Twisted by Design - Comments

  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Mr. Green
    Right, so Matt thinks it’s ok to sleep with someone and then ignore them - and then, THEN, corner them at a party, when they’re more than a little worse for wear and inform them that he is ENGAGED?!?!?!?!? Well you certainly handled that well, NOT! How did Matt think she was going to take that news?? If he wants to end up happy with Annabelle, he’s got ONE HELL of a mountain to climb to get back in her good books - and he’ll be lucky if she lets him back in without a fight, if at all.

    I’m looking forward to reading more of this and the potential budding romance between Zack and Zoe. That could be a really fun side story to the drama between Annabelle and Matt.

    Please update again soon xxx
    June 19th, 2019 at 07:18pm
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Glad we could amuse you Mr. Green

    Okay. First and foremost, it was good to see Anna relaxing and enjoying herself. I definitely relate to needing to be in a safe, familiar environment before I let loose, and I've always been that way. Sounds like she was surrounded by good people for the most part. I also appreciate the glimpse into her past.

    Second, how long had Matt been watching her, or was it truly a coincidence that he was coming into the kitchen while she was there? Unless Zack's house is HUGE, Matt was probably already aware of her.

    And last but not least, MATT, WHAT THE FUCK?! I get the whole betrothal to keep their families tight, blah, blah, blah. But was that really the best way to handle it? After acting like an ass, he thinks it wise to approach her without warning, while she's more than a little buzzed, and drop that bomb?? The truth is preferable to lies, but shit, dude.
    June 19th, 2019 at 08:22am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    So now I’m back to distracting myself with your update instead of writing…. I’m such a procrastinator! But this time I can’t be blamed since you told me that I would enjoy the party. I’m sitting on my couch with my K-pop playlist, ready to party! Hahaha. I’ve also got my opera glasses handy so I can keep a close eye on the shenanigans that are sure to occur at this party. All I know is that I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be some kind of confrontation with Matt this chapter and I swear to God, if he messes with my precious angel, I’m going to key his car… and maybe borrow your bat you use for Syn in my story. Hahahaha. Ok, let’s dive into the party now!

    I really like that Annabelle is kicking ass at the beer pong game currently in progress. It sounds like Meyers has really poor hand eye coordination. I think he needs to rethink his position on the baseball team. Haha. Oh God, she has to drink the cup with the bourbon mix! That’s hard to wash down compared to the beer that’s usually in the cups. I do like that she got Stuart back though. Sucks to be you Stuart, now drink up! Ahahaha. I can just imagine Zacky knocking her down when he tries to chest bump her. Of course, her boobs hurt after that… You have to be very precise with the jump and where they hit on a man to avoid pain. Haha. And of course Zacky has something dirty to say! He’s like the king of the dirty phrase. It’s what I love most about him. I’m sad that Zacky and Annabelle lost the game but hey, at least they’re having a good time together! That’s what really matters here. Haha. I’m happy that Annabelle is able to push aside her depressing week and have a good time with Zacky. That’s what best friends are for. Hahah

    DAMMIT! I spoke too soon! Ok, so there’s a specific song that she can’t listen to anymore due to bad memories and that makes me so sad. Music should not have negative associations. Music is supposed to help you escape whatever’s troubling you or at least help you express your feelings better than you would be able to. Aww… now I want to hug her and I’m not a touchy-feely person. I’m here for you Annabelle! I may be stalking you from the corners of this party, ready to spring into action if needed but I’m here! Ok, now I’m even more mad that it’s Rage Against the Machine! I freaking love them! =[ And now I know she was assaulted…. But what does that mean?! There’s varying degrees of assault but given the previous mentions about her sullied personal reputation and the fact that a boy made her upset, I’m guessing this has to be some kind of sexual assault, which just makes me even more mad that she’s gravitating toward Matt, whose behavior can be interpreted as predatory and abusive… well, just know that I’ve sharpened the ninja throwing stars and my ninja gear should be delivered from the dry cleaners so I’m ready to take some bitches out now. I’m taking no chances with my beloved Annabelle! I’m just glad that Zacky is there for her when she needs a friend. He so cares for her and I stan that! He gets more points now. Plus ten! Haha.

