The Girl With the Half Beating Heart - Comments

  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aw, sorry to hear you have writer's block. :( That stinks.
    I'll be here when you come out of it though.
    I'll try and check out your new story. Sorry this comment back is kind of short; I'm currently recovering from a tattoo I got today. XD It's on my one thigh so it's awkward for me to balance my laptop. XD Ergo why I'm keeping this comment short. Ironically enough, it's ATL dedicated. :D
    Hope all is well. :)
    January 23rd, 2015 at 09:45am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    ah hi hi!! yes, i am!!
    and thank you!! yeah, i agree! i honestly like her full name too, but it seemed like an extra lil cute thing to do, and a thing that would just be theirs, you know??
    but ive had nicknames, just not special ones that i like. ive gotten tina, marti, mart, smarty, and things like that. even martini, which i hate. oh and my friend katie, along with some of my other friends, call me martin because i told them the story of how my parents thought i was a boy from my sonogram, and they planned to name me martin lol. but my favorite one though is mirrtanya, (prounced mer tane yah) i got from an uncle of mine. i loved it, so it use it for a lot of things like my email, and formerly my instagram and twitter. (i changed it bc my mom found my stuff uh oh) but yeah, i used to have a friend named jenna! i called her hen jen because this stupid joke about chickens omfg. but i like your name!! if that was my name, id just keep it as is, because i already do with mine anyway ah.
    but yess! i really like that, i think im gonna make that their thing, you know?? and im a sucker for fluff i just love it ugh im a big baby.
    but thank you!! i have writers block for this currently, ugh :( its not so bad, i have half a chapter written, i just don't know what to do next?? hopefully it goes away soon, because i planned to finish this story loooong ago. but you know, i went on hiatus for like 3-4 months so yeah :( but I'm not leaving like that again!! so hopefully i will finish this story very soon. im shooting for the end of my school year, so like right before summer, or maybe a little bit into it, but i really don't know, cause im doing summer programs that i have to prep for and college stuff and ah its weird. but i think i'll make it!! let's hope :))
    (oh and i started a new story that i wrote most of on hiatus, so i'll update it a lot faster if you're interested!! and it's okay, at least you replied!! sorry for taking so long to reply back, school is annoying)

    @ Nanook
    January 23rd, 2015 at 05:07am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    January 23rd, 2015 at 05:07am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Oh, and sorry for the delay in commenting, I've been busy with college stuff but I'm on break now, so yay! :D
    December 17th, 2014 at 10:02am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Yay, you're back! :DD
    Great job with the update! So cute! Aha, I love how they came up with a nickname for her. I personally love her full name but I can understand her wanting a nickname. Like, it's just kind of a right of passage? XD Idk what I'm saying.
    I've personally never had one that's like, cool. lol. Like with her name you can come up with cool ones, but with mine the only nickname I've had people call me is Jen. Because my name is Jenna, but yeah, real original stuff right there. XD And Jen is often short for Jennifer so it's like... yeah. XD Just kind of lame or just says laziness I think from saying my full name. XD
    My cousin called me Nen Nen growing up and another cousin calls me Nenna or Nenners but those are kind of embarrassing cause they're like childish. At least in my eyes, anyway. XD
    Like your name I feel permits cool nicknames too: Mar, Mart, Tina, Ina... like, probably even more than that. Art? That's awesome see you even have a word for creativity in your name!
    But anyway, going back to the story... XD
    I loved that he took out for lunch. And to a place that meant something to him. :) Aww.
    And then of course all of the lovey dovey-ness awww awwwwwww... XD :)
    So cute! Loved the update and can't wait for more! :D
    December 17th, 2014 at 10:00am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    hello!! im baaack, yaaas. but thank you so much! it was a really weird time for me, but im okay now! im grateful that you were here for me, it means a whole lot. but im not sure! i meant to post a link, but i never got around to it. i'll post one now, so if you want, you can still follow me!!

    @ Nanook
    December 6th, 2014 at 09:18am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    This isn't goodbye, but simply a "see you later." :)
    Take as much time as you need, I totally understand. I'm sorry to hear you're going through all of this. I'm sorry for your losses. :(
    Do I follow you on tumblr? There wasn't a link. :/ I'm not entirely sure if I do or not.
