Twisted by Design - Comments

  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Ok, I’m late to the party, I know, but I’m here now with my One OK Rock playlist (cuz I have a Friday night concert to prepare for) and I’m ready! We’re picking up where we last left off in Dr. Schwam’s How to Rehabilitate a Confident Jackass Into the Man of Your Dreams starring Matt Sanders at the Jackass. HAHA. I’m not completely hating him anymore (which is a shocker) but do I think he’s good enough for my precious Annabelle? HELL NO! He has a long way to go to earn back the points needed to even be considered as a worth candidate so we’ll see if he can continue to change my mind! Hahaha. I’m looking forward to this! Hopefully no ninja skills are required for this update…. But if so, I’m ready. *pulls out katana* Let’s get it going!

    WHO IS ANGELA?! HAHAHA. These are the important questions I have. She is obviously related to Gretchen somehow but I’m not sure how yet. I wanna say she’s like a little sister or something but I could be totally wrong. It’s happened before. Haha. Of poor Angela… she’s Gretchen’s personal assistant. Wait, why does Gretchen require a personal assistant? WTF… hahaha. I don’t believe she does real work to require an assistant (I’m assuming because I can’t imagine Gretchen doing anything productive with her time). Well, if Angela is looking for respectable work, she can always come over to Dr. Schwam’s office and be my personal assistant. There she would not only have a better boss but she would be able to take out her frustrations on our stupid clients, like Matt. Hahaha. Just something she needs to keep in mind….Wait, Angela was the one on the phone? Why couldn’t Gretchen move her own date? What’s she so busy doing that she can’t reschedule her own date? Ugh, I can already tell I’m going to be annoyed this chapter… though it’s yet to be determined whether Matt will be part of the reason. Haha. At least for now, I’ve got my attention focused on Gretchen.

    Ok, she’s moving like a slug because she decided to pick an outfit she can’t move in… I don’t really understand. I get looking good but part of that is the ability to move around. If I were him, I wouldn’t have waited for her either. Fuck that noise. Hahah. Ok, Matt not being able to sit comfortably at the table is great. He’s gonna have to slouch the whole meal to be comfortable. I can picture it now! “She was so shocked that she just slammed the door and ran out of the house. I honestly, don’t know how she didn’t see it coming; some of the kinky shit he was into really should’ve tipped her off that he liked dick just as much as she does,” Gretchen smirked, lifting her glass of water and taking a sip. Umm…. Kinky doesn’t necessarily mean you like dick Gretchen! WTF… I think I need to take her to a sensitivity class at the Learning Annex so that she knows being gay isn’t that big a deal. =/ I have to say thought, I’m liking that he’s analyzing what happened the other day, especially with his friend in the mix now. Since Brian is aware of how Matt usually acts, it would make sense that he would sus out any weirdness but I wonder if Brian will really have any real concerns about it. Obviously, he would warn his friend for playing a stupid game since he’s involved with this whiny brat but surely, he would understand since they’re best friends. I’m hoping that Brian isn’t completely horrible underneath it all. So far, he’s my favorite aside from Peter Mack. Yes, he’s back. You knew that was coming though. Hahaha. *plays “Return of the Mack” loudly on boombox*That’s gonna be his theme song every time I bring him back into this comments section. Haha

    Ugh, now she’s playing the “Let’s see who gets jealous first” game, which is not something you want to start playing because the person who starts that game always loses. Hahaha. Oh and now she’s fucking around with a rival family… that’s not great. I’m hoping her dates are exposed. Maybe it would give Matt an out for this stupid engagement they’ve been forced into. Hahaha. OH DEAR GOD! He’s on a date with Gretchen and he’s gonna pick up Annabelle? WTF Matt? Hahahaha. But I guess I don’t blame him for getting a reason to bail on this date with Gretchen. It sounds awful. When will these hot girls realize that they need to have more substance to them in order to be interesting to the opposite sex? A nice face and hot bod will only carry you so far because looks fade! Wow, I think Dr. Schwam has another seminar to write… Gretchen should go. Haha. EWW… she stuck her tongue down his throat! BLAH! Especially since she was just smoking a cigarette. Surely that’s not the best taste to experience. Hahaha. Oh, Gretchen’s older than him? I guess that would cause her some issues then… but I just don’t get why? Hahaha. But Gretchen is shallow and seems to have attention issues so I guess it makes sense that she would feel threatened that someone else *cough* younger *cough* than her would take all of Matt’s attention. Hahaha. She needs to go to this new Dr. Schwam Seminar “Honey, You Don’t Need No Man; Love Yourself!” hahaha.

    SHUT THAT JEALOUSY DOWN MATT! You’re the one that wanted to be friends so you have to put up with their platonic cuddling! Hell, even if Matt and Annabelle were together, I would tell him he needs to accept the platonic cuddling because he doesn’t own her! If he were confident in his abilities to be a good boyfriend, he would feel secure in Annabelle and Zacky’s close relationship. Hahaha. But that’s not what we’re talking about since they are just friends. He needs to lock that down. “Good,” Matt responded with a slow nod. “How’s your knee?” “Fucked,” Zack scoffed bluntly. “Thanks for asking.” Look, I’m with Zacky, that was such a dumb question to ask a dude in the hospital. Hahaha. I would’ve been the same way at such a stupid question! Hahaha. I’m on Zacky’s side. Don’t trust Matt! He still sucks. He just let a gross woman stick her tongue down his throat and didn’t do a good job avoiding her foot fucking at their dinner together. Hahaha. “It’s alright, I get it.” DO YOU REALLY MATT? Cuz I’m ready to team up with Zacky to help him beat your ass if you start acting all weird again! I don’t think you want that!

    AH! The waitress is back! Aw, and she’s looking for Brian! Hahaha. Poor her! Now she has nothing to amuse her as she continues with this long ass shift. I feel for her. She can have some points! Take Matt’s since he’s not earning them back any time soon! Hahahaha. Oh God, wait, I spoke too soon! She’s looking at Matt! Hahaha. Go back to dreaming about Brian! Matt’s not good enough for you honey! I love that he’s trying to encourage her to broaden her sexual horizons by playing into the typical guy fantasy of two girls together. The truth of the matter is, if that was happening, the guy would not be invited in any capacity so what fun is there to be had for him? Hahaha. Besides, does Matt really want to add a whole other set of rivals for Annabelle’s affections into the mix? Especially the waitress? I mean, I think he’d lose out to her in the end. That waitress is awesome. Hahaha. And yes, Matt should just let Zacky use him as a punching bag. I think that’s what we’re all thinking anyway. If he’s offering, then Annabelle just needs to let it happen. These guys can work out their differences with their fists… or rather Zacky’s fists hitting Matt while I hold his arms back! Hahaha. That’s right! I’m still Team Anyone But Matt! I’m now rooting for the waitress before him!

