’m probably supposed to care about someone other than Matt (who is heavily in denial) liking her but I’ve really missed their playful banter. HAHA. Seriously, the two of them make me laugh. OMO! It’s Stuart?! Well, actually, now that I think about it, I’m not really surprised given his previous comments about Annabelle at Zacky’s party. Aww… kind of wish it was the other one whose name escapes me… hahahah. I wanna say Murphy but I know that’s wrong. MYERS! I had to look him up. Hahaha. Oh, someone has a crush on Annabelle. Honestly, it might be good to use Stuart as a distraction from her feelings for Matt, the ass clown. DISTANCE YOURSELF FROM HIM! Ahaha. I agree with Zacky! GO ON THE TEST DATE WITH STUART! There’s nothing wrong with putting yourself out there Annabelle! OMG! She flashed her bra… I was hoping maybe she’d be really brave and flash the girls but I’ll take it! Hahaha. Go Annabelle. You are such a good friend to your invalid friend.

    UGH…. It’s Matt… ok, I guess the doctor is in now. *grabs the clipboard and pen* Let’s see where we left off with our last session…. OH SWEET JESUS! He’s having sex fantasies in English class about his time together with Annabelle! I really hope that he doesn’t get a boner in the middle of class. That would be difficult to explain but thank God he’s in the back of the room. Hahahah. I see Matt’s finally digesting our sessions together. I know he’s still in denial about his feelings but at least he’s trying to pursue a healthy friendship with Annabelle… however, friends don’t check each other out like that. Hahaha. I think we still have a ways to go before we get to the growth I need from him that will start to earn him back points. Yes, the points are still in play! I didn’t forget! OH! He’s jealous of Stuart! Ok, I’m angry with him for that since one, they’re supposed to be friends so why should he care and two, he’s got his own thing going on with Gretchen. I know it’s forced upon him or whatever but still, if he can have his fun with another person why can’t she?

    OH! He asked her to hang out! Too bad she’s got the date with Stuart! Hahahahaha. Well Matt, you are now tasting rejection… I know it’s just platonic rejection but still! I’ll take it! Muwahahahaha! KARMA! Now he has to sulk like a kicked puppy! I know, I’m way too happy about the fact that he can’t hang out with Annabelle as a friend but still, after what he’s put her through, maybe this will make him re-evaluate his real feelings for her. And now he’s with Brian, who is already super sketch about their situation! I’m waiting for him to say something to Matt that will make him realize that he’s being ridiculous. Haha. Look, Brian’s no dummy here. I have a feeling that he knows Matt and Annabelle have boned. Hahaha. He seems like the kind of guy that’s paying attention even when you don’t think he is. Matt Is a dumbass if he doesn’t realize this. Hahaha. Well, we already knew this about him so yeah. He needs to really ponder is emotions. That’s the homework assignment from Dr. Schwam…. I would say that’s it for the week but since I’m a horrible reader (seriously, I fell so behind!) I’m not done! Onto the next chapter now. I’m excited!

    Ahahaha! I love that he’s criticizing her driving and she’s not having it! I swear, if you’re the one that used to drive, it’s really hard to let someone else do it. Ah! He’s forced himself out of the house too soon! I really hope that doesn’t come back to bite him in the ass because that would suck to have him further decommissioned from going to school. He better not push himself too hard! I know he wants to support his team and everything but if he sets himself back in his progress, he’ll have to change therapists and come see Dr. Schwam for a while. I’ll beat the sense into him. Hahaha. Well that’s just sweet that everyone there is giving him a standing ovation. If it were me, I would shrink away from all that attention. Hahaha. I’m not a fan of people looking at me for any kind of acknowledgement like that. Ok, I’m not a fan of Stuart’s flirting. Hahahaha. I have high standards for Annabelle so none of these guys have been good enough for her. I’m telling you; she just needs to peek through my Rolodex for more suitable options. =] Yeah, I don’t get what it is about men and sports that make them think that we as women are impressed by something they’ve trained at. I mean, now’s not the time to worry about Annabelle being interested in how well you play Stuart! You need to focus on the game so you get a scout’s attention to go to college! He gets minus ten points for having his priorities mixed up.