    But I'll be praying for you, keeping you in my thoughts, and I hope to see you writing for this again soon.
    September 6th, 2014 at 07:35am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Oh, gotcha, gotcha. That's fine; I understand. :)
    Sorry to hear things have been so hectic. :/
    August 14th, 2014 at 09:54am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    omg hi!!
    im RLLY sorry i haven't been answering to your comments!! im just reaaally busy right now. i start school the week after this one, so im doing all my back to school shopping, and im still unpacking my house. ugh hopefully when school gets into swing things will be less hectic.
    but i have answers for your questions! sorry I didn't clarify those things. i can't give them to you right now bc im literally in the car on my way to the mall with my mom, but i'll try when i get home!!

    @ Nanook
    August 10th, 2014 at 04:53pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Great job with the update! :)
    Aww, aha, so cute. She stopped to get donuts. And then Alexandria was really funny, trying to be intimidating and all. :PP
    And then more Alecia cuteness. :') So cute.
    But OMG, the scare. :O That's a bit worrisome, I hope she's alright. She seems fine now but OMG I'm worried.
    Can't wait to see what you have next in store. :)
    August 10th, 2014 at 10:32am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Great job with the updates, once again. :)
    I feel like you're mad at me since you didn't respond to my last comment... lol. It's probably just because you've been focused on posting though, no biggie. And moving. Plus I did leave a long ass comment so there's that too. XD
    But anyway, aww... so cute. With Alex and Acacia. :) "I didn't say I was done." He's just as addicted to her as she is to him. :')
    AND OMG, RIAN!!! And MATT! :DD Yay, some familiar faces. Even if they are smaller roles that made me smile how you put them in there. :)
    Hm, I hadn't really thought about school for them but of course they would still be going. Is Acacia home-schooled? I can't remember if you ever said or not... maybe you haven't mentioned it yet. But just kind of wondering what she does or if she goes to high school too for school. Hmm...
    lol. 'burrito duvet'. I just wanted to point this out for some reason, it stood out to me. XD
    Anyway, once again, great job! :) Can't wait for more! :D
    August 5th, 2014 at 10:39am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Great updates! OMG girl you're like on a roll with them. I opened this story expecting to find one and found three! LMAO. I only got one notification though which is weird. :/ Hmm... so if my comments are delayed more than they have been that's probably why. Not sure what's happening, maybe just a temporary thing...
    But anyway, first of all, I love how they both wore flannel! Aha. That is the one major thing I noticed and before I got to the part where they said about it, I was wondering if it was intentional or if it was just coincidence and for that matter if you were even going to have them say anything about it. But you did, aha. :D
    It was cute how he gave her his jacket, aw. Even when he was cold then afterwards. He's such a gentlemen. But hey, their cuddling made him all warm again I bet. Aww. :)
    Um... there were two things I wanted to note:
    With the second update, chapter 16, where you made the cheerios comparison to the world, I couldn't help but think as I was reading this line:
    “Because yes, on the grand scheme of things, the world will still go on if you weren’t here. If this world was a box of cereal, you’d be one cheerio, as would I. Now, if one cheerio falls onto the floor, does the world end?” He asks.
    Wouldn't it have made more sense to say 'if one cheerio falls to the floor, a person doesn't go hungry, do they? *shakes head* No, they still have that whole box of Cheerios they can eat, so it's not the end of the world for them.'
    Like I feel like saying something like that would complete the comparison more. Maybe... idk. Because just saying, 'does the world end?' again kind of makes it redundant and doesn't really make the full comparison.
    Idk, I just feel like that line could have been associated better on the closer scale in comparison to the larger scale. Get what I'm saying?
    This is like extremely technical and you don't really have to change it but it's just my thought and maybe something to take into suggestion if you ever do another comparison. Like just make sure it's completed better.
    And then the other thing I guess is more of something that I need clarification on is Tom's death. I know Alex isn't exactly clear on how exactly he died but it still confuses me with this last update you posted. Because, okay, if he was deathly ill, how on earth was he drinking? The way I read it it's like he was in the hospital for his last days (perhaps he wasn't, but I got to assuming that), so it's like, how on earth did he get away with drinking? But again, maybe he wasn't and maybe I was just assuming wrongly there. And for that matter, what was he deathly ill of? Cancer? Maybe organ trouble? Like, I find it odd if Alex doesn't remember why Tom was ill in the first place. And it's kind of ironic that he died from alcohol instead of what he was sick from, but maybe he did that because he was depressed over what he had, and in that case, it would make sense if he tried to drink the pain and the thought of the sickness he had, away.
