635798 - Comments

  • Oh man, I panicked when Lenz and Gretel came in, hopefully they don't come back to check again. Update soon!
    October 6th, 2014 at 03:31am
  • I’ve actually been meaning to read this story, since I’ve heard nothing but positive reviews for it. I’m glad I’ve finally gotten around to it, because the first chapter is already amazing – the timing and flow of your writing really adds to the chaos, and there’s so much pain and sadness that the young girls don’t know about and it’s just so heartbreaking. God, Wolfgang’s first chapter was tough to read, too. He’s caught where he doesn’t want to be, and the ending where he has to lead the children into the “showers”…jeez. It made me a little sick to my stomach, and your writing is brilliant.

    635798’s speech impediment is well-done as well, and God, I could feel her fear at the end of chapter 3 and the beginning of chapter 4. God, when Wolfgang gave her the sandwich, I teared up a bit – I’m so glad he has a good heart, but there’s also a nag in the back of my head telling me that a whole bunch of things are gonna go wrong. Chapter 5 wasn’t any less gut-wrenching either…I think Wolfgang did the right thing in letting her know what was going on, but her reaction is justified…I know it’s kind of futile to wish everything ends up okay in the end, but I really do hope the best for them…

    Ohhh! So that’s why 63578 didn’t eat the second sandwich that night, she’s been giving them to Chaya! (I love that little bit of continuity, by the way tehe) I really appreciate how well you’re able to make the mood change on a dime, no matter how tough it is to read (not the actual writing, but the emotional content); the torture scene at the end of chapter 7 was especially painful.

    I smiled a bit when Wolfgang hit Yitzchak with a club, ‘cause God knows he deserves it! That intimate moment in chapter 9 was short but beautiful…it was like a little glimmer of hope in the chaos, but I’m crossing my fingers in hopes that she doesn’t have to be experimented on…and the dogs! Dogs are such innocent and happy creatures and I don’t know if you intended this, but there can be a lot of symbolism in the way they’re portrayed in this story, and it adds a whole other level to the darkness. Overall, this is incredible, and I’ll definitely be reading more. You’re a brilliant writer, and I applaud you for handling a misinterpreted topic with such grace and dignity.
    October 6th, 2014 at 12:55am
  • I love historical fiction. I may have to reiterate that, but I ADORE historical fics- and you've just taken probably one of my favourite topics to learn about history wise and put it into a story. Obviously, it's a very very sensitive topic to talk about, and one that a lot of people find difficult to read, but much like zoe benson said- you've turned it into art. Please say this will get put into print someday, so I can buy it and read it forever? This is just the most fantastic story, and I know the bits that I haven't had the chance to read through yet are going to be just as beautiful as the others.
    Wonderful! Keep writing!
    October 3rd, 2014 at 08:37pm
  • Trying to explain the emotions I feel right now is proving to be incredibly difficult. I'm in awe, I'm saddened, I'm...overwhelmed. The emotions you portray are so realistic, so well written, that I am just truly overwhelmed right now. I've never been big into historical fiction because too much of our history depresses me on its own so I've never really read any, must I be honest. Yours was a first. I can't even wrap my head around it. I am so overwhelmed that I'm trying to make coherent sentences as I type this.

    You've taken a subject, a touchy subject, and you've molded into something of art. Every time you wrote "635798" instead of her name, dehumanized her as the Nazis truly did to the Jews, it hurt. And as you described the struggles, her surroundings, I found myself utterly rattled because it is so damn beautifully written that I felt like I was there, I was watching and falling victim to it all. Your research and knowledge of The Holocaust shows in every line, every description. I couldn't focus on Wolfgang because of the realism, but I felt hope for him during hopeless moments, in moments that I felt horrified as if I were reading a biography rather than a work of fiction.

    You are one of a kind, I have to say. You are truly an exquisite writer and I envy you for having the courage to take such a sensitive subject, a huge moment in the world's history, and weave such a complicated web for a beautiful story. I bow down to you, malady. You are so talented and have rattled me to the core. Do the world a huge favor and definitely keep writing.
    October 3rd, 2014 at 08:15am
  • So this is gonna seem weird because you probably thought it would take me a while but I've actually been casually reading this the whole way through okay wow. Anyway, this is an amazing story. It's one of the most difficult plotlines I think I've ever encountered - but you don't try to hide that. All of the struggles that could have occurred - especially with Mengele - you played through, and it's incredible. Neither Wolfgang or 635798 pretends to be anything that they aren't, except of course when Wolfgang has to perform his Nazi responsibilities. And while there is love involved, this isn't a 'love story'. In all honesty, this is a truly amazing piece of writing. Keep going!
    October 3rd, 2014 at 02:25am
  • OMG BRUH. This was such a unique plotline!! I'm super into WWII and history in general, so this was such an awesome read! I love that she's referred to as her serial number, because it really shows how terrible the Nazis treated the Jews and basically de-humanized them as much as they could. And oh, man, the shower scene where Wolfgang has to take those kids into the gas chambers...that completely killed me. This whole story is disturbing, but in a good way, because it really accurately portrays the time period and the horrible things that went on during the war. Amazing. Totally recommending this, you are an incredible writer!!
    October 3rd, 2014 at 01:12am
  • Introduction: Wow, what an introduction! This chapter certainly wasn't lacking in action, which is nice! The Holocaust is such a tender subject for some people, but you seem to be approaching it in a...good (I can't think of the word I want) way. I really like that she's only referred to by her serial number; it really shows how little the Nazis think of her as a person.

    Chapter 1: I thought I was going to have to go through this whole story with a vehement hatred for one of the main characters, but Wolfgang is okay! He doesn't want to be a Nazi! So I'm okay with him...for now. And that gas chamber scene was beautifully written, well done.

