Twisted by Design - Comments

  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Date part two!! Hells yes :D :D :D

    Hahahhahaha!!! That first kiss story from Anna is hilarious!!! Love that the kid still pushed his luck trying to kiss her twice!! Amazing!!!
    Oh my god, and Matt's awkward encounter?! I love how it almost... humanises him! He is a real human that isn't as suave and flawless as he appears!!

    FUCK YOU THUNDER!!! Ruining a perfectly smooth moment for NOTHING!!
    But then you did give them an adorable moment for Matt to show his knight in shining armour skills... so... I guess that levels the playing field, I guess...

    But holy fuck, that was intense!!! thank god it was just fireworks and not actual bullets!! Both impressed and suspicious at Matt's fact action of pushing her down and covering her. One hand is very happy that he protected her, and would put himself in front of any harm, but the other hand doesnt like how that is his first reaction, and is wary of how he knows to do that immediately.
    SEE! Anna is the same! Ah ha!

    Ohhhhhh, he took her to his house?! (well, apartment. His place is probably the better wording)
    Matt with no shirt? Um, yes please!! Cannot blame the girl for being 100% distracted!!
    Oh damn, Annabelle! You go!! I love that she made the move again!! Hells yes, girl!!

    Those teenage hormones definitely got a hold of her!! Cannot blame her, though. i mean, first up, its a shirtless Matt, who wouldn't give in to that? And then with the intensity of the evening, I completely get why she let her brain turn off and let the fun happen...

    Also, CANNOT WAIT to see whats next! How will Zacky react? Will she tell him? How are they going to act at school now? They still have a project, so need at least a little interaction... Will she ask about the apartment and the lack of homey-ness, or ask why he reacted so strongly at the fireworks? Or will she just be comatose from the sexy times? :P
    Fuck I love this story!! :D
    May 29th, 2019 at 01:22am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Now that my laptop is charging and I’ve got my Ghettoblaster playlist going, I’m so ready for the new update! HAHA. Woo! I almost caved in and read it in bed on my phone but held off since I wouldn’t be able to write this epic comment as always as I read. Now, part two of this date. I’m excited!

    So, we’re swapping the first kiss stories on the first date, eh? That’s adorable. I like that Annabelle was punching her first kiss since he wouldn’t stop. No means no little boy! You deserved to be hit. Hahaha. “I was eleven, she was thirteen and when I first went in, I headbutted her,” he laughed, shaking his head. “And the second time, I kissed her, but managed to step on her foot at the same time.” Can I just say that I’m happy that Mr. I think I’m Sexy and Suave Arrogant Bastard Matt had an awkward first kiss to share? HAHA. We’re humanizing him a bit, slowly chipping away at the surface of his cold exterior. I might even like him a bit more now… MIGHT! HAHA. I’m glad that Annabelle and I are on the same page with this idea. She’s finally getting to see Matt as he is, not as the person he projects for himself. AW! They were having such a moment that was ruined by Mother Nature! I curse the Heavens for opening up at that moment and ruining the precious kiss that was about to occur! Hahaha. At least Matt did his best to keep her dry! I can’t have my Annabelle getting sick from this first date now. PROTECT MY PRECIOUS ANGEL MATT OR I WILL PUT YOU IN NEGATIVE ONE MILLION POINTS!

    Aw! They’re having a second chance at this kiss and it’s so sweet! =] I am happy about this. I’m glad that this date is going well for her. WHOA! It was going so well until the drive by happened! I spoke too soon! How dare someone try to shoot at my Annabelle! At least Matt’s quick thinking probably saved her. He dove on top of her to keep her safe! Who the fuck is trying to kill my characters? I’m going to be so mad if Matt is the reason this happened. Hahaha. Ok, the people laughing makes me think that it wasn’t a drive by. I’m too gangsta right now with my music. I need to calm down. Hahaha. THANK GOD it was just firecrackers! Man, their date is going downhill now. It started so well and probably would have been fine if it wasn’t for the Heavens and stupid fucking teenagers causing a ruckus! If I catch those teenagers coming back at any point in this story, I will hunt them down and swiftly beat them down. Haha.

    Annabelle, his reaction might have been a slight overreaction to the situation but you don’t really know! In this day and age, it could have been anything! At least he protected you. OMG, I’m defending the arrogant bastard now. Hahaha. My, how the tables have turned. Ok, so Matt brought her to his place? How does she not have more questions about this place? They would be running through my mind as he led me through the apartment. Does he really live here and alone? Why doesn’t he live with his family? What’s going on? Hahaha. I’m the one asking the important things here! Why did he come back into the room without a shirt on? I mean, I’m not really complaining because yeah, that mental image…. Ok wait, I just realized that they’re teenagers and I’m too old to be having those thoughts about teenagers. Haha. I’m the perverted one here… oh well. I’m just gonna roll with that. *gets out the opera glasses* I see what you’re doing Matt… subtly seducing her with your half naked torso. Mmm… though I might be here like a peeping Tom, just know that these opera glasses are also so I can keep a sharp eye on your actions!

    Oh, they’re playing doctors and patient! I like it. Actually, I think I prefer thinking of him as a nurse. Somehow, that image is not only hilarious but kind of hot. Nurse Matt to the rescue! GO ANNABELLE! Throwing caution to the wind and just going for it! If this is how you act on a first date, you now have no more reason to be so freaking nervous around him! Hahaha. I appreciate that she’s the one making the first move here. I get the dilemma of following logic versus the hormones but she tends to over think things in the first place. Sometimes, you just need to let your actions take control. I’m not usually one for se on the first date but given everything that happened on this date, I’d say her adrenaline got the better of her and she needed comfort, even if it may have been too fast. It’s ok Annabelle! Get swept up in those emotions girl! Stay in that moment!

