Just Friends...? - Comments

  • JxJx

    JxJx (100)

    United States
    Eeeeee! Finally! Update soon
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:04pm
  • JxJx

    JxJx (100)

    United States
    Eeeeee! Finally! Update soon
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:04pm
  • NikkiFoxy8

    NikkiFoxy8 (100)

    United States
    I am getting way too excited for the next chapter! I really hope their relationship grows into something more than physical! Cassie and Zacky really love each other! Thank you so much! Please update soon! Very Happy
    November 28th, 2014 at 04:51am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    Ok, here's my real comment for the latest chapter, while I have a few extra minutes.

    It made me really happy that there isn't a timeline in this story and that you've chosen to keep Jimmy in it. Nothing against Arin at all, but there is nobody else who could act out the previous nights activities, loudly, and then go back to being calm. I half expected him to turn to other people in the restaurant and ask what they were looking at XD But as crazy as he can be, he's also wise and knows more than everyone gives him credit for. Though him not knowing the previous night was real, it probably just fueled him and his plan to try and get Cassie and Zack together, because when it comes down to it, he just wants his friends to be happy. Can't wait to read more of his scheming, especially since now Z&C will have to be extra careful in turning down whatever he throws at them without him picking up on the fact that something more is happening between them. I still wonder about Val, though. Even if the guys aren't sharp enough to pick up on what's happening right under their noses, surely she'd be able to notice something about Cassie? Given that Jimmy shared his plan with her, I wonder if she'll still go along with it or if she'll be more apt to try and sway him in another direction.

    I felt like we were sharing a brain at the end of the chapter, though I was thinking along the lines of Cassie taking a shower and when she comes out, Zack is laying on the bed watching porn or something and her asking him why he's doing that when he's got the real thing in front of him. I don't know, I'm just really enjoying reading a story where the girl isn't afraid to ask for what she wants(even though she was hesitant at the beginning), instead of one where it's only what the guy wants/likes/when he wants it. And really, they're both adults here, so why not be bold?

    I have a feeling they're going to have to lay low for a bit once they're all back on the bus, though, as the others will probably be trying to catch them, or trying to keep them separated so they don't have to listen to their "dreams". But sneaking around and taking moments when you can get them bring excitement that they won't have once the tour is over and they're all back at home. Yeah, they'll still be sneaking around some, but it'll be easier to explain why they're hanging out/why they're over at the others house, etc.
    November 25th, 2014 at 10:10pm
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ shootbackholywater
    Mr. Green
    November 24th, 2014 at 07:50am
  • akmo4725

    akmo4725 (100)

    United States
    Are you kidding me!!!??? This was an awesome chapter!! You always leave me wanting more!! The next chapter is going to be soooo hot! I have a feeling though someone is gonna get hurt first in the long run, before they actually get together! Which I'm hoping for by the way!
    November 24th, 2014 at 02:10am
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ AJ9
    Of course there will be! Wink

    I'm sorry to disappoint :( hopefully the super awesome sexy time will make up for it, should have it up by Tuesday!
    November 24th, 2014 at 12:17am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I loved this chapter but I hate cliffhangers. I hope there's gonna be some smexytime in the next one to make up for it Naughty Naughty Naughty

    Please update again soon. xxx
    November 23rd, 2014 at 07:53pm
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    I'm sorry!! Couldn't resist haha Very Happy

    Of course they won't drop it! They'll just be a bit nicer about it, I was laughing when I was writing it! I can picture it in my head, all the boys doing impressions of Zack and the girls just rolling their eyes at them!

    Luckily there isn't any kind of timeframe in place, no, so I thought Mardi Gras would be the perfect thing to interrupt their hotel schedule! I had it in my head ever since I metioned they were traveling to New Orleans!

    That's fine :) don't worry! I love your comments so much thank you!!
    November 23rd, 2014 at 06:29pm
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    You're evil XD

    I was laughing so hard at the restaurant interrogation I was crying. At least the girls were somewhat sympathetic, though I can't see the guys really dropping it yet.