    Wow, I’m surprised that Annabelle didn’t tell Zacky about her upcoming date with Stuart! This is yet another sign that she’s just not as into him as he is in her, which sucks for him but oh well. I don’t care about Stuart’s feelings! Hahaha. Annabelle is who is important and though she’s going to be using Stuart as a distraction from her feelings for Matt, I don’t have high hopes for this date considering how lax she seems about the fact that it’s coming up soon. Oh no, Zacky’s feeling the depression now that he’s watching the interest of the scouts in his team mates! Aww… that makes me so sad. I want to give him hugs now! Aww… that just breaks my heart, especially since it was supposed to be him out there impressing the scouts! At least he has Annabelle there to comfort him. I’m happy that they are able to understand one another with wordless actions. =] I love their friendship so much. If they weren’t so heavily in the friend zone, I’m sure I would ship them so hard. Hahaha.

    And now we’re back to Matt… I always fear his sections of chapter because I know he’s going to do something that will either disappoint me or infuriate me. Let’s see what path he decides to take… OH!!!! He’s ignoring Gretchen’s phone calls and texts because he’s preoccupied with the thought of his own date with Annabelle and his jealousy towards Stuart. Hahaha. Somehow, I see that coming back to bite him in the ass but we’ll see what happens. OH GOD! GRETCHEN’S IN THE ELEVATOR, ISN’T SHE?! Hahahaha. I had a feeling about him ignoring those calls. HAHAHA. I like that he’s just ignoring her though. That’s actually kind of funny since I can just picture the scene now. Oh, he was so busy obsessing about the date with Stuart that he forgot about his mandatory date with Gretchen. Wow, she has some issues. She really thinks her shit don’t stink, doesn’t she? If she wanted a date with someone that would pay attention to her, then she should’ve made those calls instead of showing up here and yelling at someone who doesn’t care all that much. Hahaha. She needs a therapy session on my couch so we can go over valuing oneself more than she is now.

    YOU BETTER KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS MATT! I’m warning you! I know you’re upset that Annabelle is on a date with Stuart and you have a woman in your apartment purposefully drawing attention to her body but Jesus, have some restraint! Hahaha. I think I’m going to have to book him a session regarding sex and how it’s not used as a way to work out anger and aggression. Hahaha. Especially since now he’s picturing Annabelle. Eww…. Hahahaha. He’s basically just using Gretchen as a stand in and I’m not sure I approve. I mean, I think she’s pretty horrible as a person but nobody deserves that. WELL HE WENT THERE! Book his next session so we can have a conversation about this! Gretchen and Matt have issues…. I think they just need to be with each other and ruin one another’s lives while Annabelle goes off to college to meet someone else who’s better cuz wow…. Hahaha. Well that’s one way to end a chapter. I’m just as frustrated with Matt as I usually am. Just when I think he’s taking two steps forward, he takes a giant ass step back and ruins all his progress. I fear nothing will get through to him other than my brainwashing machine. WE might just have to start from scratch with him. Hahaha.

    Well, I’m finally on the last of the updates and Jesus, I need something good to happen. Hahahaha. There’s too much pent-up frustration, especially with Matt. SPRING BREAK! Hahahaha. And Zacky’s back at work! Yay! That must mean there’s some progress with his knee. =] I’m sense by Zacky’s complaining, he’s desperate for human interaction with others. I get it. He loves Annabelle but considering he’s cooped up at home a lot and not able to go out like he did, he must be starved for human interaction. Oh dear God, I’m sure he’s so desperate that he’s even willing to talk to Matt. Hahahaha. How awkward! OMG, hahahhaa. Zacky and Brian get along better?! That’s great. I love that. Poor Matt, he has a lot of work to do not just to win me over but Zacky as well! I’m loving how stubborn he is about not interacting with him! Hahaha.

    Wow, Zacky is really whining in this chapter! I understand since he’s frustrated by his situation and such but hahahaha, he needs to take some yoga classes and meditate. Though I will say, I like that he and Matt were slightly bonding over the fact Annabelle is using a subpar mechanic to fix her car. OH! Zacky is questioning how Matt has a place in an upscale part of Los Angeles county! Hahahaha. I feel like he’s gonna be continuing to ask questions. Oh Zacky, you simpleton! I love that you are easily swayed by bikini clad women! I love you but you are so easy to manipulate. Hahahaha.