    Blah, more talk of Gretchen! I know that Annabelle doesn’t like to think about it because for some reason, she likes that butthead that she’s sitting with but she needs to guard her emotions better. If they’re really gonna try to be friends (though I’m not holding my breath since neither of them seem capable of following the rules of a platinic relationship without someone getting hurt), she needs to lock her emotions down. She’s too nice for Matt and I want her with someone that will treat her well THE WHOLE TIME, NOT AFTER A WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA’M and radio silence after the fact! That’s right, I’m not letting that go. First impressions mean a lot and he’s really screwed himself for redemption in my eyes…. Hahaha. I know I said I was warming to him and I don’t hate him… but I also think he needs to be knocked down a few rungs on the totem pole cuz he’s not as good as he thinks he is! Well, nothing is a complete mood killer than the mention of Gretchen! Ugh. She frustrates my soul!

    Overall, I liked this chapter however. I really understand now why Gretchen is just so awful but then again, if Matt only cared about what women looked like and that was the only thing that fit into the equation, then I suspect the other ladies he kept in his company were much the same. I understand his interest in Annabelle then since she’s not a vapid attention whore but it just confirms my suspicions that he’s not good enough for her since he’s just recently realized that he doesn’t want another airhead. Hahaha. I loved that Zacky was being all tough with Matt, even hospitalized with his busted leg. I can just imagine him wielding his crutch like a bat to crack upside Matt’s head when the moment comes. Hahaha. I so hope for that because the mental image is just too good. =] And I didn’t mind the ending since the mood was completely killed by mentioning Gretchen and their date earlier that evening… I’m just bummed that he didn’t accept her gas money. If I were her, I would’ve shoved that money into the cup holder, despite his objections, and bounced but that’s because he needs to learn to accept the gesture! Hahaha.

    As always, I’m looking forward to the next update! You’ve got me hooked and I really need to know whether or not Matt will ever get back onto my good side (though I don’t think he was ever on my good side to begin with). Ahaha.
    July 16th, 2019 at 11:02am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Excuse you, Gretchen! You a) have a personal assistant, and b) make said personal assistant make your calls to reschedule 'dates' even if YOU ARE IN THE SAME ROOM?! Urgh, just add that to the list of things that I do not like about that girl...

    Poor Matt, that house sounds like the last place you would voluntarily enter!!

    Hahahah, I am sorry, but that description of Matt trying to get his legs under the table was amazing!!! Poor tall sausage!!! Just another thing to have to suffer through on this 'date'. Gah, why do I feel bad for him!??!

    And more yuckiness with his 'meal'. That visual of what a dog would vomit up after eating grass immediately got me. Like, that was a visceral mental image of the food on that plate!! Urgh. Poor Matt.

    Ahhh, this line is perfection!!!! He knew what she was trying to do, he wasn’t in the mood to play games and he certainly wasn’t going to appease her with showing any jealousy
    He couldn’t show what he didn’t feel.

    That just perfectly sums up the situation in a nutshell!! Her trying to have it all, and him not buying it. This is perfect!

    Have I told you that I dislike Gretchen? She seems so... entitled! Doesn't matter what signals Matt throws her way, she is going to get what she wants. And the fact that Matt doesn't play into her bullshit makes her play that much harder. Urgh, how... classy :P

    NAWWWW!!! ZV for the protective win!!! I love that you can almost see the unimpressed vibes rolling off him. I mean, at this stage, he would be making Matt dig his own shallow grave before making him lie in it. Whoa...

    Ohhhhhh, he opens Anna's door, not Gretchens. This makes me very happy :D

    AHHHHH!!! The waitress from earlier!!! Hehehehehehe, amazing! I love that she was disappointed :P Oh, Brian's charm never fails :P

    Oh, oh oh!!! Shit just got interesting!!! I am so with Anna, dating a girl would be exhausting. Just putting up with myself is hard enough, I feel like i have to give a gold medal to hubby just for that. Fuck having this times 2! :P

    I love their flirting!!! i mean, its so graceful! Just slips in and out of the conversation, they both know it, and neither wants to shut it down! Hehehehe, i freaking love it!!!

    Well.... that was a hell of a way to shut down the flirty bantery conversation!! Poor Anna, unknowingly opening the floodgates of awkward!
    I do have to give Matty boy some credit for actually being honst though. Through all his flaws, honesty is not one, and I am very impressed. Well done to you, Matt!

    I dont know why you didn't like that end. I thought it was fitting! You are too hard on yourself, lady! Lucky you have us to champion you and make you see that this story is freaking wonderful!!!!!!
    July 15th, 2019 at 03:08am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ok, so ... Firstly let me say that Gretchen is getting on my last nerve. She’s so needy, even though she is seeing someone on the side and knows that Matt is too. I can’t stand her. She’s all show and no go. I loved Zacky’s reaction to Matt at the hospital. He’s just so protective and I love that about him. Also, I really loved the reaction of the waitress at the diner. I love this story and can’t wait to read more so please update again soon xxx
    July 14th, 2019 at 02:45pm
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Well...that's one way to get out of having to spend too much time with Gretchen. Lol. I don't like Gretchen, but not for the obvious reason. I just think she's obnoxious considering the situation they've been put in. On the other hand, I do have sympathy for two people who are in that position and have NOTHING in common.
    I like protective Zacky! It's so cute! And to be fair, Matt deserves Zack's distrust, no matter how readily Anna has forgiven him.
    I love Matt and Anna together. The dynamic is SO good! I think I would like them even if they really were JUST friends. They're one of my favorite couples I've ever read on Mibba.
    July 14th, 2019 at 07:27am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Wow, that was a brilliant update! There was so much going on. I’m loving Matt and Anna together. However, I’m not sure what Brian’s agenda is, although I loved the part in the diner lol! Also, this Steve bloke, I’m not sure I trust him - in fact ... scratch that ... I DON’T!! He seems like a douchebag to me. Alarm bells were going off everywhere when he touched her arm like that. I’m not sure, but I think Matt may have sensed something going on there. I’m looking forward to what will happen next.

    Zacky is getting better and I’m glad. I am also looking forward to finding out his reaction to what Anna is going to tell him regarding her and Matt.