    Oh great, now I have a rival to be Annabelle’s new best girl friend! Damn you Zoe Lewis…. Haha, just kidding. I actually really like Zoe so far. I’m glad that Annabelle is able to make a friend that’s not of the male variety cuz she’s probably due for a break from the constant sausage fest. Haha. OMG, she wants to go to NYU?! You know what that means… she’ll be in New York and you already know who is in New York…. PETER MACK!!!!!!! YAY! Hahaha. I like that Zoe wants to take a gap year! Honestly, gap years can actually be really great if you’re still trying to figure out the next step. Going out and exploring the options available might reveal something new that wasn’t thought of before. Ahaha! I knew Zacky was lying! He’s going out to meet Puff the Magic Dragon…. And he’s got a game the next day. I’m hoping he’s not completely trashed. How does this baseball team not get random drug tests? They would be kicked off the teams! Haha.

    Ohhhh Zoe and Zacky sitting in a tree…. I love it! The ZZ couple! I’m with Annabelle… this needs to happen. Haha. I want the ZZ couple now! Zacky also deserves some lovin’ since Annabelle refuses to bang him despite my insistence! Wah! Right before I get the ZZ interaction that I’m now craving in my life, she has to leave the party! NO! Come back and sit with Zacky. Zoe definitely has more of a chance since he was out there with the ganja… especially if Zoe decides to feed him sweets. Hahaha. I hope Zoe returns to this story… YES, that was directed at the author! You’ve already robbed me of Peter Mack so I’m rooting for Zoe Lewis, especially since Annabelle really needs a girl in her life for a friend. I love Zacky but sometimes, you need something more than sexual innuendos and guy talk. Hahaha

    Ok, I like how the stoners are requesting beer instead of water… they should know better. Man, I imagine the mother of all hangovers for Zacky in the morning. Hahah. At least he has his friend looking out for his well-being. HEY! WHO JUST SLAPPED HER ASS?! *emerges from the shadows in ninja gear* I’m so ready to throwdown! Keep your hands to yourself! I will hurt people… hahaha. OH BALLS! I knew Matt was gonna show up and of course it’s when all the liquor chooses to hit her system. He better watch himself… I’ve got a ninja star with his name on it! Ok, I do not appreciate him telling her to drink the water! I know that she probably needs it right now since she’s feeling drunk but who the hell does he think he is to follow her outside and command her to drink the water? He’s not her dad… and he’s not in a position to tell her what to do. Ugh… I’m watching you Matt….

    So he’s just gonna block her path and keep her outside but not saying anything to her? Oh, and now he has the gall to say that he cares… bullshit! Hahaha. Now he’s grabbing her and spinning her around when she’s already having alcoholic related coordination issues…. Man, he’s so not smart. ARGH!!!!! When will men learn that a lie by omission is still a fucking lie?! If he wants to play the semantics game, that’s crap. He knew what she was implying when she previously asked about Gretchen so he needs to stop playing dumb. I’m so gonna go Lemonade on his ass…. I really need your bat now. Matt just earned himself negative millions of points. I don’t think he’s ever gonna come back from that… I don’t see a scenario where he becomes the guy that she deserves and that pains me now that I’m slowing piecing together why she was so damaged before… GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Well shit, now the chapter is over and she’s upset! I had such high hopes for this chapter since she was having fun. She played some beer pong, made a new friend, and was generally pushing past all the negative and then Matt swoops into a party he knows he’s not welcome to and forces her to stand there while he just watches her silently. Like why even bother to engage if you’re not gonna say anything Matt?! URAGH… and now I have to wait for an update! *whine* As always, that was very enjoyable. I like that I’m learning more about Annabelle’s troubled past because I need to add it to my conspiracy whiteboard and I’m glad that she’s making new friends that aren’t boys cuz clearly, all the boys suck. Nobody is working their way out of negative points except Zacky but I’ve already coupled him in my mind with Zoe so that BETTER HAPPEN! -_- That’s my intimidating glare! Haha. Well, I look forward to the next one… hopefully it’s soon so I can further distract myself from writing. =]
    June 19th, 2019 at 07:25am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    After my long ass day, I’m finally here to comment and read the next installment of “Matt is a douche nozzle I would like to punch.” Hahaha. I know that’s not the name of the story but I’m waiting for him to do something that makes me root for him. Thus far, I would like nothing more than to key his car. I’ve got my iTunes stuff on shuffle and fittingly, I’m listening to “I Punched Keanu Reeves” which is how I feel about Matt right now. Hahaha. Ok, on to the story!