    Maybe I'm the only one not getting it but if you could explain this to me that would be helpful. Whether you put more of it into the story or even in one of these comments if you feel you did explain it enough in the story.
    Whoo... this is a long comment. And I still need to respond to the last one you left back:
    Aha, yay! I get what you mean, it definitely fit. But I was just naturally surprised. XD
    XD Don't make it too corny and tie in too many lyrics. I think it gets kind of awkward when writers do that, like they're trying a little too hard. I mean, one time is good to show how you relate it, but be careful how much you make the reference after that.
    OMG DO NOT TELL ME THIS. I am already, like, fearing with each new chapter for the bomb to happen. It's coming, and I am terrified because it'll make it sad and I just can't right now.
    XD A lot of writers aren't sure what they're going to write. I'm pretty sure this is true and every writer can mention at least one moment where that's happened to them...
    What a marvelous invention that would be. Someone needs to get on that. A mind-analyzer or something. XD
    And lol. I don't hate you girl. Your story just stresses me out at different points.
    August 1st, 2014 at 09:58am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    but tbh, i wasn't either! it just felt... right, ya know?
    and i tried to tie in at least one thing! i was gonna throw in 'god i'm sick of sleeping alone,' but i forgot :( it still worked though!
    and yes, even though it is an original character story, i wouldn't put something like that pass me... ;)
    but don't cry omg! save your tears, they will come in handy later. (oops)
    and me too! i don't know how i'm gonna work that out...
    wow look at me, a writer who doesn't know what she's gonna write. amazing.
    but i don't know! that's all i heard. and i don't really wanna find out omg.
    and literally same, oh my god. that's all i think about. i'd finish this entire story in a week tops if i could just think instead of typing.
    but thank you! i'm glad you like it.
    and for the second update...
    i wasn't just gonna let that die out right there! no way, jose. but i'll try not to! don't hate me omg.
    and i literally just remembered that song, and listened to it like 6 times. i feel amazing, thank you.
    surprisingly, i slept last night! that's why i didn't update. (well if sleep counts as watching lost girl until 4 am, sure.)
    but thanks for reading and commenting! i'm really glad you like my story :))

    @ Nanook
    July 30th, 2014 at 09:24pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    I started panicking there for a minute. She told him it meant nothing, and then he wasn't answering...
    Don't stress me out like that again! XD
    But great job with the update! OMG, they admitted how they feel about each other. So, so cute! :')
    "Slam slam, oh hot damn, what part of party don't you understand?'
    Now you got that song stuck in my head, thanks. XD
    And you don't sleep either! XD I thought I was the only one. XD
    Oh my. XD
    Can't wait for more! :D
    July 29th, 2014 at 02:12am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    And... as I was typing that first comment, you posted. XD
    Girl, really?
    I'm getting on it... expect another comment from me shortly. XD
    July 29th, 2014 at 01:55am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    I wasn't expecting that to happen just yet for some reason. But it did, and I'm glad it did. So cute. :')
    This whole chapter in general was just cute. Cuteness... and then you tied Backseat Serenade in... OMG... I'm just like, thinking of the future, and if Alex is in the band, about how he'll probably write that about her...
    And I'm sobbing. :(( Although his character seems more original I can't help but think that.
    I'm like a mess. XD
    But great job with the update! I loved it. :)
    Ohhh... that makes sense now. I mean I was feeling it was in this story but I was like, maybe I'm just doing that thing where I confuse stories. It has happened before, so I sometimes question my judgement. XD But that makes sense now, I'm interested in seeing where it goes now with his dad trying to get back into his life.
    I've been able to handle it, aha, thanks for not making it too emotional.
    lol, the BVB army is scary? I don't really see it. XD Maybe I just don't really converse with that many BVB fans. lol. Idk.