    I want to know how Jeff manages to stay in business when he’s always closing early or there’s no one in the shop to buy coffee. I just want to look at Jeff’s business plan because I don’t think he’s actually doing well. Hahaha. Anyway, back to the important things… I like that Anna packs a lot of stuff for a short trip. Hahaha. She likes to be prepared for anything! Given that they’re only an hour away from home though, it wouldn’t be such a big deal to drive back and grab something that was forgotten and left behind. OMO! Myers and Stuart are coming as well?! That’s certainly a surprise! Yes Anna, you have the right sentiment there. Firstly, I want to say that I find it fascinating that it’s Anna surrounded by a bunch of dudes. I think that’s interesting. These guys need to make more female friends to even out the odds. Hahaha. Secondly, Matt’s the one that thought it was a good idea to have Stuart along? If it’s been a few weeks since the date, have they continued seeing each other? What’s happening? I need answers dammit! Hahaha

    Ok, so she likes him but she’s taking things slow given that Matt was the one that fucked things up for her previously? I’d say that things are moving slow just because she’s not really into him despite her best efforts but *shrug* I’m just the Torture Doctor. What do I know? I do see her concern though about being on a trip, even with a group of friends, when things are relatively new between them. I hope that Zacky actually does what he said he was gonna do and look out for her because I don’t trust Matt to do it either! That’s right, I know they’re friends but given their buried emotions for one another, I can’t trust he won’t try something with my angel!

    Interrogations with Brian! I knew they was coming! I told you Brian’s not a dummy! =] This is why he’s my favorite. Can I just say that I love that he calls her West? I know it’s just her last name but somehow, it seems special even if its him trying to put distance between them. Hahaha. I feel like Matt should tell Brian why he wants to be friends with Annabelle. Surely if anyone would be understanding of why he wants her in his life, his best friend would understand that he can be himself around her. Though, I get that they’re involved in dangerous business as well so he might rain on that parade with facts that he already knows. Can I just say though, I think Matt has been listening in our therapy sessions! Look at him inviting Stuart and accepting that he makes Annabelle happy (or at least that’s what he thinks)! Ok, he can have a few points back for that gesture. I still don’t trust the bastard but we’re making progress away from him being an ass clown. Hahaha

    I love how everyone is geeking out over this house! I mean, it does sound amazing but still, they’re impressed with the TV. Hahaha. Again though, Zacky is such a simpleton to be won over by a house. Hahahaha. Oh well, at least they’re on the road to getting along? That’s something. =] Ahahaha. I like that they were making fun of Zacky for carrying around a pink bag but then when it came down to the mix up of trying to find their own bag amongst identical ones, Annabelle has it easy. Hahahaha. That’s why you put a distinct marker on your bag! OMO! Matt’s giving into his “desires” for Annabelle! Um, I’m guessing that there’s gonna be a fight on this trip, isn’t there? Hahhaha. I don’t see things ending well for poor Stuart since he’s just a distraction for Annabelle.

    Man, I’m glad I finally caught up! Man, that was kind of awesome reading them all back to back like that but this comment is way too long and full of ridiculousness so I think I’ll try to refrain from doing that again. Hahaha. Well, ok, so Matt’s not a completely horrible person anymore… he’s graduated from ass clown to either ass or just clown... not sure what’s better or worse in that scenario. Hahaha. And he managed to win back some points! Therapy is paying off! Except now I’m going to have to be vigilant in the next few chapters since he’s unable to stop himself from touching her! Hahaha. Well, as always, I’m enjoying this story immensely. I love the Zacky/Annabelle friendship so much and I love Brian because he’s smarter than he looks. =]

    I look forward to the next chapter! I know it’s coming soon! I’m ready for it this time!
    August 14th, 2019 at 08:24am
  • nic0tine

    nic0tine (100)

    United States
    yo, i love this story so much D: lol i pray for an update!
    ok so the characters are gr8 <3 matt is an awesome hunk no matter what role he plays lol but i'm loving this! there's so much more to it and i LOVE that you're drawing it out and building their relationship on more than just sex
    annabelle is such a teen and shes growing up so fast *tears up* i'm so proud of her (so far, i have no idea what kind of hoodlum shit shes about to get into)
    and zacky is perf <3 he's a little angel in the sky and the bestest friend that needs to get laid! poor thing </3 don't you dare pull some shit where he ends up with stuart or the other guy from the baseball team - not against it but just give us fore warning

    keep up the great work!
    Mr. Green
    August 13th, 2019 at 12:05am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Thank you for the shout-out and dedication! Arms

    You know, I think everyone has been in the position of trying to get two of their friends to hang out because if they just give it a chance, they'll get along really well. I was always the friend in the middle, the Annabelle, if you will.

    She definitely knows how to manipulate Zack. Haha. But it's okay, because he does it to her, too. I'm glad he agreed to go.

    It was a kind gesture by Matt to invite Stuart. He is actually trying to just be her friend, but we both know it's not working. If Brian has noticed that something's up, Matt clearly isn't faking it as well as he thought.

