The Girl With the Half Beating Heart - Comments

  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    and aw aw don't cry!! i'm trying to make the story less sad, but i mean, i'm not even gonna lie to ya, it is sad. but that's all i'm saying, cause i don't wanna spoil anything for ya.
    but me too! i just didn't know if other people would be able to pronounce it. like, acacia's full name is pronounced akaysha castiyo. someone else who's reading this asked me on tumblr how to pronounce her name, so i wasn't sure if everyone else knew how! but i guess they do, i mean its not rocket science.
    but as far as your feeling goes, well, we'll have to see, won't we??
    i honestly don't know how long i'm planning to make this story. i mean i have all my big milestones planned out, and the ending planned out, but i'm not sure about the middle. like most of the time when i'm writing i have this plan of what's gonna happen, but i usually end up improvising off of it. also, a lot of my writing is inspired by music. that's why my chapter titles are song lyrics. for the most part, each song should fit that specific chapter. like, the entire album selfish machines is really my muse for this story. i'm not sure if you listen to pierce the veil, but its a great album! and a lot of mayday parade influenced this story as well. but i said that bc usually if i hear a new song, or a song i haven't heard in a long time, i start to think about what i could write about it. so that's why my writing is kinda all over the place, ya know?
    and thank you! that means a ton! i was hesitant to write this, because usually if it doesn't include the entire band, people don't like to read it. i was going to make them in a band, but i decided against it. this will for the most part, be an original character story. i say for the most part, because well, i have a lil something planned. but i dunno if its gonna work/fit, so let's just leave that be for now. but me too! i swear i think about this story all the time as a movie. i see the both of them, alex and my face claim chachi, as teenagers (well, she's still a teenager, but i don't think she's 16 anymore) just acting out this story. its pretty awesome, not gonna lie. but that makes sense! i get that.
    and thanks, again omg. i haven't read that, but i will! i honestly stopped reading fan fiction, because it all got the same to me. that's why i started writing it. but mibba has some really amazing writers! so its cool to find new, good stories every now and then.
    aw aw that literally means everything! thank you soo much! hopefully it'll get it soon, maybe when i have most of it finished. but its okay! i don't mind. its nice to write, and knowing one cool person like you enjoys it is enough for me.
    but me too! ahh its my favorite thing about her. i was gonna make her shy, but i decided against it. because for one, alex is kinda shy on his own, and it'd be boring if she was too. so i tried to make her this confident, funny girl who could hopefully pull alex out of his shell. i think its working! alex laughs a lot at her, which he usually doesn't do, so that's good.
    i wanted to add that because the gif, and because i just think bracelets are super cool. i wear a bunch, and i often find myself playing with them when i'm nervous, or when i want to avoid eye contact.
    and may i say, YOU ARE SO LUCKY OMGG. i want to see them acoustically soo bad. i saw them on adtr's tour, house party tour, along with pierce the veil and the wonder years. they were great, but since it wasn't their headlining show, they didn't get to play anything acoustic :(
    and i do have one! its @martina.gif i'll follow you later, because last night i thought my phone was charging, and it wasn't, so its currently dead.
    but thank you for reading!! your comments literally make my day, its nice to have a in depth comment over a simple "loved it!"
    don't get me wrong, i appreciate every comment i get, its just nice to have long ones bc then i know people are actually reading it, and are interested.
    but i got that link, we're good. :)
    thanks again!!