    Ugh I just kind of wish my mind would organize itself. I also kind of wish there was a way of writing the story by just thinking it, you know? It'd save so much time... plus my mind thinks faster than when I write, so it would be like much more convenient if you could just think it and then something would type it for you as you do. XD
    But yes, I like where you're going with the story. :)
    July 29th, 2014 at 01:53am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    ahh thanks! i've been trying to update this more often, because i'm just getting to the good stuff and its really fun!!
    and i didn't either! well until 8th grade. we had spanish names, and mine was natalia, (spanish for natalie, obviously) and my friend austin's was guillermo! our teacher told us a lot of names roughly translate, but not all of them, which i thought was pretty cool.
    and i thought so too! i tried to make it a bit awkward at first, but it got better and i like how it turned out.
    but i think so too! i'll go back and and edit it. thanks for letting me know!!
    and you thought so bc thats how i wrote it at first! i published it, then went back and edited that chapter. (chapter 2 i think?) i felt like things would go better if he left instead of dying. sorry about that! and as far as his brother, i don't have a specific time he died, yet.. well i haven't said anything about it. its a hard holiday bc that's around the time his father left. again, sorry for not being clear on that!!
    and right?! omg i literally did not know what song would fit that, because its soo short. so i went on a limb, and was like "hey! i remember that song!" and literally just used that lyric.
    and i try to make it easy, cause i do that too! i have to stop reading to calm myself down. i hope it wasn't too much!
    and right?! i mean i have a tumblr and i literally put my life into it when it comes to them, omg. but i heard that the bvb fandom is literally like an army, and that they're scary. so i can see why they won. but we love our boys, and they know, so that's all that really matters at the end of the daaay, hah.
    oooh i get you now!! that's how i feel with my other story, iridescent. that's why i haven't updated it. i'm still very interested in it, but my ideas for it are everywhere. i have to plan it out again.
    and omg that's such a relief. i thought i was making it happen to fast, and that it wouldn't be like, right? i dunno, but i'm glad you think that!
    well thanks for reading, and commenting!!

    @ Nanook
    July 28th, 2014 at 07:34pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Great job with the updates! :D So many OMG, you're on an updating roll! XD
    Hm... I never knew Guillermo was Spanish for William... I didn't even think either name really even translated into the other language. That was my 'who knew?' fact of the day. Aha.
    It was cute how they talked on the phone all that time, OMG. Shows how close they're really getting. :') Aha, and I love how Acacia's sass continues to show.
    With the second new update, I think I know what happened. Like with this line at the beginning:
    '“Alex wait, please hear me out.” He begs. Alex scoffs.'
    Did you italicize the word 'please'? I think maybe you forgot to close it off. That happens. Like you forgot the at the end of the word or you simply mixed up what you put at the end to close it off, maybe you just put [ i ] or like reversed it [i/] or something. Again, it happens. But that's probably what happened.
    But ooh, I like how we learned more about Alex's dad now. But the weird thing was... for some reason I was thinking he died too. Idk why... you never really said much about what happened up until now so perhaps I just started assuming that or idk what got mixed up there. But he just left, hm. And I was also thinking like you had it so Alex's brother and the dad died around Christmas which was why this was a rough time of year for them... but obviously that's not what happened. I'm probably mixing this up with another story or something. Idk.
    But aha, and then the last update. I thought the title was funny, I was like, 'What in the world' because like the song just seemed the most random so far, but then I got it as I read the chapter. XD
    But great updates, overall! So drama-filled with the one but then there was the relief with the others so I didn't have to take breaks like I thought I would have to.
    And OMG yes, the boys won at the APMAs. So happy for them, they seriously deserved it. I still can't believe they didn't win the fan award though, I mean BVB, seriously? Nothing against them but I know a lot of Hustlers that put dedication into the voting, like so many voted and not to mention, I think we're more note-able on Twitter and Tumblr. I'm just saying. :PP
    But I'm glad they won song of the year and artist philanthropic! YAAAYYY!! :DD
    And they all looked smashing. ;) Aha.
    Umm... hmmm... I guess it's on to responding to your other comment now. XD
    Aw, no, it's not that I stop because I don't have interest anymore, I stop because of how emotional it gets. Like with this story and the other one I'm trying to read, that's what I mean. But I guess I have stopped reading stories because they don't interest me anymore. And as for the ones I've stopped writing... it's not that I'm not interested in them anymore as much as, I'm not sure how to pick up with them again. Like, my mind is clustered with ideas I can't seem to put into any order and make sense of to continue with the stories. But oh well, I guess...