    WELL OK!!!!! Sex on the first date! I wonder what this will mean going forward? Is Annabelle gonna freak out the next morning and start questioning her actions? Whatever happens, you know I’m ready for it. Hahaha. I’m so glad that you updated this the same day that I read the previous update (hella late by the way). Haha. I don’t think I would’ve been able to wait for this update as well (and I think we can agree that I wasn’t very good at waiting to begin with). =] I’m totally looking forward to the next one now. I will wait patiently for the next update this time. Haha You did your due diligence by giving into my demands! Hahaha. I will try at least to wait with patience but I have my poking stick ready just in case I can’t wait anymore and need to give you some nudging. Hahaha. Oh, and the opera glasses are nearby as well for the next events. =] I’m so ready for this progression!
    May 28th, 2019 at 08:48pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    As part of recovery Monday, I’m glad I have this story to read. =] I really needed the update so I’m looking forward to the date! Their first date! Yay *throws confetti*

    So, I like that she’s getting ready and Zacky’s just hanging out with her. What a good friend! And he thinks she looks pretty! This is promising. I’m hoping that Matt will think she looks pretty as well and not just bangable. I want him to think beyond just getting into her panties, ya know? So I can keep rooting for him since he’s still in the severer minus points territory. HAHA. I will say, I’m surprised that Zacky isn’t giving her the typical “dad” talk as a joke. I’m glad he’s here though because the poor girl needs to calm down. She looks great and she’s going out on a first date. Nothing too horrible could happen to her. Haha. I say this and it might come back to bite me in the ass later but I’m going to throw it out there in the universe.

    “Wanna have a quickie? It will help relieve your tension.” There’s the Zacky that I know and love! Hahaha. I’ve been waiting for his perverted ass to appear. Seriously though, I’m glad that he’s reassuring her that things will be ok and that he’s trying to relieve her nervousness with some of his typical guy jokes. Annabelle tends to get in her head a lot of the time and overthinks situations. The fact that she already survived a dinner with Matt with very little incident seems to be proof that she has it in her to survive a “real” date. Haha. I have faith in her! Go Annabelle! I have my pom poms at the ready for this date! OMG! Poor girl! She was confronted with Matt in the doorway without any warning! Did Zacky just have his spidey senses tingling when Matt was approaching the door so he knew when to let him into the house? Haha. OH, the boys are sizing one another up! Good because at this point in time, neither of them is worthy of my precious Annabelle! Not with those negative points. I’m the one that will approve of who Annabelle can and can’t date! I hope they know that!

    So far so good Matt. You’re treating her like a gentleman. I will give you back some points for that but you have so much to do to get back to a zero balance! YES! BACK STORY! I finally get to learn more about Annabelle! That’s so sad that her parents died when she was a baby. *sniffles* At least she has an aunt and uncle that care about her like she was theirs. That’s something. OH! She met Zacky in therapy? What an interesting turn of events. What were they both doing in therapy? Was it group therapy or single sessions? I have so many questions but I’m looking forward to learning more about their friendship as the story goes forward. I better learn more about all of this. -_- That face is my intimidation face, just in case you were wondering. Haha. That’s my attempt at being threating.

    And just as I was getting into the juicy stuff, you go and end it like that… leaving me sitting on my couch all bummed about the fact I have no more date to read! *cries* It’s ok. I’ll live. I’m really liking that they’re getting to know each other. I really liked when Matt and Zacky were both pretty skeptical about one another. I feel like that’s always going to be their relationship. I don’t see them becoming the best of friends, especially since Zacky will want to protect his friend from potential harm and since no one knows what Matt’s up to, he’s seen as the potential harm. Haha. Well, I’m looking forward to the next update! =] I NEED IT! Update soon! Haha.
    May 28th, 2019 at 04:16am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    OK, after a fucking hectic weekend and Monday at work, Sas is here :D Taking the chance to read this while I can :D

    So I have said it before, and will say it again... I fucking LOVE Anna and Zack's relationship. they are just so fucking amazing!! Love, love, love them so much!

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA... I am laughing at my desk at ZAcky!!! Holy fucking shit, that is hilarious!
    “Wanna have a quickie? It will help relieve your tension.” I freaking love him!

    Okay, Zacky introducing himself as the best friend, and Matt as her date is fantastic! That exchange is perfect!!
    And the tension! Whoa! Calm down, fellas!!!Love Zacks protective side. Not all fun and games, but cute and protective!! *swoons*

    Ohhhh, she is opening up a little already!!! Good on you, Anna!! And Matt's deflection of asking about her therapy is golden. What a good boy, knows when his input is needed and when to skate around the topic.

    Cannot wait for the second half of the date :D
    May 28th, 2019 at 02:10am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    I know they are topics of conversation she doesn't like to discuss, but I find it telling that she willingly told the truth to Matt rather than glossing over the gritty details. As nervous as he makes her, there is clearly an underlying sense of comfort. And Matt seems willing to steer the conversation away from awkward things, which makes sense considering he has stuff to hide.

    So far, so good. I can't wait to see how the night plays out. Maybe there will be another kiss.... tehe
    May 28th, 2019 at 12:38am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Well the date seems to have started well. I’m very eager to read the next chapter as I think we will learn more about Matt and Annabelle. I loved the little interaction between Matt and Zack. There was definitely a little tension between them as they were sizing each other up lol.

    Please update again soon xxx
    May 27th, 2019 at 12:34am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Updates! YES! HERE WE GO!

    I love that Zacky just showed up to his place of employment without being scheduled just to tease poor Annabelle about meeting up with Matt for their school assignment. Hahaha. Poor Annabelle. I know she’s already nervous about things and now Zacky is here to tease her about it! OH! He knows about her making out with him?! Did she tell him that? I would’ve thought that she would’ve kept that to herself since she was so mortified after the fact but maybe she had to vent to her best friend, even if he was gonna bust her balls about it. Haha. And he would pay money just to watch her make out with another chick? Nothing else? I love this guy. He may be a typical guy but at least he shows her that he cares because he’s there to check up on her under the guise of making fun of her. Haha.

    Aww, poor girl. She’s still beating herself up about the kiss. I thought that Matt had told her to forget about it! She should just take a page our of his nonchalant handbook for sexy bastards and not dwell on it! We can’t change the past girl! Don’t sweat it! You know about the girlfriend (though I doubt it’s a real one…. Still trying to figure out that arrangement by the way) and you won’t do it again and if you do, oh the fuck well! Haha. Be confident and stand behind your decisions! NO! STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF! NO INSECURITY! Hahaha. He hecka wants you Annabelle! Listen to Zacky! He knows what he’s talking about! Haha. AND HE’S RIGHT! MATT KISSED YOU BACK! He likes you... or at the very least wants to hook up with you which means he’s attracted to you! Hahaha. Come on Anna! Think about this logically!

