635798 - Comments

  • This is so good :)
    I love it!
    May 9th, 2014 at 06:13pm
  • (comment swap)
    (And let me just say, I am SO beyond glad that it sent me to this story!)

    My great great grandparents emigrated here from Germany in the late 1800's, and I have always been fascinated by WWII and the whole time period in general. Not to mention it is my history as well. So coming across this story about the Holocaust I was a little skeptical. It is not only a touchy thing to write about(but pushing the boundaries is what I am all about and I think it makes you a better writer when you can) but something that can be really great or just really terrible. I truly love what you have done so far.

    I am fairly well read on the subject and I hope to visit the area some day. And it seems that you have done your homework as well. All I can say is wow. From start to finish I was compelled to read more. And putting in the perspective of the guards was a genius move. That is also quite the gutsy thing to do. So serious kudos to you.

    I hope you continue on because I am more than enthused with this story. I am such a history buff, and seeing something like this makes me so happy to have stumbled across. Fan fic is cool and all but it really isn't my thing and it is awesome to see something like this. Truly beautiful love.

    You have my vote, subscription, and recommendation.
    May 7th, 2014 at 11:51am
  • Ever since I learned about WWII and the Holocaust in school, it's been a subject that really interests me! So I've always enjoyed reading stories focused around that. It's very rare to find a story like this on here; I don't think I've ever read anything like it on here.

    The introduction really pulls you in and throws you right into that time period.

    Chaya quickly followed her example even though there was really nothing to hide. This line just really hit me for some reason. Shows the humiliation and just raw emotion and power.

    The first 2 chapters are really great and an extremely cool concept.
    You write just a sensitive subject in a very beautiful way. Your characters are wonderfully developed and the way you incorporated their numbers is really cool - it's very realistic.

    Very beautifully written! I applaud your courage to write about the Holocaust; I can tell you've done research too! Keep up the great work and I'm I can't wait to read more!!

    Btw, cool layout! It really gives it that old timey, just WWII themed look (does that make sense?)
    May 7th, 2014 at 02:17am
  • I am such a war geek, so when I saw this appear a few days ago on my feed, I made a mental note to check this out. There aren't enough war-based history 'fics on the site and that always makes me sad so immediately, you're getting brownie points for choosing one of my favourite topics to read about. tehe

    [ summary + layout ]

    Simplistic layout and gripping summary - I'm instantly intrigued by the startling difference between the two. Quick question though, was the banner made on Paint? Because I recognise the speckled effect from Paint and if you made that through such a crappy programme, I must applaud you because it looks great! It reminds me of handwriting which I think, given the premise of the story itself, is delightfully apt.

    Moving on. Ahem.

    [ introduction ]

    You throw the reader right into the action from the beginning and I like that. It almost gives the sense that - just like when the Jews were taken - there are no warnings and everything is rushed (but in a good way!) and it sets up this wonderful tense atmosphere right from the get-go.

    I must say, I love how delightfully rash this is from the beginning. It just gives you that sense of what it was like for Jews in the camps, from the separation to the stripping off all of their clothes. You've obviously done a lot of research, which I love. It comes across really well throughout and the fact that a lot of it is historically factual just makes this appear even morereal to me.

    [ chapter one ]

    A different view on the story, hooray! I'm so excited for this because I've only ever read Auschwitz stories told from the prisoners, not the guards. This will be really interesting.

    I love that you set him up as not wanting to be in the party right from the word go, but the need to overwhelms that. It's something that I reckon everyone in that position hated, but had to do (and something that I've tried to work into my own war-era stories in the past) and if anything, I think that gives Wolfgang a really realistic and human edge - he's an all-over well-rounded character and I like that. I can see his story being very interesting as it progresses.

    [ chapter two ]

    As much as I dislike his whole attitude towards the thing, Wolfgang's father has his head screwed on right - especially when he states that what Hitler wants needs to be obeyed. I remember hearing that if you defied his orders and rebelled, you were worse-off than the POWs.

    Oh dear lord, Mengele. I remember learning about him in the years I took history at school, he's a real nasty piece of work. I honestly believe he was truly evil and to see him making an appearance makes me so uneasy. Especially when I believe that 635798 has just been introduced again and yeah. I'm worried.

    [ overall ]

    I'm really enjoying this so far! I don't have any nitpicks with the facts themselves, no major writing niggles and nothing I can complain about. I'll definitely be subscribing. Please keep up the awesome work, I'm so happy to see people writing war fiction on here!
    May 6th, 2014 at 08:42pm
  • I haven't seen anything like this on Mibba before, I believe. I love how greatly into detail this goes. The emotion in the haircut scene is just...extremely intense. I always love a good a good story, so I'm subbing.