    Please update again soon xxx
    July 12th, 2019 at 06:59am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    PROCRASTINATION! My greatest friend! HAHAHA. Well, I wanted to hunker down and write some but we both know that’s not going to be happening anytime soon so I’m going to read the newest update! =] We need to see if Matt is able to win me over and prove that he’s worth my precious angel’s time and attention. Hahaha. So, I’m ready and I’ve got Panic! At the Disco on, ready to boogie through this update. (BTW, it’s Vegas Lights that’s got me dancing at midnight here… as well as the fact that I’ve got a new update to keep me company)

    OH NO! It’s Monday (which is already the worst thing) and now Annabelle doesn’t have a lunch buddy! I really hope that Zacky gets better soon so that Annabelle has someone to hang out with again. I’m going to miss the sexually charged banter. Hahaha. Oh God, so not only is Matt coming over now but he’s bringing Brian along with him… how much does Brian know? HAHA. I’m guessing he’s going to piece it all together, especially considering Matt’s weird behavior from the previous chapters. However, Brian is still ranked high than Matt in the points system I have so I’m all for his presence. It really is cute how bashful she seems around him, though I don’t know why… cuz Matt’s still garbage. Hahaha. Ok, I swear I’m going to try and be a little more open-minded about him. There’s only so many professional talking-to’s I can give him before I throw in the towel. Ok, a lunch date with Matt and Brian! Can I just say that I’m loving Brian’s whole demeanor? What can I say… I like a man that’s all stoic and aloof, especially when he’s not romantically interested in Annabelle. She’s got enough problems with Mr. “I don’t really understand my feelings so I’ll treat you like garbage but still enjoy torturing you” Matt. Hahaha.

    “Can’t get used to something that doesn’t really happen.” I see that we’re going to have to have more therapy/ass-kicking sessions with Dr. Schwam soon. I’LL TELL HIM NO ALL DAY AS I KEY HIS CAR! *breathes deeply and goes into yoga pose* I need to calm down…. I said I would try to accept him but he’s pushing my buttons with his cockiness… I want someone to tell him no so bad. Annabelle, I understand you like him but playing hard to get won’t kill you! Seriously, since he’s already intrigued, just show some backbone and tell him no! I think she will also need to take Dr. Schwam’s seminar on how to stick to your guns and say no. OMG, Brian and the waitress! I have to admit, when I read the following line, I initially had sexual innuendo on my mind but you know, listening to Panic does that to me: “They don’t come for free.” I have a feeling I’m going to be more invested in the Brian/waitress saga than Matt and Annabelle. Hahaha.

    I am happy that Matt seems to have his own version of what Zacky is to Annabelle in his life though. Brian and Matt sharing a silent conversation in glances and scowls, I can just picture it now! Aww! And Zacky’s whining about wanting to be at school! My poor baby! Hahaha. I am happy that he’s checking in on Annabelle though, asking where and what’s she’s doing during her lunch break. It’s so freaking sweet! So, I’m just wondering how Zacky’s going to take the news that she’s hanging out with Matt. If I remember correctly, they didn’t have a chance to talk about what happened since the party at his house so he’s unaware of all the developments. I hope he sides with me about how she should NOT be friends with Matt. Hahaha. Ok, I know… I’m trying to let it go… Deep breaths… Maybe give me a sponge bath, since I’m incapacitated and everything… AND JUST LIKE THAT, SEXY BANTER IS BACK! Yay! *throws confetti*

    I TOLD YOU THAT BRIAN WOULD PIECE IT ALL TOGETHER! He’s a smart cookie! I know all about that look he was giving Matt when Zacky was mentioned. Hahaha. Now I need to know what he has to say to him about the situation once they’re out of mixed company. It’ll be interesting to hear the other side of it all, especially since Brian seems to understand the situation Matt’s in. I wonder if he’ll try to talk Matt out of continuing with Annabelle, more for his own sake rather than hers considering how douchey his uncle is. Hahaha. OMG! Brian and this waitress! I’m loving this! I want him to succeed so bad… I think, like Matt, he doesn’t really understand the word no… or he works hard to turn that no into an enthusiastic yes. Hahaha. Either way, I’m loving their interaction. Oh and now Annabelle is acting as Brian’s wingman! Of course, I say wingman and the first thought I have is the song from Bob’s Burgers that Ron sings…. “Wingman, he’s flying with the eagles! Wingman, he’s trying to help you out! Wingman!” hahahaha. But Brian’s sure to approve of her a little more now that she’s trying to help a brother out with the ladies! Hahaha. AND HE SUCCEEDED! GO BRIAN! GO WAITRESS! I don’t know her name but you go girl!

    Wah… now Matt and Annabelle are gonna be together after school… all cuz he won’t allow her to take the bus! Maybe the bus is fun Matt…. You don’t know her life! *breathes and thinks of pandas* Ok, I know, I’m getting irrational again. I’ll stop… for now…. But he needs to learn how to be denied! Hahaha. But Annabelle needs to get a grip on her crush on Matt… It’s not good if they want to try to pursue a friendship (which I know is a lie but still… NO). hahaha. Oh wow, and now Stuart has popped up and decided to flirt with Annabelle! Is there going to be some competition here? I mean, I already know Annabelle is oblivious to all of this but the guys will be able to detect it in one another and then comes the macho bravado that no one needs… hahaha. Though it would be good to see Matt feeling a little insecure for once… you know, on a karmic level. Yes, I’m petty and I need him to suffer! Maybe then, he might win my sympathies. I CALLED IT! Matt was only guiding Annabelle out of class because of Stuart! I’m pretty sure of it! Hahaha. This isn’t enough suffering though… I need more jealousy and petty behavior!

    I like that Brian’s only referring to Annabelle by last name. Can that be their thing? Hahaha. For some reason, I really like the idea of it. I also like that Annabelle was so impressed with Brian’s house. I mean, it does sound impressive but is it bad that my first thought about a house that big was “Man, I don’t want to clean that house.” I’m such an adult… thinking practically about cleaning a mansion! Hahaha. Oh dear, he’s taking her back to his apartment? He better not be acting in an ungentlemanly fashion because that’s definitely not going to win me over any! Oh Annabelle, I know it’s hard to control your raging hormones around him since he’s so pretty but come on! You need to try harder! You’re supposed to be friends with the guy! Hahaha. Aw, ok… the fact that he’s got a picture of him and Brian when they were younger really got me. I like that he’s at least got a friend who understands him and has been there for him, especially after his mom died. Ok, he can have one point… but it’s really just because Brian’s his friend.

    So, ok I know Matt’s just trying to be nice but he really needs to stop spending so much time around her because man, it’s unfair to her. He knows that Annabelle still has a crush on him (cuz I know he’s not completely oblivious to her reactions to him) but yeah, he needs to cool it. She can take the bus home! It’s not going to kill her! Just accept the no! hahaha. YAY! ZACKY! I’ve missed him! I really enjoy their time together because it’s just so funny. I’m glad that she’s got him as a friend because he totally understands her. OMG! He’s going to interrogate her about Matt! Well, I agree that he needs to be caught up on the situation! They’ve both been so preoccupied with his injury that they haven’t had the chance to discuss the important things and that’s not really good. I’m sure Zacky’s worried about Annabelle getting hurt since Matt had proved to be a douchebag in Zacky’s eyes but we’ll see how he reacts once she explains it all to him. Somehow, I just don’t see the two boys getting along very well in the future, which kind of concerns me.