    Well, well, well… looks who’s late to the study sesh?! Of course, she would’ve left! I would’ve left! Come on Matt! You should have called her you bonehead! You knew you were going to be late so you should have told her this so she could plan accordingly! Minus 10 points for just being rude! Hahaha. No me gusta! OMG! Now you’re trying to give the poor girl a heart attack by swerving the car like that! Don’t you know that’s how most kidnappings occur?! Minus 5! Matt is so behind on points that it’s ridiculous! OK, well his apology was half-assed so he gets half a point back. I need him to make some better effort here… haha. Oh, a diner! This is turning into a dinner date/study session. Fries and Shakespeare… a few of my favorite things! Haha.

    I stan a girl who comes prepared with notes! She’s not fucking around with her English grade! *waves pom poms* GO ANNABELLE! A-N-N-A-B-E-L-L-E! I’m going to wind up being her full-time personal cheerleader here. HAHA. Oh I see you Matt, thinking you all slick for telling her that Zacky’s not a generous boyfriend to subtly ask her if he is in fact the boyfriend. I see you… Ok. *nods in approval* But now he’s back to enjoying her being all nervous and vulnerable when asking about his own relationship status! I’m not sure if I like him the more this story presses on. Hahaha. I’m hoping he’ll turn that around eventually but I guess I need to get comfy because he’s gonna be a jerkface for a while.

    I need to know what guys Annabelle seems to know because most of the guys I know don’t talk much! Hahaha. Not unless you ask the questions and even then, the responses are limited in words. I know Zacky seems to talk a lot but who else does she know that talks a lot? DOES PETER MACK TALK A LOT?! You thought I was done thinking about him, didn’t you? I’ll never forget about Peter Mack! Haha. He’s my favorite non-existent presence in this story! Ok, but back to the one-sided twenty questions going on at the table… aren’t you two supposed to be working on the English assignment?! Hahaha. Ok, one last side bar and then I’ll stop. If Annabelle goes to NYU, she’ll be reunited with Peter Mack since he’s in New York! Haha. Ok, I’ve stopped. No more Peter Mack. I’ll just keep him in my heart. Back to commenting on the actual content of the story here… I like that they’re getting to know each other a bit and that things have calmed down. Her anxious energy was rubbing off on me and making me nervous all the time. Matt’s not that scary (that we know of yet… I’m sure that statement will come back to bite me in the butt sooner or later) so she can just calm down a bit! DON’T LET HIM WIN!

    IT’S TEN O’CLOCK AND THERE’S BEEN NO PROGRESS ON THE PROJECT! I’m worried about both of your grades! WHOA! He’s asking her out on a real date?! OUT OF NOWHERE?! I’m torn about this… but ultimately, I need her to go. She needs to have some fun, even if it’s with the sexy bastard. Ugh, and of course he’s checking her out as she walks to the door of her house. What a typical boy!

    Well, you didn’t disappoint me with this update. I’m enjoying her interactions with Zacky because he’s a caring friend even if he has to bust her lady balls every once in a while. I like that she got a little more comfortable with Matt and that he’s finally enjoying something from Annabelle outside of her nervous energy (such as her relaxed smile). I’m still trying to figure out what’s in Annabelle’s troubled past that makes her want to help others. Who didn’t help her before? What happened?! Inquiring minds must know! Now they’re going to have a date coming up, barring any more tardiness from the rude “I don’t call people and hope they’re still there and then pull up on them on the street like a kidnapper” Matt. I hope she can pull it together for a bit and enjoy herself. I still don’t trust Matt with my precious Annabelle and wish that he had to answer to me about things because I would give him what fore about my expectations! Hahaha. I’m sure he’d ignore them but I would certainly feel better about it!

    I look forward to the next update as always. =] But you knew that. Hahaha. I tell you enough outside of this comment section!
    May 22nd, 2019 at 04:53am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Well, first up - OF COURSE SHE IS NERVOUS, ZACKY!!! And boy, you do not get to make fun of her for making out with Matty!!! *hits on nose* Behave, boy! :P
    But also, I fucking LOVE their dynamic. I wouldn't want it any other way!
    Naw, he actually feels bad!! Oh wait... maybe not!!! Hahahahahahah

    I mean, picking up her insecurities, giving her a hug cuddle and helping her calm down a little, then BAM! Bookends it with a joke. I fucking LOVE this Zacky. He is just... URGH!


    Oh no, Matt is late?! And she left (which I mean, fair enough!)
    Ohhhhh, you are lucky, Matt!!! You only just caught her!!!

    Oh, this is setting up like a real date... I mean, dinner, small talk...
    hahahaha, he is so smooth.... 'Not a very generous boyfriend'... I see you, Matty! Hahahaha, So so so good!

    Hmmmm, dinner is over and they didn't really discuss much of the play... I think they need to do it again :D
    And also, he paid for dinner? What a gentleman!! *swoon*

    OH MY GOOODDDDD!!! He asked her on a date!!! :D :D
    Yes, yes, yes!!!! Amazing!!!

    Cannot wait for Friday, myself :D I AM SO EXCITED!!!
    May 22nd, 2019 at 12:55am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    Yassssss! He asked her on a date! Crazy

    Okay. Now that THAT'S out of the way. Rewind. Zacky was right and she should definitely listen to him for a male perspective. Wade through all the teasing and he's at least good for a guy's opinion. I'm glad Matt caught her before she got home. I know it's all part of his image and game plan, but dude, just text or call and let her know next time! Lol. His approach would have me intrigued, though. I hate it when guys are too pushy, and Matt certainly isn't.

    Good stuff, ma'am Mr. Green
    May 21st, 2019 at 10:30pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Oh Anna, you nervous is so freaking cute!!!!
    I can almost feel her anxiety and I am getting it second hand FOR her. I mean, she has nothing to worry about, who doesnt love a strong, forward woman, but all her fears are understandable. Poor sausage!

    AARGH! It's MATTY!!!! Wonder why he wasn't in school though...
    YES, YES, you take that ride, Annabelle!! Good girl!!!

    Oh man!!!! So much TENSION in that car!! So palpable! God you write it so deliciously well! And Anna asking him to come inside, then realising how it sounds? Golden!! Love love love!!!