    We’re back at work a week later and shit is slow! Girl, appreciate the lull time. I remember the days when I did customer service jobs that had down time. I loved it when it was slow like that. I used to crack the whip and clean the stores or organize racks of clothing for go-backs. Hahaha. Anyway, this isn’t about my jobs… this is about poor Annabelle who seems bored out of her mind. Oh hell no! She did Matt’s part of the assignment as well?! I would’ve written Mr. Keller a long ass note, explaining that my partner was an asshole and refused to actually do anything outside of the notes and turned in my part of the assignment only. I’m a cold bitch like that though. Haha. Wow, Annabelle is a far better person than I am for doing double the work, especially when he didn’t contribute much in the first place. Matt deserves to fail! Hahaha. I’m so not his fan right now.

    Hey Jeff! I don’t know Jeff but I already like him for letting Annabelle off early. Haha. He probably couldn’t justify the expense of staying open when it’s completely quiet in the store. How is it that the boss has more points than every other male in this story? He just got fifteen bonus points. Hahaha. I love how Zacky just pulls up with the perfect double entendre while she’s on her way home. I want a friend like him. And we all know that if she wanted to, she could get into his pants. This is just a fact, which just makes me wonder, why haven’t you Annabelle?! You’re letting the team down! Even if you don’t want it, do it for me! Hahaha. OH! Zacky’s having a party! I better be invited to this party! I wanna go! Hahaha. I like that he’s putting Annabelle in charge, absolving him of all fault for when (and I say when because it’s inevitable) the party gets out of hand. Well, if Zacky was smart and actually listened to Annabelle like he said he would for the party, he’d be hearing that he shouldn’t be doing this in the first place! Hasn’t he seen Sixteen Candles? Doesn’t he know the kind of damage this party could cause?! Haha. Either way, Annabelle is a softie for letting Zacky talk her into some bad decisions, but then again, if anyone deserves a fun night, it’s Annabelle. She’s had a rough week.
    Boo… now it’s Matt’s section. *sigh* hahaha. I guess I’ll read his point of view but if he keeps trying to persuade me of his reasonings and they’re dumb, I’m gonna kick him in the shin. So I guess my first question is, why is Mr. Keller handing Matt the essay? Did he already grade it? Why wouldn’t he have made the partners turn in two copies? That’s how things rolled for group stuff at my school, especially argument essays. The teacher would always comment separately on the essays, and give out the individual grades. Haha. Was this graded individually? I have so many questions about the curriculum that it’s ridiculous. Ok, digression aside…. That’s right you dick! She wrote your essay as well! Don’t you feel bad? And to think that she could’ve had a perfectly compatible partner in Peter Mack! That’s right, Peter’s back in the comments. I will never give up on him! Ugh… of course she’s smart Matt! Annabelle is an angel and you definitely don’t deserve her! She’s too good for you!

    Ok, Brian is hilarious. I love his crude description of hooking up with the Belinda person. Hahaha. I have a feeling that Brian is going to be ruined for me later in this story so I’ll just enjoy his colorful commentary of his sexual conquest now and not dwell on the timetable of when I’ll have to kick him in the shin as well! Does he have a car for me to key? Hahaha. Well, if Matt only has two types of girls to compare, that’s not a very big pool of personalities. Hahaha. What does that say about his subconscious that he’s seeking out women who tend to act more like Gretchen while he really desires someone like Annabelle? Man, this makes me wanna bust out my psychology books and dive deep! Matt needs to lie on my couch and spill all his secrets so I can fix him. Hahaha. Of course, she’s ignoring you, your sadistic attention whore! Ok, that was a little harsh so let me reign that in a bit… Matt blew her off first and now he’s all pissy because she’s decided not to bother with his dumb ass anymore? Ugh… boys are stupid. Hahaha. Though I love that he’s decided to go to this party, though if he starts any shit tonight, I’m gonna be there with keys in hand, ready to scratch the car! Also, I’m gonna be hiding in the corner with my beer and opera glasses, watching him like a hawk!

    They party proofed the house? Sounds like this isn’t their first rodeo and I respect that! Hahaha. And I have to say, I’m glad that Zacky packed her make up in her bag… this goes to show that he truly knows his best friend’s needs. Hahaha. Aww, he thought of her comfort level when picking her outfit! Not just making her look good but going for practicality, even if his motivations are purely selfish, aka making her feel ok so she doesn’t ditch his ass later in the evening. Hahah. Aw, I love that he’s the one that told her aunt everything! I like that she’s feeling better about not having to hide her night of debauchery (I can only assume… hahaha) from her aunt so she can actually have fun at the party. SHE BETTER HAVE FUN DAMMIT! That was not a request but a demand and not to Annabelle… to you, the author! Hahaha. That’s right, you thought I forgot about you? I DEMAND GOOD THINGS FOR MY PUMPKIN!