    Well yay! Now I need more so I can continue to procrastinate! You know how I operate. So I really loved this, mainly because the inclusion of Brian was awesome! But overall, it’s good to see her interacting more with others now that her main buffer is out of commission in the hospital. I mean, Matt also needs to have her around his friends or friend in this case because since they both suck at keeping their emotions in check, the intermingling of friends is bound to happen sooner than later. You succeeded in not making me completely hate Matt but I’m definitely not Team Matt yet… I’m Team Brian! Hahaha. I’m looking forward to the next installment! I NEED IT SOON! UPDATE!!!!!!
    July 11th, 2019 at 10:37am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Oh no!!! I didnt even realise that because ZV is out of action, she would be all alone at lunch!!! Poor Anna!! Urgh, my heart hurts for her!!!

    ohhhh, Brian is finally introduced to Annabelle! I swear I could feel the ice from his interaction with her from here! Ouch!! I mean, how awkward for Anna! And now MAtt is making her get lunch with them? For her sake I hope that Bri thaws out a little!! Jesus!

    Ahhhh, I love the waitress already, not giving in to Brian's shit!!!Amazing!! she is wonderful, and I would like to adopt her as my spirit animal, please and thank you! :P

    Oh Matty, you are playing unfairly! You can't use the dimples against her! She is defenseless against them!

    Naw, Zack knows her so well, knowing that she would be alone and reading a book (also, not as bad as it's made out to be. Maybe in high school, but that is my favourite way to have lunch now :P I'm old, I get it).
    I dont blame her for thinking twice about being honest with ZV about his location though. I mean, the poor guy would probably blow a gasket!

    Hahahhahaha, I fucking love Zacky!!!! The sponge bath line - perfection!!!! I love that he hasn't let the boredom or the situation stop his horny teenage thoughts :P Such a boy!! hahaha

    Ohhhhhh, the interaction between Bri and Matt on mentioning Zack's full name!! Matt is sooooo going to hear about it later!!! ahahahah, amazing!!! I fucking love this story, have I told you that lately? :P

    AhHH!! The interactions with Brian and the waitress? Amazing.
    Matt asking Anna not to taint his favourite diner? Perfect!
    Anna patting Matt's chest in apology? GAH! DYING!!! Those few paragraphs were just phenomenal!! I can almost see what is happening! Love it!!!!

    Stewart, stick in your lane, buddy!! Do not flirt with Anna like that! :P I mean, it was all well and good when you were asking about Zack, but I dont think that it is all that is on your mind! Hands away, buddy!!

    Ohh, Matt is definitely going to hear about it from brian now!! I mean a ride in the arvo, too?!

    Okay, I am completely with Annabelle here. The right cologne is 100% an aphrodisiac. Matt really is pulling out all stops, subconsciously or not I am unsure yet... I got my eye on you, Matty!!

    Ahhhhh, ANNA AND ZACK!! The real heroes of this story :P Man, any interaction with them I just eat up! they make me very happy! From how cute they are cuddled up on the bed watching re-runs to ZAck flipping out about Matt - they are just perfection!!!!!

    More, please :D
    July 11th, 2019 at 02:19am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    So, I like the idea that they're trying a friendship, but it's so obviously not gonna work! She has a crush that isn't going away anytime soon, and we all know Mattykins is smitten. Rolling Eyes Wonder how long it's going to take Brian to start giving Matt serious shit about Annabelle. Lol.

    And now enter Stuart. Flirting a little? Yeah. Definitely. She can't be that oblivious! And Matt guiding her out of the classroom -- instinctive gesture or perhaps a subtle claim in front of Stuart, who was watching? Hmmmm....

    Poor Zack, stuck in the hospital and missing all of his BFF's drama! That's what you live for in high school! At least he won't be bored listening to Anna's soap opera of a weekend!
    July 10th, 2019 at 08:02am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Due to persistent badgering, I am now finally settling in and starting the update that I should’ve read over the weekend but didn’t due to laziness and my vacation. Hahaha. That’s right, I found a playlist and I’m ready. Of course the serious music is back to my BTS playlist but I found all the depressing songs so I’m ready. I’m not dacning…. Well, I’m sort of dancing… don’t judge me! Dr. Schwam is in and ready for patients. I just hope that I don’t have to get violent with Matt this chapter because he’s really close to dying at the hands of my ninja skills. HAHA. Anyways, onwards with the chapter!

    Annabelle is trying on outfits! Now, I understand why she’s doing it because yeah, she wants to look good for that butthole Matt but ugh…. He sucks! Hahaha. I mean, I know she’s got conflicting emotions but man, I want him to be far away from my princess! I’ve got someone better for her! In my rolodex! Haha. Knowing her luck, her pasty white legs would probably blind him while he was driving and they’d end up in a ditch or something. Oh I know all about this. I don’t have a pasty white problem since I’m brown but my legs are so light compared to the rest of me. Hahah. I can sympathize with the problem! But hey, it’s the price you pay for wearing a cute outfit! Oh, Matt’s on the phone. That’s the worst when you’re stuck listening to the one-sided conversation. I don’t want to listen but you can’t help it because there’s nowhere to go to escape it. That happens to me way more than it should. I sympathize hard with that awkwardness. HE NEEDS TO GET OFF THE PHONE! Minus five points for being rude! Hahaha. And minus another two… just because! That’s right, it’s not fair but he’ll live!

    WHOA THERE BUDDY! You have precious cargo in your vehicle! I don’t appreciate him taking his rage issues out by gunning it in the car while he’s with Annabelle. It’s not her fault he’s in a shitty mood! These anger issues are clear signs that she should stay away from him until we finish our therapy sessions as mandated by me! Hahaha. Cuz now she thinks she did something to cause him to be all mad when his ass was the one that offered to take her to Long Beach in the first place after showing up continuously uninvited! I think I’m just destined to root against him… no one is good enough for Annabelle! Ah! For once I’m in agreement with the bastard! She needs to eat a proper meal instead of just a muffin. Let me get the frying pan and open up my kitchen for the breakfast menu. Yes, in addition to being a Ninja Therapist, I’m also a chef. =] Aw! I feel bad that she’s so insecure about her legs! He’s seen you naked Annabelle! It’s ok! No need to feel embarrassed. Hahah.

