Just Friends...? - Comments

  • That was so hot how Cassie did that for Zacky! I really want to see him do the same for her and how far they will go! I really love it! Please update soon! Very Happy
    November 11th, 2014 at 10:50pm
  • I'm in love with the new chapter! It's refreshing to read a story where the girl made the first move. Can't wait to read the next chapter!!
    November 11th, 2014 at 09:54pm
  • @ shootbackholywater
    Honestly, it was so refreshing to read about the girl making the first move. Even though Zack and Cassie have been playing this flip-flopping game of cat and mouse for awhile, her deciding to just do it was fantastic and now she has something to look forward to Wink

    That makes sense about the fist bump now. I was just wondering if I'd missed something since Matt had been pretty quiet up til now. I can only imagine the stories on that bus with everyone thinking they know something nobody else does, but nobody really knowing the truth. It's also kinda sweet that they are all so ok with something happening between Zack and Cassie, and are devising these random plans to try and encourage it.

    Leaving it for awhile could work, but aren't they almost done touring? Seems like sneaking around at home would be infinitely easier than when they're all living on a tour bus. But it's totally your call - I could see options for either scenario.

    I really hate Brandon already and he hasn't even been formally introduced yet! I guess the only good thing is that Cassie has a bunch of guys who have her back and won't be afraid to let Brandon know exactly what they think of him once they learn what he did. Looking forward to a possible flashback to see what drove Cassie to be the person she is today.
    November 11th, 2014 at 08:03pm
  • @ vampire_sun
    Yeah I thought I'd mix things up a bit by letting cassie make the first move! She's been very timid before now, and let's face it, women get just as horny as men do!!

    The fist bump between Jimmy and Matt was just because they were the first two to mention anything about devising a plan to get Zacky and Cassie together, so although Matt doesn't know as much as Jimmy and Val THINK they do, he's still in on it, so the fist bump was kinda like them going 'it's happening dude!' Even though they really didn't do anything, you know, like typical boys :P

    Mm I haven't decided on if anyone is going to have heard them yet or not, I might leave it for a while, so they get comfortable with sneaking around, then they have a close call which scares the shit out of both of them!

    Cassie's parents aren't clued in 100% on what really went down between Brandon and Cassie, I will do a flashback scene at one point, but where cassie's mom mentions that Austin telling Brandon to shove it was the most he can do, is her basically hinting that Austin has beaten Brandon's ass before now, and now Brandon knows Austin can't do shit without the police getting involved, he's kind of poking the angry bear with a stick.

    You're right, something is most likely going to happen when they get home. I just don't know what yet.
    November 10th, 2014 at 07:06pm
  • Well this was a pleasant chapter to wake up to Mr. Green

    I love how Cass initiated everything. After their previous encounter, I was thinking it'd be Zack, only because he seems like the eager type and he wasn't able to finish what he started, but this was way better.

    What was with the fist bump between Jimmy/Matt? Does Matt know now? I thought just Jimmy and Val sorta knew.

    Oh, to answer your question, I'm betting Jimmy heard them. It has been mentioned before that he doesn't sleep much, and just because they didn't hear him, it doesn't mean he wasn't just lying in his bunk. But I feel like even if he did hear them, he'd keep quiet about it to the others for the time being, and just tease Zack/Cass or at least try to get them to admit the feelings between them are more than just friendship.

    I'm curious if Cassie's parents/brother know the whole story of what went on between she and Brandon or not. It just seems like her brother wouldn't be so relaxed about him hanging around the bar and keeping tabs on her if he knew everything. I'm sensing Brandon's going to cause trouble once they finally get home, though.