    Oh Matt, your ego is going to be your downfall one day!!!

    Agreement with Gretchen? What is happening? What is up with this family? Now the Haners are involved? I NEED ANSWERS!!!!

    Oh, CONTENT SMILE?1 Hells yes you are content, Matty! You have her right where you want her, and I am nervous for poor, sweet, unsuspecting Anna!!

    I mean, damn, Matt, what have you got yourself into?! This family business seems shady AF! I mean, does Matt even want to be the 'legacy'? That is a huge expectation to put on someone...

    Dude, you forever keep me in suspense!! I freaking LOVE IT!!!
    May 20th, 2019 at 01:24am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Looks like Matt’s family belong to the Mob. Also, I thought that Gretchen was Val at first when you described her, especially when you also described a similar looking brunette. I’m loving this story so far and I can’t wait to read more, so I hope you’ll be updating again soon xxx
    May 19th, 2019 at 10:33am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    I love this story already! It's so well-written and descriptive, and I adore Annabelle <3 Her friendship with Zack is the best, and the dynamic between her and Matt is so tense and charged...seriously, it's been like a lightning storm during their last few interactions! Mr. Green I'm glad for the insight into Matt's life, though it's already breaking my heart because Annabelle is so obviously a sweet girl and the truth about Matt is devastating.

    I hope you update again soon!
    May 19th, 2019 at 08:38am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    You updated not thinking about how this would distract me from writing! HAHAAH. It’s too late now! I’m going to start my usual reading and comment session because it’s better than trying to write right now. Hahaha. Let the commenting commence!

    You know, if I were Annabelle, I would be dreading class as well. She totally made the first, bold move with Matt and now she has to face him after throwing herself at him. I’m sure there was plenty of time to analyze her actions and she’s kicking herself for drinking so much which lead to her kissing him. It’s ok girl! I’ve seen him and it’s hard to NOT throw yourself at such a creature, even if he’s a bastard. Haha. And now she feels worse because he has a girlfriend! NO! Well, we don’t know anything for sure… she needs to think positively and stop beating herself up! She’s young! She’s allowed to make mistakes and Matt can be one of those sexy mistakes. Haha. And don’t let that blonde chick make you feel insecure Annabelle! She’s trying too hard! I know this because as a reader, I have more information that you do!

    Aww! He’s not in class and she’s disappointed! It’s ok Annabelle. You aren’t ready to face him yet anyway so this a good thing. Count this as a win so you have extra time to figure out how to deal with him when you finally see him! Haha. Oh Jesus, I would die if I forgot my headphones any day of the week. It’s the worst thing in the world. But she knows the car and it’s waiting for her! *picks up pom poms* You can do this Annabelle! I have faith in you! Go over and face that sexy bastard! Oh! Is he there just to give her a ride home?! That’s a good sign! AHAHA! She has the worst luck when it comes to being caught at staring at him! Not that I blame her though. Go ahead and stare! He obviously enjoys it as well since he’s smiling at you Annabelle! Is it bad that I love how awkward things are between them? I mean, it’s kind of cruel to enjoy someone else’s humiliation but still, it’s just so damn cute I can’t help it! I’m so rooting for her since she’s an underdog.

    So, the kiss isn’t a big deal, eh? That’s a good sign! Well, I guess in the aspects of not wanting her to feel embarrassed about her actions anyway. I love that after worrying about facing him and embarrassing herself further, she then decides to invite him into the house (for God knows what *wink wink*) right after he just assured her that her kissing him wasn’t that big of a deal. HA. If Zacky were here, you know he’s be making all kinds of suggestive comments. Poor Annabelle! She’s shook once again by Matt’s presence! It’s ok girl! At least he’s paying attention to you and isn’t making fun of you for your embarrassing moments! It’ll be alright!

    I KNEW HE WAS THERE FOR HER! HAHAHA. He’s got it bad and he doesn’t even know it! He can justify his actions all he likes but I know the truth! Now, what the hell is in Long Beach? Where are we going Matt? Ah, so he’s here to wait for his uncle, who seems shady. I need to know what’s going on with this family. It’s a little weird. Haha. And now there’s an arrangement between him and Gretchen?! What is going on?! Someone clue me in on what’s happening! AW! Annabelle texted him to thank him and he likes it! Hahaha. Yay! I’m glad that he’s slipping a bit… or at least I’m reading it that way. I refuse to believe that he’s only interested in my Annabelle for his own stupid amusement. I know deep down inside; she’s won him over. Haha.

    Oh, so he’s hurting people for his uncle? Is his uncle part of the mafia? Does that mean that Matt is the enforcer? Haha. I’m guessing the bloody broken bat in his trunk confirms that he hurts people for his uncle. I just need to know how deep he is in the organization and what kind of organization they run exactly. This is definitely giving me more questions than answers but that’s a good thing since it will keep me coming back for more until I solve the mystery that is Matt and his weird family! Though I will never forgive him if his family weirdness threatens to hurt my Annabelle! She must be protected!

    So, you were right when you told me that this was a short update but I still enjoyed it of course! I’m glad that Annabelle and Matt have been able to move past their weirdness from that night when Annabelle threw herself at Matt. Haha. I’ll be interested to see how things progress from here, especially now that I’ve had some insight to Matt’s world a bit. I need those answers! I need to know things! Haha. I’m looking forward to the next update! IT BETTER BE SOON!
    May 19th, 2019 at 06:50am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    IT’S PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited for this update because you know me, I can’t seem to go to bed at a decent hour so instead of trying to lay my head on my pillow, I’m listening to my upbeat K-pop playlist and ready to read the new update! HAHA. LET’S DO THIS! Let the crazy, insomniac commenting commence!

    So, I feel bad for Annabelle so far. Not only is she not the regular party animal but she’s also burdened with the fact that she feels extra out of place since she’s not originally from the area. It must be awkward for her to try and be with Zacky at a party when it’s not her typical scene. I don’t know how she’s not freaking out yet because I know I would be. Though I am sensing form previous updates and such that there’s something else going on. What fresh start did she need? What secrets are you keeping from me Annabelle?! You can tell me! I’m in the far corner of the party… just walk over and let a girl know!