    Ok, so Matt is going to feed her…. I guess he gets points for that but only two because he’s not feeding her a proper pancake meal! Hahaha. Oh, now they’re finally talking about the essay. Well, I still believe that Matt deserves nothing for that assignment since she was the one that actually had to craft the piece from his notes but that’s just me. She’s way too nice to this guy when he’s done nothing to deserve it! “Especially since I didn’t really do anything to contribute.” See! Even he agrees with me! I know he provided note but come on! Notes are nothing when it comes down to the actual writing of an essay! Hahaha. As an English major that had to craft many a paper on topics, I feel she’s being too generous to the slacker she was paired with. Haha. Ugh, now he’s complimenting her! I mean, he’s right… Annabelle’s the best but I have a hard time with the compliments since he’s playing around with her emotions still. You’re either in, and that means you’re not acting like a jackass, or you’re out Matt! You need to figure your feelings out! Until then, you’re still required to show up to therapy so I can beat some sense into you! Hahaha. I’d like to see you get a temper with me after one of my stern talking to’s.

    BACK STORY TIME! YES! This is what I’ve been waiting for! I need to know more about Annabelle… Matt too I guess since he’ll probably share but most importantly, Annabelle! *pulls out whiteboard with character maps* I still have some dots to connect so I understand her! Hahaha. Well holy shit… wow… the stuff with her parents, especially her dad is so messed up! He was a vigilante cop that went on murdering people he thought were bad? Wow… poor Annabelle. To think , she grew up thinking that he had just died in an accident and then to learn that he was a murderer, vigilante or no, that forced someone else to kill him rather than taking his own life himself… that’s a lot for someone to process! Wow… poor Annabelle. No wonder she lives with her Aunt and Uncle! That explains part of her story now! I’m just surprised that she’s willing to talk to Matt about it! She’s acknowledged that she barely knows this guy and that she doesn’t know if she can trust him (and she can’t because he’s still working through his own fucking issues). I tend to compartmentalize my issues and emotions so I don’t express them either. There would be no way that I would open up to a man who treated me like nothing the way Matt treater her previously. Obviously, she needed to get some of that off her chest so why not tell the guy who may not be in her life again? She’s way stronger than I am. Haha.

    Well, now they’re bonding over the loss of a parent (or parents if we’re going to count the fact that Matt’s dad ditched him after his mom died). I guess that’s something. Matt seems pretty vulnerable about the loss of his mother and the fact that his dad really sucked as a human being. However, the fact that his mom didn’t want to go through a double mastectomy might not purely be cosmetic. Having known someone who went through a mastectomy (single not double), the side effects from the mastectomy like lymphedema are awful and can last for God knows how long. I guess weighing the options, it’s a hard choice to make. I personally wouldn’t want anyone cutting off my boob but then again, it would depend on how far along the cancer has progressed and such… I’m just thinking that with the mastectomy, she would probably need chemo and radiation afterwards and that would make her sick… plus the symptoms that can develop after having the mastectomy itself… I guess what I’m saying is it’s more complicated than just chalking it up to cosmetic reasons for not going through with it. Maybe it is just as shallow as that but who really knows…. He was a child when she was making these decisions so how much could he really understand about the complexities of a medical decision like that? But see, this is why he’s in therapy with Dr. Schwam, so we can talk all this out and he can process his feelings properly instead of acting like a douche.

    I will say this, the amount of vulnerability in this chapter is just so fascinating! Both of these people don’t know what they’re doing (emotionally) yet they are just willingly sharing their broken pasts with one another. It’s pretty amazing. Oh! And now he’s explaining his familial connections! Ok, so I was right about the mob so that’s good! *checks off box on whiteboard* Now, I need to know what exactly went down in Long Beach… that’s the only mystery I have left with him in terms of his past. I already know he’s part of the family business so that’s something. OMG… now I get to learn about why Annabelle changed schools… Ugh, I need to brace myself! I already know it was bad but I don’t have the specifics of how bad so this is concerning me! Ugh, so Jake is even worse than Matt in terms of the selfishness factor! Now, I know he’s only gonna get worse from here, since he did something horrible to Annabelle but I have to say, I’m surprised to say that Matt’s no longer looking too bad by comparison… which isn’t a good reflection on him. Hahaha. All I will say is that thank God that she doesn’t remember most of it. I mean, I could see that as a blessing and a curse but considering she remembers enough, it’s probably best that she doesn’t remember more than what she already knows. Wow… man you really sucker punched me with all this flood of information! I don’t know what to do with all these feelings!

    So the fallout of all of that is even worse. God, this is proof that men are awful. =/ I guess my main concern is that nobody was questioning them as a couple to begin with since he was a Junior (making him sixteen-seventeen) while she was a freshman (thirteen-fifteen). That’s a huge age difference. Well, ugh… I guess Jake is next on my ninja star throwing list. Matt is on break for the moment. My new focus is destroying Jake for hurting my angel! Anyways, moving on from my hatred and plan to murder Jake with ninja skills, I like that Annabelle is pushing Matt for more information. To be fair, she’s shared so much with him and he hasn’t really contributed much, especially where his marriage arrangements are concerned. He really needs to let her know what’s happening there so she can work through her feelings. She doesn’t like the fact that she was the other woman, even if Gretchen and Matt aren’t happy together, so I don’t want her feeling anymore guilty! But then I’m back to Matt knows better so he needs to stop playing with Annabelle’s emotions when he knows better! Hahaha

    Oh so now he wants to be friends?! Is that so wise? Annabelle can’t help but be drawn to him, though I think she’s got someone better out there. Ahh… the overly irrational side of me is so frustrated that she likes him so much! Hahaha. She shouldn’t even want to be his friend! What does he bring to the table, really? At the end of the day, what makes him worthy of her friendship and kindness? That’s one I need to figure out on my own I guess… maybe I’m too harsh on Matt but man, burn me once and I don’t look back. He would’ve been cut off long ago if it were me. I guess I need to start making a different chart about whether Matt is worthy enough now… and based on the existing points system, he’s not! Aww… I like that she went to see Zacky and that neither of them has to say anything to one another! They’re able to comfort each other without words. It’s so nice! I ship them even though there’s nothing to ship! Hahaha.

    Well damn! That was a lot to process and I had to shift my playlist once things got really heavy! I’m glad that I’ve learned more about both of them this chapter since there was a lot that needed to be shared, especially on Matt’s side. Now they’re going to try to be friends and I don’t see that ending well considering they haven’t worked through their feelings for each other. Considering Matt’s complicated lifestyle, it would probably be best if he just fucked off from her life but then the story would be over so I can’t have that! I’m also glad that I know the whole story behind why Annabelle had to leave her previous school, even though it was awful what happened to her. It explains so much about her reactions to Matt when he blew her off and whether or not people in school were spreading rumors. Man, I’m emotionally drained now! HAHAHA. As always, I’m enjoying this immensely, even though you’re torturing me… haha. I’m looking forward to seeing where things go next! I already know you’re gonna update soon! =] And I look forward to it!
    July 9th, 2019 at 11:37am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    The pasty white look wasn’t doing her any favors.
    I feel this in my bones!!! Being so pasty makes it very hard to wear most light colours!! But rompers for the win!! I live in one when I am at home in summer. They are just so comfy!!! Hubby incessantly teases me about it, but dont give a fuck, so comfy!!!
    Go the romper, Anna!! Be comfy! Matt deserves none of your stress!
    AND IT HAS POCKETS!??! That is a clear winner.