    @ Nanook
    July 18th, 2014 at 09:01pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Oh, and I linked that other story within my comment. Thought I'd say in case you miss it, it's kind of hard to see the link with my font color. XD
    July 18th, 2014 at 09:58am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Great job with the update! OMG.
    I am seriously bawling just thinking ahead for this story. Because I know it's going to be sad and gahhh... I really need to stop doing that and just live in the moment but it's just like... :'(((
    Sad stories just get to me. XD
    But OMG, as for their ship name, the first one, alecia! I love it! It's the easiest to pronounce out of all of them and it could also be an actual name, like A-li-ci-a but spelled with an e. AND OH MY GOD that could be a name if they ever had a daughter together, but...
    I'm back to bawling. XD
    Because I have a feeling this won't exactly be happily ever after.
    But on another note, I must say you're doing fairly well with this idea. And I know I said before about Jack and Rian and Zack but maybe you could just keep this the more original character route. Because I am digging it. Like, it's kind of like picturing Alex acting. And the funny thing is, I could picture the real him in a movie but for some reason his personality in real life just doesn't make him that good of an actor, like, there have been videos where they've all 'acted' before and it's just been bad. XD
    But yes, I like the original character route because I've only read, besides your other Alex story, another writer's story that did it. Like, she kind of subtle-y hinted that they were still in a band but it didn't really focus on that too much but instead the world outside of it which was a nice change. And this is a nice change.
    It's called Pieces of a Life, if you wish to read it. Or perhaps you already have? Beautiful story, quite sad too. :( They featured it on the Mibba homepage at one point so perhaps you may have seen about it.
    But like that girl, you are great at writing in more-original character perspective. Except I think you are definitely underrated girl, this story deserves more credit and I can't help but wonder why no one else is commenting. :(
    But anyway, back to the story... I love Acacia's confident attitude, aha. Even having the guts to claim that he loves her, even if it was jokingly, OMG. XD I've never seen a character do that so kudos to making her that way. :D
    And may I also add I like how you added the detail of Alex's bracelets. Because that definitely makes it tie in to the gif you have featured on the main page. :)
    And... I think that's it! On an ATL related note I saw them last Saturday for their acoustic show! OMG, they were seriously amazing. :D I have vids posted on my Instagram, @jennasneonlights, if you wish to check out what I recorded. Which was a lot. XD But hey, everyone could use more ATL in their day, right? ;) And if you have one just let me know and I'll follow back on there. :)
    Okay, so, overall, great update, and can't wait for more! :D
    In response to your last comment:
    Yay! I'm glad to hear it's finally fixed! More updates now! :D :P
    And aha, it did. :D
    And gotcha, gotcha. Well, can't wait! :)
    OMG, this is a long comment. Sorry about that, whoops. :P
    July 18th, 2014 at 09:56am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    ah thanks!
    and its okay, if anything, i need to apologize for delay in commenting, omg.
    its just, ya know it was really hard doing everything from my phone/ipad. but my computer is fixed!! yaaas. updates and comments should be regular now :))
    and well i think that this update answers your question! aha, yes i wanted to make sure they stayed in contact, but i wasn't sure how. i think this way was cute, so there's that.
    and i do too! honestly, i have a huge idea, but i have to see how it goes when i write it all out, ya know?
    but thank you so much!

    @ Nanook
    July 14th, 2014 at 01:09pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Great update! Sorry for the delay in commenting; I saw Katy Perry on Wednesday and when I saw the update notification Tuesday it was pretty late, so I had to wait, and then the concert was Wednesday so I wasn't even on here at all, and then yesterday was sort of recovery mode and me posting concert stuff. Aha. But I'm here now.
    Hmm... oh no, if he's getting out soon, what's going to happen with Acacia? Will she get out too or... will they remain in contact? Or well, I'm thinking they will since their relationship is a huge concept in the plot line, but hmmmm...
    I wonder how Alex will handle Christmas. :(
    Once again, great job with the update! Can't wait for more! :D
    Oh, and in response to your comment...
    Aw, that sucks. They're still broken? :(
    And alright. Aha. That wasn't exactly clear but I guess I'll find out what you mean as you keep updating, aha.
    But no problem. I'm definitely still enjoying this story. :)
    June 28th, 2014 at 03:50am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    ahh thank you!! and sorry this is literally so late, but im suuper busy, and my computers are still broken!!
    but sorta? like, its in my plans, but i have a lot planned for this story, which might include a sequel (or two) with certain people in it... but that's all im gonna say, don't need to give anything else away hehe...
    but thanks for reading and commenting!!
    if you haven't read my most recent update, it's really short and boring, but the next will be better!! im writing it right now, actually.
    but thanks again!!