    I know Stuart probably assumed he would get a shot at Anna on this trip. I don't think that's likely for a few reasons. First, she's not ready. Second, Zack is there. And third, Matt. Haha. If there's one thing that Zack and Matt seem to be bonding over, it's that both if them are uber protective of Anna. Stuart doesn't stand a chance.

    I loved this chapter, and I can't wait to see how four days under a roof with Matt works out for Anna! And vice versa. I wonder how long it will take Stuart to notice that his girlfriend has a thing for someone else.
    August 12th, 2019 at 08:12pm
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I’m loving this story - I know I say this often, but its true! Anyway, although I feel a little sorry for Stuart, I want Annabelle to get with Matt - soon - they belong together!! I probably should feel a little bit of sympathy for Gretchen too, but sorry, I DON’T!! I am, however, glad that Zack and Matt seem to be making progress lol.

    You said in the author’s note that the injury to Zack’s leg has a purpose to the story. I wondering if this has anything to do with the band? Wink. Just a wild stab in the dark!! Mr. Green

    I’m hoping that you will be able to update again soon xxx
    August 12th, 2019 at 11:55am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    YAYYY!! Zack is back on his feet!!! Even if it is to work, but at least he is out of the house and getting better by spring break!!

    Oh Zack is still not a fan of Matt. He is such a teenage boy!! :P But I do commend him for looking out for Anna, regardless of how Anna is being swayed by Matt. Good job, ZV!

    Oh, that was a very quick and easy lie, Matty boy... But a clever one. Saying his uncle is in real estate would easily explain the house and the wealth. Clever boy...

    I fucking LOVE Anna!!! Playing into Zack's libido to get him to come along. That was amazing!!! *slow claps*

    Oh man, Stuart is coming?! I have SO MANY THOUGHTS!!!
    a) god damn it, Stuart! I think I have made my feeling for him clear
    b) is Matty playing a game asking Zack to invite Stuart? hmmmmm...
    c) she can't escape him if shit goes bad... then again, she can't really escape any of them...

    ARGH! I freaking LOVE Anna and Zack's friendship. IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!! I mean, he is just the best, assuaging all her fears before she can even articulate them. Gah, they are perfect. I want a Zack!!!

    Ahhh, inquisitive Brian is back!! You hound him, Brian!! We need to know :P

    URGHHHHH!!! Good guy Matt coming through! Here is me doubting EVERYTHING and he is just trying to be a good friend and make Anna happy by inviting Stuart. I feel bad now. Oops!

    OH MY GOD, ZACK!!! What a teenage boy!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Life-sized porn! Hahahahahahahahhaha

    Ohhhhh, I just got a squiggly feeling about Anna being in a room by herself! Boy, I hope these doors have locks on them!!!

    Another super cute moment between Matt and Anna on the balcony!! See, Stuart is nothing compared to Matt. Boy doesnt stand a chance ;)

    Gah, this story is just superb!!! And are you proud of me for actually setting time aside and reading the chapter quickly? I am learning :P
    August 12th, 2019 at 03:39am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Gah, Zacky!!! I mean, I get he is hurt mentally and physically, but stop being snappy at Anna. She is helping you! You do not talk shit about someone's driving. Surefire way to get them irritated at you!!!

    NAW!!!! Blushy, cute, humbled Zack! I wanna give that dude in the bleachers a hug!! Good job, buddy!!!

    Oh Stuart. I have nothing against you, except that you arent Matt. Or Zack. You are just a pitstop on Anna's path (so rude, I know, but he is resiliant, gotta put him in his place) So that is where I stand on that. :P

    THE END OF THAT SECTION WITH ANNA AND ZACK!!! you are trying to kill me with the cute, aren't you?! GAH! I love them SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!!!!

    Okay, I love them more now!! Anna not telling Zack about Stuart and their date, then his knowing looks and the 'I didnt say anything'. they are perfection!

    ouch, my heart!!! Poor sad Zack :( At least he has a friend like Anna to get him through, but seeing the future you had planned for yourself slip by must be heart wrenching!!! I wanna cuddle him!!!

    Oh, Matt is finally starting to admit shit to himself!!!! Damn right you dont want her wearing something as sexy as she did for you!!! You are going a little caveman and claim-y, and I am here for it! :P

    I know it is a throw away line, BUT BRIAN IS ON A DATE WITH THE DINER WAITRESS!!!! This makes me happy :D

    Urgh, Gretchen the entitled snob. I love that she got stood up, even by accident. You subconsciously tell her, Matt! Her tantrum is just... embarrassing.