    Calm down, Matt!! No need to drive like a lunatic because you are upset! You have precious cargo!!!

    Oh Anna, I dont think that he was looking at your legs because he doesnt like them... show off that figure, girl!!
    But I totally understand why she is super self conscious about that, so I can't blame her for being human :P

    Hehehe, I like that to Matt a muffin isn't breakfast, but a hot dog is :P I guess it is probably more lunch time than breakfast, but still!! Such a boy!!

    HOW CAN HE BE SO SMOOTH?!??! You're obviously beautiful
    How much does it cost to have him say that to me?! I WILL PAY IT!! I mean, swoon!!!!! I cannot blame Anna for blushing and being infatuated. He knows exactly what he is doing, smart, handsome bastard!

    HOLY WOW!!! That is an INSTENSE backstory!! Imagine finding that out at 13!! Holy shit!!!
    See, even Matt agrees!! Maybe I am starting to warm up to him...

    Oh, and now I feel sad for him losing him mum at 9 years old :( And by cancer? URGH!! Cuddle him, Anna!! You both need a good cuddle right now!!!

    Sorry, I got a little excited there...
    I mean, he even told her about him being expected to take over?! Damn, he does trust her!!
    URGH! This heart to heart is all I ever wanted!!!!!

    Uh oh, nothing ever good comes of dating someone older in high school and acting older than you are... I dont like where this is heading...
    Urgh, fucking Jake... what a tool!! Knew exactly how to get what he wanted... poor little Anna!!!!
    OH!!! LITTLE ANNA!!! Urgh, now I really dont like Jake, and just want to scoop Anna in a hug even more!!! I mean, kinda good that she has repressed it, because that is awful to remember, but also it is something she will never forget at the same time.

    FRIENDS?!??!! Excuse me?! FRIENDS?!??!!!
    I have nothing I can say to that... no one does. FUCKING FRIENDS?!!? Matt, I wanna hit you so hard.
    I know that logic says that it is the 'right' thing and all, but FRIENDS?!!
    All or nothing, buddy! She has feelings for you, and you are not free to reciprocate (even if he has feelings, too. I mean, he has to, right?!), YOU NEED TO LET HER GO!!!!

    That ending was the exact remedy I needed after such an emotional chapter!! Gah, their friendship makes me so damned happy!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! I love ZV and Anna.

    This was an amazing chapter!!! So much detail! I love it!!!!!!!!
    July 5th, 2019 at 01:40am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I really enjoyed this update. I’m glad that they’ve had that heart to heart. They definitely both had things that they needed to get of their chests. I really hope that they can get past the “just friends” stage and can end up being really happy together as a couple.

    Please update again soon xxx
    July 4th, 2019 at 10:38pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Loving the updates.
    July 4th, 2019 at 01:46pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Okay, lets start at the chapter title. I am already nervous about what is going to happen, then you put that in there?
    Diving in to the actual content now :P

    Hospitals are the WORST!! I mean, how hard is it to keep people updated?! Hours is just unacceptable...
    I just realised I am getting mad at a fictitious hospital...

    I am allowed to be mad at the pretend hospital now. I mean, ASSHOLES!!! No one told them shit for 5 HOURS and no remorse or real apology... that is bullshit!!
    And I feel Mrs. Bakers reaction is 100% acceptable. No one does that shit and gets away with it, and it is mumma bear's duty to rouse at them!!!

    I mean, really fucked him up :( And Anna is just a god damned gem being there for him as he is upset. URGH!! I fuCKING LOVE THEM!!!!!!!
    Poor ZV :( He is going to be in a funk for a while :(

    Oh, dont you do it Matt. You leave that girl alone! She has had a super shitty day, and she does not need you to come in and try to be prince charming while she is being strong for her friend. You stay away!!

    He didn't stay away. Pep talk didn't work :(

    Hahahhahahaa, Oh Anna, you definitely could have left it at “What are you doing here?” I think that is a valid question!!

    Oh, breaking down in front of someone you really dont want to break down in front of really fucking sucks. Poor Anna!! I mean, way to make a shitty situation even worse!! And I dont know whether to resent Matt for trying to comfort her when her defenses are down, or appreciate him for trying...

    I knew as soon as he decided not to talk about the... situation... that he was going to formulate a way to see her again!!! And he stuck to it, even if they did briefly touch on the topic.

    Gah, I love this story so much!!! I am so so so happy you are back writing!!! :D :D
    July 1st, 2019 at 06:59am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Distractions are upon us again as you have blessed me with a new update! I’m excited for this, especially since I’ve not been up to par all day. Now that I’m finally feeling better, I am ready to settle in and read… especially since I need to know what you did to Zacky. Plus, Matt is still hanging around I bet so there’s that to contend with but I will find out now. HAHA. Time to dive in.

    Well, poor Annabelle is still waiting in the ER for news on her friend. I hate waiting in the hospital to find out anything. Half the time, you’re worrying yourself with all the possible worst-case scenarios. It really sucks that she’s not getting anything out of the staff yet but at least she’s with Zacky’s parents. I’m surprised that Matt isn’t still with her since he has a tendency to just butt into situations uninvited but I’m glad he recognized that this was not a moment where he should be there, especially since he’s still a douche nozzle for how he acted before. Hahaha. Annabelle had every right to feel torn about him and his intentions about texting him back because his sudden concern for her well-being doesn’t negate his previous handling of their situation. That’s right, I’m still anti-Matt. Hahaha.

    Ugh, the hospital staff is so unhelpful! Zacky’s been available to talk to this whole time and no one told Annabelle or his parents?! This hospital is getting negative points now and a 1-star Yelp review! Hahahaha. If I were Annabelle, I’d be pissed off too. I like how Zacky’s mom wanted to go yell at the incompetent hospital staff after finding out that Zacky’s been available for visitors this whole time. I think that woman and I would get along so well. Hahaha. Oh no, you tore his ACL! Yes, I’m blaming you, the writer for his pain! Aww, that means no more baseball for him. Poor guy. He’s gotta be in so much pain with that. All the physical therapy and pain meds he’s gonna need to get himself better…. He’s got a long road ahead of him. Aww and he’s all broken up about it! I feel bad because there’s nothing to be done. The healing process is long and slow for that and he’s gonna miss his opportunity to play for the scouts. What about college now?! Aww.. I just wanna hug him!