    The scenes -- as I've said -- are amazing. I honestly cannot wait to read more. Totally subbing. Cool
    May 1st, 2014 at 04:27am
  • Oh wow. I've never read a story like this, nor have I even seen anything like this on Mibba. I'm so interested in everything that happened during this time period; ever since I learned about Anne Frank and read the book Number the Stars when I was in sixth grade.

    After reading both chapters, I must say, you're portraying everything remarkably. I almost felt like I was right there in the scene, where all the women were forced to strip in front of the soldiers. My heart actually hurt a bit at the image it conjured. I mean, ugh, I can't even imagine. And the haircut was just...I actually almost cried.

    I really applaud you for your ability to write this with such power and familiarity. I'm not even sure if I could write something like this, because it seems like it'd be so difficult to write in a period that you've haven't lived through, ya know? But you are doing it masterfully, so I'll definitely be subscribing because I can't wait to see what you have in store!
    April 29th, 2014 at 02:16am
  • oh my, first chapter in & i'm completely in tears. i remember learning about all this just last year or so & it's just so hard to bare. you throw the reader in head first into a pile of chaos & we experience it just like it is. the process of women stripping in front of the male soldiers -- oh my goodness, feeling that violated would be something i would never honestly be able to conjure & women crying when their hair was being cut -- i seriously almost cried

    this is so heart wrenchingly beautiful, keep up the good work!
    April 28th, 2014 at 09:17pm
  • I have to say that I really like this, I never saw a story like this on mibba. The way you write is great and I can't wait to read more, it sort of reminds me; my uncle is German and he is married to a jew, I always laugh about it. But she is amazing. I had asked her if she would ever get a tattoo and she said even though she wanted to, she wouldn't because her family doesn't want it seeing they are Jewish and it would remind them of everything with hitler.

    But anyways off topic sorry, your doing amazing.
    April 28th, 2014 at 07:46pm
  • Awesome writing keep the good writing, I really got into it and couldn't take my eyes off the screen:) well dine, keep it up. Oh and I hope when you get the chance and time, you check out my story and give your rate and comment on it. Keep the awesome writing please let me know when you write new stuff. Cause I would love to check them out:)
    April 28th, 2014 at 09:06am
  • Ahh sorry this took so long!

    I love the description, right from the first paragraph the reader is given a clear picture of what’s going on and I can’t help but to feel scared for the Jewish people as they’re taken away.

    Holy crap, that was so clever, her name! Ahh Crazy I never saw that coming but when I read that I got goose bumps, I really liked that link, it was a crafty surprise.

    I like her stutter, it makes her more realistic and my heart hurts reading what she’d going through 

    Oh wow, I like the sudden switch in P.O.V, so far I like that this story leaves me guessing and it’s unpredictable.

    Wait, what?! No they can’t do that to the children! That’s horrible, I want to cry. It’s so sad to realize that this is the reality that they had to face. It’s so cruel.

    So far this is amazing and it invokes so much emotion, keep up the good work, I’m so subscribing and recommending this.
    April 28th, 2014 at 08:25am
  • I love the concept of this story so very much. This entire time period interests me and I think you did a wonderful job portraying it. I think, at least for me, it's harder to writer geographically about a place I don't see everyday, or can't imagine very well. You have obviously done your research and it shines through your talented story :)

    God Bless

    April 27th, 2014 at 07:39pm
  • This is so unusual, but so so wonderful. It takes some balls to write about the Holocaust and not care about getting attacked by people on the site for "insensitivity" and all that. Good job. Kudos.
    April 27th, 2014 at 06:39am
  • oh my goodness. this is a really interesting setting you've got going on here. the first chapter/introduction here set up your chapter really well, showing how human the man at the camp was even though he was part of the nazis and showing how inhumane the soldiers had to treat them. the juxtaposition was nice. i can't wait to read more!
    April 27th, 2014 at 01:37am
  • wow. this is a very interesting concept and story. i'm looking forward to reading the rest, and i can't wait to see what you have planned for it. wonderful job.
    April 27th, 2014 at 01:33am
  • Wow. That's all I can say is wow. I'm really looking forward to this, ever since I read I am David and The Book Thief, books durning WW2 have interested me. I have a feeling this will be amazing.
    April 27th, 2014 at 01:06am