Bittersweet Endings - Comments

  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    @ maeve.
    Possibly. I didn't think that much into what they had done, but I suppose I could go more into detail and write a prequel. Not a bad idea. Thank you for your opinion.
    May 20th, 2014 at 07:33pm
  • deletemyaccountpls

    deletemyaccountpls (115)

    I think you’ve really managed to capture the whole pessimistic outlook on life that a suicidal person would have quite well.
    Killing myself will make people care. I'll have friends then. Not real ones, of course. Only people who will claim that we were friends, hoping to steal the limelight of my death.
    ^ This is extremely accurate. I see it happen all the time and it grinds my gears. If those people truly cared they would have been there for them while they were still alive.

    I was sort of hoping that it would end with something happening that stops her from going through with it but it doesn’t really matter. In real life not everyone can be saved, people end their lives, death happens and there aren’t always happy endings.

    I’m not much of a reader these days so I like the fact that this was short and sweet. However, I kind of want to know more about these mean girls and football players and their role in the lead up to the suicide. Possible future story idea perhaps?
    May 20th, 2014 at 07:13pm