    On a serious note now, I really do enjoy this portrayal of friendship between Annabelle and Zacky. I can really tell that he cares for her, especially since he’s admitting to enjoying her smile after her week of being the paranoid emo princess in need of a better man than that bastard who blew her off. Haha. I feel bad about her obsessing about what others would think of her if they found out what went down. Though I do want to know about her tainted reputation at her last school… there’s too many breadcrumbs to follow for me to try and piece it all together! *kicks the conspiracy theory whiteboard with all the character plots* Wah! Anyways, back to the whole obsessing about what others think of her at school, Annabelle shouldn’t worry too much about that. When I think back to the time I was in high school and also worried about such trivial things, I want to kick myself. She should just own it. She had sex with Matt and he turned out to be an asshole. So what… she’s still awesome and he’s a loser if he doesn’t see her awesomeness! *waves pom poms enthusiastically* I’m so Team Annabelle! Haha. At least Zacky is on my cheerleading squad with me and yes, he has a mini skirt and pom poms… it’s not weird. Hahaha. I do like that Zacky’s insisting that he’s not gonna drink too much… if I remember right, according to his own rules, he’s allowed to drink but no ganja! Stay away from Puff and his magic dragon Zacky! You promised!

    Well damn… you always tease me with a party chapter and then leave me hanging when it comes time for the actual party to begin! As always, I’m enjoying this story immensely. I hate Matt so much that it’s amazing… hahaha. Seriously, he’s gonna need a major overhaul in personality and millions of red roses to try and get his point game out of negative digits. Though things are moving along, I’m glad that there’s some tension now. Matt really has to work for it now rather than going the traditional boy meets girl and they fall in love story route. I’m happy to have some conflict early on! It makes it much more intriguing and addicting for me to read! Well, I look forward to the next one, which will be soon since you were pestering me to read this so you could post the next one! Hahahaha! I’ve got my opera glasses and beer ready to stalk all these people at the party! I just better not have to key anyone’s car…. Cuz I don’t have the bail money right now.
    June 18th, 2019 at 09:48am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    I’m starting to come around to that too!
    June 17th, 2019 at 06:57am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    DUDDEEE... He didnt help with the essay... i freaking HATED people like that... group assignments are the devils work, I swear...
    And also, his notes... I love the contrast with the characters, even down to their damned notes!!! Gah, amazing!!!
    Hells yes, early night for Annabelle! Gotta love not having to close :D

    Ohhhh, empty house for Zacky? Gotta love that luck!!! Also, silly parents, but hey, lets not dwell on that!! :P

    Gah, I fucking LOVE their interaction, though!! I mean, they are perfection as friends. LOVE THEM!!!!
    The fact he picked up clothes for her, I think is a little from column A and a little from column B, but I love it none the less!!!
    I also enjoy the fact that Zack made the 'adult' decision not to mix booze and weed. Ahhh, to be a kid again when you could bounce back from alcohol enough to play sport the next day... those were the days...

    Okay, I actually burst out laughing like a lunatic at this part “She called me up last night, so I took her for a drive and fucked her in the back seat down by the beach,”
    I just cant help but laugh at blunt Brian... so fucking good... I mean, pure perfection!!! Hahhahahaha

    also, Annabelle is freaking great! I adore how she stuck to her guns and kept icy towards Matt. Fuck yes, you strong, amazing woman!! I love love love it! And I also adore how it is eating away at Matt so much. So so so good!!

    Of course Zack picks the booby-cupping shirt! I expect nothing less from the little sweet perv :P I also expected him to be obsessed with the misfits and boobs :P

    Also, Zacky needs an award for his fashion sense and thoughtfulness. I mean, picking up clothes that actually work well together and are comfortable, and make up? gold fucking star!!!!

    Also, I think I am psychic... When Zacly said
    “Nah, I’m not gonna get too drunk, I’ve got the game tomorrow.”
    I literally thought 'famous last words, Mr Baker', and then there they appeared on the screen!!!

    As per usual, adored this update, and cannot wait for the next one!!! What is gunna happen? We know Matty will make an appearance, but will Anna stay as ice cool as she has been?!??!
    June 17th, 2019 at 04:49am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ AJ9

    I'm totally rooting for an Anna/Zack thing tehe Team Vengeance over here!
    June 16th, 2019 at 10:12pm
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    I’ve got to agree with every single thing you’ve said in your comments. I just hope that Matt realises the error of his ways and starts to treat Anna with the respect she so obviously deserves. Personally, I’m beginning to think she’d be better off with Zack. I’m also looking forward to the party scenes.
    June 16th, 2019 at 10:10pm
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Of course Annabelle gives in to Zack. She's an enabler! Lol. But to be fair, who could say no to that face???