    Ok, so now Matt is irritated that Annabelle isn’t answering his text from an hour ago… did it ever occur to him that she’s too busy for his ass right now?! Hahaha. This man really needs to take up yoga or meditation. He needs to work on his patience levels… If he joins me for hypnotherapy, I’m sure I could work that out of him. Hahaha. UGH!!! MATT! Why are you going to the hospital?! Now’s not the time… but I guess it is a nice thing to do… ugh, I’m so torn right now because he’s still a butthole for what he did… especially since he still wants to “clear the air” about the bullshit he pulled on her out of nowhere. This isn’t about you Matt! When will you get that? “What are you doing here?” she spoke with a confused tone, but quickly shook her head and rubbed her face again. “I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right. I’m just surprised to see you.” Pfft, Annabelle, you got that right the first time! You don’t have to apologize to him about your tone when the question is legitimate! What is he doing here, uninvited?! Hahaha.

    I feel so bad for Annabelle! Here’s a boy who treated her like crap, standing in front of her while she’s trying to stay strong for her friend but feels completely useless to him since there’s little she can do to help him. It must be so exhausting to deal with. Ugh… I feel so torn now that he’s comforting her as she cries… cuz he doesn’t deserve to touch her anymore cuz he totally sucks but she really needs someone there for her right now! Ugh, damn you for making me feel so conflicted about this uninvited bastard! Hahaha. This is why he needs to not bring up his personal shit right now! It’s not about him right now and it’s not fair to talk to her when she’s already so emotionally drained! He’s already crossed a line by showing up in the first place and then touching her… I know he’s just trying to be comforting but really? After everything, he realizes that it’s just not the best time for any of his crap, right?

    OH THANK GOD HE’S COME TO HIS SENSES! He can actually have some points back for that since he’s realized he doesn’t need to be any more of a bastard than he already is. He gets ten points back… yes, it’s low but that’s because he’s only done one right thing this whole night. Hahaha. He still has a long way to go now before he returns to the clean slate at 0 points. OH HELL! Annabelle wants to get this over with now! You know what, respect. She’s been having to deal with stuff all day without any warning so I don’t blame her for trying to get ahead of this now and just getting it over with. The day has already sucked so there’s not much more that could happen to make it worse. At least the cat’s out of the bag right now. Even with his so-called arrangement with Gretchen, he does realize that won’t make Annabelle feel any better about their situation, doesn’t he? He and I need to have a session on word games he likes to play… I’m not a fan of the semantics that he’s using to justify himself to my precious angel. Yes, I know I’ve got a conflict of interest here since I’m biased due to being Team Annabelle (as well as Team Peter Mack) but he won’t find a better person to have therapy sessions with! I promise not to beat him too severely…. Well, I’ll try not to.

    Well bollocks… here I was, thinking that Matt has finally said his piece and can leave the poor girl alone but no, he just has to stretch his time out with her, playing with her emotions! I knew it wouldn’t end there, because one, the story would be over and two, we haven’t gotten that far in his therapy sessions yet. HAHA. This update has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster. Hahaha. I’m enjoying it immensely, despite all my frustrations with Matt at the moment. Haha. I like that Annabelle was the one that just decided to clear the air after her long day of dealing with bullshit. I’m glad that she’s just getting that over and done with and I’m not happy with Matt continuing to interfere with her when he knows better. -_- But now it’s over! And I have to go back to Supernatural for my entertainment (or writing… I think we both know what will win out in the end). Haha. I look forward to the next one!
    June 30th, 2019 at 10:08am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Oh, poor Zack! If he's lucky, the scout(s) can watch film, but it's still unlikely they'd offer a scholarship without actually seeing him play. I hope if he doubles down on recovery and PT, he can make that happen. Not in two weeks, of course, but maybe before it's too late. (Sounds crazy, right? But I've seen some players on my favorite college football team come back from injuries pretty fast. Our quarterback hurt his knee last year and it required surgery, yet he never missed a game...which might bite him in the ass later in life. Lol.)

    I'm glad that Matt was smart enough to keep his mouth shut while taking her home. He was right; she certainly didn't need his complicated "love life" dumped on her after her stressful day. He kept the answers short and simple, and if she needs more clarification, they can discuss it later.

    With that said, MATT?!?!?! WHY?!?! I know, I know. He likes her. He's smitten. But for the love of all that is, STOP IT! I was trying to defend you and say you were a victim of circumstances, but now you're just torturing both yourself and Annabelle, and you need to STAAHHHHP!
    June 30th, 2019 at 08:59am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming of “Matt is an arrogant bastard that I will crush one day so he stops hurting my precious angel” brought to you by our sponsors, procrastination and insomnia. Hahahaha. Well I’m glad that you updated this last night! I need something to keep me occupied and this is just the cherry on the top of a sluggishly dragging Monday that I really needed (technically, it was still Monday when I started writing this comment anyway. Haha). Now, on with the show!

    Oh dear… my babies are hungover! I knew this would happen! Allow me to grab you guys the painkillers and water bottles you so desperately need. *rummages around in a magical satchel containing anything that I would ever need* hahaha. Wow, these two have to go to Long Beach in their condition? That’s not great, especially since Zacky is making Annabelle drive! You knew better Zacky! You should’ve told Puff and his magic dragon to take a hike! Hahaha. Minus five points for poor planning. Well, I’m glad that Annabelle puked… sometimes, it’s all you can do to make yourself feel better. I know this from the same horrible experience. Hahaha. Man, I can only imagine how it’s gonna be to clean that messy house after the party, especially since they’ll both be wiped from being hung over and with Zacky playing in the game.

    Poor Zacky out there struggling on the field during warm up! Part of me wants to take care of him and nurse him back to health but the adult in me is just evilly cackling at his poor foresight from the night before, thinking what an amateur move it was to push his body to the limits like that before a game. Athlete or no, being hung over and engaging in physical sports is no Bueno. Hahaha. Again, experience talking… all those damn years of soccer in my high school days. I am glad, however, that Annabelle is making friends with people, even if it’s only on Facebook! BTW, I saw the additional characters you added why’d you have to go and make Stuart so cute? Now I’m rooting for him just based on his adorable picture and the slightly competitive flirtatious edge he had when he was being competitive during beer pong. Hahaha. Ahh, I see, Annabelle thinks Matt’s being untruthful about being engaged as a way to cover up blowing her off so spectacularly. Well, I guess that does make sense given their age but that does seem like a pretty farfetched thing to throw into the universe for there not to be something more to it. Either way, I’m still mad at Matt for making her all upset! He will pay for his transgressions! Hahaha.

