Just Friends...? - Comments

  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    No, that plan seems like the perfect route to disaster. Cassie will surely flip out, but I bet her reaction won't be the one they're expecting... She's surely gonna be pissed.
    Great update!!
    February 21st, 2015 at 01:48am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    What could possibly go wrong?!??!!? Honestly ... talk about famous last words .....

    Please update again soon. xxx Mr. Green
    February 21st, 2015 at 12:54am
  • akmo4725

    akmo4725 (100)

    United States
    I really hope this plan works, but I'm afraid it's going to backfire and zacky will have to grovel lol
    February 20th, 2015 at 10:02pm
  • Kasey J Vengeance.

    Kasey J Vengeance. (100)

    United States
    Love love love it. Can't wait to read more.
    January 28th, 2015 at 07:47am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    This was such a pleasant surprise when I got home last night :)

    It sucks so much that the cops can't/won't do anything unless Brandon does something again. You'd think that with his threats(both current and past), Cassie could get a restraining order against him or something. Hopefully the guys don't do anything stupid trying to protect her and end up in jail themselves, though. I was cracking up at the guys' banter - it's completely how I'd imagine them to be in real life.

    My guess is that Matt and Jimmy are going to talk to Val's(Leana's?) friend. Sorry, blanking on whose friend it was. But anyways, I'm guessing that's where they're going so they can set their plan into motion, even though at this point, it's not necessary anymore. Should be fun listening to them explain it all, and Zack trying to come up with an excuse for why it isn't working.

    Typical guys, say they're going to do something and then leave before they actually have to do said thing. Zacky's realization at the end was priceless. He should know better by now that since it's his house, he's most likely always going to be doing the cleaning when the other guys are involved.

    What was your other question, oh, them moving in together. I think it's good that she isn't moving in with Zacky. I know I'm the minority here(and wish I didn't always see things so logically), but this relationship is too new, and it just seems like it could lead to problems down the road with them moving too quickly. Yes they've known each other for years, but not in the same way.Plus they just got off tour where they were crammed on a bus for 20+ hours a day, and I'm sure a bit of alone time would be welcomed. Besides, it's not like she's going to be alone. She still has another brother, doesn't she? And her living at home doesn't mean she and Zee aren't going to be able to spend time together. They're friends and I'm sure they've had movie marathons/sleepovers in the past, so no reason they still can't without raising suspicions.

    Sidenote, I love who you've chosen to represent Cassie. She's so different from the type of girl I see most often. The fact that she's gorgeous doesn't hurt any, either.
    January 22nd, 2015 at 06:37pm
  • NikkiFoxy8

    NikkiFoxy8 (100)

    United States
    I really want her to move in with Zacky! They would have a lot more privacy being together! They would also get to know each other better living in the same house! I really want them to get together! I really hope the cops and the guys can do more about keeping Brandon away from Cassie! Awesome chapter! Please update soon! Very Happy
    January 22nd, 2015 at 03:48am
  • akmo4725

    akmo4725 (100)

    United States
    I want her to live with zee! That's just my selfishness talking! I kinda of think she wants to but doesn't want to impose! I think Matt and Jimmy are going to do something to get zacky and Cassie together!! I can't wait
    January 21st, 2015 at 10:59pm
  • NikkiFoxy8

    NikkiFoxy8 (100)

    United States
    I really love Zacky and Cassie together! Zacky was so awesome coming to get Cassie after Brandon tried to get in her house! She really needs to get the cops involved! Please keep going! I really love this story! Please update soon! Very Happy
    January 19th, 2015 at 06:33pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Aw, the dogs love her (just like he does) :3

    Zacky was a total sweetheart helping her out and taking her to his place. They should have gone directly to his room, but I get that Cassie wouldn't want to bother him (even though we all know that wouldn't bother Zacky the slightest). Anyway, they did end up sleeping in the same room, and that cute moment at the end is just another proof that they have to get together.