    Oh, Matt. Really? You're so grateful that Annabelle let it go and didn't cause a scene, but you keep going around her?! You want her attention (and more, let's be honest). Feigning indifference isn't going to work if you give yourself away. Attending the party is a grade A dick move. Rolling Eyes

    Zack and Ann are too cute In Love

    Can't wait for the party!
    June 16th, 2019 at 10:04pm
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Well I don’t know about anyone else, but Matt is coming across as a bit of a prick, to put it mildly. However, I get the feeling that he won’t be able to shake Annabelle as easily as he thinks he can and that they will end up together eventually. I am looking forward to the inevitable interaction between Matt and Zack when Zack challenges him about hurting Annabelle. I hope you’ll be able to update this fascinatingly engaging story again very soon xxx
    June 11th, 2019 at 07:06pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Happy Monday to me!!!!! *happy dances around the room with confetti* There’s a new update and I’m so ready to continue slacking on my own writing to read yours! Hahahaha. Ok, now, Matt better not be more douchey than he already is. I’m watching closely. *pulls out my opera glasses and score card* He knows he has so much to make up in order to get his points back.

    My poor Annabelle! She’s already hung up on the dude she barely knows because he’s decided to be an asshole. I’m not very happy with him right now. Hahaha. Of course, I think everyone and their brother knows this though… well, my brother doesn’t know anything about it but I’m sure he wouldn’t care even if I told him… that’s besides the point. I digress…. Anyhoo, I’m upset that Zacky doesn’t even notice that she’s suffering. As her best friend, he is slacking, even if she’s masking some of her pain! Why do all the boys suck so much? Haha. Ugh, I’m so upset that she’s overthinking the stuff with Matt. It’s not you. He’s being ridiculous and honey, you deserve so much better! Stop wasting your time on Matt and come on over to you friend Julia with her magic rolodex of suitable bachelors for you who will worship you like a queen! Forget Matt… pfft… I have a different Matt in mind for you. Ahaha. I am curious though, the fact that she’s over thinking things, does this have to do with the issues that landed her in therapy? Does she have some kind of mood disorder contributing to her negative thoughts? It sounds like she’s aware that she over thinks things as well so I’m just so curious to learn more about her. I don’t want her to be so hard on herself anymore!

    HAHAHA! Zacky stuffed himself with pizza and is now whining for his overindulgence. He sounds like me when I’ve stuffed my face with too much and can’t roll away into my food coma nap. Poor dude. He can have one point… a pity point. Ugh, now Matt’s shown up and he’s definitely giving her the cold shoulder now! I hope you burn in hell you arrogant sexy bastard! How dare you do this to my girl! If I were in the parking lot, I would totally key his car for being such a douchebag. I would write “Asshole” all over his driver side with an arrow pointing up toward the window so everyone knew exactly what he was. Hahaha. I would happily go to jail for the vandalism charges. It would be worth it! NO! Her last class is English and he’s in that fucking class! That’s right Annabelle, use your hair and shield him from your vision. You don’t need to see him! Don’t give him the satisfaction that you are curious about him at all! Fuck that guy.

    Oh and now she’s stuck in the line of people trying to get out of the classroom! I hate that. Just get your shit together and get out! Everyone needs to exit! HE’S BEHIND HER, LIKE THE STALKER HE IS! If I were in that class, he would get body checked out of the way so she’s not tortured by the smell of his cologne. He should know better than to try to get out with her. He needs to hang back and give her space if he’s gonna be an asshole. Haha. Well, at least she made it back to the car without seeing him. That’s good. I feel so bad that she’s so broken up about this guy. Aw and now she’s crying! It’s been a trying day sweetheart! I know. Just cry on Zacky’s shoulder as he tries to tell you that everything will be ok. I’m glad she finally told Zacky. She shouldn’t have to keep this buried in her conscious. It just makes the whole thing that much worse. At least if she airs her grievances, it’s not causing her nearly as much pain. And I just now realized that there’s concern about him spreading around the fact that he tapped that. He better keep his mouth shut, if he knows what’s good for him. I’m totally beefing up my karate skills so I can go all ninja warrior on his ass. I will come for him like a thief in the night and he won’t know what hit him until it’s too late! Haha. Aww! At least Zacky will hit him for me! Go Zacky. You get some best friend points now… 20 points!

