Pseudology - Comments

  • A S K I N G .

    A S K I N G . (100)

    United States
    Hey there! Comment Swap has brought me to read this lovely story of yours.

    I'll start of with the cover, I enjoy how it includes the title and your name in a professional manner. The layout is simple, settle, but it works well. The way each chapter begins is amazing, the imagery and emotions you illustrate captures my attention and sets the mood wonderfully. The slow pace of the story does not bother be because it and the alternating point of views give me a better understanding of the characters, their emotions, how they think, how they view one another, and how they respond to their situations and surrounding, it's really great having that inside look. The settle way you introduce the background information is smooth and not too cheesy. Looking back at the story and short description I can see how each sentence might match with the characters so far, it gets me excited to see what other little bread crumbs you've left for me to discover and connect. The only thing that threw me off was the ** for flashbacks but I appreciate that you explain in it the author's note.

    Overall this story is amazing and I love being able to understand the characters, I can't wait to see what you have in store.
    April 10th, 2014 at 05:38am