    Good touch with Mardi Gras. I couldn't remember if there was a timeframe already in place or not, but that was perfect! I have more to say, but company just showed up. If you don't hear more from me in a few days, remind me Smile Hope you feel better!
    November 23rd, 2014 at 04:51pm
  • taylormotionless

    taylormotionless (100)

    United States
    Oh my god this story is fantastic please continue it
    November 21st, 2014 at 04:48am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    @ shootbackholywater
    Cassie has to be a pretty tough cookie given that she's grown up with these guys all her life, though I feel Jimmy is probably the only one who can see beneath her tough exterior. He just seems very aware of everything even if he is acting crazy most of the time.

    Another Brandon flashback would be cool, if only to show how much she's grown since they've been apart since he seems to want to be back in the picture. I'm sorry you had to deal with someone like that. I've never understood why people get enjoyment out of being cruel/tearing down others.

    I have a couple of ideas but I'll message you tomorrow - my phone is about to die.
    November 21st, 2014 at 03:51am
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ NegativePress
    Thank you got reading and commenting, I agree, I like things to be different and Cassie is quite ballsy, so I thought she could make that first move and surprise Zacky, obviously it worked!
    November 21st, 2014 at 12:18am
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ NikkiFoxy8
    Thanks doll! Yeah I thought it was pretty hot too, Cassie is everything I wish I could be haha! Thank you for reading and commenting :)
    November 21st, 2014 at 12:17am
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ Amanda Vengeance
    Thank you!! I try to get a chapter out every weekend as it's the only time I get to write! Any suggestions you have for the later chapters please feel free to message me :)
    November 21st, 2014 at 12:16am
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ akmo4725
    Haha thank you :) I've dropped you a private message Very Happy
    November 21st, 2014 at 12:15am
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    No doubt Brian and Johnny couldn't keep it to themselves, I'm sure poor Zacky will be in for a lot of teasing!! I'm sure they won't suspect anything, but as you say, boys will be boys and jimmy will probably assume the worst and torment the hell out of Cassie until she cracks and spills, but I don't think she will ;)

    Brandon is a total shit head, I'm basing it off a guy I used to know who kinda did the same thing to me, but not as cruel as Brandon is to Cassie! She is screwed up a little, but I'm thinking of doing another flashback to the moment where she finally realised that he was nothing but a giant asshat, and she was way better off without him! She gained some of her strength back, but she's still prone to the self confidence issues!

    I am totally down with the whole hotel room mix up idea. I'm just not sure how to go about them hooking up, like who would make the first move and how should it happen? If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!

    Thanks for reading and reviewing, I love reading your comments!!!
    November 21st, 2014 at 12:15am
  • akmo4725

    akmo4725 (100)

    United States
    My God this chapter was fucking sexy!! Zacky getting Cassie off like that was hot!! I think Jimmy should switch up their rooms and make them room together so zee and cass can fuck hard! I can't wait for them to show their true feelings to each other! They love each other so much!! Can't wait for more!
    November 17th, 2014 at 07:32pm
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    So Brian and Johnny heard - not who I was expecting at all. It'll be fun to see them teasing Zack about it, though, and how he reacts. And you know they will because they're boys and they won't let anything go.

    Even if anyone questions them when they go into the restaurant, Zack can just say that Cassie was almost ready when he went back, so he talked to her while she was finishing getting ready. As close as they all are, I don't think anybody would question them further and it's not like them hanging out together is something out of the ordinary.

    It's official, I hate Brandon. He's a giant shithead and I hope that if he's still hanging around when they get home, someone kicks his ass. It's a miracle Cass doesn't have more issues because of him.

    As much as I'd like them to do more soon, I think they should wait til they get home, or at least to a hotel night. Maybe there could be a room mix-up, leaving Zack and Cassie to have to room together, which would give them some privacy. It's just too risky for them to try and find time to be alone on the bus without the others getting suspicious, and it'll be better for both if they're only focused on each other, and not being quiet and listening for the others. That's not to say more sneaking around can't happen, though Wink I just don't think they'll be able to go back to not being together in some capacity now.
    November 16th, 2014 at 11:18pm
  • Amanda Vengeance

    Amanda Vengeance (100)

    United States
    I love this story!!! Please update soon the suspense is killing me!!
    November 13th, 2014 at 02:53pm