    -_- That’s the face I made when I realized now we get to hear Matt’s excuses. Ugh. I’m so mad that he’s getting his rocks off by torturing Annabelle. I guess him acknowledging that it’s kind of horrible means he’s not completely heartless but seriously, he’s not my favorite person right now. Haha. I KNEW IT! He stood behind her on purpose because he’s an evil bastard! I need to sharpen my ninja throwing stars now. I’m coming for him. Ahh, ok, so Gretchen is part of this other family…. Ok, now the things are starting to fall into place with me. Hahaha. I’m so slow. I think its interesting that Annabelle didn’t react the way he expected but then again, he doesn’t know her. Making these assumptions based on his past experiences isn’t the best choice for him. He’s previously mentioned that she’s different! Why would she react like other girls when he knows better! Hahaha. I like that Matt is shutting Gretchen’s conversation down though. She’s too obvious about her intentions and it’s not really the best quality in a girl, especially when he’s proven that he’s not really interested in anything outside of the occasional physical stuff. I wonder what her game is… is Gretchen genuinely interested in Matt or is she just trying to make the most out of their questionable situation, whatever it is? I’m so curious. Hahaha. There’s an arrangement between their families that puts them together but I’m wondering if she’s really interested in him for him or does she just enjoy hooking up with him? Not that I blame her. I mean, even though I hate him, he is man candy so I could see why these girls get caught up in his charms. Hahaha. I still wanna go ninja warrior on him though.

    Well bollocks! Even though I’m am planning Matt’s demise, I really do enjoy this story. Surely since he and Annabelle are partners for the English assignment, they’ll have to have some interaction soon. I’m just hoping that Matt’s the one that’s left hanging this time. I need Annabelle to buck up! I have my cards set up with her suitors! She just needs to call me. Hahaha. So, I’m thoroughly invested in this story now, just to see if Matt can manage to crawl his way out of the bajillion negative points that he’s currently at. Hahaha. I can’t wait for the next update! You know me, anything to avoid my own writing during this lull. Hahaha. I welcome the distractions! =]
    June 11th, 2019 at 05:44am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    So I fucked up and went technologically idiotic and accidentally submitted my comment before I finished it... Good job, Sas!!!

    So, picking back up...
    Yes, Zack, punch Matt next time you see him, he more than deserves it! I adore his protective nature! I am really hoping it comes from ONLY a place of friendship, and nothing more...

    Matt is such a sadistic fuck! I mean, ignring her in such a calculated way? Rude! Then going to class JUST to see her squirm and react to his presence. RUDE!

    Gretchen totally knows what she is doing and how to manipulate our Matty... clever girl
    Hahahah, the first thing that popped into my mind when she got MAtt to light her cigarette was 'if you can't light it yourself, you can't smoke it!'. I dont know why, maybe because I dont like Gretchen... :P

    SEE! This is why. Hands off, lady! He ain't yours, suspiciously pointed last name and all!! :P

    Gah, amazing update, as per usual my dear!!! Cannot wait for the next installment... more 'morbid curiosity' :D
    June 11th, 2019 at 05:25am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    So I fucked up and went technologically idiotic and accidentally submitted my comment before I finished it... Good job, Sas!!!

    So, picking back up...
    Yes, Zack, punch Matt next time you see him, he more than deserves it! I adore his protective nature! I am really hoping it comes from ONLY a place of friendship, and nothing more...

    Matt is such a sadistic fuck! I mean, ignring her in such a calculated way? Rude! Then going to class JUST to see her squirm and react to his presence. RUDE!

    Gretchen totally knows what she is doing and how to manipulate our Matty... clever girl
    Hahahah, the first thing that popped into my mind when she got MAtt to light her cigarette was 'if you can't light it yourself, you can't smoke it!'. I dont know why, maybe because I dont like Gretchen... :P

    SEE! This is why. Hands off, lady! He ain't yours, suspiciously pointed last name and all!! :P

    Gah, amazing update, as per usual my dear!!! Cannot wait for the next installment... more 'morbid curiosity' :D
    June 11th, 2019 at 05:25am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Okay, first off, not story related, but kinda related, I had a dream about high school last night. Being late to admin, and not being able to remember the code to my locker I never used... I think it is because I knew I would be reading this today! So congrats, you have made it to my subconscious!

    Anyways, back on it...
    Poor Annabelle! She would have been losing her mind all weekend!! I mean, hearing nothing back?! Poor sausage!!
    Also, Zacky is my spirit animal... fuck class, get coffee. No wonder I love him...