    Yay! Zacky has arrived to plow her with liquor. Haha. Ohh… I like how they have to be all close. Reminds me of my days going out to clubs and having to yell over the music and everyone else if something important needed to be said. “She rolled her eyes, shaking her head when she felt his hand slid down her back and lightly tapped her backside to punctuate his statement.” HAHAHA! And he’s back! I’ve missed my flirtatious friendly banter and now we’ve upgraded to the touchy-feely model! Zacky’s just too cute for his own good.

    Oh God, the boys are doing their version of “shop talk” with the baseball schedule. *yawn* Haha. I feel Annabelle’s pain here. There’s nothing worse than being the only person not involved in a group conversation, especially when you have no interest in what the group is discussing. Let’s see if she finds someone more interesting to talk to! AND THERE HE IS! MATT IS HERE! AHHH!!! MATT’S BEING A MANWHORE! Who is the blonde girl on his lap being all forward and shit!?! Minus 15 points to Matt for not keeping it in his pants! Poor Annabelle. Having an unexplainable crush on a guy who’s not really available really sucks. You can’t help how you feel yet you don’t want that rejection you feel watching the two of them together. At least from my perspective, he seems more interested in his card game than he does with the pretty blonde one that’s making my girl feel all insecure and forlorn. HAHA. That’s worth at least one point back.

    DAMMIT MYERS! You’re drawing attention to the group by being loud! Tone it down! HAHA. And now Annabelle has been caught staring at Matt because of fucking Myers. I bet you Peter Mack wouldn’t do Annabelle like that. Peter Mack is a silent operator, basking in the awkwardness of a situation and stoically keeping to himself. Haha. I still haven’t given up on him. The love for Peter Mack is real. Even Zacky leaving her to her own devices at a party she doesn’t want to be at is annoying! Minus three points Zacky for ditching your friend for liquor! Who is driving them home?! How many has he had? Someone better have his keys so he’s not tempted to drive off and crash his car with my precious Annabelle inside. I’m digressing yet again… let’s focus on what’s really importance here which is that Annabelle has been left alone at a party with no one to turn to so she doesn’t feel awkward. She has two choices: find her stupid friend or go talk to the guy she’s been crushing on. Instead, she’s stalking his card game from across the room and I approve. There’s no harm in window shopping girl! He doesn’t know! Ok, he saw her so he knows now but come on! Aw! He’s intimidating her and causing her to drink more to calm her nerves! NO! I don’t see this ending well. Are we going to see a tipsy Annabelle?!

    Ok, serious question: what kind of guy sits at a poker table all night at a high school party?! This isn’t Ocean’s Eleven! He needs to get off his butt and find Annabelle so I can have some awkward encounters! Hahaha. I guess it makes me feel better that he started sucking the minute he noticed Annabelle’s presence at the party. I’m glad that caught him off guard and knocked him off his game because I like that he can still be tripped up, despite his man feelings of denial and his stupid keeping the distance rule. HAHA. I think it’s funny he doesn’t know Zacky’s name yet… not really and that he’s still trying to guess their relationship through observing. Zacky offers a lot of confusing with his playful pervert banter and his touchy nature. AHHHH!!!!!!!! I knew you would disappoint me Matt? WHO IS THIS BROAD CALLING YOU BABY?! WHY? *shakes fists angrily*Ok, her name is Gretchen but who is she to him?! Inquiring minds need to know! Ah, xo it’s something to do with his asshole uncle…. But what could that possibly mean? *pulls out chalkboard and starts drawing character diagrams* I will work this out eventually.

    Aww, Annabelle is on the swing set! Girl, that’s where I’d be too! It’s too claustrophobic in the party and that night air feels fantastic once you start heating up using the alcohol! Plus, there’s no Matt and Gretchen outside… until now… Matt ruined that. Haha. And now he’s making it worse but creeping up on her in the shadows and scaring her off her swing! Doesn’t he know that you’re not supposed to sneak up on girls? That’s the fear we all have being out in public cuz you don’t know what weirdo is coming up on you or what they would try to do! So Matt is playing games with Annabelle to see how she reacts to him just for his own damn amusement! Ugh…

    OMG! ANNABELLE INITIATED THE KISS! *pops the party favors with confetti* Wow, and BTS’s “Blood Sweat and Tears” just happened to start playing at this point, adding to the steaminess since it’s a song about temptation. HAHA. GO ANNABELLE! Even Casanova Matt is caught off guard by her move! So much swag! Haha. NO! Zacky ruined it again! And now she’s realized what she’s done and it’s gonna be so much worse for her! Well, here’s to hoping that she can just brush it off and pretend like she’s ok and didn’t mean for it to happen. Meanwhile, I like that Matt’s the shook one now. Haha. Good, knock him down a few pegs in the arrogant sexy bastard pedestal he seems to be on. And of course, Gretchen is here naked… she seems like the kind of girl that would be naked in a man’s apartment who’s not interested in her that way. I don’t want to judge but I think I’m meant to dislike her so I’m justifying myself this way. And now weirdly, I feel bad for Matt for just giving into her overly aggressive sexual advances. Him giving into this with a lackluster attitude means he also has some insecurity buried underneath that cockiness that he likes to front. Oh dear, and it’s now confirmed that he’s way more into Annabelle than he initially thought since he’s fantasizing about her while with another girl. Your distance rule didn’t work out so well, did it Matt? HAHA.

    Ok, so we’ve had some surprises at this party and I’m happy about it all. I love that Annabelle had a drunken moment of acting on her feelings by kissing Matt in the moonlight be a child’s play set. Haha And now Matt is the one caught off guard! I don’t approve of his sexual exploits afterward but I do like that he’s unable to stop thinking about Annabelle. By now, you know its late for me and I’m going crazy here so I’ll end this now before I start going on about Peter Mack, my perfect character that never was. I’m looking forward to how things move from here! UPDATE SOON! I NEED IT! You’ve turned me into a dope fiend for updates!
    May 17th, 2019 at 10:53am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Ohhhh, more cryptic remarks about her past!! Colour me INTRIGUED!!

    Also, so many touches from Zacky!! I love the way you write and how you can immediately see in your minds eye exactly what is happening.

    Hahahahha, drunk guys professing their love for one another. Sounds like a high school party to me!!

    Damn, even I am intimidated by Matt's stare! Whoa!! *fans self*
    I feel like things are about to get dicey if she keeps drinking at that pace!