    Chapter 2: Ick, I remember researching the Angel of Death, and he was not pleasant! I'm curious to see where you take this since medicine is my forte, although I'm not sure you'd consider what he did medicine. I'd really hate to have to have to kill people every other day for months at a time; I probably would've thrown up after the first time.

    Chapter 3: Aww, he's bringing her food! Even though he could get in serious trouble. I'm super curious to know what her disorder is, and I really hope the Nazis don't find out!

    Chapter 4: Does he know Shifre?! Ohmygoodness, he does! And he's letting her get taken away to be killed! No, bad Wolfgang!

    I'm going to read the rest and I may come back and comment again, but for now this is it! This is a lovely story, and I'm definitely subscribed!
    October 2nd, 2014 at 04:40am
  • Holy fucking shit. This is so well written. I came here for my candy bowl expecting it to be some sort of fanfiction work or something like that, but that wasn't what I have found at all.

    Historical fiction isn't my thing, mostly because we're forced to read it in school, but this is amazing. Seriously, not only do you write in a way that isn't offensive, but you write so well that it's actually like a sort of memoir rather than a work of fiction.

    I'm a good amount of chapters in, and I just really like this. I will admit I was extremely worried when I saw what it was about because I think the Holocaust is a dangerous subject, but I was presently surprised.

    I think my favorite part about all of this is Six. I really enjoy how right at the beginning you establish that she no longer has a name. Something about stripping her name right there is so important, and the taking of calling her Six because it's the first number in her tattoo is brilliant.

    Overall, just good all around. No grammar issues, no plot issues, just good all the way through.
    October 2nd, 2014 at 12:51am
  • This was a pretty positive chapter. I mean, Six is improving and she was talking to him. They are actually making plans for after the war. I don't want to get my hopes up and risk having my heart torn out later in the story, but...hey, I've gotta enjoy what little lightheartedness there is while it's available, right? I liked learning more about Six. She's such a three-dimensional character, and she always was, but knowing more about her just adds to how much I love her.
    October 1st, 2014 at 10:28am
  • Very heart wrenching and very well written! You are so amazing!
    September 30th, 2014 at 05:16pm
    Or well at least the chapters that I'm reading right now seem sooooo familiar.

    But this story is so great and so heart wrenching. The Holocaust is a really touchy subject and I like how you're going with this. Not to mention that the first chapter really reels you in. I don't know why I didn't recommend this before, when I first read it, but I'm so glad that you showed up in Mibbaween blog to recommend this because it's really such a great story and your writing is wonderful. I'm probably going to continue reading this, but if I don't, just know that it's most likely school that's keeping me away.

    Great job! Cute
    September 30th, 2014 at 02:20am
  • So I'm pretty sure I've read this before, or at least the earlier chapters but I started from scratch anyway... this story is awesome and you should be really proud of it because everything about it is amazing, from the flow, to the wording it all just melds into something that really holds the readers attention, and tells a story that you son't have to try hard to imagine... great job!
    September 30th, 2014 at 01:22am
  • I'm here from my Mibbaween bowl and I honestly don't know if I can make it further than your first chapter.. Usually I try to read at least two chapters to give a story a chance but this...

    Your writing is exquisite. I can tell you worked on this for a long time, with a lot of research. The descriptions are remarkable. It's like I can almost be there with the prisoners which scares the hell out of me. I have a soft spot for the Jews from this time period, and I have a lot of respect for those people. And seriously I'm one of those people that they call 'tender hearted' So I'm practically in tears over the first chapter. Your story is amazing, but I don't think I can handle reading more of it.

    Honestly though, when people who do like reading this kind of story find this I am sure they will absolutely fall in love with it, but you have a beautiful style, pretty much perfect grammar, and a way to basically pull peoples hearts out here. You've done amazing with this.
    September 29th, 2014 at 02:43pm
  • I like this one, we learned more about six's background, she's getting better and the whole chapter made me happy. If there is one thing we still do not now about her, that would be her real name. Loved this chapter, update soon
    September 29th, 2014 at 02:37am
  • Sad

    I don't even have anything to say about this chapter, except that my heart is broken into even more pieces. And that you're killing me with this cliffhanger!
    September 23rd, 2014 at 07:51am
  • First thing's first, I love the Nazi Germany type stories, so I'll probably read this entire story anyway, haha.

    Your layout is simple and that's what I love about it. Very easy to read and didn't distract at all from the story.

    I love how you started out the intro with Within Temptation song lyrics. I love that band, but the lyrics you used also fits really well with the intro and I admire that (too many times I have seen lyrics that don't even match with the subject of the chapter and that confuses me).

    Reading this and knowing what happens to the elderly, the pregnant, and the children kills me inside. Knowing all of this actually happened is heartbreaking. I've always loved hearing about the Holocaust. It's heartbreaking but also so very fascinating to me.

    I enjoy the description you used; it's obvious you are very researched in all the happenings regarding the Holocaust. I'll definitely be reading more of this.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 05:03am
  • Oh on... Please don't let Six die. She must survive the war, she's only getting worse and worse, yet... this story and Wolfgang's perspective of her continue to give me hope that she will survive, and hopefully she will. She's strong to have survived this long. Update soon
    September 22nd, 2014 at 03:32am
  • I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Six survives to see the end of the war. It's sounding like she will, but...sometimes things just don't work out for the best (obviously). I was happy to read that the war seems to be drawing to a close. Mr. Green Like Six, I found myself smiling.
    September 15th, 2014 at 07:48am
  • It was a breath of relief to hear that the war might be ending. Hopefully six gets better soon!
    September 15th, 2014 at 05:07am
  • I can't wait until the war is over, then they can really be free together! I just hope that Six gets well soon. Great chapter, can't wait for next one.
    September 15th, 2014 at 03:50am