    Yeah, they seem awesome but yeah, their genre isn't really for me.
    And nice, nice. :D
    And interesting, well, I like where you're going with his character so far. I find that he's finding a confidence now that he's met and talked with Acacia. Like, he's definitely starting to act differently compared to the way he did at the beginning of the story. So kudos for like this subtle transition, I'm digging it. It's not a total 180 yet but yet you can tell that this relationship is helping him. Good for him for sticking up for himself.
    :DD Seriously so amazing. I wish I could go back. :'( But I'm so happy I got that experience.
    July 27th, 2014 at 10:25am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    that's how i feel with some of my stories! most of the things i write i write on impulse when im bored, so i never end up finishing it bc i have no interest in it anymore. i don't think that'll happen with this story though, because i've planned it out intricately.
    and i figured so, but some people weren't so sure, so i just wanted to clarify. and i know! i've always loved it, so thats why i used it.
    and ahh i feel, its okay, they're not for everyone. but that album is my favorite from them lyrically, and i think it just describes their relationship perfectly. yet i haven't titled a chapter from a song yet... soon...
    i also checked out that story! i'm not done, but i'm adoring it. thanks for shooting it my way!
    and haha omg hopefully they will! until they come along, i'm just fine with only you :) and me too! its going well. but alex is going through some unplanned character development lately, and i'm not sure how i feel about it? well obviously, i feel good about it, since i wrote it and posted it, but i don't know how everyone else will feel about it, ya know??
    and aw omg!! i saw the videos on your instagram, and it looked amazing! i wish i could've gone, you're really lucky :)

    @ Nanook
    July 25th, 2014 at 09:15pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    XD Yeah, sad stories get to me. I find like if I didn't find this when I did and was just now starting with it, I'd have to take breaks because I'm currently starting another story with like 35 chapters and I've only gotten to chapter 3 and I was just like, 'I cannot handle this', and have stopped for now. My God Idk what is going on with my emotions lately. XD
    I've seen the name before, so it wasn't that difficult for me to pronounce. Or well, maybe I haven't seen it exactly but just pronounced it correctly on instinct? Idk, but that's how I've been pronouncing it, like you put it. :) It's a beautiful name.
    And oh, gotcha. Interesting. :) I actually do that when I write to, and when I used to post on here. Like, my later stories, chapter titles would be inspired by a song or songs and then I'd definitely try to relate it somehow because otherwise, it just didn't make sense to use that and then not even relate it. XD lol. I've heard of PTV but I don't really listen to them. The only song I've heard that features one of them, Vic, is the song he does with ATL. So, yeah, they're kind of too hardcore for me. lol.
    And you're welcome. :) Aha, I think every writer does that, hell, it's part of what inspires the writing, being able to picture it. :)
    Oooh, yes, and as for the story, you'll definitely like it because it doesn't go the typical fan fic route for them. Like I said, it reminds me of the style you write in so I'm sure you'll enjoy it. :) In fact the one I'm currently reading doesn't really either but I'll let you know as I continue with it for a full synopsis. Because I'm not entirely sure yet having only read three chapters so far. But it is intense, but again that might just be me. XD
    Aww OMG it's nice hearing how positive you are. :D I'm sure it will too, these readers are fools if they don't eventually comment. I mean c'mon now.
    :D I like that you switched it up then. :)
    Oh, gotcha, gotcha. :D
    It was seriously amazingly. Better than I was picturing. I mean, I thought it was going to be great regardless, but the acoustics actually sounded like an actual concert almost, with how loud it was and the quality and it just... it definitely surpassed expectations. And then they cover Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World and I JUST DIED. Seriously, oh my God it was so perfect, I was bawling because that's one of my favorite songs ever and then just the fact that they, one of my fav bands covered it... it was so freaking awesome. :')
    But that's awesome you saw them when you did. I would have loved seeing them with ADTR, they're an amazing band and I feel like every time I've seen ATL I never know the other bands? lol. Or I mean their songs anyway, people I don't usually listen to. :/
    And OMG, okay, I'll follow you! Hopefully I remember... XD
    Aha, no problem. :D I'm glad you don't lose patience with my long comments. XD
    July 19th, 2014 at 10:15am