    Ohhhh, Matty was caught off guard by Annabelle! That is a good sign!! And the fact that he can even admit it to himself is that much better!!

    I already dont like Gretchen :P Nothing like an immediate dislike to a character because they were sitting on the main man's lap!!
    And again, another indication that his uncle is to be.. feared, i guess is the best word? So many questions!!

    Everything he does is so calculated! Even the tiny move of brushing fingers when he handed her phone back... he certainly likes to play things by the book, but I dont know if it will work, Matty boy!

    OH MY GOD! Yes Annabelle! GO GIRL! you make that first move! Holy shit!!

    Dudeeeee, knew my dislike of Gretchen was warranted!! Lady, take a cue and know when you are not wanted!!!! '

    Gah, thank you for the update!!! this was sooooo good!!!
    I cannot wait to see Matt and Anna's next meeting! Is she going to tell Zack?!
    May 15th, 2019 at 05:46am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Dont ask me why, but that first sentence with Zacky tying up his apron strings got me good!! So fucking funny! I think just imagining ANYONE in an apron is just the funniest :D
    But then you smack me with the pure gold of :
    “You’re a big boy, you can handle it.”
    “Leave my penis size out of this,”

    You are the best :D

    Oh god, Annabelle!! First up, the quip about not burning herself again - wonderful!! Then fumbling the coffee as Mr. Smooth asks if she has plans? Amazing!!

    I love how she is 'hiding' being Peter Mack, almost tipping over the edge of saying his name too much, and being too confident that he will help be a buffer between the two.
    OH MY GOD! There goes that plan!!! HAHAHAHHAA! Perfection!!!

    Ohhhhhhhhh, so many questions about Matt's uncle!! What is the meeting? Why will he be so pissed if Matt is late? Will Matt try to lie? Probs not if he hates being lied to so much... Oh, the intrigue!!!

    Their bickering is just perfection. And I love that in true best friend fashion, he knows exactly how to make her come along to the party!! And their silent interaction at the end, Annabelle having to push Zacky out of the bathroom for her to change? God damn perfect!! I love love love that he is just so typical teenage boy, but they both realise there is nothing between them, so it is all harmless.

    Cannot wait for the next installment!! You are the freaking best!!
    May 14th, 2019 at 03:32am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Yes! I goaded you into posting another chapter earlier than scheduled! I feel so powerful… hahaha. But this is exciting because I’m so ready for more of this story. Now, let’s dive straight in!

    “You’re a big boy, you can handle it.”
    “Leave my penis size out of this,”

    All of this! I swear, I love Annabelle and Zacky, especially Zacky’s dirty mind. The two of them together make me smile. I wish I had friendships like that with guys. All the guys I know are gay so we have very different jokes. Hahah. And I love that he got distracted by the female customer whose barely dressed. What a typical guy for you.

    Oh, she’s thinking about class now and naturally, Matt pops into her mind. Now my only question is, who is Peter Mack?! I know he’s part of the group but he better have some things to say! I want him awkward at their flirtation and uncomfortable. Haha. Of course, Matt decides to walk in while she’s thinking about him! What impeccable timing on his part. Poor Annabelle. She’s just trying to get through the rest of her job and in walks that arrogant sexy beast and it’s gotta be really distracting for her. That’s right Annabelle, focus on your job. Ignore the hot man staring at you and make that coffee girl! Oh Jesus, now he’s asking if she’s free?! Who does he think he is? Who said he can just barge into the shop and start asking her questions and wanting to spend time with her? AH! Sure, use the assignment as an excuse to talk to her Matt… real smooth. BUT WHAT ABOUT PETER?! He’s part of the group too! Poor Peter is being left out of the group by a dude with an agenda to seduce my poor, flustered Annabelle. I haven’t forgotten about you Peter! I don’t even know you and I’m rooting for you to be included cuz I know you need a good grade in English to get into a decent college and have a successful life! I fear I’ve disappointed myself by putting too much stock into Peter when I know nothing about him. Haha.

    Wow Zacky… if your idea of a date is an invitation to work on a school assignment, I question your smoothness with the ladies. Anyway, I do like that he’s concerned for her agreeing to spend time with this stranger who makes her all weird and nervous. As her friend, he needs to look out for her. I support this caring side of Zacky! It’s good to know there’s more to him than sexual innuendos and a playful nature.

    DAMMIT! I knew I got too invested in Peter! NO! COME BACK PETER! Now it’s just Annabelle and Matt working together on an assignment involving Shakespeare. OMG, the thought of them reciting it to each other is so hot. *swoon* Now I see why Zacky’s questioning Matt’s motives and his friend’s decision to follow this stranger on her down time. I appreciate that he’s not interfering much though, since she needs to make these decisions and have these experiences herself to know what’s really going on. Maybe he should call Peter and convince him to come back… it seems like he knows a lot about him and I need him! Haha.

    “Daddy issues would definitely worked in his favor.” Ugh Matt… minus ten points. Yes, that’s right. The point system is still happening. I don’t know the exact scores but everyone’s in the negative for now, including Peter who left without even coming into the story! Haha. I do like that he’s not asking about Zacky straight away but the motives behind this decision are difficult for me to get behind. I can’t wait for him to drop his personal rule and actually have some feelings! Haha. I don’t like him being a sexy jerk. Ohh… his uncle called and is so busting him! Wait, what meeting is this? What high school kid has a meeting with his uncle that’s so important? Now he won’t get to further fluster Annabelle to his heart’s content. How sad for him. I’m relieved for Annabelle though since she needs to mentally prepare herself for dealing with him going forward. She’s so shy and bashful! I love it. I like that she’s the one that apologized to him even though she did nothing wrong. And I’m glad that he’s slightly concerned about just taking off on her when he’s the one that invited her out. Girl, don’t just give your phone to a man that’s rudely demanding it! He needs to change his approach with her because I’m not liking this side of him! Hahaha. I don’t care how sexy he is. I guess with all the mystery surrounding his uncle and why the man’s so hard on him, I can’t really blame Matt for the way he is but I also don’t know him. Annabelle needs to be on her guard with this one.