    Loved the update ^.^ Can't wait for the next. Surely there's more drama to follow now with the Brandon problem, especially when the rest of the guys find out about it.
    January 19th, 2015 at 01:47pm
  • ForeverRocking660

    ForeverRocking660 (100)

    United States
    they just need to actually date! they're so cute together
    January 19th, 2015 at 12:55am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    This story is amazing! I hope Zacky beats Brandon's ass! Zacky is so sweet in this story and I love the Cassie, she's such a great character. One of my favorite stories :))
    January 18th, 2015 at 11:37pm
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    Yeah, he obviously would want to do more but like you said, Cassie was already upset enough, and he cares about her enough to push aside his own feelings and just be there for her, which is super sweet. I imagine Zacky is a real romantic when he wants to be, treating his woman like a queen but not all the time so he doesn't over do it, but still a sweetie! With all they've been through te last few weeks it just makes sense for her to lean on him more than anyone else, they're all busy with their own relationships after all

    I loved writing that part in the car, I want to try and incorporate more flashbacks or memories of Cassie and the guys growing up. I liked the prom part because it really shows how much Zacky cares about Cassie, even when he was 18 and immature, he was still gentlemanly enough to dance with her at their prom, whilst I imagine Jimmy and the others all poking fun at him for a few years after! I think the thing with the dogs loving Cassie so much also shows how much Cassie is involved in Zackys life, besides the band, and I don't know about anyone else, but if my dog hates someone, I don't like them much either! Dogs are a good way to gauge a relationship with someone, if they're not happy, chances are you won't be either! Plus it's cute that she treats them like they are hers :3

    Yeah I kicked myself a little after thinking why didn't I write her asking Zacky to stay with her, but she was hesitant about taking his bed in the first place, and she feels like this is her fault ad she's being a pain, so I guess she didn't want to make Zacky uncomfrtable or annoy him by asking him to stay. They're stil figuring out their weird relationship after all. If it hadnt have been for the dogs, I think zacky would have probably crept in with her anyway. Just to make sure she was okay.

    Thank you so much, I pride myself on my sexy times, I think if you go overboard it can sometimes ruin the flow of the story, and I think this chapter called for average smut, not overpowering.

    Thanks again for your comments, I love reading them and I'm so glad you have so much to say about my work, and positives at that! Hopefully I'll get some more up soon!
    January 18th, 2015 at 10:36pm
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ AJ9
    You're so sweet, thank you!!! Unfortunately I don't think I'll get to update until the weekend now (damn you, work!) but I will try to write a chapter for you lovely readers Very Happy
    January 18th, 2015 at 10:27pm
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    Not a shitty chapter at all. With the drama of the previous chapter, and the drama that is sure to come, this was perfect.

    It seemed like Zee wanted to do/say more when he learned that Brandon was at the bar, but it's good that he held back. Cassie was already stressed enough, I can only imagine what she would have done had he started yelling more. I just hope that Zee doesn't go and do something stupid because Cass would be lost without him right now, even though she has everyone else to lean on.

    Them reminiscing about prom on the drive was so cute. I love how easily they're able to fall into that comfortableness with each other. Of course his dogs love her. He does(even if he hasn't admitted it yet), so why shouldn't they? Especially given all the time she's spent with them over the years, and dogs always love someone new to play with them. Or mine does at least.

    I was a little surprised when Cassie didn't ask Zee to stay with her until she fell asleep. After going through something like that, I can't imagine trying to sleep on my own, jumping every time the house creaked, thinking whoever had found me again. Even without the dogs, I'd bet they'd have ended up together, though. And wow, you're so good at writing sexy times without going overboard. That sorta shy moment between them at the end was adorable.
    January 18th, 2015 at 08:03pm
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    There are many words you could choose to describe that chapter, but shitty wouldn't be one of them. Incredible, fantastic, sexy, exciting ... so many, but I'll just say UUUUPPPPDDDAAAATTEEEE - please?? Very Happy
    January 18th, 2015 at 06:29pm
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ Total Nightmare
    Yeah I love writing older brothers, I don't have one myself but I always wanted one haha for these exact reasons! I imagine they are annoying and stuff but when it comes down to it, they really do care and will do anything to make sure their little siblings are safe and happy! Yay weddings!

    I know, brandon is a total creep. Loosely based on an ex of mine, but Brandon is ten times worse! He's definitely scared Cassie and I think she will be regretting not going home with Zacky now! I think the reason she hesitated to call the cops was because she just doesn't want any more trouble, and think of how angry Brandon would be knowing she called the cops on him, it would make him worse I think!