    Oh Matt, you are such a douche! I mean, I know he said he was going to ignore her, BUT HE ACTUALLY IGNORED HER! Assbag...

    Dude, you write perfectly!! Heartache, followed by some golden Zacky V comedy... hahahahahahahahah
    June 11th, 2019 at 05:16am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Well, that wasn't any more or less than I expected. Matt's being a douche, Zack wants to hit him, and Annabelle is handling things fairly well, I think. Given the glimpses into her past, it makes sense to me that she wouldn't want to draw attention to the fact that anything has happened between herself and Matt, i.e. no big dramatic scene. And she has too much pride to beg for his attention. He should have known that, because she never did really throw herself at him (the drunken kiss at the party notwithstanding).

    Matt is coming across as a typical male, but there's more to it than that. So yes, I think he's a dick, BUT I don't hate him. Yet. Lol. I reserve the right to change my mind :P
    June 10th, 2019 at 10:16pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    So here I am, better late than never and ready to put off trying to write my own drivel. Hahaha. I am ready for this morning after now! Let’s do this!

    My biggest fears have come true now. She’s even more nervous of him just because he’s seen her naked now. Come on Annabelle! Well, I guess I understand her apprehension a bit. Its always a bit awkward after the first night together, especially since she hardly knows him. I like how she’s finally coping out his apartment. That’s right, you need to look around and see what this guy is about. Why aren’t you asking about how he can afford an apartment overlooking the beach? Oh ho ho! She found a picture of his mother! I need to know what happened there… I’m hoping that she just got sick or something because if it has anything to do with his Uncle’s business, I’ll have some serious questions about why Matt is still involved with a business that cost him his mother.

    I do enjoy that they don’t really talk much, though I can maybe see that getting frustrating for Annabelle down the line. Matt tends to keep things pretty closed up and hidden from others so I can only imagine that it would get old quick. Oh, and now they’re talking about the previous night together! Of course, it was memorable, since she let him get it in. Hahaha. OHHHHH!!!! He kissed her goodbye as he dropped her off! He sprung! Hahaha. Yay Annabelle! You finally know now that this arrogant bastard is interested in you! *throws confetti* Annabelle be lying to her aunt about who she was with and where she was the night before! HAHAHA. I mean, I guess I would too, since people don’t need to know about things until they’re serious but still, it makes me feel a little bad that she’s keeping it on the hush hush. That might come back to bite her in the ass later if Zacky’s story isn’t consistent. OH! I want to know what happened with the last boy! TELL ME NOW! IS THAT LAST ONE THE REASON SHE WAS IN THERAPY?! The wheels are a turnin’ in my head now as I’m trying to piece together all the information. *pulls out whiteboard and continues to map out clues* I will crack this code one day. Haha. And now Zacky has arrived to get all the glorious details of the previous night’s events! Hahaha. At least he covered for her with her aunt. That’s something. He gets ten points for that. Good job Zacky! *thumbs up*

    And now we’re at Matt’s house... or his family’s house anyway and he’s talking to his aunt. I like that she’s the one that took him to see Shakespeare when he was eleven! That’s right! Expose the children to culture at a young age! Hahaha. Oh and she’s able to sus out the information about Annabelle from him! I like her! She gets Matt’s points I’ve taken away previously. Hahaha. I have to say, I’m glad that he’s not being such a bastard anymore about Annabelle as well. He really likes her for more than what he though would be a challenge. Now he better not fuck it up or else there will be more negative points to add to his score of minus 100. UGH! His crappy uncle has joined them…. I really don’t like that guy. He gets negative points too. Haha. I can’t believe his aunt is asking about Annabelle in front of the uncle! Clearly that makes Matt uncomfortable for some reason so why is she pushing the issue? I’m curious about the kind of familial relationship Matt has to his aunt and uncle. How are they related? To his mother or to his father, and which one? I know it’s not really that important in the scheme of this conversation but I’m curious!

    I think it’s interesting that his aunt is the one that taught him etiquette and how to treat women. Now, it seems some of that didn’t seem to stick vey well given his track record. Haha. I’m not sure how I feel about her line of questioning about Annabelle right now, especially since he seems uncomfortable to talk about her in front of the uncle shooting him questionable looks. I’m just going to chalk that up to her being drunk since she’s steadily drinking and refilling her cup. Haha. Ugh, and now this uncle is being an asshole on purpose. I don’t like him. Hahaha. I need to know that this commitment is! What could be so important? OH NO! MATT!!! YOU BASTARD! !@#$%%^^!!!!!!!!! I was rooting for you and now you’re gonna just give up on my girl since you already banged her?! Minus 40 points!