    Now Zacky’s trying to convince her to go out to a party! I understand her apprehension but I also agree that she’s not an old lady. She needs to get out there and get some new experiences. At least going to a part with Zacky could be a safer option since he’s her friend and would, hopefully, look out for her. That’s right Annabelle, you can’t resist those beautiful green eyes. I don’t know anyone that could. Yes! Time to party Annabelle! Hahaha. The idea of rummaging through my closet… I like it. And I’m glad that he has a fashion sense. At least he picked something she would be comfortable in. He should feel lucky that she even agreed to go out so he can’t be pushing his luck by making her wear a highly revealing outfit.

    AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I need the party! Holy hell, you always leave me hanging. Thanks for the shout out. You know I’m only as good as my better, more organized half. =] I’m liking the progression so far. As much as I want to punch Matt for being a stupid typical boy, I like that he’s engaging Annabelle. I hope that she grows less flustered by him as time goes on though because my heart can’t take her awkwardness. Hahaha. Of course, you know that I’m loving Zacky as well so I’m glad that we’re exploring more of their friendship and we get to see him being genuinely concerned for his friend going off with a stranger as well as extremely supportive in her trying new things (aka the party, which I need in my life).

    I can’t wait for the next one! I’ll be stalking you until it’s released. Haha.
    May 11th, 2019 at 09:54pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    And here we are! Back again with the marathon commenting! Since I’ve been procrastinating on my own writing, I figured I would start this one so I could eagerly await updates like others. =] So here we go, starting with Chapter 1!

    Now, I was surprised at first because it was so short but then I realized that it’s meant to serve as a prologue and then I felt better. Haha But I liked the build up of the scene. There was a real sense of urgency in the way you wrote her running toward the beach. Wah, “He’s a murderer…” Ok, this took a turn that I wasn’t really expecting but granted, in the times that we’ve talked about this story recently, somehow, I didn’t think it would have a dark element. I don’t know why but I like it. Now that I’ve gone back to re-read the synopsis at the beginning of the story, things make much more sense. Ok, I’m totally invested. I need to know how things are gonna pan out from here. Why is she so upset and WHO HURT HER?!

    Ok, moving swiftly on with Chapter 2…. I loved the new rendition of “Closing Time.” Hopefully that’s on Zacky’s solo album of hits because I loved that. Ok, Thus far I am enjoying the dynamic between Zacky and Annabelle. Their back and forth banter about Zacky’s lack of ability to score a hot date is really funny. The fact that his friend won’t even do him a solid and give him the boob action means he got no game. AHAHA. But seriously, I’m enjoying their relationship thus far. That is such a guy thing to be only thinking about sex, even when there’s nothing but a platonic relationship. I can tell that these two are gonna be flirty for a while and I like it. I like that her aunt left her unnecessary directions to heat up her dinner. It seems like she knows what she’s doing because she has to do it often. That’s ok though. She needs the fuel to get through the Bard! No sleepy time when we have some iambic pentameter and blank verse action! That really gets the blood pumping! Maybe that’s just me though, since Shakespeare is my homie and I have an English degree that tells me that I did something right in those college lit courses. Haha.

    At first, I was confused as to why Zacky was laying in the grass until I realized it was break time at school. For some reason I kept thinking he was laying in the middle of her front yard, which would be a little weird but no judgement. I’m glad to know I was wrong. Haha. Oh! Separate classes! No more banter! *sobs in the corner* What will I do now?! Ok, I like Mr. Keller! He knows some of these students didn’t do the homework and he’s calling them out. Too bad one of them is Annabelle but he has yet to figure that out so it’s all good. Ah! He’s got her in the crosshairs now! His seasonal allergies have saved our girl from being exposed as one of the slackers that didn’t do their assignment! Praise the pollen gods! OMG I want to be the know-it-all in this class! PICK ME MR. KELLER! I KNOW THE ANSWER!!!! But all jokes (and truths, seriously, Mr. Keller needs to pick on me so I can be the smartest kid in the class), I feel so bad that everyone’s sitting there staring and waiting for her to say the next famous line. I hated when professors just randomly picked on people that didn’t raise their hands. But mmm… a deep voice coming to the rescue and reciting the Shakespeare. That’s a keeper. I don’t even have to know what he looks like to know that he’s hot. HAHA. But I’m an English nerd and this isn’t about me. This is about Annabelle, speaking of which, who needs to shove her classmates out of the way so she can see the hot stranger who helped her! Pfft, Mr. Keller seems uninterested that he’s actually teaching someone who’s so good that they’ve memorized the lines… minus five points for Mr. Keller. Annabelle is all flustered from not only not getting the right answer in group discussion but also because Matt is the one that saved her! And he caught her peeking! Hahaha. This is going to be adorable. I’m all for it so far!

    I like how we’re rolling into Chapter 3 and Annabelle is feeling a little shook after not getting the right answer in class. Now she’s busying herself with reading ahead and replaying the memory of what happened in her class. And yes! She knows that it’s a line that’s often misquoted! Good job. I stan smart heroines. Girl, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the boy! He might be into you! I’m rooting for you two in my little corner, pom-poms and all. Aw yea! Zacky and his sexually suggestive banter is back baby! I’m super jealous that she’s got her own everything! I would’ve killed for my own private bathroom in high school. But I understand Ms. Baker’s concern with two 17 year olds shacked up in the room together! They’re young and hot and have raging hormones… experimentation is always on the table with Zacky Baker in the picture! Hahaha, but I’m really liking their relationship. I just wonder if there’s something bubbling down beneath the surface. I know they’re supposed to be just friends but you know, things change. =] OMG, hahaha. “Fuck you. My GPA is… adequate.” That was seriously my catchphrase all throughout high school. Looking back now, I wish it was more than adequate but we can’t dwell on the past. I like how she’s becoming all flustered at the thought of Matt bailing her out of Mr.Oh Keller’s inquisition into Shakespeare. Oh so the rumors are that he’s a player…. I don’t know how I feel about that but dammit Annabelle, hold onto your heart!