    Thank you so much, your comments are awesome! I'm hoping to get a new chapter done today! I fucking love writing this story!
    January 18th, 2015 at 09:48am
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    Yeah that's right, I will delve into the past in the next few chapters, just so everything doesn't seem so confusing and random, I know I tend to just think of things on the spot and throw them in, without thinking about actually explaining them!

    Austin and Zack have been friends for a long time, even though Austin is a few years older, he and zack, and the rest of the guys, have always been close, due to Cassie being in the band, but like I said, I will delve into the past and their friendship can be explained. Out of all the guys, Austin and Zack are the closest, I just need to think of something that would have made them friends if you know what I mean? I know that I want them to be close, but at the same time it's a little coincidental that Zacky and Cassie will both play big parts in the wedding, but the other guys and girls will too :)

    I think all the guys are going to be super protective after what happened with brandon, but I definitely think that Jimmy and Zacky will be the worst. I can see the guys maybe getting themselves into serious trouble because of brandon, but I'm not sure what yet.

    Thank you so much for your comments again, you rock Mr. Green
    January 18th, 2015 at 09:36am
  • shootbackholywater

    shootbackholywater (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    Yeah that's right, I will delve into the past in the next few chapters, just so everything doesn't seem so confusing and random, I know I tend to just think of things on the spot and throw them in, without thinking about actually explaining them!

    Austin and Zack have been friends for a long time, even though Austin is a few years older, he and zack, and the rest of the guys, have always been close, due to Cassie being in the band, but like I said, I will delve into the past and their friendship can be explained. Out of all the guys, Austin and Zack are the closest, I just need to think of something that would have made them friends if you know what I mean? I know that I want them to be close, but at the same time it's a little coincidental that Zacky and Cassie will both play big parts in the wedding, but the other guys and girls will too :)

    I think all the guys are going to be super protective after what happened with brandon, but I definitely think that Jimmy and Zacky will be the worst. I can see the guys maybe getting themselves into serious trouble because of brandon, but I'm not sure what yet.

    Thank you so much for your comments again, you rock Mr. Green
    January 18th, 2015 at 09:34am
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Aw, what a nice moment at the beginning of the night with the big, protective brother and Zack. He's even going to be the best man, while Cass will get to be the bridesmaid, that's so nice!

    But uh-oh... things don't seem like they're going to get any easier for Cass now that Brandon's back. Ugh, why did he have to be such an idiot and come to her house and provoke her like that? She should have definitely called the cops on him. It'd at least make her feel more secure until Zacky gets there... They should have both gone home together...

    Can't wait for the next chapter! I'm really excited about this!! :D
    January 18th, 2015 at 03:34am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    @ shootbackholywater
    Aww, thanks Mr. Green

    Finishing my comment from earlier now that I'm home and not on a phone about to die.

    Austin was the brother who had problems with Brandon previously, correct? Or am I confusing this with another story? If so, it sucks that because it's a public place, he can't do anything about him being there unless he starts a fight with someone or something. Because in a way, him(Brandon) hanging out at the bar, knowing Cassie is going to be there is just another way he's still fucking with her, and I can't imagine what it must be like to think you have a safe space to go only to find your worst nightmare has decided it's his new favorite place to be.

    I thought it was sweet how Austin gave Zack his blessing to be with Cassie, though. I know how protective older brothers can be, and the fact that Austin picked up on something between them back in the day shows how much these two really care about each other, even if they're scared to admit it to each other. I'm curious if he picked Zack as his best man just because it would give him and Cassie an excuse to be together more or if he really is that close with him, though.

    Brain waves seem to come at the most inopportune times, but at least you were able to jot it down in your phone.

    While I don't know what Jimmy was like in real life, but he seemed like the type to want everyone to be happy. Here, his intentions are good, but like you said, he's only thinking of the immediate happiness, not what could arise in the future. And yes, I can see Jimmy going into super protective mode when he learns about Brandon. He's already shown some of that protectiveness over Cassie, and I agree that he could turn scary because you don't expect it from him given how bubbly he usually is. I wouldn't want to be Brandon and going against any of them to be honest.
    January 18th, 2015 at 03:00am