Down and Out - Comments

  • Yes!
    May 11th, 2014 at 05:34am
  • Sarah, I love the beginning of your new story. You can add so much to expand on your story. You can go in so many directions. Looking forward to seeing how George meets the boys and meets his gf Sarah (the very sexy and adorable Sarah). They make such a cute couple!

    Looking forward to George writing a hit song and loving how the crowds just eat it up.

    And we know George has a mean streak. And he has a temper, now, doesn't he? So George could get into a heck of trouble. And perhaps, use the circumstances to score a big hit.

    George can pull himself up by the bootstraps and make Sarah proud now can't he?

    Hugs, Mr. Green
    May 11th, 2014 at 05:32am