When the Going Gets Tough - Comments

  • @ rainbebez.tears.
    Thank you so much haha, I really did not expect this at all! The routes on the background like the map, it's a running routes through LA and I think when you read on you will understand what triggerd me to use them. I hope you like Underestimated too.

    For this story I am probably finishing up the last chapter in these next few days, but only half is uploaded by now so there is way more to come. I hope the first chapter made you curious enough to keep reading!
    March 14th, 2015 at 07:43am
  • Hey!

    You know, I originally came here to take a look at your layout but now I am sucked up by the story!
    Err, but let's start with the layout:

    I absolutely adore this layout!! I am a sucker for simplistic styles with the layouts; the color schemes work, the picture and setup of the layout all work together!! I think I love how the more you look at a layout, the more you find in it; like the picture with the road and Jensen Ackles ...(that man...GUH!! In Love) and the map background.
    Also, kudos for making a beautiful layout that is easy to read and complements the story!!

    Onto the chapter; again, it's like you know what I like! I absolutely love details given by the author in the way that I can "see" the scene set and even get the feel of the character in the scene. Like right from the beginning, I found myself in Robin's head; what she was thinking and feeling and the conflicting thoughts and even the physical sensations of the Autumn cold! I really have to appreciate the realism that you brought to life---in just one chapter!!

    I like that I have no idea what this story is about yet, really, and I have no idea where it's going to lead me. But I can say that I haven't quite read anything like this before.
    Bonus: no grammar and spelling errors that I caught. Thanks for that; it was a smooth read start to finish.

    Sorry I rambled a bit; didn't mean to leave you and essay!!

    Awesome job on both the writing and the layout!!
    March 14th, 2015 at 07:37am
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    We love Justin too, he gets a whole different side out of Robin and I think it is indeed good. Plus writing him is a joy! Yeah Jon and Robin together, maybe not such a good plan. Fire and Gasoline...
    March 12th, 2015 at 09:20pm
  • I like seeing Robin step out of herself when she's with Justin. I like the flirty side of her that she can unleash with him. Again, I think he's really good for her. But I understand that she is developing feelings for Jon--and vice versa--even though I don't think Jon is helping her. Not really. The two of them are simply encouraging each other to stay mired down in pain; they both want to let go, but they can't with each other. Too many memories, too much to remind them.
    March 11th, 2015 at 09:28pm
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    haha yeah I would love to hit something after too
    March 4th, 2015 at 12:52pm
  • Well, who wouldn't want to break some shit after that disastrous dinner???? Jesus.
    March 2nd, 2015 at 06:43pm
  • Well, who wouldn't want to break some shit after that disastrous dinner???? Jesus.
    March 2nd, 2015 at 06:41pm
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    Don't hold your breath fot too long, its not healthy haha. At least Jon is turning around?
    February 16th, 2015 at 10:33am
  • I swear, I was holding my breath the whole time I was reading the last two chapters. In a way, I understand where his parents are coming from, but like domi823, I think it's unfair how everyone is judging her reaction to her boyfriend's death. They all stuck around and are still miserable at any reminder of him. She escaped--for a while--and yes, she is miserable, but they need to realize that making amends will be a huge step towards healing, for all of them. Holding on to anger and resentment does nothing for you except make you feel like shit.
    February 16th, 2015 at 03:12am
  • First off, I love how, as a reader, I was completely immersed in Robin's mindset from the very first paragraph, and I love how you chose to tell this opening chapter in a very stream-of-consciousness manner. It definitely gave me more of a feel of who Robin is as a character. Right from the jump, I knew that this was a pivotal moment in her life, and I think everyone can relate a little to that anxiety of starting a new chapter in their life and being forced to revisit old ghosts from the past.

    I also really, really went gaga over the conversation between Robin and the stranger on the platform because I felt like, as Robin was revealing herself to this stranger, she was also very much revealing herself to the reader in the same vein, so I thought the timing for that interaction was absolute perfection.

    The part of this chapter that probably stood out the most to me was when you used the fact that Robin was a runner as an extended metaphor to the way that she lives her life in general. I thought that was an amazing touch.

    And ugh, that flashback at the end absolutely slayed me! Happy face Please keep up the good work!
    February 15th, 2015 at 12:01am
  • @ Alex Moore.
    Leanna, you and Nikki are doing a really good job on this story. I can't wait for an update or two. lol also I find Robin interesting as I wanna befriend her and Jonathan... mmm I can't say what I think of him. XD
    February 10th, 2015 at 09:59am
  • @ Salya
    Another amazing comment! My real name is Leanne by the way, and my co-writer is called Nikki. Please do keep writing and tell us what you think of Robin and Jonathan, we'd love to read that!

    @ domi823
    I think people feel like she just didn't handle and she left them to handle on their own. It was a hard time and she was not there while the rest stuck around and struggled through their grief. I'm not saying they should be that angry, but I can understand. I can also understand Robin (of course, I write her haha) too. I'm so stunned to hear you actually had tears in your eyes. I never expected to be able to move people like that. Thank you for telling me, it means so much.
    February 10th, 2015 at 09:07am
  • I caught up!

    Honestly though, I felt nervous this whole time and now I have tears in my eyes. I can't deal.

    Something I never understood is why people hate Robin's way of mourning Jake's death so much? We all have different ways of mourning. Of course, maybe I shouldn't be talking because I've never been in this situation but I just have so much sympathy for her.

    Update soon!
    February 8th, 2015 at 09:39pm
  • Well I started reading and Alex, you and whoever you are writing with are doing a really interesting job. =3
    I'm so going to keep reading on this story for a while. XD
    February 8th, 2015 at 02:16am
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    Thank you so much for the support and as I said earlier; It means a lot that you can truly relate. I know what you have been through, or at least I can imagine. Thanks again and we will not stop. The next chapter will be up soon!
    February 3rd, 2015 at 11:03am
  • February 3rd, 2015 at 07:00am
  • Oh God...y'all are building the suspense and it's KILLING me! I seriously can't wait for the next update; I'm ready for her to see his parents again. I enjoyed the flashbacks. It definitely adds to the intensity of this moment for her so that the readers can literally feel it. And the sweater? That brought back memories for me. One of the hardest things I had to do after Chase died was get rid of the work shirt I'd stolen from him. Again, instances like that are why I love this story so much.
    February 3rd, 2015 at 06:59am
  • @ minthe;
    This much praise, sometimes it really makes me blush. There is way more to come so please stick around and let us know what you think. I love it when people comment like Robin and Jon are true people because that is the way we feel.
    January 29th, 2015 at 10:02am
  • @ minthe;
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment! We both appreciate the support and are so glad you're enjoying it! Very happy to have you on as a reader :)
    January 29th, 2015 at 04:00am
  • So, I didn't know what to expect when I started to read this. But it's turning out to be so much more then I imagined. First of all, I really like how everything starts out with Robin and the trains. I can't say why, but it was so... poignant. Even though I didn't know much about her or her story, the apprehension made me feel for her. I've read in quite a few chapters [without even realizing it] and I'm already rolling around in distress, so I can't wait to find out how things progress.

    I'm subscribing and recommending because this story you two have going here is just wonderful and well written. :] I love it!
    January 29th, 2015 at 03:24am