    Also, just taking note on her wording - and I am not surprised that she has a 'team' to make her look good
    I didn’t spend an hour getting my hair curled and then another hour having my makeup done

    Holy shit, I did not see that coming!! (pun not intended, but its staying there)
    I am so conflicted!!!! I know that both Matt and Gretchen are stuck in this agreement, so really there isn't much they can do about it, but part of me is glad he isnt really taking pleasure from Gretchen, and the other part feels bad for her that he is just using her body while his mind is elsewhere...
    You have put my brain in knots!!!
    August 6th, 2019 at 02:44am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Poor Zack. I know it has to hurt, watching an opportunity he should have had pass him by. Good thing Anna is there, though he seems to have a lot of support even without her :D

    Okay, obviously I want Anna with Matt (or Zack, lol), but it's cute how Stuart is trying to impress her. I wonder how their date is going to go...

    I don't even know what to say about Matt and Gretchen. Hi, dysfunction? Thy name is Matt and Gretchen. Haha! He really shouldn't do that to Gretchen, even if she is an arrogant selfish person. I just wish he'd realize she's stuck, too, and yes, she handles it by being a bitch, but that doesn't mean she's not just as miserable as him.
    August 2nd, 2019 at 06:07pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Naw, poor Zacky!!! You aren't a cripple!!! HUG HIM, ANNA!!!!!
    It is a good thing that he got surgery so quick, but that fucking sucks, poor little munchkin!!!
    Even if he is a slightly dramatic munchkin :P

    Okay, so I got to the break in the story and realised I read the entire sequence of Zack and Anna without commenting anything. Damn you and your amazing writing that completely steals my attention and stops me doing my commenting duty!!

    I mean, you just write them SO PERFECTLY!! From the 100% high school 'I know someone who likes you' and Zack demanding the gossip, to their flirty-but-not-really-flirty exchanges. Gah!! Perfect!!!

    The way Zack knows Anna so well that he knows exactly what she is thinking as she is thinking it makes me so happy!!! They are just the best pair :P The way he almost goaded her into taking the date with Stuart and trying to get her mind of Matt was just... perfection! He knows she needs to stop wasting time on Matt and is trying to get her to open her eyes to other opportunities. What a bestie!!!!

    And then her flashing him!!! Hahahaha! I freaking love her!!! She is just the best!!

    Oh Matty boy, just can't stay away from our girl! Checking her out in class wasn't your smartest move with your teenage boy hormones all over the place. Maybe you aren't 'just friends' if you are getting flashbacks and enjoy her body just a little too much :P

    And also, maybe the fact that you are super jealous of 'that jock' might also be a sign... :P But damn, you wrote the awkwardness so perfectly! I mean as soon as he realised it was a date the entire car frosted over, right? Poor Anna, just trying to do the right thing and be a friend, and Matt just shutting her down with 'he might be busy' bullshit...

    Oh, and beautiful Brian, only thinking that girls are good for one thing :P I mean, I get it, especially at that age, with that face and the lifestyle that surrounds him, but boy he is dumb :P

    I love how Matt doesnt want to tell him that he has already slept with Anna. I feel that it is slightly deeper than just keeping Brian at bay. I'm sure he wants to protect Anna, and just hasn't admitted it to himself yet...

    As per usual, amazing update!!! Always so exciting getting the time to read your work :D
    July 23rd, 2019 at 05:54am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    And another round of the cutest friendship EVER! I love Zack and Anna. They kinda remind me of my friendship with this guy Cody, but I digress.

    You capture the high school mentality SO well. That whole "I heard something about you" and "I know someone who likes you" tease that we've all done. Lol. I think it's probably good that Zack mentioned Stuart's crush beforehand, because our dear Anna does NOT do well when blindsided.

    And Matty boy still lying to himself. Dude, you're getting a hard-on just looking at her and having brief flashbacks...she is NOT just a friend Rolling Eyes And now he's super jelly over Stuart asking her out. Real smooth, trying to act like he might have plans on Sunday. And Anna's hesitation before she said "I'll talk to you later" shows that she totally picked up on his mood.

    Brian is like a dog with a bone. I don't know that he'll necessarily lay off if he assumes Matt is chasing Anna. Eventually, it'll be the whole "Why are you wasting so much time on her?" conversation, because Brian believes a woman is only worth the pleasure she gives and if you're not getting any, why bother?

    I can't wait for the next update!
    July 20th, 2019 at 08:06am