    @ Nanook
    June 25th, 2014 at 09:02am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aw, great update! Some things are starting to make more sense now, with her telling her story.
    Very heartfelt, though. We can now thoroughly see the connection they have. :')
    This is just a random thought that occurred to me, but are you going to have Jack, Rian, or Zack in this story? I take the hint that Alex is more like an original character in this, so far anyway, but I think if you put them in they may add some humor to the story. Simply as his friends, they don't even have to be in the band... like, if they came to visit him, and then possibly met Acacia... but it's just a thought. Idk what you were planning. But that may give you something to work with if you ever get stuck. :-) I always enjoy them in stories. Aha.
    But anyway, other than that... there were a few errors but I can look past them. I loved the update. :D
    Can't wait for more! :D
    And in response to your last comment, OMG, you met her? She does seem like a sweetheart. :') She's really pretty and I'm jealous of her dancing skills. lol.
    Aha, well, that's definitely ironic then. ;)
    lol. Glad I'm not the only one. :P
    XD You're awesome!
    May 24th, 2014 at 10:14pm
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    ahh yeah it would have been, that or unrealistic.
    and yeah! she was on americas best dance crew! she's actually from houston Texas, aka where im from! i met her once in panera bread, she's such a sweetheart omg
    and i didnt plan that!! well not to the t, at least. the idea just came to me.
    and do t worry, everything makes me cry. literally everything.
    also same omg, like my language wasn't always the best, but now it's just terrible!!!

    @ Nanook
    May 24th, 2014 at 10:34am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aw, yay, well I'm glad you did because if you waited too long it would've been weird, I think. lol. Or maybe not. But there's only so long before you go without learning someone's name, I think. lol. Otherwise it just doesn't seem like a real idea, or it seems really cliché.
    I thought I recognized that girl! Lol. I actually know who she is! Or have heard about her, I mean. Aha. That's funny because she's a dancer too... subtle planning in character I see. ;)
    Girl, do not make me doubt my predictions. XD lol. This is why I often keep things to myself because I often end up guessing wrong. LMAO.
    I was watching a video of them performing Somewhere in Neverland acoustic. Like, just the cuteness of that song and then it being acoustic, making it more sentimental, dammit! I'm tearing up just thinking about it. XD LMAO. I guess I do like the cliché-ness of some things. :P
    lol. I seriously think since becoming a fan of them my language has just gone totally off-kilter. Like I'm definitely more blunt now, lol. Oh my. XD
    May 22nd, 2014 at 09:51am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    ahh thank you! i tried really hard, like i did most of it on my ipad, and it made me so angry bc the formatting was weird and ugh idk its annoying
    but yes! i was gonna wait a bit longer, but i figured "hey, i'm about to write chapter six, and the main characters don't know each other's name yet... yeah i should fix that..." so i did!! woop woop
    and i was gonna make her like mean and tough, but i can't! like, her face claim is chaci gonzales, and she's soo adorable and sweet, so i can't think of her being mean... but i'm glad i wrote her like this instead! i'm not gonna make acacia just like chachi, but i just couldn't make her mean, idk why
    and yeah me too honestly! i'm still deciding how to write it, hence why i haven't updated this yet... but its coming along pretty well so i think its gonna be great!
    and oh yeah, they've got more than enough time... or do they? hmm....
    and thank you again!! no need to apologize, i'm just glad you did!!
    also, i understand! like for some reason remembering sunday gets me everytime, and so does time bomb!! i don't even know why, i'm just a punk sometimes... but its good because i'm a tough punk B) but yaas my language is rubbing off, sooner or later you'll be a tough punk too ayy

    @ Nanook
    May 21st, 2014 at 05:38pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the update! I actually didn't spot any errors, or any major ones, anyway. It's pretty impressive for being done on mobile. :)
    Aw, yay, they finally know each other's names! :D Aha. Finally. :P
    I thought it was cute when she was able to calm him down. It just shows her caring demeanor and shows how close they're getting... :')
    I'm interested in hearing her full story. You already told us Alex's so I'm interested in hearing hers now.
    And being trapped in an elevator, well... they've definitely got the time for it.
    Can't wait for more! I am loving this. Sorry for the delay in commenting.
    And in response to your other comment:
    XD Aha, I still probably will. Oh well. I'm just emotional in general. I just started crying after watching an ATL acoustic set. XD Like, just a typical one. I seriously have no idea what in the hell is wrong with me. lol. I mean, it wasn't sad, but it just... made me tear up and I have no idea why. XD This band man... lol. Now you have me talking a bit like you. XD
    That seems to be the main reason why a lot of writers I read stories from write their stuff. Which is a good thing; I'm glad there are still original writers out there, writing great stuff! :)
    :D Aha.
    May 21st, 2014 at 07:44am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    omg that's literally me i'm always like idk man or idk dude omg
    but omg nooo i mean i want you to like it but don't cry!! i'm not good at consoling so the most you're getting from me is a head pat lmao
    but that annoys me sooo much, its honestly part of the reason i started writing. i got tired of reading stories like that so i decided to write my own... which is doing great i guess!
    but thank youuu! i'm glad you like my story! and i like you so i guess we're even yaas B)