    HAHAHA. WOW Zacky… you were so worried about your bestie! It’s adorable! Hahah. I seriously love their relationship. Now I’m rooting for Zacky. Is he gonna be the Ducky in this story… forever friendzoned because of that asshole Blair? Sorry, I got to thinking about Pretty in Pink. Haha. I think Zacky is the better choice for Annabelle… but I’m super biased right now. Haha. Matt is my doghouse with no hope of getting out any time soon, especially if he keeps acting like a butthole. Oh my poor girl! She’s now playing the waiting game with the phone! I’m upset that I know what I know about him right now because now I feel bad that he’s not calling her when she really wants to talk to him! =[ I hope she doesn’t regret sleeping with him too early now, since he’s gonna be a typical boy about things and act like she no longer matters cuz he got what he wanted out of her. Don’t worry Annabelle! I have a whole host of guys who are way better than Matt that are perfect for you. *opens up rolodex and starts flipping through cards* If she’s interested in Welshmen, Matt Tuck is available. Hahaha

    Well dammit! Just when I was starting to get on board with Matt, he goes and decided to be the dumbass I thought he was. I’m very interested in learning more about Annabelle, especially since the reason for her coming to Huntington seems to be due to a fall out over a previous boy. I need to know those details. I’m more interested in her story than I am about her and Matt together but I think that’s just because Matt is chained into the doghouse right now. I can’t wait for the next one! As always, it’s very addictive and I’m loving it! Hahaha.
    June 9th, 2019 at 10:33am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Annabelle, there is some perfectly juicy dude butt there, and you LOOK AWAY??!!! Take it all in while you can, lady!!!!

    Ohhhhh, I do like a peek into Matt's life, with the little scene with the picture of his mum... I mean, clearly something bad happened, and he doesnt want to show his pain and softness to Anna.

    Ohhhhh that was a smooth and immediate lie to her aunt!! Naughty Annabelle!! But I mean, it makes sense. Dont want to let them know too early on and have all the curfews and rules!!
    Ohhhhhh, and now a little tidbit into Anna's past!!! So interesting!!!!!

    Gah, I love Zack in this!!! So protective and cute, yet still sassy and flirty. Is flirty the right word? But thank god for good friends like him!! I mean, covering so smoothly for her? Perfect!!

    Can I have a maid that makes sure I have a full mimosa at all times? That sounds fucking amazing!
    Oh hells yes you want to see Annabelle again, Matt!! Go with your instincts, believe in yourself!!!!

    I like his Aunt. She seems to actually care about Matt in her own way. I approve of Aunt Anne :)

    Urgh, okay, i freaking HATE the expression 'get your dick wet'. I dont know why out of EVERY euphemism, that is the one that really gets me.

    NOOOOOOOOO!!! Dont shut her out!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!

    Oh Zacky boy, I gosh darn LOVE YOUR CUTENESS!!! All adorable and squirmy!! Argh!!!

    And what a poetic movie choice... It is gunna get hella awkward working on their project together now!!! Rah ro!!!

    I cannot wait for the weekend even more! Not only is it a weekend, not only is it a LONG WEEKEND, but an update, too?! Fuck yeah!!!!
    June 5th, 2019 at 01:39am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I really hope that Matt comes to his senses soon and realises that Annabelle is probably the best thing that could ever happen to him. He needs to leave his current life behind. I know that this will not happen immediately and that there will inevitably be some major drama but I really do hope that there will be a happy ending. Also, I hope that there will be a happy ending for Zacky too ... ? Wink. Please update again soon xxx
    June 4th, 2019 at 11:53pm
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    The date was sweet. Well, most of it, anyway. Naughty It would be easy to get carried away by hormones around Matt. Lol.
    I think Zack has a crush on Anna. Yeah, I said it. He can play it as cool as he wants, and I hope for both their sakes he's gonna stay okay with just being friends, but he definitely has a thing for her. It's good that someone knew where she was and was worried about her, though.
    Oh no! Matt! Don't shut her out! Sad I know it's "for the best," but I can't stand it....
    June 4th, 2019 at 07:45pm
  • Vintage Vengeance

    Vintage Vengeance (100)

    Oh my god, what a great story! The chapters are long and detailed, keep up the good work!
    May 31st, 2019 at 09:58pm