    Speak of the devil… now I have to hear him try to justify himself. Well, I’m waiting with my ninja stars and the war tribunal to hear him plead his case. So he’s mad because he was dumb and went to the party, knowing that it would do more harm than good and the only thing he has to say about it is that he doesn’t want to be called a liar by Annabelle? Pfft… COME ON MATT! PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR BUTT! This would be so much easier if he would just recognize that he has feelings for her and get over it ! Acknowledging your feelings instead of tip toeing around them will do everyone a world of good. Man, I feel like he needs to escort himself to my psychotherapy couch for a session with Dr. Schwam. At least that way, I have the ability to easily stab him with ninja stars if he tries to cheat our therapy sessions. Hahaha. So he had to rectify it. No Matt, just go home. Don’t do it…. You’re doing it though cuz otherwise the chapter would be over. So secretly, since I’m wanting to prolong my own torture… DO IT!

    I like that he calls Brian to ask about the baseball games Why does Brian know the baseball team’s travel schedule? It seems that even if he overheard it at the party from the baseball players, he wouldn’t retain the information since it wasn’t of use to him. Hahaha. I liked Annabelle’s reaction to Matt just saying hey to her, as if they were on good terms. Hahaha. Fuck that guy! He should know better than to push it with her right now. She’s not ready to hear anything he has to say, no matter how much he wants to say it. It’s not gonna do anyone any good to let him speak right now.

    OMO! What happened?! Who screamed?! What?!!!!! ARGH! NO! YOU HURT ZACKY?! Aww… I guess that’s the karma for pushing it too far the night before at the party? His body rejected him and his knee blew out? Hahaha. It’s not a laughing matter! But I’m evil so I guess I see the humor in the irony of it all. Well poor Annabelle! Not only is she not allowed to go with her friend to the hospital but now she’s stuck with Matt, the last person on Earth she wants to deal with at a moment like this, taking her to her wounded friend! AND KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF MATTHEW! Jeez… last thing Annabelle wants is to deal with you touching her, even if you have the best intentions. At least he has some sense here… God. I thought I was gonna have to go all ninja on him for a second.

    Well damn… just as things are getting going with injuries and confrontations, you go and end it like that so now I’m forced to face the corporate sponsors of our program. Hahah. As always, I love Annabelle and Zacky’s friendship. It’s just so precious and I’m actually jealous that she has a friend like him in her life. Hahah. Of course, Matt is being guarded and in denial but after a few sessions on Ninja Therapist Dr. Schwam’s couch, I’m sure I can get him to figure out that he’s being ridiculous… or at least I can beat him up. Either is fine with me! Hahah. I look forward to the next update… WHICH BETTER BE SOON! I need more reasons to procrastinate. Ahaha. Keep up the good work! I eagerly await the day you convince me that Matt deserves to start gaining positive points.
    June 25th, 2019 at 09:27am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I’m really looking forward to what will happen next between Matt and Annabelle. I’m a bit pissed off at Matt for being the way he is with her but I understand that he’s been brought up that way. I just want him to wake up to his feelings and realise that he wants Annabelle and that he needs to start being less ‘shut off’.

    Poor Zacky - I really hope he’s not ‘too broken’ and that he’s going to be ok. I really loved the way Annabelle took off mid-sentence in order to be with Zack.

    Please update again soon xxx
    June 25th, 2019 at 08:05am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Oh, Zee Sad

    Having woken up with that kind of hangover before, I fully empathize with Anna. And then having to DRIVE?! Ugh. No. Just no.

    Matt, for real. Stop being an ass. You care. We all know you care. Anna is great and you SHOULD care. But you have fucked up, big boy. Lay in the bed you made and leave that poor girl alone! Grr
    June 25th, 2019 at 07:33am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    I've said it before, i will say it again, I LOVE Anna and Zack's relationship. It is amazing!! :D :D
    They just get each other - everyone needs a bestie like that!

    Also, she is clearly the better best friend -having to sit around to watch a game for 2.5 hours while feeling hungover? Damn she is amazing. I mean, I would not do that :P

    Ah ha! Sucked in Matt, you deserve to feel that way! all confused and angry at yourself. Suck it!!!

    DONT YOU GO TO THE GAME!!!! Leave poor hungover, good friend Annabelle off the hook! I mean, she is trying to sort out her own mind, back off!!
    But then, it would be boring if he did...

    I mean, yeah, but shhhh... logic has no place here in my comments!!!
    And Annabelle knew immediately. Urgh, she is the best. I think I love her. running to his side and trying to take his attention off the pain, what an amazing gal! I love her!!!!

    and now we have shining knight Matt... I mean, I am kinda ok with that, him coming to her aid, becuase she would be a danger driving in that condition. But at the same time, HE NEEDS TO LEARN BOUNDARIES!!!!

    You can definitely update before the weekend. No one will have a problem with that :D :D :D
    June 25th, 2019 at 05:27am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    I dont know why, but I laughed SUPER HARD at Annabelle laughed and gave him a double high five—or high ten, if you will— It just got me right in the giggle spot :P

    Tiny grammatical error - just a heads up It was Annabelle and Zack’s second game, having one the last one and accepted Zack’s baseball teammates as their next challengers. - I just know you, and thought youd like to know :)

    I think I would vomit if I were Annabelle and had to down a bourbon and coke... urghhhh... I feel her pain :P

    I love that Annabelle could tell Zacky was about to say something dirty. that little sparkle that gave him away. So amazing!!! I ADORE THEM!!!!
    Oh, boys are just all pervs. I mean, really, all she wanted to do was alleviate some pain, and they made it gross :P

    I love this beer pong scene. I love seeing Anna not care about who is looking at her, and she can just relax with Zacky by her side, perv or not :P It was just nice to see her put her hair down for once and enjoy a party!

    Ohhhhh, another insight into Anna's past?! I mean, a shitty one (only in the fact it was assault!! I reread that and didn't want you to read it the wrong way!!!!). I feel our Anna is a complex beast, made up of some very painful, awful memories and experiences :(

    Nawwwwwww, high school crushes!!! Look at poor Zoe all shy and timid to ask Anna about Zack! I love that Anna is 100% behind Zoe, trying to pump her up and give her confidence. Love love love that!! :D

    Dude, you write this party so well!! This is perfection! People getting way too high, mumma hens making sure people get water, not beer, even stupid jerks trying to hit on girls in completely the wrong way... perfect!!!

    Argh, Matt, not good timing, buddy. So much for your observing only of her, now you have to go and literally get in her way? I mean, part of him was being nice and trying to make sure she was ok, but the other part... his morbid curiosity hadddd to get in the way...

    um, EXCUSE ME?!???!! Fiance?!!??!?
    You decide to tell her that NOW?!??! I am convinced he is part sociopath. I mean, come on, buddy. Destroying her wont help you get over the weird fascination with her. You're just being a dick!!! URGH

    YOU MAKE ME FEEL ALL THE THINGS!!! This update, man... perfection!! Thank you for giving it to us early! It's like a mini Christmas in July (well, June) present :D
    June 20th, 2019 at 02:33am