    I like that even at work, she’s still reading that damn book! Haha! She’ll get the next answer right for sure now! Yay! Matt’s at her job! I like that she’s a little bit awkward with him even though she’s clearly just working her job as normal. It’s interesting that he’s got this effect so early on but I blame those eyes of his… so beautifully hypnotic. Haha. DAMSEL IN DISTRESS!!!! I see what you did there! What a smooth operator he is… Hahaha. OMG MATT! YOU HAD ONE JOB AND YOU FAILED! Who is Ashley?! There’s no Ashley! God, minus five points to you as well. I physically cringed when he called her Ashley! I’m so disappointed that he knows his Shakespeare but can’t seem to remember a name like Annabelle… damn, it’s not even close to Ashley so why?! *throws pom poms down furiously* And now Zacky has slept thought his pick up time! Minus two for him! Waiting for your ride in the rain at night really sucks. Seriously, a car pulling up and some random person talking to you when you’re alone on the street… that would make me paranoid too but thank God it’s just Matt. Why’d he come back though? OH! What a gentleman! Offering her a ride! And she’s in the car now! Yay! I like that things are awkward, at least on her side, between them. She seems like the kind of girl that doesn’t like to over think things and I like that. And now he remembers her name! He can have one point back for now. I need chalkboard to keep scores on everyone. Haha. Now Zacky isn’t doing the typical thing that most people would be doing! Instead of texting, he should have been blowing up her phone with calls and demanding to know that she’s ok and what happened but this is all his fault anyway so whatever…. He can suck it.

    Now onto Chapter 4 (haha), and Zacky stuffing his face with muffins is the most adorable image in my mind right now, especially picturing him trying to speak and bits of muffin flying everywhere. *swoon* Woah! Zacky harshly braking is giving me some major flashbacks of times I’ve had some shocking news delivered to me in a car and have reacted the same way, except I think I nearly caused accidents doing that. See, now Zacky is asking the sensible questions as to Matt giving her a ride home. I need to know why he was back at the coffee shop? Is he a stalker? Was he waiting for the right moment to ambush her? Was it just a coincidence? What’s going on?! Ok, Zacky needs some chill now… I know he’s about the innuendos but not during an argument and in a tone that suggests he’s judging her! Minus two! (Just as a forewarning, I think everyone is gonna be in negative points by the end of the story.) I like that Zacky follows her into her homeroom. I remember those days. Homeroom was always the best. All my friends kept taking swipes of my big Monster because they knew I would share, even if they didn’t ask. Haha. I like that the two of them are trying to one up each other with the fact that Zacky forgot about her but she’s ok with it since Matt showed up on his white horse and saved her! Haha.

    YES! Now we’re getting a glimpse of Matt’s mind! The excitement is overwhelming! OK, Matt can have some points back for being familiar with Shakespeare! A man after my own heart! Plus three! And I spoke too soon… he may receive a point deduction for having a personal rule about seducing women. OMG! NO! MINUS FIVE! The name thing is a trick of his trade?! That arrogant sexy son of a bitch! Haha. Ok, no point reduction but man, he had me with that one. It just made me cringe that he called her the wrong name. It’s not even about the fact that it’s a way for him to engage women but more so the fact that during the teen years, we’re all just striving to fit in and be noticed. Him calling her Ashley just makes it seem like she’s not noticeable and that’s so disappointing, especially for an overthinker like Annabelle. Aww, now I feel sad about this. Haha.

    NO MR. KELLER! No group projects! I hated doing group projects in school. I hated pulling everyone else’s weight along. It was always annoying. But this does give our two lovebird a chance to pair up! Matt needs to set aside his personal rule and just go interact! Stop trying so hard and be yourself Matt! UGH! Mr. Keller now has minus 20 for assigning the groups himself and for the assignment altogether. I can tell now that he’ll no longer be my favorite teacher. Dammit! Ok but onto more important things, Brian’s here and he’s giving Matt the necessary info on Zacky! And he’s jealous, even if he doesn’t know it!

    And thus, you left me… I’ve run out of chapters to read and I need more dammit! I like that it’s a bit of a slow build since we’re still feeling out the characters a bit. I like the small glimpse into Matt’s mind (though I’m not thrilled that he’s an arrogant sexy manwhore bastard. Hahaha…. Ok, I am thrilled but you know what I mean) and I love the relationship between Annabelle and Zacky. I can’t wait to see what more you throw at these people, especially Annabelle since she’s a nervous nelly. I’m so glad that my procrastination in my writing brought me here because as always, you never disappoint me. I can’t wait for the next update! Until then, I guess I’ll have to force myself into working to distract myself from the fact that I’m just waiting for the next update! =]
    May 10th, 2019 at 11:43am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    So Zacky's disappointment that he finished his muffin is so relatable!!! I feel you, Zee, I feel you!!!

    I just LOVE their dynamic and their verbal exchanges. They are SO CLEARLY best friends, it makes me so happy!! I love that the teasing just swtiches from one to the other, first its Annabelle teasing about being late, and then ZAcky about her crush on Matt, then Annabelle again. I love it!

    Ohhhhh, a little from Matt's POV! Hells yes!!

    Hahahahah, Matt calling her the wrong name on purpose! Damn, you are a player, Mattikins!!!

    Oh god, group projects!! This really gets the high school PTSD going!!! They are the worst!! Plus an essay group project! NOOOO!!!

    Ohhhhh, the intregue of 'Is ZAcky her boyfriend or just friend'! This is soooo perfect! G

    Um, this is not slow! I am adoring it already! Just the way you are writing all the relationships is amazing and fascinating! Love love love!!

    And also, you are so damned sweet!!! I am glad you are enjoying my story, but to give it a shout out? Above and beyond, man!! Thank you!
    May 7th, 2019 at 05:55am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Poor Annabelle! This line got me right in the feels!!
    She’d learnt first-hand that gossip was almost always born from lies and twisted to serve only the purpose of hurting people. Life experience had taught her that.

    The best insight into Annabelle and Zack's relationship is in this chapter - how her aunt/uncle accept him straight away, no questions asked (except to check if he is staying for dinner). Now that is true friendship! Love it!

    I am loving these R&J lines interweaved with this plot. You are a fucking genius, I swear!

    Oh dear, Annabelle, that was a far from smooth interaction with Matt!! God, I just want to cuddle her and tell her it wasn't that bad!!

    Oh hells yes! Thank you, inept, sleepy Zacky! What a good moment for Matt to play knight again for his Damsel!! I wish I could hearty eyes emoji this part!!

    Dude, dont even worry about the 'late' post!! Life happens, we understand!!
    That being said, I definitely would not complain about another update :P
    May 6th, 2019 at 06:16am