    @ Nanook
    May 18th, 2014 at 07:01am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    lol. You remind me of this one girl I talk to on Twitter. She always goes 'Idk man...' XD
    And aha, yeah, that WON'T happen. Girl, you just said it's going to be emotional. So yeah, I probably will end up sobbing uncontrollably by the end of it; I can tell you that right now.
    And yeah, I get what you mean. I don't like stories like that either; I knew a girl that did that with all of her stories, and it made me tired of her writing because it was all the same and predictable. :/ But then I felt bad if I just abandoned her stories but idk why because I don't think she ever even read mine in return so it was like, why should I feel bad? lol.
    And oh, gotcha! I've heard of them but haven't really heard any of their stuff; I'll have to check them out. :)
    But yeah, no problem. This story is so greatly written so it deserves it! You have no idea how many crappy stories I find on here that are just like, WHAT? lol. But I finally found another one I can stand to read. lol. :)
    May 14th, 2014 at 08:50am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    its a funny word! not sure why, but it just is, man.
    but aww don't cry! yeah, this story is gonna be an emotional roller coaster. i've got so many ideas, so i actually have to sit down and plan them out, so it actually has a plot line, and isn't just a random chain of events and what not. i don't know about you, but i hate reading stories like that, omg its annoying...
    but i see what you mean! with it someone connecting with a walk to remember! i love that movie omg, and i honestly never thought about that until now... thanks for bringing that into perspective!
    but yeah, she has an idea, but she doesn't really know the actual toll of her actions. and she definitely doesn't know the story behind it all. but she will soon, hopefully...
    and ahh thanks! actually, its from mayday parade's music video stay. ahg i love that song, camisado and that song are actually what inspired me to write this story in the first place! and it really goes so well with the story, so i'm glad i found a blank one without captions or anything!
    but thank you for actually reading my stories and giving me feedback, it literally means the world to me!!

    @ Nanook
    May 13th, 2014 at 06:49am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    You're probably the first person I've seen to laugh at the word 'noggin'. XD
    That being said, onto the chapterssss...
    Great job with both updates. I want to bawl right now and I don't even know why. I'm already getting emotional and it's only five chapters in. I can only imagine what's going to happen when it comes to the end of it... I'm predicting it's going to have a sad ending. :(
    But I think I'm also getting emotional because for some reason this story is reminding me of A Walk To Remember... I mean, totally different plotline, but I think their connection is what's making me think of it. And what I'm predicting is going to happen may be partly why it's reminding me of it... if you make happen what I'm thinking, I'll let you know. My thoughts are kind of scattered right now and I don't want to predict something and be totally off with it. XD
    She saved his life. That's probably the top thing making me emotional right now. And she doesn't even know she did. Or maybe she had an inkling but still, she doesn't know the full story behind it.
    Gah, this is great. I lurveeeee it. :P
    Oh, and loving the new layout for this one too! That gif is perfect; do you know what it's from? But seriously, I am amazed with how perfectly you matched that up with the story... that's awesome that you found it!
    But anyway, can't wait for more! :D
    May 13th, 2014 at 06:10am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    i don't think he will... but we'll have to see! thanks for reading!!

    @ heathyrxmisery
    May 12th, 2014 at 05:36pm
  • heathyrxmisery

    heathyrxmisery (100)

    United States
    poor Alex :( I hope he doesn't do anything stupid!!
    May 11th, 2014 at 06:04am
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    awh thank you! i'm glad you liked it!!

    @ heathyrxmisery
    April 26th, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    awh thank you! i'm glad you liked it!!

    @ heathyrxmisery
    April 26th, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • alltimelxws

    alltimelxws (100)

    United States
    ahh i'm sorry i didn't reply to your other comment on irridescent, i've been soo busy!!
    but thank you, i'm actually really excited for this story!

    @ Nanook
    April 26th, 2014 at 11:21pm