    Looking forward to more!
    November 10th, 2014 at 04:18pm
  • Oh my god I can't wait for the next update! Loving this syory!
    November 10th, 2014 at 05:02am
  • I'm officially addicted to this now! I think they've been caught out, but by who? Mr. Green

    Please update again soon. xxx
    November 9th, 2014 at 11:50pm
  • Loved it and hope you'll update soon cos I'm dying to find out what'll happen next ... Wink
    November 9th, 2014 at 09:50pm
  • You updated! I hope your writers block is gone for good, at least for awhile. I've missed this story Mr. Green

    Brian's unawareness at breakfast was hilarious. Granted I'm assuming context isn't always important to that group, but in this case, with Michelle sitting right there, you'd think he'd be a bit more careful with what he was saying.

    The subtle glances between Zack and Cass was a sweet touch. I knew he wouldn't completely ignore her but it was nice that he didn't go too far in the other direction either. I was a bit surprised by his silent admission, but I get where he's coming from at the same time. It has to be scary to admit that you've loved your friend for so long when you've been trying to bury/ignore those feelings the whole time. And to have grown that much closer after 10 years of friendship, I can see not wanting to risk losing that because this way she is still in his life, just not necessarily in the capacity he'd want.

    Oh, Jimmy. I adore the way you write him. I think Jimmy thinks he knows what's going on, but I don't think he fully understands the depth of Zack and Cass's relationship. I could see him fishing for more info or suggesting a drunken game of Truth or Dare on the trip home, trying to trip one of them up or be more forthcoming with their true feelings. Whatever it is, I can't see him calming down any in the near future. If anything, he'll probably try harder to get them to admit their feelings because he just wants his friends to be happy.
    November 9th, 2014 at 03:10pm
  • @ VictoriazMistressA7X @ vampire_sun

    Hey! Just wanted to say if anybody could help me out with this story, I'd be so grateful! I want to continue this but having major writers block! Just message me if anyone could help out! Thanks
    July 13th, 2014 at 03:44pm
  • Update soon!
    June 5th, 2014 at 03:56am
  • @ VictoriazMistressA7X

    Had to be done! It's like foreplay, right? Now the big event will be sooo much better!
    May 19th, 2014 at 06:59pm
  • Dammitt woman!! Lol
    May 19th, 2014 at 03:48pm
  • @shootbackholywatet
    Yeah, them both being honest was necessary. We'll see how long the no feelings part lasts, though.
    May 18th, 2014 at 06:56pm
  • Hooot!!!
    May 18th, 2014 at 05:53pm
  • @ vampire_sun
    Haha sorry about that, and thanks for picking up on the error!!

    Hmm the phones are a bit risky, but I think they'll both be careful, who knows, maybe alcohol + nudes = disaster?

    I glad you liked the girl talk, it was just a random idea that came to me whilst I was shopping yesterday, I can just picture matts face haha!

    They do both really care for each other, Zacky cares too much about cassie to lie to her about wanting a relationship, I love how he is being brutally honest so she doesn't get hurt!
    May 18th, 2014 at 04:19pm
  • So somehow I missed when you posted ch 7 and was really confused reading the beginning of this chapter. I was thinking it was a dream. Stupid Brian being a cock block. Of course it would have to be him, though. I have a funny feeling about the pics. Like someone is going to borrow a phone and find them or one of them is going to accidentally send a pic to one of the other guys, and then there will be lots of explaining going on, especially since no one else is supposed to know.

    One little grammatical thing, when Cass is talking to Brian outside her room, she says get in in, and it should say it in(I think).

    Ch 7 : girl talk with Jimmy. Why does this not surprise me? And that bit with Cass and Val at the beginning? I was laughing my ass off since it reminded me of my sister-in-law and I. I did think Cass and Zack's talk went well. It's obvious how much they both care for each other.
    May 18th, 2014 at 04:12pm
  • @ shootbackholywater
    Haha hmmmm who knows!! Better have been accidental!! I still think zacky and Cass are gonna end up together
    May 18th, 2014 at 03:38pm
  • @ akmo4725
    Was it deliberate or a genuine accident though?? Hmmm ;)
    May 18th, 2014 at 03:32pm
  • Damnit Brian!!!! You fucking cock block lol they were gonna fuck gah!!! Lol update soon!
    May 18th, 2014 at 02:38pm